The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles (13 page)

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Figure 3.5
Counter simulation. At time 23 a reset signal is issued, causing the counter to emit 0 in the following time unit. The 0 persists until an inc signal is issued at time 25, causing the counter to start incrementing, one time unit later. The counting continues until, at time 29, the load bit is asserted. Since the counter’s input holds the number 527, the counter is reset to that value in the next time unit. Since inc is still asserted, the counter continues incrementing until time 33, when inc is de-asserted.
1-Bit Register (Bit)
The implementation of this chip was given in figure 3.1.
The construction of a
-bit Register chip from 1-bit registers is straightforward. All we have to do is construct an array of w Bit gates and feed the register’s load input to every one of them.
8-Register Memory (RAM8)
An inspection of figure 3.3 may be useful here. To implement a RAM8 chip, we line up an array of eight registers. Next, we have to build combinational logic that, given a certain address value, takes the RAM8’s in input and loads it into the selected register. In a similar fashion, we have to build combinational logic that, given a certain address value, selects the right register and pipes its out value to the RAM8’s out output. Tip: This combinational logic was already implemented in chapter 1.
-Register Memory
A memory bank of arbitrary length (a power of 2) can be built recursively from smaller memory units, all the way down to the single register level. This view is depicted in figure 3.6. Focusing on the right-hand side of the figure, we note that a 64-register RAM can be built from an array of eight 8-register RAM chips. To select a particular register from the RAM64 memory, we use a 6-bit address, say xxxyyy. The MSB xxx bits select one of the RAM8 chips, and the LSB yyy bits select one of the registers within the selected RAM8. The RAM64 chip should be equipped with logic circuits that effect this hierarchical addressing scheme.
-bit counter consists of two main elements: a regular
-bit register, and combinational logic. The combinational logic is designed to (a) compute the counting function, and (b) put the counter in the right operating mode, as mandated by the values of its three control bits. Tip: Most of this logic was already built in chapter 2.
3.4 Perspective
The cornerstone of all the memory systems described in this chapter is the flip-flop—a gate that we treated here as an atomic, or primitive, building block. The usual approach in hardware textbooks is to construct flip-flops from elementary combinatorial gates (e.g., Nand gates) using appropriate feedback loops. The standard construction begins by building a simple (non-clocked) flip-flop that is bi-stable, namely, that can be set to be in one of two states. Then a clocked flip-flop is obtained by cascading two such simple flip-flops, the first being set when the clock ticks and the second when the clock tocks. This “master-slave” design endows the overall flip-flop with the desired clocked synchronization functionality.
Figure 3.6
Gradual construction of memory banks by recursive ascent. A
-bit register is an array of w binary cells, an 8-register RAM is an array of eight
-bit registers, a 64-register RAM is an array of eight RAM8 chips, and so on. Only three more similar construction steps are necessary to build a 16K RAM chip.
These constructions are rather elaborate, requiring an understating of delicate issues like the effect of feedback loops on combinatorial circuits, as well as the implementation of clock cycles using a two-phase binary clock signal. In this book we have chosen to abstract away these low-level considerations by treating the flip-flop as an atomic gate. Readers who wish to explore the internal structure of flip-flop gates can find detailed descriptions in most logic design and computer architecture textbooks.
In closing, we should mention that memory devices of modern computers are not always constructed from standard flip-flops. Instead, modern memory chips are usually very carefully optimized, exploiting the unique physical properties of the underlying storage technology. Many such alternative technologies are available today to computer designers; as usual, which technology to use is a cost-performance issue.
Aside from these low-level considerations, all the other chip constructions in this chapter—the registers and memory chips that were built on top of the flip-flop gates—were standard.
3.5 Project
Build all the chips described in the chapter. The only building blocks that you can use are primitive DFF gates, chips that you will build on top of them, and chips described in previous chapters.
The only tool that you need for this project is the hardware simulator supplied with the book. All the chips should be implemented in the HDL language specified in appendix A. As usual, for each chip we supply a skeletal .hdl program with a missing implementation part, a .tst script file that tells the hardware simulator how to test it, and a .cmp compare file. Your job is to complete the missing implementation parts of the supplied .hdl programs.
When loaded into the hardware simulator, your chip design (modified .hdl program), tested on the supplied .tst file, should produce the outputs listed in the supplied .cmp file. If that is not the case, the simulator will let you know.
The Data Flip-Flop (DFF) gate is considered primitive and thus there is no need to build it: When the simulator encounters a DFF gate in an HDL program, it automatically invokes the built-in tools/builtIn/DFF.hdl implementation.
The Directory Structure of This Project
When constructing RAM chips from smaller ones, we recommend using built-in versions of the latter. Otherwise, the simulator may run very slowly or even out of (real) memory space, since large RAM chips contain tens of thousands of lower-level chips, and all these chips are kept in memory (as software objects) by the simulator. For this reason, we have placed the RAM512.hdl, RAM4K.hdl, and RAM16K.hdl programs in a separate directory. This way, the recursive descent construction of the RAM4K and RAM16K chips stops with the RAM512 chip, whereas the lower-level chips from which the latter chip is made are bound to be built-in (since the simulator does not find them in this directory).
We recommend proceeding in the following order:
0. The hardware simulator needed for this project is available in the tools directory of the book’s software suite.
1. Read appendix A, focusing on sections A.6 and A.7.
2. Go through the
hardware simulator tutorial,
focusing on parts IV and V.
3. Build and simulate all the chips specified in the projects/03 directory.
Machine Language
Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.
—Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
A computer can be described constructively, by laying out its hardware platform and explaining how it is built from low-level chips. A computer can also be described abstractly, by specifying and demonstrating its machine language capabilities. And indeed, it is convenient to get acquainted with a new computer system by first seeing some low-level programs written in its machine language. This helps us understand not only how to program the computer to do useful things, but also why its hardware was designed in a certain way. With that in mind, this chapter focuses on low-level programming in machine language. This sets the stage for chapter 5, where we complete the construction of a general-purpose computer designed to run machine language programs. This computer will be constructed from the chip set built in chapters 1-3.
A machine language is an agreed-upon formalism, designed to code low-level programs as series of machine instructions. Using these instructions, the programmer can command the processor to perform arithmetic and logic operations, fetch and store values from and to the memory, move values from one register to another, test Boolean conditions, and so on. As opposed to high-level languages, whose basic design goals are generality and power of expression, the goal of machine language’s design is direct execution in, and total control of, a given hardware platform. Of course, generality, power, and elegance are still desired, but only to the extent that they support the basic requirement of direct execution in hardware.
Machine language is the most profound interface in the overall computer enterprise—the fine line where hardware and software meet. This is the point where the abstract thoughts of the programmer, as manifested in symbolic instructions, are turned into physical operations performed in silicon. Thus, machine language can be construed as both a programming tool and an integral part of the hardware platform. In fact, just as we say that the machine language is designed to exploit a given hardware platform, we can say that the hardware platform is designed to fetch, interpret, and execute instructions written in the given machine language.
The chapter begins with a general introduction to machine language programming. Next, we give a detailed specification of the Hack machine language, covering both its binary and its symbolic assembly versions. The project that ends the chapter engages you in writing a couple of machine language programs. This project offers a hands-on appreciation of low-level programming and prepares you for building the computer itself in the next chapter.
Although most people will never write programs directly in machine language, the study of low-level programming is a prerequisite to a complete understanding of computer architectures. Also, it is rather fascinating to realize how the most sophisticated software systems are, at bottom, long series of elementary instructions, each specifying a very simple and primitive operation on the underlying hardware. As usual, this understanding is best achieved constructively, by writing some low-level code and running it directly on the hardware platform.
4.1 Background
This chapter is language-oriented. Therefore, we can abstract away most of the details of the underlying hardware platform, deferring its description to the next chapter. Indeed, to give a general description of machine languages, it is sufficient to focus on three main abstractions only: a processor, a memory, and a set of registers.
4.1.1 Machines
machine language
can be viewed as an agreed-upon formalism, designed to manipulate a memory using a processor and a set of registers.
The term
refers loosely to the collection of hardware devices that store data and instructions in a computer. From the programmer’s standpoint, all memories have the same structure: A continuous array of cells of some fixed width, also called words or locations, each having a unique address. Hence, an individual word (representing either a data item or an instruction) is specified by supplying its address. In what follows we will refer to such individual words using the equivalent notation Memory[address], RAM[address], or M[address] for brevity.
The processor, normally called Central Processing Unit or CPU, is a device capable of performing a fixed set of elementary operations. These typically include arithmetic and logic operations, memory access operations, and control (also called branching) operations. The operands of these operations are binary values that come from registers and selected memory locations. Likewise, the results of the operations (the processor’s output) can be stored either in registers or in selected memory locations.
Memory access is a relatively slow operation, requiring long instruction formats (an address may require 32 bits). For this reason, most processors are equipped with several registers, each capable of holding a single value. Located in the processor’s immediate proximity, the registers serve as a high-speed local memory, allowing the processor to manipulate data and instructions quickly. This setting enables the programmer to minimize the use of memory access commands, thus speeding up the program’s execution.

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