The Dragon Guardian (23 page)

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Authors: Jessie Donovan

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Romantic Comedy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Sword & Sorcery, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Fiction / Romance / Paranormal

BOOK: The Dragon Guardian
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Holly smiled at her. “I see the crown of his head. I think he might be a ginger.”

“I’d been hoping he would,” Gina replied.

Fergus brushed her brow and met her eyes. “Who needs the Three Musketeers when we can be the Three Gingers?”

She tried to laugh, but it hurt and Gina sucked in a breath. Holly’s voice filled her ear. “Don’t make her laugh, Fergus.” Fergus mumbled something Gina couldn’t interpret and Holly continued, “Gina, getting back to your son. You’re a strong lass. I think one more push should do it.”

Fergus kissed her hand. “Nearly there, Gina.”

Between Holly and Fergus’s calm, steady voices, Gina prevented herself from yelling, crying, or who the hell knew what at the thought of pushing a tiny person out of her vagina.

At least she no longer felt the urge to simultaneously punch every man in the dick while also wanting to hold Fergus close and draw on his strength. She was merely determined to be done.

She couldn’t wait to be not pregnant anymore. And not just because she yearned to hold her son in her arms—Gina wanted to regain her true self again without the influence of hormones.

After a few deep breaths, Gina answered her mate. She needed a distraction until the contraction finally came. “Speaking of our son, I’ve been thinking about his name.”

“Oh, aye?”

“I want to call him Jamie, after your dad.”

A soft sound escaped from near the bottom of the bed. Looking down, Lorna had her hand over her mouth. Clearing her throat, Lorna lowered her hand, “Wait until you meet your son, first, child. Jamie may not even suit him.”

Everyone always spoke of Lorna’s strength, but in that moment, Gina saw a flicker of longing and loneliness. Lorna MacKenzie missed her husband still.

Maybe she could help the woman find happiness again. After all, Gina was fairly certain she and Ross had a connection.

Before she could think any more on it, another contraction twisted her insides.

Hearing Holly’s, “Push,” Gina fought past the pain to push with all of her might.
It’s time to join the world, son. Don’t keep us waiting.

She barely heard Fergus murmuring reassurances and focused every iota of her being on getting the giant child out of her body. She didn’t care if he was the smallest baby ever birthed on Lochguard—he was fucking huge to her right now.

She alternated between screaming and gritting her teeth.
Come. Out. Baby.
After who knew how much time had passed, the baby slipped from her body. The next few seconds of silence were the longest of her life until a small cry filled the room.

Holly worked quickly and soon held up her boy. “Your big, braw son has arrived.”

Blinking back tears, Gina held out her arms. “Can I hold him?”

Holly moved toward the head of the bed. “Aye, for a minute. Then I need to check him over. He seems hearty, but he is a wee bit early.”

Gina could barely nod as Holly placed the small bundle in her arms. Her son was pink faced and wrinkly with wet red hair plastered to his head. But to her, he was the most beautiful thing in the world.

Kissing his forehead, she whispered, “Welcome to the world, Jamie MacDonald-MacKenzie.”


Fergus was close to crying himself as Gina whispered the greeting to her son. His beast growled and Fergus corrected himself—their son.

With a huff, his beast gloated at the sight of the wee bairn.
He is strong and hearty. He will make a great Scot.

Fergus mentally snorted.
He’s actually American.

I refuse to acknowledge that. Born in Scotland. That makes him a Scot.

Ignoring his dragon, Fergus reached out a finger and lightly traced the lad’s cheek. “Hello, lad. I’m your dad.”

Gina laid her cheek against his and Fergus simply enjoyed the moment. He’d yearned for a family of his own for so long. Even a month ago, he never would’ve imagined he’d have it. Yet there he was, with both a mate and a son. He would give his life to protect them.

His mate spoke up. “You should hold him, too, Fergus. I want him to know you from the beginning.”

As he gently picked up the wee bairn, he replied, “Why? Are you planning on hiding him from me for a while?”

“Don’t even joke about that, Fergus MacKenzie. I’m just trying to create a memory.”

He stared down at the wee one in his arms, kissed his cheek, and then met Gina’s eyes. “Believe me, lass. I will remember this moment for the rest of my life.”

His mate looked about ready to cry again and he scrambled with what to say. He knew it was the hormones in her body making Gina emotional, but he still didn’t want to upset his lass.

Thankfully, his mum came up to him. “Let me take wee Jamie, Fergus. Grandma needs a turn.”

Glancing to Gina, she nodded and he handed over his son to his mum. Lorna smiled down at the baby and murmured, “That’s right, Grandma has you.”

His mum walked away and Fergus nearly went after her. Without thinking, he growled out, “I wanted a longer turn.”

Gina gave a weak laugh. “I’ll keep that in mind when Jamie starts crying at all hours of the night. I don’t want to deny his daddy time.”

Fergus grunted. “Joke away, but I will always be there for him.” He cupped her cheek. “And for you.”

He swore she whispered, “I love you,” but Holly’s booming voice made him unsure. His sister-in-law said, “While I prepare Gina for the afterbirth, why don’t you tell Fraser the good news?”

He was about to shake his head, but Gina spoke up. “Go, Fergus. Fraser is more than your twin—he’s your best friend. I want him here, too.”

“But I don’t want to leave you or Jamie.”

Even tired and sweaty, stubbornness glinted in her eyes. “I can handle a few minutes alone, Fergus. Go. The sooner you leave, the sooner you can come back.”

Glancing over to where Lorna was cleaning up his son, his mum turned her head and motioned toward the door. “Fetch Fraser. And also make sure Arabella is okay. I don’t know where she is.”

Fergus hadn’t even noticed Arabella’s absence. His dragon spoke up.
Finn asked us to protect Arabella.

But Gina needs us.

She is strong. Besides, if we run, it will only take a minute.

Fergus asked Holly, “Are you sure Gina’s out of danger?”

Holly stated, “I can’t ever guarantee 100 percent, but Gina has survived this as if she were a dragon-shifter. I think she’ll be fine, and that’s my professional opinion.”

For a split second, he wondered about the wheels turning inside Holly’s head—he’d bet his life his sister-in-law was going to find out why Gina had had such an easy birth for a human. But he quickly pushed it aside and focused on his mate. “I’ll be back in less than a minute.”

She smiled. “Okay. Ready, set, go!”

Cursing her with love, he raced out of the room. Thankfully, Arabella was sitting in the main control room, albeit toward the back. Satisfied the dragonwoman was okay, he looked at Fraser and yelled, “My son is here! Come see Jamie MacDonald-MacKenzie.”

Fraser snorted. “That’s a lot of ‘Macs.’ Maybe I should call him Mac-squared.”

He gave his twin the double finger salute. “Mum wants to know what’s going on. You’ve been summoned.”

Without another word, Fergus rushed back into the room. Both man and beast mentally sighed in relief to see that Jamie was back with Gina, and both were healthy.

Rushing to Gina’s side, he murmured, “I did it in less than sixty seconds, lass. What did I win?”

She met his eye. “A family.”

He kissed her and then his son. “I couldn’t ask for a better present.”

Fraser’s voice filled the room. “I don’t know, brother. I’d ask for her to do some kinky things in the bedroom, once she’s healed.”

Lorna growled, “I’m standing right here, Fraser Moore MacKenzie.”

“Tsk, Mum. No yelling around Mac-squared.”

Fergus glared at his brother. “You’re not calling him that.”

His brother moved toward the head of the bed after blowing a kiss to Holly, who was preparing for what Fergus assumed was the afterbirth. Fraser said, “What do you think, Gina? Every child should have a nickname.”

Lorna answered, “You can talk about bloody nicknames later. Is Arabella okay?”

Fraser shrugged and looked to his mother. “I think so. She’s sitting quietly in the back.”

Lorna rolled her eyes. “Do you know Ara at all? Quiet isn’t good.” Lorna leaned in and touched Jamie’s cheek. “I need to check on Arabella.”

Gina nodded. “I understand. I would talk with her if I could.”

“Rest, Gina. And Grandma will be right back, wee Jamie.”

Lorna exited the room and Fergus moved to pick up Jamie. Gina shook her head. “Let Fraser have a turn. Holly says we don’t have much time until she needs everyone out but you.”

Fergus’s dragon growled.
We should have another turn. Jamie is our son.

Since when do you dismiss Fraser? He’s our brother.

His beast huffed.
I just want to hold the baby again.

Soon. We have a lifetime with him. Fraser can have a minute or two.

With a grunt, his dragon fell silent.

Gina squeezed his hand and he looked down at his mate. But she nodded toward his brother before either one spoke. Gently lifting Jamie, Fergus turned toward his brother.


Gina watched as Fergus tenderly handed over Jamie to Fraser. Witnessing the tall, cocky dragonman coo at her son made the corners of Gina’s mouth tick up. She never could’ve imagined anyone from BroadBay acting the same way.

Wanting to focus on the happiness of the present and not dwell on the past, Gina pushed aside all thoughts of BroadBay. There might still be trouble ahead, but in that moment, she celebrated the birth of her first child.

And if everything went to plan and she could stay on Lochguard, she might even find a way to bring over the only person missing from her special moment—her sister, Kaylee.

Fraser broke the silence. “Just wait, Mac-squared. I’m going to be your favorite uncle. We’ll get into all kinds of trouble.”

Fergus growled to his brother, “Right now, you’re his only uncle.”

Fraser grinned. “All the better. It makes me the best.”

Fergus sighed and motioned with his hands. “You’ve held him long enough. Give me my son.”

Fraser shook his head as he offered Jamie to Fergus. “Gina is going to have to balance out your protectiveness. Otherwise, you’ll create a wee rebel.”

Fergus cuddled Jamie close. “Not that it would matter. I think his uncle would plant the ideas in his head first.”

Holly’s voice interrupted the pair. “Fraser, love, I need you to leave for a bit.”

Fraser saluted and blew a kiss. “I know the drill by now. But come find me when you’re done, honey. There are some pregnant females who are worried and could use your assurances.”

Holly nodded. “Aye, as soon as I’m finished here.”

Fraser touched Jamie’s cheek one last time and exited the room. Fergus sat next to Gina on the bed and leaned his head against hers. “Thank you.”

She frowned. “For what?”

“For being bloody wonderful. Whether you realize it or not, you’ve scored brownie points with my mum today by naming wee Jamie after my father.”

She raised her brows. “And what about with you?”

He adjusted wee Jamie’s swaddling. “Since you mated me and gave me a son today, I think you’ve earned a few.”

“Good. I plan to collect in a few months’ time.”

As Fergus and Gina remained silent, they stared at their baby boy and leaned against one another. Gina knew reality was waiting for them above ground and they’d face it soon enough. But for the moment, she simply enjoyed the heat and scents of the two most important men in her life and branded it into her memory. After the events of the day, Gina was ready to fight for her place on Lochguard. Not just for her son’s and her own safety, but also for the man she loved. Fergus MacKenzie was hers in more ways than one and she was never giving him up.

Chapter Nineteen

Grant McFarland ignored the stabs of pain in his injured shoulder and walked into the Protectors’ central command. Thanks to the structure and reinforced design of the building, it still stood.

Other Protectors and select staff darted in and out of rooms. Grant trusted his people to take care of recovery and clean-up. He had a more important job to take care of before he could help them.

Striding into the main command room, he spotted Faye MacKenzie sitting in his chair, giving orders. Despite the events of the day, the corner of his mouth ticked up at the lass’s actions. Faye had fallen back into her old role of head Protector; she might even challenge Grant for his spot before long.

Faye finally turned her head. The relief in her eyes warmed both man and beast. His dragon spoke up.
I like that she waited for us.

Aye, I suspect you’d like any bonny lass to be waiting for you.

His beast growled.
Faye is better than the others. She is strong as well as beautiful.

Grant resisted a frown.
If I had the time, I’d ask for more detail. As it is, keep quiet. I need to work.

In the next second, Faye’s eyes darted to his shoulder. Her lips parted and she stormed over with a frown. “Of all the bloody stupid things to do, Grant McFarland. Why wouldn’t you get your injury tended to? If it festers, the clan will be at a loss.”

Desperately needing a moment of levity after recent events, Grant raised an eyebrow. “Why? I’m sure you already have a plan in place to take over my position.”

Faye shook her head and turned to pick up a first-aid kit from a nearby shelf. “Now is not the time to joke, Grant. Lochguard would suffer if you were lost.”

“I’d almost say you’d miss me.”

Faye turned. Studying him, she finally answered, “Maybe.”

His dragon hissed.
She would.

Ignoring his beast, he resisted the urge to tuck a wisp of curly brown hair behind her ear. “Regardless, I need to find out the prisoners’ secrets. The DDA could come to collect them at any time and I might be able to persuade them to talk. My injury can wait.”

Faye poured a disinfectant onto a cotton clump. “Then stop interrupting me and I’ll have this done in less than a minute.”

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