The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles (36 page)

BOOK: The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles
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1. Write your Jack program—a set of one or more Jack classes—each stored in a separate ClassName.jack text file. Put all these . jack files in the Xxx directory.
2. Compile your program using the supplied Jack compiler. This is best done by applying the compiler to the name of the program directory (Xxx). This will cause the compiler to translate all the . jack classes found in the directory into corresponding . vm files. If a compilation error is reported, debug the program and recompile Xxx until no error messages are issued.
3. At this point the program directory should contain three sets of files: (i) your source . jack files, (ii) the compiled .vm files, one for each of your . jack class files, and (iii) additional .vm files, comprising the supplied Jack OS. To test the compiled program, invoke the VM emulator and load the entire Xxx program directory. Then run the program. In case of run-time errors or undesired program behavior, fix the program and go to stage 2.
A Sample Jack Program
The book’s software suite includes a complete example of a Jack application, stored in projects/09/Square. This directory contains the source Jack code of three classes comprising a simple interactive game.
Compiler I: Syntax Analysis
Neither can embellishments of language be found without arrangement and expression of thoughts, nor can thoughts be made to shine without the light of language.
—Cicero (106-43 BC)
The previous chapter introduced
—a simple object-based programming language whose syntax resembles that of Java and C#. In this chapter we start building a compiler for the Jack language. A compiler is a program that translates programs from a source language into a target language. The translation process, known as compilation, is conceptually based on two distinct tasks. First, we have to understand the syntax of the source program, and, from it, uncover the program’s semantics. For example, the parsing of the code can reveal that the program seeks to declare an array or manipulate an object. This information enables us to reconstruct the program’s logic using the syntax of the target language. The first task, typically called syntax analysis, is described in this chapter; the second task—code generation—is taken up in chapter 11.
How can we tell that a compiler is capable of “understanding” the language’s syntax? Well, as long as the code generated by the compiler is doing what it is supposed to do, we can optimistically assume that the compiler is operating properly. Yet in this chapter we build only the syntax analyzer module of the compiler, with no code generation capabilities. If we wish to unit-test the syntax analyzer in isolation, we have to contrive some passive way to demonstrate that it “understands” the source program. Our solution is to have the syntax analyzer output an XML file whose format reflects the syntactic structure of the input program. By inspecting the generated XML output, we should be able to ascertain that the analyzer is parsing input programs correctly.
The chapter starts with a Background section that surveys the minimal set of concepts necessary for building a syntax analyzer: lexical analysis, context-free grammars, parse trees, and recursive descent algorithms for building them. This sets the stage for a Specification section that presents the formal grammar of the Jack language and the format of the output that a Jack analyzer is expected to generate. The Implementation section proposes a software architecture for constructing a Jack analyzer, along with a suggested API. As usual, the final Project section gives step-by-step instructions and test programs for actually building and testing the syntax analyzer. In the next chapter, this analyzer will be extended into a full-scale compiler.
Writing a compiler from scratch is a task that brings to bear several fundamental topics in computer science. It requires an understanding of language translation and parsing techniques, use of classical data structures like trees and hash tables, and application of sophisticated recursive compilation algorithms. For all these reasons, writing a compiler is also a challenging task. However, by splitting the compiler’s construction into two separate projects (or actually four, counting the VM projects as well), and by allowing the modular development and unit-testing of each part in isolation, we have turned the compiler’s development into a surprisingly manageable and self-contained activity.
Why should you go through the trouble of building a compiler? First, a hands-on grasp of compilation internals will turn you into a significantly better high-level programmer. Second, the same types of rules and grammars used for describing programming languages are also used for specifying the syntax of data sets in diverse applications ranging from computer graphics to database management to communications protocols to bioinformatics. Thus, while most programmers will not have to develop compilers in their careers, it is very likely that they will be required to parse and manipulate files of some complex syntax. These tasks will employ the same concepts and techniques used in the parsing of programming languages, as described in this chapter.
10.1 Background
A typical compiler consists of two main modules: syntax analysis and code generation. The syntax analysis task is usually divided further into two modules: tokenizing, or grouping of input characters into language atoms, and parsing, or attempting to match the resulting atoms stream to the syntax rules of the underlying language. Note that these activities are completely independent of the target language into which we seek to translate the source program. Since in this chapter we don’t deal with code generation, we have chosen to have the syntax analyzer output the parsed structure of the compiled program as an XML file. This decision has two benefits. First, the XML file can be easily viewed in any Web browser, demonstrating that the syntax analyzer is parsing source programs correctly. Second, the requirement to output this file explicitly forces us to write the syntax analyzer in a software architecture that can be later morphed into a full-scale compiler. In particular, in the next chapter we will simply replace the routines that generate the passive XML code with routines that generate executable VM code, leaving the rest of the compiler’s architecture intact (see figure 10.1).
Figure 10.1
The Jack Compiler. The project in chapter 10 is an intermediate step, designed to localize the development and unit-testing of the
syntax analyzer
In this chapter we focus only on the syntax analyzer module of the compiler, whose job is “understanding the structure of a program.” This notion needs some explanation. When humans read a computer program, they immediately recognize the program’s structure. They can identify where classes and methods begin and end, what are declarations, what are statements, what are expressions and how they are built, and so on. This understanding is not trivial, since it requires an ability to identify and classify nested patterns: In a typical program, classes contain methods that contain statements that contain other statements that contain expressions, and so on. In order to recognize these language constructs correctly, human cognition must recursively map them on the range of textual patterns permitted by the language syntax.
When it comes to understanding a natural language like English, the question of how syntax rules are represented in the human brain and whether they are innate or acquired is a subject of intense debate. However, if we limit our attention to formal languages—artifacts whose simplicity hardly justifies the title “language”—we know precisely how to formalize their syntactic structure. In particular, programming languages are usually described using a set of rules called context-free grammar. To understand—parse—a given program means to determine the exact correspondence between the program’s text and the grammar’s rules. In order to do so, we first have to transform the program’s text into a list of tokens, as we now describe.
10.1.1 Lexical Analysis
In its plainest syntactic form, a program is simply a sequence of characters, stored in a text file. The first step in the syntax analysis of a program is to group the characters into tokens (as defined by the language syntax), while ignoring white space and comments. This step is usually called lexical analysis, scanning, or tokenizing. Once a program has been tokenized, the tokens (rather than the characters) are viewed as its basic atoms, and the tokens stream becomes the main input of the compiler. Figure 10.2 illustrates the tokenizing of a typical code fragment, taken from a C or Java program.
As seen in figure 10.2, tokens fall into distinct categories, or types: while is a keyword, count is an identifier, <= is an operator, and so on. In general, each programming language specifies the types of tokens it allows, as well as the exact syntax rules for combining them into valid programmatic structures. For example, some languages may specify that “++” is a valid operator token, while other languages may not. In the latter case, an expression containing two consecutive “+” characters will be rendered invalid by the compiler.
Figure 10.2
Lexical analysis.
10.1.2 Grammars
Once we have lexically analyzed a program into a stream of tokens, we now face the more challenging task of parsing the tokens stream into a formal structure. In other words, we have to figure out how to group the tokens into language constructs like variable declarations, statements, expressions, and so on. These grouping and classification tasks can be done by attempting to match the tokens stream on some predefined set of rules known as a grammar.
Almost all programming languages, as well as most other formal languages used for describing the syntax of complex file types, can be specified using formalisms known as context-free grammars. A context-free grammar is a set of rules specifying how syntactic elements in some language can be formed from simpler ones. For example, the Java grammar allows us to combine the atoms 100,count, and <= into the expression count<=100. In a similar fashion, the Java grammar allows us to ascertain that the text count<=100 is a valid Java expression. Indeed, each grammar has a dual perspective. From a declarative standpoint, the grammar specifies allowable ways to combine tokens, also called terminals, into higher-level syntactic elements, also called non-terminals. From an analytic standpoint, the grammar is a prescription for doing the reverse: parsing a given input (set of tokens resulting from the tokenizing phase) into non-terminals, lower-level non-terminals, and eventually terminals that cannot be decomposed any further. Figure 10.3 gives an example of a typical grammar.
In this chapter we specify grammars using the following notation: Terminal elements appear in bold text enclosed in single quotes, and non-terminal elements in regular font. When there is more than one way to parse a non-terminal, the “|” notation is used to list the alternative possibilities. Thus, figure 10.3 specifies that a statement can be either a whileStatement, or an ifStatement, and so on. Typically, grammar rules are highly recursive, and figure 10.3 is no exception. For example, statementSequence is either null, or a single statement followed by a semicolon and a statementSequence. This recursive definition can accommodate a sequence of 0, 1, 2, or any other positive number of semicolon-separated statements. As an exercise, the reader may use figure 10.3 to ascertain that the text appearing in the right side of the figure constitutes a valid C code. You may start by trying to match the entire text with statement, and work your way from there.

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