The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel (31 page)

BOOK: The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel
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"Do you know why you are in the job you're in now?" asked the prosecutor. "It was my calling. I feel that everyone has a different career calling in life. Don't you?" The prosecutor answered, "You've brought up a good point. However, I think I know the reason why you acquired this job." "And, what would that reason be?" asked the makeup artist.

The prosecutor answered, "Because you never finished school.

I don't even think you went to school. You're stupid, dumb, and batty."

The supercilious prosecutor kept degrading her employee with harsh words and would perceive the employee to be asinine because of her job. After the prosecutor degraded her employee, she told the makeup artist to put the items over on the floor by the other side of the window. After a couple of hours of working by the Starmos Mountains, all of the five employees entered the vehicle. At Seven O'

Clock in the evening, all of the employees felt hungry after a hard days work. Jacqueline called a meeting for all of the employees from the show to come together in a group.

"I feel your work on today's show was extremely terrible. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves. I will fire you all and you will eventually end up in jail for your lack of work." "Why?" asked the driver. The prosecutor answered, "Because I said so. Who are you to be so snobby and question my authority?" "Sorry ma'am", answered the driver. "You better be apologetic", replied the prosecutor. She continued, "Now, if anyone dares to question my authority, test my patience, or aggravate me in any way or any form; every single one of you will feel my wrath, and you will end up in serious trouble. Now, have your dinner and don't talk to me."

The chef asked, "If anyone is wondering what we're having for dinner tonight, it will be a chuck of Prime Rib Steak at a medium level." The chef worked at the Star Hotel in Starmos City. He was the same Chef at the five star restaurant in that particular hotel. He prepared the dinner tenderly, properly discarding the meat package and gingerly cleaning the meat. After that, he tossed the meat inside of the oven. Meanwhile, the trio of fugitives are driving near the recreational vehicle down the Main Drag in Starmos City. Light is starting to feel empty and he stopped. Tom asked, "Why did you stop in front of here?"

Light answered, "Because, I am on E and I can no longer work as a Light Speed Cycle on E. I can only function as a robot until I get charged up." Tom and Will opened the doors of Light and swiftly made an exit. Light immediately shape shifted into a robot and asked, "Do you believe that we should be so open about our identity?" "No", answered Tom. "Everyone in town now knows that we're fugitives. I suggest we change our hair style. Tom flipped back his hair and chef Will removed his chef cap. Tom knocked on the RV's door and the prosecutor, herself, answered the door, "Who is this?" she asked.

Tom answered in a French accent, "I am Pierre Jackson. Can you let two others and myself in?" The prosecutor answered with a smirk, "Sure. Come on in." He entered the RV with a grin on his face.

Followed by that, the two other fugitives entered. The prosecutor said, "Well, look right here, you brought in two guests. It's about time I had some worthy guests over. I guess I should treat these guests like gold.

Pierre and your two friends, sit down, and enjoy the wonders of the future around you."

Tom asked, "What futuristic wonders do you have over here?"

The prosecutor answered, "Oh, so many countless gadgets. However, I will share with you the best gadget in here though." A hand and a metallic arm emerged from the ceiling. She described it as the arms of the future. The mobile arms moved down. "This thing listens to your command. It will even fetch you the newspaper." The metallic arm and hand retrieved Tom the Starmos Gazette and the front headlines shown a picture of the three fugitives and an article about them and their crimes in Starmos City was shown. The paper was passed over to Will. He tossed the paper on the floor and the prosecutor asked, "What's wrong?"

Will nervously answered, "Nothing." "Are you sure?" asked the prosecutor. "Yes!" answered Will. "Stop asking me these harsh questions!" The prosecutor replied, "I suspect that you are one of the three suspected fugitives on the loose. Is that true?" Tom answered, "No ma'am." "Okay, I will let this go. But, I have my eye on all three of you", said Jacqueline. The trio of fugitives were extremely nervous and timid. They kept a low profile in the prosecutor's presence. A couple of minutes later the dinner was ready. Each individual received one plate of a nine ounce steak. The dishes are filled with a shank of steak with barbecue sauce, a garden salad with vinaigrette, and mashed potato with gravy.

This meal is an average day meal for the aliens. However, this meal is very anachronistic and obsolete for mankind of the mid twenty first century. The trio sat at the small poker appearing table and the dinner has been served. Tom placed the fork in the steak and started to eat the meat like a ravenous animal. From there, the prosecutor said, "Excuse me, but you are to let me eat first. Besides, you are eating like a dirty animal. How can you be so disgusting?"

Tom placed the fork down on the napkin and, the prosecutor gradually placed the fork to the steak and, she slowly cut the steak like a prune.

Her elbows were not on the table as she was cutting the steak and she put the first piece in her mouth. "This steak is disgusting! I demand that you cook this more now!" said the temperamental prosecutor. The chef from the Star Hotel grabbed her steak and placed it back into the oven and the rest of the people at the table were not eating because the prosecutor did not show any approbation of the food that she was about to consume. After forty five seconds, the rest of the table started to eat the steak. Everybody at the table started to complain about the food they were eating and, the prosecutor then said, "That's enough.

Don't you all know how to be thankful for what is handed to you on your plate. Y'all should be happy that I subsidize you. Now, for the rest of this night, I demand silence from every single one of you except for you three."

Will asked, "Where are the quarters?" Jacqueline, the prosecutor, answered "Down the hall. Why are you asking such a thing? Do you plan on staying here tonight?" "Yes" answered the former Alien Estate Chef. "Why are you staying here?" the prosecutor asked. "Because, our LSC ran out of fuel for the road ahead." Will walked down the hallway to the quarters which had three bunkbeds which the employees used. However, the prosecutor granted the three fugitives the permission to use the bunk. Each bunk had a length of six feet seven inches and a width of five feet.

There was a height of two feet so it was hard for someone to awaken comfortably. Each bunk had a barricade to prevent someone from falling. The bunks were made of cherrywood and each cot was supported by three wooden plat forms that were five feet in length. He evaluated the bunks and was satisfied about the structure and comfort.

He then returned back to where the group was eating. He looked at Tom and Light and gave a thumbs up for approval for lodging. The new steaks were finally ready. The prosecuting reporter had the first bite and she was satisfied after tasting the first bite of the second steak.

Finally, everyone else followed her moves. Tom asked the prosecutor, "Where did you come from?" The prosecutor answered, "I'm a native over here." "So, you were basically born here, Is that correct?" asked Tom. "Yes", answered the prosecutor. "How old are you?" asked Tom. "What business is it of yours to ask a woman her age?" "I just want to know your age. And, in addition to that, I want to know your weight too." The prosecutor replied, "Your crossing the boundary mister." She collapsed after he asked that moving question.

Cheers started to roar throughout the van. Everybody started to sing Hallellujah and praising the Lord for the good work. Light broke his silence and asked, "What brings so much happiness and joy when a woman has fainted?" One of the drivers answered, "She is the prosecutor in town.

She put so many people in jail and she threatened to send us to the hole because she has a vendetta for so many including ourselves. So now, she's getting her just desserts." Light replied, "Is this the woman that was reporting on us on the radio?" The driver answered, "Yes." Tom asked, "What's your name sir?" He answered, "Bob Smith." The RV driver had bushy bright red eyebrows and red hair. He has light green aquamarine eyes and, he had a six foot tall stature. He had yellow skin. He is wearing dungaree overalls and a blue and yellow checkerboard buttoned down shirt. He has a special ability to camouflage if he needed to hide anywhere. He asked Tom, "Are you one of the fugitives from the Alien Estate?”

"Yes", answered Tom. The RV driver then asked, "Well, why are you here in a vehicle of a prosecutor?" "I didn't realize that she was a prosecutor until just now." "Did you know that it is my prerogative to tell the Starmos Marshall?" asked Bob. Tom answered, "No. And, why would you tell the Starmos Marshall about our location." The RV driver answered, "So that way I can get a raise in my hourly nickel salary?" Tom asked, "Is this how much you really get paid?" "Yes", answered Bob.

"Well, I feel extremely sorry for you and this is starting to think twice about showing adulation for this despicable woman."

"Thank you for showing a lot of sympathy for me", said Bob. "No problem. Now, do you want to know why I am a fugitive in town?"

asked Tom. The RV driver answered, "Sure." Light interrupted, "Let me tell the story!" Tom argued, "Why should you be telling the story when you didn't say a word here?"

Light answered, "Pretty good point. Tell it like it happened."

Tom started to tell the story, "I had a long week here in this city. But, you only want to know about how myself, Will, and Light became hostiles. When Light and I were visiting the Alien Estate, Cornelius was extremely nasty to us. He even tried to poison us with feeding us gourmet food. However, the thing that made him extremely nasty is that he wouldn't help Light down the stairs. He tripped Light instead. I beat him up because I saw him disrespect my friend. Also, because he tried to poison us, I decided to mess up the kitchen, Meanwhile, Will didn't serve us the plagued food that the royal brute, Cornelius, was about to give us. So, Cornelius decided to charge all three of us with treason, and we ended up in the hole. Will ran away from the Alien Estate when he was apprehended and, he then rescued us, and we became fugitives according to Cornelius and that arrogant prosecutor."

"I could see how Cornelius arbitrarily punished you guys.

Your not fugitives. That rich, royal brute is the one who should be known as the fugitive." Tom replied, "Thank you for showing your empathy about us. Maybe we can do something to stop this injustice!"

"Hey, we can't do anything. First of all, we will become lifers in the hole if we even think about revolting against Cornelius Von Alien. Second of all, they will not think twice about running us over with the massive extraterrestrial dogs. And, third of all, you shouldn't have even said this. However, this is one thing that I have to say about the leader of this city. He is too stringent and too tyrannical. I believe that he should abdicate the throne and, he should be ashamed of himself with the atrocities he has committed against the people in this city. Tom, I completely agree with you on everything you have said.

The people in this government over here are brutes and we should revolt." "You know what. You've given me some good advice. But, I have to go and continue my journey back to Earth. And, besides, I have to power my LSC so that way I can leave for my home return", replied Tom. "I don't want you to leave", said Bob. "Why do you not want me to go?" asked Tom. "Because I think you would be a great leader of a revolution in Starmos City", answered the RV driver. Tom replied, "It is a mind boggling decision." "Why?" asked Bob. Tom answered, "Because I am a fugitive and my friends are fugitives too.

We are already guilty of two crimes that are evil and harmful according to the nasty ruler and, if we add insult to injury, we won't know what will happen to us if we uprise or lead a seditious revolution. I can't afford to jeopardize myself or jeopardize anybody else. So, I will say no to leading a revolution. However, this is one thing that I will say."

"And, what will that be?" asked Bob. "It is arbitrary and unjust how the government and that witch prosecutor are oppressing your lives. You should be free and live in a liberal society where you can freely think without being censored by the government", said Tom.

"I think that this is the most intelligent thing that I have ever heard anyone said in my entire life. Say, you Earthlings have a lot of knowledge", replied Bob. "I wasn't always this smart. But, thank you though. However, while I was talking to you, you have convinced me to come back here as soon as the coast is clear and then I will lead the revolution", said Tom.

"Why can't you stay?" Bob asked again. "I want you to though but, for the three hundred and fifty millionth time, I can't stay because if I do, somebody will find out the we three are fugitives and, we will be in serious trouble if we get caught. So, like I said earlier, I will not take any chances of getting caught." Bob replied, "Okay, I can understand where you are coming from." About thirty seconds later the prosecutor started to gradually wake up from her unconscious faint and, Tom's eyes started to widen in shock. The prosecutor asked, "Did you just make a confession to being one of the three fugitives?"

Tom answered, "No." He then told the RV driver, "I have to go. See you all later." So, the trio of fugitives ran up to the front door of the RV. Jacqueline was standing up with a nasty eye staring at the fugitives. She took a dish and threw it at them like a frisbee. She hollered at the cameraman to close the door. In a rush, the cameraman darted over to the control center of the RV, and he mistakenly opened the exit door of the RV instead.

The prosecutor screamed, "No!" And, the trio of fugitives didn't think twice about jumping outside of the RV and Light transformed into a vehicle again from a robot. "I need to get fuel", said Light. "Get fuel immediately and discreetly", replied Tom. Light slowly moved at one hundred mph. And within ten miles, was a LSC

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