The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel (36 page)

BOOK: The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel
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When one walks into that particular house, he or she will encounter a stairway that is carpeted with linoleum.

There aren't any railings because the stairway is between two walls that are paneled with wood. To the right is the living area, for which Officer Johnstone would often remain in his house. He has one loveseat style couch that is made of a green fabric. One can see its age because the green fabric is wrinkled and, the pair of cushions on the couch are showing its age because there are small openings that are found within these cushions.

There were two recliners in the room that are anachronistic. To open these recliners, one would have to use a lot of man power to pull out the footrest. The recliners have a dark navy color that would make walking around in this particular room hard because this particular room is a dark room that features dark wood panels on the sheet rock walls. In the center of the room is a rug that has ornate designs and, below the television is an actual firepit that is still functional. Around the firepit is a hearth that is made of stone which is a non-combustible item that's most commonly used on real firepits. One component in this room that's not anachronistic or cliched is the television.

This particular forty eight by twenty four inch flat screen T.V.

brightened the dark, gloomy room. Officer Johnstone sat down on his loveseat. Adjacent to where he sat on his loveseat style sofa, is a Chippendale wood nightstand, which features a built in lamp. The officer has proclivities to often be untidy and live in filthy conditions.

There are eight empty bottles of beer cans that have been found on the nightstand. These empty beer bottles are the cause of the odious scent throughout the room. Tom sat down on the recliner chair that is located by the backyard window in the room. "Do you see these eight beer bottles over there in the room?" asked the officer. "Yes", answered Tom.

"Well, that is how many I chugged down today. It is amazing how I'm not a drunk or under the influence right now", replied the officer. "Gross", said Tom. "What is so gross about overconsumption of so many beverages particularly alcoholic ones?" asked officer Johnstone. "I don't know", answered Tom. "Instead of being so timid around me because I'm a cop, why don't you just give me the reason as to why you think the overconsumption of alcohol is gross", replied Officer Johnstone.

"Fine then, here's the truth as to why I think that overconsumption of an alcoholic beverage is disgusting. Alcohol causes you to be loopy, drunk, and angry and, you'll end up farting the night away and vomiting your guts out. Secondly, you're a cop. I'm sure if your boss finds out what you're doing, you'll get in some serious trouble", said Tom. "We cops can do whatever we want whenever we want. Besides, our bosses in the sheriff's department really don't care. Besides, we are all a camaraderie in our office. We also have a code of conduct amongst us that if anybody that we know or have contact with repeats anything, then that person will get jumped. So, you better shut your mouth", replied Officer Johnstone.

"Yeah, okay", said Tom sarcastically. Officer Johnstone offered a beer to Tom, who declined the offer. "Now, please tell me about the poster that you have with you", said the officer. "Sure", replied Tom. He described the public announcement to and, gave the officer advice about escaping the county when the aliens come and invade. He and the officer walked into the kitchen which faced the grassy backyard. The kitchen has five cabinets, one dishwasher, one stainless steel GE refrigerator, an electric stove, and a Police Radio.

Right now, he's off duty, so he turned down his radio. He opened his messy, disorganized refrigerator. The food is basically integrated with the drinks and food. The fruits and vegetables look rotten and the milk is sour. The uncapped orange juice looks rotten and, the filled water bottles appeared to be murky. The refrigerator has an unpleasant odor through the kitchen. "Would you care for a beverage?" asked the officer.

"No, I don't think that anybody would want a drink from your crappy and disgusting refrigerator", answered Tom. The officer suddenly became infuriated. Tom turned around and, a hatchet came flying across the room and hit the wallpaper. "Have you lost your damn mind?" asked Tom. "No", answered the officer. Tom started to run to the door and, the officer's anger started to increase. Tom struggled to unlock the door. However, the officer threw a punch at him. After that, Tom twisted to officer's arm and, he pushed him to the back of the kitchen all the way to the sliding door. After that, he tossed Officer Johnstone on the grass. And, the officer struggled to get up. Eventually, he started standing again. Tom was caught off guard and the officer attempted to ram through him. As a result, the drunken officer accidentally rammed through the tall wooden fence, and was knocked out unconscious. After that, Tom left the officer's property with an attitude of solace. He returned on his way distributing the posters to all of the citizens in town. He reached the Steel family residence on Goodluck Street. Ms. Bertha Steel is present at the house. When, he knocked on the door, she immediately looked through the window and noticed her son's former friend. She opened the door. "Where's my son?" she asked.

"He's not with me right now. I don't know where he went", answered Tom. "You and him are constantly hanging out. Why wouldn't he be with you right now?" asked Bertha. "For the last time, I don't know where he is. But, I came here to show you something else", answered Tom. He pulled out his poster and presented it to her.

"Explain it", said Bertha. "Okay", replied Tom. He said, "This is a public announcement to let you know that there are aliens that are planning to invade the county.”

"What are you talking about?" asked Bertha. "You see, I am one of three fugitives who ended up being imprisoned by the evil alien leadership of Starmos City. An innocent alien citizen, a shapeshifting robot, and myself were unjustly thrown into the slammer over there", answered Tom. "How was their slammer like?"

asked Bertha. "Oh my God, it was a living nightmare. It was worse than the human slammers. No light, extreme temperatures, and sheer ugliness and filth", answered Tom. "You did kind of deserve that kind of treatment. After, not caring about your friend's wellbeing, you should rot there forever", replied Bertha.

"Oh, just shut up and, let's just get back to the important public announcement", said Tom. "Hey, you don't tell me to shut up. Do you understand? Who do you think you are talking to an adult like that?"

asked Bertha. "Get your big, fat head out of here, shut up and, listen to me regarding this poster", answered Tom. Bertha growled like an angry leopard. She grinded her teeth and, crinkled her eyebrows in exasperation.

"Tell me about the public announcement, and get out of my house" she said. "Okay, on behalf of the mayor at town hall, the advisory is to evacuate your house at the crack of dawn. Board up your windows by nine o' clock this evening, and board up your doors to keep the aliens from taking all of your assets. And, then, you are to evacuate the city and move over to the woodlands. Before, evacuating to the woodlands, put on some camouflage so that way you blend in the area and the aliens don't realize that you're there", said Tom.

"Okay, thank you", replied Bertha.

"You're welcome", said Tom. "Now, get out of my house", replied Bertha. He started to walk over to the door and he reached the stoop. He stopped on the stoop and said, "By the way, I was lying about not knowing your son's location." "What do you mean you're lying?" asked Bertha angrily.

"Yeah, your son and I ended up in the county jail for two counts of theft. My charges were dismissed. However, he was released on bond. Then, we got a tour of the corporate headquarters in the hills of town. And, we decided to go through a wormhole and, I left my former friend in a foreign dimension", answered Tom. "Why would you do such a thing to your friend?" asked Bertha. "Because, he attempted to beat the living crap out of me. And, he caused me to almost end up in the county slammer", answered Tom. "Well, you could've at least let me know that my son disappeared. You know you're very stupid. Has anyone ever told you that?" asked Bertha.

"No", answered Tom. "Now, I'll give you ten seconds to get away from my house before I come out there and, I don't think you want that to happen", replied Bertha. Tom started to immediately run off of her property. He is worried for his life. At the same time, he has a feeling of sorrow because she reminded him of his friend's disappearance. However, he did not let that issue get to him.

Chapter IV: The Preparations for the Evacuation of the County

After Tom, left the Steel residence, he received a phone call from Mayor Stone. "Where are you?" asked the mayor. "I am by the Steel residence", answered Tom. "What are you doing over there?"

asked the mayor angrily. "Oh, Bertha wanted me to come over there because she was livid since my friend disappeared", answered Tom.

"And, what does she have to do with your friend's disappearance?"

asked the mayor. "Well, she's my friend's mom. However, she called me irresponsible, immature, and quirky. So, I am going to continue on my way", answered Tom. "Why would you stay at the door when I told you to ring the door bell and, leave the house as soon as you're done dropping off the sheets?" asked the mayor.

"Because, her and two other people welcomed me into their homes for a visit. Unfortunately, all three of the visits were troublesome and the home owners of the three homes that I paid visits to were extremely arrogant and despicable. They were so damn disrespectable", answered Tom. "Did I tell you to pay visits to these homes or, did I tell you to just drop off the papers and be done with it?" asked the mayor.

"You told me to do choice B, I guess", answered Tom. "And, what choice did you make?" asked the mayor. "Choice A", answered Tom, who feels melancholy. "And, what do you have to say about what you did?" asked Mayor Stone. "I'm not sorry. I don't think it's the wrong decision. It's good being social instead of a freaking robot", answered Tom. "What did you say?" asked the mayor. "You heard me.

I aint sorry for what I did", answered Tom.

"First of all, it is a shame that you took advantage of my nice attitude. I treat you to a delicious lunch. And, you disrespect me.

Followed by that, you violate my order. And, then, you say that you're not sorry and, you make like being an idiotic fool is right. Well, you have a lot of thinking. You have a lot of thinking to do. You are the biggest nutcase that the sin has ever placed on this Earth. Shame on you", replied Mayor Stone.

"Am I fired?" asked Tom. "Your insinuation should be of course that you're going to be fired", answered Mayor Stone. "Well, don't you know how to answer some silly ass question?" asked Tom.

"Yes, I do. And, by the way, I hate to tell you this but, you're fired", answered Mayor Stone. "Oh, I'm so sad", replied a sarcastic Tom Jackson. "You should be sad. And, moreover, you should be ashamed of yourself. Just, go to hell 'cause, that's where you belong", said Mayor Stone. "I'm not the one with the problem. You're the one with the problem. Do you understand?" asked Tom. "Of course, I understand. I'm not stupid like you", answered Mayor Stone. "By the way, has anyone told you that you're arrogant, condescending, and beastly?" asked Tom.

"No", answered the mayor. "If you were to round up all of your goals and put all of your goals in plans for this town in three words, what would they be?" asked Tom. "I can't summarize my goals in three words. I would have to do it in six. I would say I would like to make the town a better place", answered Mayor Stone. "I have some advice for you", replied Tom. "And, what would that be?" asked Mayor Stone. "Well, if you want to make your town a better place, then look at you and, make a change for yourself", answered Tom.

"That was the most powerful thing that anyone has ever said to me", replied the mayor.

"Thank you", said Tom. "You know something, I realized that I was extremely condescending to you and I want to make amends with you or some sort of a truth. But, all I have to say is that I'm sorry for being an idiot". replied the mayor. "You're forgiven and I'm sorry for being such an ignoramus and fool to you", said Tom. "Thank you.

You're forgiven for your foolishness", replied Mayor Stone. "Now, can I continue on my journey delivering the posters to everyone in the residential area?" asked Tom.

"Sure", answered Mayor Stone. They concluded their phone conversation with goodbyes and, Tom hung up the phone. Then, a young adolescent man started to walk outside of a garage. He stands at a tall and slender stature and has reddish blonde hair. He is eighteen years old. He does not look like a nerd or geek. However, he started to walk up to Tom. He lives behind the Steel residence in a modern garage which is adjacent to the backyard. He walked up to Tom and, asked "Who are you?"

Tom introduced his name to the stranger. "My brother is constantly talking about you. I haven't seen him in days. But, rumor has it that you were behind his disappearance. Is that true?" he asked.

"No, it was your stupid brother who brought the trouble to himself. I didn't do anything wrong. So, let's forget about the subject", answered Tom. "You're right. My brother was stupid. I'm the genius in the family. Unfortunately, nobody sees me in that type of a way. But, I'm the best and better than everyone else in this world", replied the bombastic self-proclaimed savant.

"Yeah, okay", said Tom sarcastically. "Do you want to see my lab?" asked Iron's brother. "Sure, but, before that, I want to know your name." The self-proclaimed savant answered, "I am Drew Steel, Iron's brother." He and Tom walked into his living quarters. Inside is a closed murphy bed, a disorganized desk, a mini fridge, a futon style sofa with a television.

"Go to the lab, where I make all of my studies. It's the most important place in my house at least. I have been working here for about five years. I graduated eighth grade and, my mom renovated the garage and turned it into a small house, furnished it, and separated all of the parts of my living quarters with shelves. The place where I made all of my theoretical studies was in the area is what I like to call 'the lab'", said Drew. Both Tom and Drew walked over to the lab, which looked like a disorganized disaster. Scrap papers are scattered all over the floor the lamp's light is dim like the first Edison Lightbulb. The desk looks messed up with dried out pen ink. Half of the pens on that desk are exploded. Yet, the shelves, that separated the working lab from every other place in the house, were organized perfectly with books that were created by Drew. These books were called The Science of the other Dimensions. He is studying different dimensions that are inhabited.

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