The Dragon Guardian (27 page)

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Authors: Jessie Donovan

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Romantic Comedy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Sword & Sorcery, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Fiction / Romance / Paranormal

BOOK: The Dragon Guardian
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Shaking his head, Fergus murmured to Gina, “You think he’s jesting, but he just found about a dozen babysitters without even trying. Finn has always been a sly one.”

Gina smiled up at him. “That works for me. It means your mom can help us out more.”

Fergus chuckled. “Aye, I do like the sound of that.”

Finn addressed the crowd again. “I think that’s enough announcements for the day. Ara and I will be visiting as many of the clan as we can today and the rest over the next few days. I’m determined to hear all of your grievances and see about fixing up Lochguard as quickly as possible. If there’s one thing we Scottish dragons know how to do, it’s pick ourselves up and come out stronger than ever before. We’ll be having a celebration in the great hall before you know it.”

The majority of the crowd cheered. With one last wave, Finn descended the stairs with Arabella beside him. The pair walked straight toward Fergus and Gina. When he was close enough, Finn brushed wee Jamie’s cheek. “The lad looks strong.” Finn looked at Gina and then Fergus. “Congrats to the pair of you.” Finn looked at Gina again. “I heard about you choosing to name him after Uncle Jamie. Thank you, lass. It means a lot to all of us.”

Gina snuggled against Fergus’s side. “It’s the least I could do, considering everything Fergus and your family have done for us.”

Lorna spoke up. “Nonsense, child. It was nothing special.”

Fergus knew it was special to Gina. But rather than waste time trying to convince his family of it, he met Finn’s eye. “We’d better be the first visit of the day. I’m not sure how much longer I can wait to hear our fate.”

Arabella frowned. “Didn’t Aunt Lorna tell you?”

Fergus glanced at his mum. “No.”

Lorna studied Fergus’s face. “Are you sure I didn’t tell you, Fergus? I’m pretty sure I did.” She looked to Faye. “Didn’t I?

Before Faye could answer, Fergus growled. “No, but how about telling me now?”

Ross stepped in. “Watch your tone, lad. Your mum has been under a lot of stress.”

Fergus was on the verge of telling Ross to mind his own business when Gina pressed Jamie against his chest. Fergus took the bairn without question, although before he could say another word, Gina beat him to it. “We’ve all been under stress. How about you just tell us now?”

Finn answered, “Your mating was accepted by the DDA. You, and your child, will stay here.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Gina stopped breathing a second. She had a home, a family, and a future. She would also be able to help her son understand his dragon half; Fergus would ensure Jamie never turned rogue.

And who knew, she might be able to work with Lochguard and the DDA to prevent BroadBay or any other clan from hurting other women in the future.

For the first time in a long time, she was hopeful.

Turning her head to Fergus, she had to blink back tears to keep from crying. “We can stay.”

Fergus maneuvered Jamie into one arm and pulled Gina against his side. After kissing her hair, he murmured, “I love you, lass.”

A tear rolled down her cheek as she answered, “I love you, too.”

Just as she raised her head to kiss Fergus, Finn interrupted. “I hate to break up the happy moment, but there are a few things you should know first.”

Fergus growled out, “Then hurry up and bloody tell us.”

Finn gave a shake of his head. “Not here. Come. This needs to be discussed in private.” Finn looked at his kin. “Although you lot can come, too, if Fergus and Gina allow it.”

Gina spoke before Fergus. “It’s fine with me. I’ve had to keep too many secrets as of late.” She looked up at Fergus. “I hope that’s okay.”

Fergus kissed her nose. “Of course.” Her dragonman looked to Finn. “Just hurry up and take us somewhere we can talk.”

Arabella walked a few paces and tugged Finn’s hand. “Let’s take them back here.”

As the entire MacKenzie and Stewart brood followed Arabella’s lead, Gina blinked to stop crying. No matter Finn’s news, it wouldn’t ruin the love and happiness running through her body. Her child would grow up among honorable dragon-shifters. Little Mac-squared would never turn out like his biological father; she’d make sure of that.

Arabella tugged open the door to a small building that sat about fifteen feet from the great hall. It was brick with two small windows. Judging by the moss and vines crawling up the side, it hadn’t been used in some time.

One by one they filed inside. A giant hearth took up the far side. Several brick ovens were built into the fireplace. While empty of furniture, Gina had an idea of what the building was. “This used to be the kitchen for the great hall.”

Finn nodded. “Aye, back before we installed a modern one in the hall.” He pulled Arabella to his side. “These days, it’s used for private moments.”

Arabella smiled as she hit his side. “Now we’ll have to find somewhere else.”

Finn winked. “Good thing we have a long list of locations.”

Fergus cleared his throat. “Cousin, tell us the news or I may have to pummel you.”

Lorna clicked her tongue. “Fergus is right. Save your amorous escapades for later. Why are we here, Finlay Bruce Stewart?”

Finn’s gaze moved to Gina. “It has to do with the results of your blood tests, lass.”

Gina frowned. “Why? What did they show?”

Finn answered, “A mixture of human and dragon-shifter DNA.”

She blinked. “I don’t understand. My parents are human. Even if my mum had a dalliance with a dragon-shifter, I’d have an inner dragon since dragon-shifter DNA is always dominant. And I don’t have one.”

Arabella jumped in. “Finn is being overly dramatic. The mixture is normal for a human who has been injected with dragon’s blood at some point in their lives. Are you sure no one in your family was a sacrifice and used it to save your life?”

Gina shook her head. “No. My whole family, except for my sister, hates dragon-shifters. All of my cousins are human, too.”

Fergus spoke up. “Then the only logical explanation is your parents purchased dragon’s blood from the black market, probably before you were old enough to remember.”

Gina frowned. “I don’t understand. Let’s say my parents did as you said. Why wouldn’t they tell me?”

Fergus answered, “A lot of humans are prejudiced against anything to do with the sacrifice system, which includes being injected with a dragon’s healing blood. They wanted you to be free from scorn.”

In that moment, her parents’ past actions made sense. “For years, they did everything in their power to vilify dragon-shifters. When I still became fascinated, my mom tried even harder to make me hate dragons.” She looked down at Jamie. “Despite everything, I still ended up tainted by association.”

Lorna moved in front of her and lifted her chin. “Not tainted, lass. You’re blessed.”

Gina asked, “But how?”

Holly answered. “Because I have a feeling being injected at a young age with dragon’s blood is the reason you had such an easy birth with wee Jamie. We might be able to try injections with other humans and see how it works.”

Lorna looked to Holly. “Aye, starting with you, Holly MacKenzie.”

“How did you—” Holly started.

Lorna cut her off. “I may be middle-aged, but my sense of smell is just as keen as when I was a young lass. You reek of Fraser.”

Fraser growled. “Mum.”

Lorna smiled. “Not in a bad way.” She looked back to Gina. “Thanks to you, my other daughter-in-law might have a greater chance of living a long life, surrounded by a horde of children.”

Holly murmured, “I don’t know about a ‘horde.’”

As Holly, Fraser, Lorna, and Ross started arguing about respect and talking back, Fergus leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Are you all right, Gina? It’s a lot to take in.”

“It is. I wish I knew more about why or how my parents had done it.”

“You could ask them,” Fergus stated.

A small part of her was tempted. But that would mean dealing with the scorn and disappointment all over again. “Maybe some day. But right now, I want to cherish my new son and my new husband.”

He tucked a section of hair behind her ear. “Maybe if we sneak out now, they won’t notice. I’d like to do a little cherishing of my own. Holding my son and mate beside me on the couch, with maybe your wee cat next to us, sounds like heaven to me.”

“Oh, Fergus.”

“Come, lass. Before they stop arguing.”

Fergus tugged her hand and moved toward the door. He didn’t get more than two steps before Finn shouted, “Not yet, you two. We have a few more things to discuss.”


Fergus growled as he turned his head toward his cousin. “Then hurry up and tell us, Finn. I want to see my family settled.”

Finn raised his brows. “But I think your mate will like this bit.”

Fergus’s dragon snarled.
If he doesn’t get to the point soon, we should pin him to the ground and demand answers.

You’re aware he’s leader, aye?

Right now, he’s not clan leader—he’s our annoying older cousin.

Lorna walked up to Finn and grabbed the top of his ear. Finn yelped. “What the bloody hell are you doing?”

Twisting his ear, Lorna narrowed her eyes. “In private, you’re merely my nephew. Watch your tongue, Finlay.”

Fergus bit his lip to keep from smiling. From experience, he knew his mum would grab his ear too, if given the chance.

Arabella sighed. “How about I just tell them, Finn? Otherwise, we could be here for another hour and I’m hungry for a change.”

Finn looked at his mate with concern. “Are the bairns giving you trouble, Ara? You promised to tell me if they did, no matter what I’m doing at the time.”

Arabella shook her head. “They’re actually behaving, which means I’m starving.” Arabella looked to Fergus and Gina. “What my dear mate wanted to say is that in addition to BroadBay being under constant surveillance to ensure they don’t cause any more trouble or plan any more attacks, there was one other stipulation from the DDA.”

Relief flooded Fergus’s body. Unless BroadBay found a way to bribe the DDA, Gina and Jamie would be safe.

Fergus would whittle the details surrounding BroadBay out of Finn later. He needed to know what else to expect from the DDA. “A requirement beyond the changes to the sacrifice system?”

Arabella nodded. “Yes. That was something Finn hashed out with Bram. This next bit was a request from the American DDA office.” Arabella smiled at Gina. “You’re going to see your sister Kaylee sooner than you anticipated.”

Gina clutched his hand and stood perfectly still. “Please explain what you mean, Arabella.”

Arabella shrugged. “The American DDA is investigating BroadBay and the actions of their clan members. While that Travis bastard wasn’t part of the attack on Lochguard, some other Broadbay members were. As such, the American DDA is afraid of retaliation against your family. Your parents and Kaylee were offered a relocation program, complete with new identities. The only catch is they could never contact you again.”

Fergus adjusted his hold on his son and wrapped his arm around Gina’s shoulders. “Something must’ve happened.”

Arabella answered, “Correct. Kaylee refused. She wanted to be relocated here.”

Gina’s reply was breathy. “And?”

Finn chimed in. “I agreed to the plan. She arrived a short while ago and is waiting inside the Protectors’ central command building. If you need some time to adjust before seeing her, she will stay with me and Ara until you’re ready.”

Gina took a step forward. “No!” She looked up at Fergus. “Can you take me there now?”

His dragon spoke up.
Do it.

But what about Jamie? The temperature is dropping by the minute.

Lorna released Finn and put out her arms. “Give me my grandson. I’ll wrap him up tight and follow you.”

Fergus looked to Gina and nodded. “Please, Fergus. I just want to see my sister. Your mom will watch over Jamie and make sure he’s okay.”

He handed over his son without hesitation. “Just make sure he’s warm enough, Mum.”

Lorna adjusted Jamie’s swaddling. “I raised you three and Finn, didn’t I? Now, go. The sooner you do, the sooner we can welcome Kaylee MacDonald into our family.”

Gina looked over at Lorna. “But you don’t know anything about her.”

“Aye, but she chose you, child. That’s all I need to know.” Lorna motioned toward the door. “Go.”

Tugging Fergus along, he and Gina rushed into the fresh air. Before his mate could start running, he scooped her into his arms. “This way is faster.”

As he half-jogged, Gina laid her head on his chest without complaint. The pair of them had come a long way from the first day back along Loch Shin.

His beast huffed.
Of course. I’m quite charming.

Fergus mentally snorted.
Just because Gina thinks you’re beautiful in dragon form doesn’t mean that’s how we won her.

I guess we’ll never know.

Oh, I know the reasons. Live in your fantasy, if you like.

His dragon turned his back on Fergus and walked toward the back of his mind.
Just hurry and make our mate happy so we can finally take her home.

Picking up his speed, Fergus drew on every bit of strength he had. Much like how he was incomplete without his family, he had a feeling Gina was the same way with her sister.

It was time to fix that.


Gina closed her eyes and enjoyed the beat of Fergus’s heart as he ran. A lesser man might take offense at a quiet evening alone being pushed aside in favor of welcoming a new sister-in-law. But not Fergus. Even though Gina had only mentioned her younger sister a few times, he instinctively understood her longing to see Kaylee.

She still couldn’t believe her sister’s choice.

True, Gina should be even more excited about BroadBay being under surveillance and investigation since it meant she and Jamie were safe. But in the present, she could only think of finally seeing her sister.

A sister Gina had believed she might never see again.

Fergus’s pace slowed and his deep voice rumbled in his chest. “We’re nearly there, lass. I’m going to put you down at the entrance.”

Opening her eyes, Gina blinked to adjust to the fading light. Ten seconds later, Fergus slowed to a stop and gently placed her on the ground. He moved toward the door, but she placed a hand on his chest to stop him. “Thank you, Fergus.”

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