The Exiled Jeweler: a contemporary romance novel (The Rosa Legacy Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: The Exiled Jeweler: a contemporary romance novel (The Rosa Legacy Book 2)
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The boutique owner helped her out of the gown and promised the alterations would be done within a day. Emilia paid an exorbitant price and arranged for delivery.

“Do you want to go for coffee?” Emilia asked Liv as they walked along the busy sidewalk.

“I made appointments at the spa. You need your hair and skin dealt with.” Liv was consulting her phone.

“I look fine. The gala is three days from now. I’ll put on a mask that morning and spend extra time on my makeup before the event.”

“I’m sure you would look beautiful, but you need to present a professional appearance for Berceto. Trust me, these appointments well help, and I’ve booked a makeup artist to come to your place a few hours before the event.”

Drawing in a deep breath, Emilia recognized that while she may not want to be in the spotlight, she needed to take her friend’s advice.

“First, you need shoes.” Liv pulled her into a shop and they purchased six pairs of expensive sling backs, stilettos, and sandals.

They returned much later to the guesthouse, just in time to have dinner with her grandfather.

Emilia said, “I don’t know if anyone will recognize me. And if they do, I’ll look like I’m trying too hard.”

Liv smiled at her. “No. You look the part. No one will mess with you.”

“My eyebrows will never be the same and I’m missing half of my hair.”

Liv laughed and said, “Maybe we should go and see if Cecilia needs help.”

Alex called her cell phone and she waved Liv on ahead of her.

His voice soothed her nerves. “My head of marketing is pleased with your pre-gala media blitz.”

“What do you mean?” Emilia stepped out onto the terrace and could see her grandfather greeting Liv warmly.

“The photographs of you shopping and having your hair done are captivating. Liv is a rather talented writer and she is bringing a lot of buzz and curiosity to the event.” He sounded much closer than New York. Was he back in L.A.?

“My cousin, Lauren, is a speech writer and is working with Liv on some of the PR. She works in politics and definitely knows how to gain exposure.”

She knew photographs were being taken this afternoon, but she didn’t know that they were already posted to the blog.

“She is talented and knows you well.”

Emilia was grateful that her cousins stepped in to help her.

Stretching her shoulders she said, “Fortunately for me, I’m fully dressed.”

“You are beautiful in the nude.” She heard the teasing quality to his voice and didn’t let herself become defensive or angry.

“I need to go.
is waiting for me.”


She joined her grandfather and Liv in a pre-dinner drink. The conversation naturally flowed to Emilia’s resistance to the spa appointments and they both laughed while listening to Liv’s retelling of the afternoon.

Her parents arrived and joined in the conversation.

Her mother said, “You need to careful about bringing too much attention to yourself. There are risks to being in the spotlight.”

Her grandfather changed the subject and suddenly they were debating the minimum wage issue.

She thought about telling them it was Alex in the photographs, but the conversation shifted and she lost her nerve. It would be better to speak with her parents privately, as they were certain to have a reaction.

Emilia helped Cecilia put the finishing touches on the meal and then they served the seafood pasta on a large platter along with a squash soup and salad. Throughout the meal, her grandfather led the conversation, telling stories about his childhood and how he had to take over Berceto much sooner than expected. He spoke about the intricacies of the business and his love for the design work.

At the end of the evening, she said goodnight to her parents and Liv. Helping Cecilia clean up, she realized how much she had missed Alex over the last few days. Whenever she wasn’t drawn into a conversation, she noticed her mind wandered to Alex and what he was doing.

She was surprised that he wasn’t going to attend the gala. She had originally thought that he wanted to attend the gala with her, but then he didn’t object when she mentioned that she would go with her grandfather. Now he wasn’t going to attend at all and disappointment flooded through her.



Chapter 8


Driving back to the guesthouse on Friday afternoon, the excitement had already gone out of the evening for Emilia. Without Alex attending the gala, she would need to force herself to show up and make small talk. The publicity surrounding the event wasn’t even causing her to worry. Why was her stress about the media so focused on Alex? Was she afraid people would see how she felt about him? She acknowledged to herself that it was normal to be attracted to him; he was charming and hot. But her feelings ran deeper than that. She cared about what he thought and was willing to go against what she wanted to make him happy. She planned to tell her grandfather tonight that it was Alex in the photographs. Tomorrow, she would drive over and speak with her parents.

She was proud of the work she had created at Berceto. She had finished the designs for the launch, allowing the outside agency to take over and create the campaign. She wanted to sign the deal on the new building and announce to the staff that they intended to move the company within sixty days but hadn’t figured out the financing yet. She would need to accept his investment into Berceto but not at fifty percent.

Getting out of the SUV, she walked through the elaborate gardens to the guesthouse. She wanted to purchase her own home in California and sell her condo in Florida. She loved being close to her grandfather, but she needed her independence.

Opening the door, she noticed Cecilia had cleaned for her. Everything was put away and the floors looked scrubbed along with every surface in the small guesthouse.

The makeup artist was due within the hour. Pulling on her running gear, she went for a run to dispel some of her nervous energy. Liv was setting up when she came in and headed for the shower.

“Your skin will look overheated.”

She didn’t reply; instead she took a cold shower to cool her body and came into the living room wearing just a robe.

Liv apologized to her. “Sorry. I don’t know why I’m feeling so stressed about this event. I just want it to go well.”

“It will. The gown is gorgeous and the necklace will draw everyone’s attention.”

“The courier delivered the necklace while you were in the shower.”

There was a knock on the door and Liv let the stylists in. After a brief setup, they began working on her hair and makeup. Liv took a few snapshots and then told her that a professional photographer from the Auction House was outside waiting for her.

Liv helped her into the elaborate crimson gown and she put on the heirloom necklace that Alex had selected.

“The gown is too long.”

“Relax. I have to put shoes on.” Emilia was amazed that she was the calm one.

Stepping out onto the terrace, she saw her grandfather and parents waiting for her. The photographer took several shots of her alone and then asked for her to stand with her grandfather and then parents.

A limousine was waiting in the driveway to take them to the event.

Her mother approached her. “Lia, you look beautiful. I can’t believe how grown-up you have become.”

Looking at her mother, she realized that, no matter how old she was, her mother would feel the same way. Maybe it had to do with watching a child grow up—you were never really prepared to see them as independent.

“Mama, you look amazing as well.” Her mother had a good figure and beautiful features, but for some reason she dressed years older than her age.

Emilia whispered to Liv, “Wish me luck and thank you.”

During the ride to the event, her mother said, “It’s odd. Attending an event in order to help the auction house sell our heirloom stock.”

Emilia responded, “As you know, the company needs the cash. And there is publicity to be gained as well.”

Her mother stated, “Publicity doesn’t sell jewelry. A quality design does.”

She didn’t want to argue. Her mother abhorred the spotlight. But at least she had come tonight to show support.

Her grandfather changed the subject to politics and the four of them debated different issues.

The limousine pulled up to the five-star hotel. The driver opened the door and her parents stepped out first. Emilia held out her hand for her grandfather and they walked in together. It was light out, and numerous paparazzi had gathered outside and were taking photographs.

When they walked into the main foyer, a representative from the Armati Auction House greeted her. She let her parents and grandfather go into the event while she was whisked off to a private room.

A makeshift photography studio was set up and she was asked to stand in front of a white screen. The photographer called out directions and she turned her body or changed her expression.

Alex walked in and greeted everyone. The photographers kept snapping photographs and her heart rate sped up. She thought he was staying in New York tonight. Her nerves buzzed with sensation.

Stepping in front of the screen, he placed his hand in the center of her back. The photographer asked her to look at Alex. For fifteen minutes or so, the photographer captured images of them. Emilia had to remind herself to relax and look at ease, but by the time the session was called, she wanted to burst into tears. It was too much pressure.

Alex clasped her elbow and led her to an empty conference room.

He looked deeply into her eyes. “Why are you upset?”

Holding back tears, she said, “I wasn’t expecting to see you and all of this feels like too much.”

“This is all part of the process,
.” His stance became rigid.

Her hand touched the necklace. “I hate this.”

Lightly touching her shoulders, he said, “You will be fine. You look stunning. Everyone at the event will want to say hello and hear about Berceto.”

“There is nothing to tell.”

“You are wrong. Berceto is on the path to enormous success. Now if only you could seal the deal with your investor.”

He pulled her forward and brought his lips down on hers. She pushed against his chest, but his hands moved and held her head for his kiss. She let out a sigh and then opened her mouth for him, enjoying the feel of his tongue sliding against hers. He continued the slow exploration of her mouth and she was lost. She wanted the kiss to go on forever and her body shuddered in response. Her hands lightly skimmed the front of his shirt and he responded by moving his hands to her hips and pulling her closer.

He left her mouth and placed tiny kisses on her jawline and neck as he whispered, “I missed you,

She stepped back in shock. What were they doing? She shouldn’t allow herself to get involved with Alex. It would end in disaster.

“I can’t say the same.” She needed to create a barrier between them.

He laughed. “Your body sends a different message.”

She wanted to strike out at him, but reined in her temper.

“Your control is admirable. We should join the party.”

Emilia gasped in surprise when they entered the ballroom. Alex took her hand and the announcer for the event introduced them as a couple and mentioned the necklace.

Alex didn’t seem to mind that his supposed girlfriend was wearing a necklace that he intended to sell to the highest bidder.

Her natural grace and politeness took over as she made small talk with everyone who approached her. Mostly other women admired the necklace, but a few asked how she could part with it. She turned the conversation to the new launch that Berceto was doing in a few weeks.

Alex pulled her onto the dance floor and took her in his arms. She tried unsuccessfully to put space between them.

“You are giving everyone the impression that we are an item.”

Emilia tried to keep her expression neutral, but his closeness was creating a reaction deep in her body. She could feel her sensitized skin wanting to make contact with him but instead she tried to hold herself apart.

“We are.”

She whispered, “I’ve no desire to have a public relationship with you.”

“You wish to keep it a private affair?”

He was playing with her and she needed to gain the upper hand.

“I don’t see how this could benefit you.”

He met her gaze. “Thirty seconds alone and I could demonstrate how I plan to benefit.”

She held his gaze and became lost in his intensity. She had missed him terribly and was less on edge now that he was back.

Her grandfather approached them and asked to dance with her. Alex was gracious and greeted her grandfather warmly before leaving them.

“You are glued to his side tonight, Emilia.”

An older couple paused to greet Leo and then drifted away.

Emilia smiled at her grandfather. “Apparently he is making the most out of showcasing the necklace.”

Her grandfather cautioned her. “It’s more personal, I think. You should be careful. He is a man of the world and may not be interested in a permanent relationship.”

Feeling guilty, she said, “It is more personal. There are things I haven’t shared with you. But this is not the place,

They walked back to her parents’ table. Her dad was deep in conversation with an old friend while her mom was listening to a socialite talk about parties she had attended recently.

Emilia suggested softly to her grandfather that they escape the ballroom for a few moments. They went outside and looked at the night sky.

“How are you feeling tonight? Has this been too much for you?”

A waiter interrupted them offering champagne. Her grandfather took two glasses and handed her one.

“I was wrong.. I shouldn’t have cautioned you against Alex. He is a good man with strong integrity. He is not responsible for his grandfather’s lack of judgment or questionable morals.”

, I’m old enough to make up my own mind.” She was drawn to Alex whether he was good for her or not.

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