The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel (34 page)

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"Sure", answered the waitress. "What flavor is at your request?" "A delicious Sasparilla flavored drink", answered Tom. She brought over the beverage to the table and asked, "Are there any other requests from the table?" "No", answered Tom. The trio of fugitives and the mayor ate their lunch swiftly like a hungry Grizzly gobbling down Salmon. "So, tell me about the dangerous aliens coming to town", said the mayor. Tom told the mayor explicitly, "In another dimension, there is an alien city known as Starmos City, which has a dictator named Cornelius Von Alien, who is a tyrannical brute. He imprisoned the three of us when we didn't do anything illegal. He just didn't like us. We managed to escape prison and flee Starmos City. So, now he and his alien army's out to get the Earthlings in California County. I want you to warn your people that evil from an outside dimension is coming to invade Earth."

"What do you expect me to do?" asked the mayor. "Place posters in town alerting the citizens", answered Tom. "How many copies do you expect me to make?" asked the mayor. "As many as necessary. Post it on every telephone pole and every lamp post", answered Tom. "Very Brilliant idea", replied Will. "Whenever we have to notify our citizens, we put posters all over town. Did you do that in your city?" asked the mayor. "No, it is forbidden in our city.

We don't have any freedom. If we said anything or asked the government any questions regarding anything important, we would be jailed", answered Will. "Well, thank God that you're with us", replied the mayor. "I won't be with you guys for long", said Will. "Why not?"

asked the mayor. "Because, I will have to return back to my origin to stop Cornelius from invading Planet Earth", answered Will.

"Well, if you try and stop him or his militia, you will encounter serious problems. You will be punished beyond jail time.

You might get persecuted", replied the mayor. "I will do anything for my fellow citizens", said Will. "Even, if it will be the most risky and bold action that might result in serious consequences?" asked the mayor. "Like I said, I would do anything for my fellow citizens, even if it will be the worst consequence ever", answered Will.

The waitress returned to the table with the receipt. The amount of the lunch is at a total cost of forty five dollars, which does not include any tip. Mayor Stone is going to pay for the whole bill. "How much tip should I give the lovely waitress?", he asked. "About five bucks", answered Tom. "That sounds a little too cheap. Don't you think?" asked the mayor. "It is a fair tip", answered Tom.

"I would give her more of a tip of twenty dollars. That sounds very fair. Besides, this lady was the best waitress in the whole entire world", replied the mayor. The waitress returned to the table after she presented the party of four with the bill.

Mayor Stone put the tip adjacent to the bill and, she took the tip first and, placed it in her pocket. Followed by that she thanked them. And, returned back to the kitchen. The trio of fugitives and the mayor left the restaurant and returned back to Town Hall. They swiftly walked through the reception hall and into his office. He worked in a New York style office. He had an old heater by his two paned windows. On the top, his window is translucent. However, at eye height, his window is clearly transparent. He would open and close it with a six foot long metallic pole. He has an out-of-date computer which was built by the Tell Computer Company which ceased operations twenty five years ago. He has a polished wooden desk and a wooden chair with cushions. The polished wooden door has two square panels, and there are two chairs in front of his desk.

He has a library shelf that is a stacked with a large amount of books.

He sat down in his chair and Tom, Will, and Light sat in front of him.

"So, how will the posters be distributed in town?" asked Tom. "We will start in the municipal part of town. Next, we will make our move in the residential part of town. And, finally, the business part of town", answered the mayor.

"How long will this distribution take?" asked Tom. "About a week or two", answered the mayor. "One week is too long! By the time that happens, the evil aliens could have you as their hostiles. We need the posters to be distributed within the next hour or two", replied Tom. "Unfortunately, that's how long it takes for something from us to be distributed", said the mayor. "Is there any other way that you can actually distribute the posters?" asked Tom. "Yes", answered the mayor. "And, how would that be?" asked Light. "We will assign each of you to a different zone in town. That's how we shall do it, and that's how it will be", replied the mayor.

Chapter III: Distribution of the Public Service Posters in Town, The Delivery of Posters throughout the residential part of town

Assignment roles are being given to Tom, Will, and Light for the distribution of posters throughout town. The posters depict an alert symbol and the word ALERT in large capital letters. There are approximately seven thousand copies of the posters. Below the posters shows a portrayal of the face of Cornelius Von Alien. Beneath the picture of the tyrannical alien's face is a caption that provides a description of him. The caption states This is a picture of an evil man.

He doesn't look like any normal human being. He is an alien.

He is from Starmos City. And, he is the ruler of Starmos City, the alien city that is ruled by a dictator. This man is planning to ruin Earth. He plans to find three fugitives who didn't do anything wrong.

These three innocent fugitives are prisoners from Starmos City who were accused of treason against the tyranical alien and escape.

Also, the alien is a bias one because he doesn't like any Earthling and, he
betrayed his former friend Light S. Cycle, who is a shapeshifter. And, he is also one of the three innocent fugitives.

However, if you see three fugitives fleeing town. Don't say anything because they are innocent. The evil leaders from Starmos City are guilty. They are planning to invade Earth to find these three fugitives and, the Starmos leaders discovered that they are in California County.
Then, an advisory is shown below the poster. This advisory states that
If a single citizen sees anything suspicious. Flee the town if you live by the woodlands. However, if you are living within the town and, not on its borders, then you are to close all windows, close the curtains, turn off all lights, and lock the doors. Retrieve plywood in your garage and require that each and every member of the household is to be assigned to a hiding closet.

A description of the three fugitives is also shown below this advisory. The three fugitives have a certain status, which describes their physical appearance, their full names, their origin, their age, their location, and their allies. The mayor is concluding his meeting with the trio of fugitives. "You guys will stay inside of this office while I have my secretary print the papers and make copies of the papers." The mayor walked out of his office. He is walking down the hallway to the reception hall where the receptionist works. He made a request for her to make seven thousand copies for a particular poster that the mayor printed out on his Tell Computer System.

At the end of the hallway is a copy room. The receptionist walked over to the copy room which has the look of any other ordinary copy room, with the only exception of there being a super futuristic copy machine. This copy machine is known as the Speedboy 3000. This machine has the capability of copying one thousand sheets per minute. And, it generally takes thirty five seconds for one sheet to be scanned, and then, the programmed duplication happens after a particular sheet is scanned. While the receptionist is duplicating the posters, the mayor started to head back to his office after having a quick drink in the waiting area. He arrived in his office.

"Did you three come to a conclusion regarding the distribution of the posters?" asked the mayor. "No, we thought about consulting you", answered Light. "Since, the three of you haven't made a decision yet, I guess I will make the decisions for you. But, before I make any considerations, Who knows town best?" asked the Mayor.

Tom raised his hand. "Tom, I will zone you two the residential part of town and the business part of town. Light, you will remain with Tom.

And, Will, you will remain in the municipal part of town", said the mayor. "Does anybody have any questions?" "I do", answered Will.

"What would that be?" asked Mayor Stone. "People will think that I am the enemy because I am an alien", answered Will. "I don't know about that", replied Mayor Stone.

"And, why would you say that?" asked Will. "Because, we can disguise you as a human being", answered Mayor Stone. "How would you do that?" asked Will. "There's a Halloween Store in Town. I can get you a guise at the store over there", answered Mayor Stone.

"Okay", replied Will. "Let's leave now." The trio of fugitives and the mayor departed from the Town Hall building and walked into the mayor's black caddy. His car is polished and it's constantly shining in the beautiful sun of California County. He is driving his car into the business part of town. Near the pizzeria in town is the Halloween World Store.

This store has black paper on its windows, which makes the store have a scary appearance. The fugitive trio and the mayor walked into the store and they walked near a motion detector that has a spider that would jump out at every person who passed by. The fake spider jumped at Tom. When the spider jumped out at him, he said, "Ooh, that thing is a nasty little creature. A young woman at the counter is dressed as a witch to show her Halloween spirit. Her skin is painted a lime green color and her hair is jet black and greasy. She is wearing a dark cloak and wearing a cone shaped hat with a circle on the bottom of the hat.

"Happy Halloween. I'll get you my pretty and your little guys too", said the clerk. She smiled after she said that line from the
The D.T. Trilogy.
She walked over to them and asked, "How may I help you?" "I need to find a disguise", answered the mayor. "What kind of a disguise do you want?" asked the clerk. "A human disguise", answered the mayor. "Aren't you a human?" asked the clerk. "The costume isn't for me. It's for my friend over here", answered the mayor. "You have three friends. Which one are you talking about?"

asked the clerk.

"The green one. Will Von Alien", answered the mayor. The clerk is escorting them to the costume section which is adjacent to the Halloween decor section. There is an abundant amount of disguises in the Costume section of the store. The trio of fugitives, the mayor, and the clerk arrived at the Human costumes in that section of the store.

"Which costume would you like to wear?" asked the clerk. Featured in this section, are many human costumes of famous actors, former and incumbent politicians, and costumes of famous musicians. Will pointed to the costume that looked like Mayor Stone. "I think this costume requires some stuffing", said Tom. "Why would you think that?" asked the clerk.

"Because, look at Mayor Stone. He's the size of a whale", answered Tom. Light kicked Tom and said, "Shut up you fool." "Say, who are you calling a fool?" asked Tom. "You", answered Light.

While, Tom and Light are quarreling back and forth, Will and Mayor Stone are returning back to the front desk of the store to check out with the product. The product with the stuffing. After checking out, the two left the store. Tom and Light are still in a quarrel and the clerk walked to the back of the store and tried to stop them from bickering.

"Would you guys stop fighting?" asked the clerk.

They completely disregarded the question and they continued fighting. After that, she tried to stop the fight. And, that particular method didn't work. She didn't think twice about her next action. She gave a strong slap on both of their faces. "Hey, what the hell did you do that for?" asked Tom. "Because I wanted to stop you two from fighting. You two fight like girls", answered the clerk. "Aren't you a girl?" asked Tom. "No, I'm a young lady and, I don't fight like you two", answered the clerk. Laughter started to emerge from Tom and he then replied, "You're not a young lady. You're nothing but an old hag." "Did you just call me that?" asked the clerk. "Yes", answered Tom. "Well, for your information, I will let you know that I am only twenty five years", replied the clerk.

"Well, you must smoke a lot to look like you're twenty five hundred years old", said Tom. Light boisterously laughed and, the clerk looked angry. "Get out of my god damn store. Do you understand?" asked the clerk. "Nope", answered Tom. "Well, I have another method to get you out of the store", replied the clerk. "What method would that be?" asked Tom. "Oh, you'll see", answered the clerk. She angrily walked to the back of the store where the props for Halloween were kept and, angrily retrieved a witch's broom and, she started to strike Tom.

"Hey, what the hell", said Tom. She kept hitting him with the broom until he would be ejected from the store. After, he was ejected from the store, she said to Light, "So, he thinks that I am an old hag, eh. Well, I'll prove to you that I am twenty five years of age." She took of her jet black wig. And, her real hair is platinum blonde. She cleansed her green skin with alcohol and her real tan pigment emerged. She took off her fake moles. And, unsquinted her eyes. After she took off her work uniform, her beautiful blonde appearance started to show. "You finally showed your real beauty", said Light as he started walking out of the store.

"Thank you", replied the clerk. Light waved a goodbye to her as he walked out of the door. As he walked down the block, he noticed that Tom is just standing on the corner. He asked, "So, did you get thrown out?" "No", answered Light. "So, the old witch was nice to you. Is that correct?" asked Tom. "Yes, and she's not an old witch", answered Light. "Why would you say such an absurd thing about a twenty five hundred year old hag?" asked Tom. "Let's get a couple of things clear. First of all, she's not a twenty five hundred year old witch. She's really only twenty five.

Secondly, she had wrinkles because she was squinting her eyes in order to show some Halloween spirit of a witch. Thirdly, she really has platinum colored curly hair instead of frizzy black hair.

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