The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel (28 page)

BOOK: The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel
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He (Walter) answered, "Gee, if your friend didn't escape. I would be out of this hideous room." Tom replied, "Well, I guess, here are the evils of Starmos City." "I can also give you the secrets of Starmos City because I am going to the hole for a very long time."

Light asked, "How long?" Walter answered, "Life." Light replied, "Same here." Tom also reiterated the words that Light said because all three of them received a life sentence. He then asked Walter, "Can you tell me all of the evils of Starmos City?" Walter answered, "Not yet.”

Foolish Tom asked, "Why?" Walter answered, "I hear something. Be quiet." In the beautiful bright hallway of the Alien Estate, footsteps were being heard. Followed by that, a turn of a key sounded. However, it wasn't the room that the trio of “hostiles” was being held. The turning of the key noise was heard from across the hallway which was the dog room. Inside that room were Con Pups.

These pups were made to look nice for the “hostiles” to pet but were trained to bite when the hostile would pet. After they would bite, there would be a burn mark on the victim of their bite because their saliva is so hot and they have a very high body temperature. Two officers outside of the cell trained the Con Pups. One officer grabbed Tom. He (Tom) said, "Nice doggy."

Foolish Tom went up to one of the dogs and the dog sniffed him. The dog was a very chubby male dog. This dog had a cute face that anybody would want to pet, including people who have a rancorous attitude towards dogs. Tom pet the dog. The nice dog bit him. A scream left Tom's mouth. The dog was pulled back and a burn mark appeared on the arm of Foolish Tom. Next, the other two “hostiles” were escorted out of the dark holding cell. The other two “hostiles” discreetly walked out of the cell, and not a single word left any of their mouths.

At the foyer of the Alien Estate, there were three helmets. The officer placed the comfortable fit helmets on the three hostiles. They were escorted to the hole. The hole had a stone door. One guard lifted the fifty pound door and placed the door on the side. Tom was grabbed by the officer, who was handling the door, and he (Tom) was tossed into the hole. Light, who was the next “hostile” in line, was grabbed by the officer.

He resisted going into the hole. "You idiot police will pay,"

said Light. The officer replied, "Well, yeah, like that'll happen." Two other officers ran up to the resistant “hostile” and to help toss him into the hole. The two officers grabbed Light. One grabbed him by his metallic shoulders and he was tossed into the hole. The last “hostile”

made a run for it. Walter reached into his pocket. The guards looked up and noticed his chains were off of him.

One of the guards contacted the watchman at the gate post.

Walter and the watchman looked each other directly in the eyes. The Watchman had fiery red hair. And the almond eyes of the Watchman and the bright blue eyes of Walter faced each other for a brief minute.

The watchman pushed a red button to close the gate. The two guards that attempted to toss Walter in the hole started to run after him. The other guard slid the stone to close the opening of the hole that held the other two “hostiles.”

Within a matter of seconds, Walter slipped through the gate.

He escaped the Alien Estate by the skin of the teeth. Meanwhile, Light was rubbing his tin head in the gloomy place he was tossed in.

The hole of which they were housed in was a miserable place. It had chains, and carcasses of alien hostiles were found in this gloomy hole.

Orangish water spots were found within this hole. This was due to the fact that droplets of water came from the ceiling inside of the hole.

When the stalagmites formed, the stony ceilings started to lower which made it extremely uncomfortable for prisoners.

Tom was just able to fit inside of the hole. "This hole is uncomfortable" said Tom. Light replied sarcastically, "Oh I don't think it is so bad." Tom asked a rhetorical question, "How could you not think this place is bad?" Light answered, "I was being sarcastic when I said that comment. This hole is a living hell. This is the most unthinkable place to be in. I never even dreamed of entering such a dark, scary place like this." Tom replied with a spirit of good cheer, "Well, why don't we try to get out of here?!" Light pessimistically said, "It is physically impossible to leave this hellhole."

Tom replied, "Nothing is impossible when you put your mind to it." Light said, "Well, why don't you try to do it." Tom told Light, "I will." Tom started to push the fifty pound stone up. It wouldn't work.

The feebleness of Tom Jackson started to show. Light asked, "Did I not tell you that it would be impossible?" Tom answered, "You did tell me. And you are completely right." Light replied, "Thank you."

Outside of the horrible hole, the sun started to set. Within a matter of minutes, the dark started to emerge.

It was nighttime at the Alien Estate. This was the second night, Tom and Light spent in Starmos City. All of a sudden the stone slab was lifted. One guard stood in front of the stone slab. Tom asked, "Are we free?" The guard answered, "Absolutely not." Tom then asked, "Well, why did you open the door?" The guard answered, "It is chowtime. I have bowls of liver soup for you." The guard handed cold liver soup to Tom and Light. After the guard handed the soup over to the two hostiles, the stone slab was shut and the hole returned to its original darkness.

Light asked anxiously, "Do you want to have the soup first?"

Tom answered, "Absolutely not. You have more experience in this city with the 'cuisine' here so that means you should eat it first." Light replied, "You bring up a pretty good point." He started to grab the spoon and gradually moved it towards the food. He started to sniff the food on the spoon. His head turned away after he sniffed the food. His eyebrows crinkled.

Tom asked, "What are you waiting for?" Light hesitantly answered. "Nothing." He then placed the spoon with the food up to his mouth and within a matter of seconds, the food entered his mouth.

He gulped the food down. After gulping the food down, his eyes opened widely along with his mouth. His metallic blue skin pigmentation started to change to a dark green color. He vomited and said, "This food is disgusting. They must use horse excrement for this food." Tom replied, "I bet it's not even horse excrement. It's probably dog excrement.”

Light said,

"You bring up a pretty good point." He walked up to the stone slab started knocking on it. From there, the guard opened it. He asked, "What do you want you low life of a hostile?" Light answered, "We want to know the ingredients they use in this so called 'liver meal'." The guard replied, "By the way, it is not a liver meal. It is dog poop crushed and mixed into a soupy form." The slab closed.

Tom said, "That's disgusting." Light replied, "Thank you. I know."

Light said, "Should we fall asleep?" Tom answered, "No." Light asked, “Why?"

Tom answered, "Look up." The stone slab started to open again and a ladder was brought down. A smile started to show on Tom's face. From there, one of the guards walked down the ladder.

The guard that walked down the ladder sternly said, "Do not touch the dog. He will be chained here for the night." Tom replied, "Okay." The stone slab closed. Light nervously asked, "Do we have to live with this dog every night that we're down here?"

Tom answered, "Probably." A soft spoken female voice was heard from the distance. This voice came from the pitch black area of the hole and she emerged out of the darkness and entered the lighter area of the hole. She had jet black hair which was straight and waved in the air every time she tossed it. She was the perfect lady. She was far from a prune. She wore a green dress and she had blue skin. A shining silver line in her face made her look extra beautiful. She was very soft spoken. She asked Tom, "What's your name, honey?" Tom's dark skin started to change a brown color to a red color. He was flushed by her charm. He blushed when he saw the way she acted towards him.

He hesitated in awe and answered, "Tom. What's your name beautiful?" The soft spoken lady hostile answered, "Nova." Tom replied, "Nova! That's a beautiful name." She said, "Thank you." Then she asked, "What are you here for, Tom?" He answered, "Betraying the ruler." Nova replied, "Same here. How long did you get?" Tom answered, "Life." Nova also received the same sentence. She then asked, "Did you know I was Cornelius's ex-wife?" Tom answered, "No. But, how long were you his wife for?" She answered, "Ten Years." Light broke out of his one minute silence and asked Nova, "How long have you been down here for?" She answered, "I have been down here for five years." Light replied, "Five years." She said, "Yes. Five years." Tom asked, "How was it like living down here for five years?"

She answered, "It was a living hell. You will never want to even dream of such a dark and scary place like this. This is the stony lonesome." Tom replied, "Thank you. They served us gruel that was made of dog excrement for God sakes." She said, "I didn't even get any food for two years." Tom asked, "What was that like?" Nova answered, "It was also a living hell. I was so hungry that I could have eaten a horse. Instead they gave me slop, which was made to look like a horse. Still, it was packed with lots of protein. It also added some pounds to me." Tom replied, "Well, that's horrible that you couldn't eat for two years. So, you’re saying we are basically being treated like royalty and you were treated like garbage. Is that correct?" She answered, "Yes." Light asked, "Did you ever try to escape here?"

Nova answered, "No. I would never even think about escaping. First thing's first, I am not able to lift that fifty pound stone and second, the guards here are super strict." Tom asked, "Is there any possible way that we can be able to get out of this hell hole?" She answered, "Absolutely not. Once a “hostile” in Starmos City, always a “hostile” in Starmos City." In the hole there was a light bulb that depended on a wire to hold it up. The light bulb turned off and the hole was pitch black. The guards above screamed for them to get to bed. She said, "Goodnight all." In return, Light and Tom both said goodnight back to her. As soon as they started to fall asleep, Tom passed wind in nervousness. Light said, "Tom, that's disgusting." One of the guards above screamed, "Shut Up!"

Chapter 10: The Escapees: Will and Walter, and the great escape plan

One must have all of the courage in the world to survive the

evils of a soul. The ones who survive shall thrive and the ones who give up shall perish.

While Light and Tom were tossed into the prison house, Chef

Will and Walter managed to escape. However, the two of them escaped at different times and in different places. Travel to Will's location. After his escape, he traveled to the Star Hotel in Starmos City. He was on the run from the guards. The Star Hotel was a three star rating hotel in the alien city. The hotel featured six hundred and fifty rooms, a game room, a pool, and a couple of restaurants. The restaurants in the hotel were five star. The windows at the hotel were hexagonal shaped, and they had an aquamarine color.

The front facade had a gold color. And the gold facade glimmered in the Starmos sun. Will walked into the hotel lobby and the lobby was the perfect lobby. The lobby had two winding stairs.

The stairs had red and black carpeting. The floors had granite stone patterns and there was a beautiful fountain in the lobby that had a statue of Cornelius Von Alien. The statue was a gray marble statue.

Behind the checkin area, was an elevator that was enclosed in a glass tube and the visitor would travel up to the level that they wanted to travel up. The elevator traveled at high speeds. Within one second, one would be taken from the first floor up to the third floor. Will walked up to the reception desk. There were four ladies. All of them were alien ladies. Each one was unique in her skin color, hair color, height, and clothing. The first one on the left had jet black hair and fiery red skin. A blue line ran through the middle of her face and she had chocolate brown eyes.

She had a blue dress and wore

flat shoes which looked like

clogs. Her name was Moniqua. Followed by that, working next to her was a beautiful white haired lady that had orange skin. This lady worked along with Moniqua as a concierge lady. Her white hair would always shine in the light. She was the youngest employee working at the Star Hotel at only eighteen years of age. The lady with the white hair and orange skin and her name was Bonita because of her glimmering white hair. She wore a white dress and wore high heels.

Next to her, the second before last, was another employee who worked in the checkin area.

Her name was Rubi. This lady had light blonde hair. She was also eighteen years of age. She just left Starmos High School and started to work here. She had green skin with a blue line traveling in the middle of her face. She wore a blue over coat that was as dark as the color of the ocean. Will walked up to her. Her beautiful, low volume voice, asked Will, "What is your name?" He answered, "Will.

It is a pleasure to meet you, beautiful.”

She replied, "Oh, don't say that. Now, do you plan on staying here?" Will answered, "Yes." She asked, "How long?" "Just for the night," answered Will. She said, "Give me one moment to check if I have any rooms available." He replied, "Take your time. No rush."

She checked to see if there were any rooms available on the aPad she used. "Room 4560 on the top floor is open." Will replied "Nice." She walked up to the elevator. The elevator started to move at high speeds.

Will asked "This is a high speed elevator?"

She replied, "Yup. Forty Light Years old and still going. This elevator is never outdated. It is just getting better every day." They arrived at the top floor. The hallway had cream colored wall paper and there were forty rooms on the top floor. She escorted him to his room.

She opened the room door. The door was a wooden door that had a sign saying room 4560. She asked, "Do you know why the room has an engraving of 4560?" Will answered "No. Why?" She answered, "Because, 4560 has the best view. This room is for the head chef of Starmos City." He asked, "How did you know that?" She said, "I watch your cooking channel."

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