The Exiled Jeweler: a contemporary romance novel (The Rosa Legacy Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: The Exiled Jeweler: a contemporary romance novel (The Rosa Legacy Book 2)
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Her mother told her, “The housekeeping service hires many different people and sends someone each day from noon until eight.”

Emilia asked her, “So you have someone different each day?”

“Not always, sometimes it’s the same person.”

Emilia couldn’t understand why her parents wanted a stranger in their house each day. Maybe it had something to do with the size and scale of the house. It must be very hard to keep it immaculate.

Taking a sip of her wine, she waited for her mother to question her about Alex and accepting his investment.

Instead, the three of them delved into small talk about the weather, her grandfather, and issues with the business.

The housekeeper indicated dinner was served and they moved to the dining room. The table was set for three with china and lit candles.

When the main course was served, her mother asked, “I don’t understand why you wouldn’t have told us that it was Alex Armati in the photographs.”

“The way the photographs were edited, it was impossible to tell who the man was. But in hindsight, I would have fought the tabloids. The photographs were taken in a private residence from a security camera. We were not in a public place. It turns out that the person who sold the photographs didn’t own them. I should have sought Alex’s help.”

Her mother placed her drink down on the table. “If we knew it was Alex Armati, we would have insisted that he marry you. Our family has known his family for years.”

Emilia didn’t feel stressed or anxious, “Mama, I was too young to marry and had just met him. The entire incident was a mistake.”

“That doesn’t make sense. If you barely knew him, why were you undressed?”

Her father intervened. “Francesca, we have been over this a thousand times.”

Emilia looked directly at her mother. “Because I was attracted to him and things got out of hand.”

Her mother’s voice rose. “It was a bad decision, Lia. You caused a huge scandal and dragged us all into the fray.”

Emilia felt her stomach clench. “That may be true, but you shouldn’t have sent me away. I was twenty-two years old and had lived a sheltered life. You should have stood by me and not worried what the media printed.”

Her mother took her cloth napkin and dabbed at her tears. “You were our perfect daughter. It was too much seeing your nude photograph everywhere.”

Emilia tried to dispel the anger flashing through her reserved nature. “What is more important, your daughter or your reputation?”

Her mother said, “A good reputation is essential in this world.”

Emilia stood up and pushed her chair in. “You’re talking about an image and I’m talking about your love for your daughter.”

Her mother stood up as well. “I do love you, Emilia. With my entire heart. But I needed to protect you from the filth and lies that the tabloids print.”

“I’m stronger than what they will say about me. And so are you. Don’t be so afraid of an image.”

She started to walk out, but her mother blocked her way.

“Don’t leave. I’m sorry. I should have listened to what you wanted.”Herwanted. “Her mother met her gaze.

Emilia ended up staying quite late, chatting with her parents. Her mother had asked her a ton of questions about Alex but she was able to deflect most of them.


Emilia spent Friday and Saturday moving into her new condo. Her parents, Liv, and Cecilia all helped her unpack and arrange the newly delivered furniture.

“Why are you keeping the condo in Florida? Wouldn’t it be better to get rid of it along with the memories?” her mother asked.

“For now, it makes sense to keep a location in Florida. I don’t know what the future will hold.”

“Doesn’t it bring up negative memories?”

Emilia was placing glassware in the kitchen cabinets. “I don’t regret the time I spent in Florida. I was able to concentrate on my design work and build a following. I had a nice life.”

“Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?” her father asked.

“No. I’m looking forward to a shower and relaxing.”

Her mother located her handbag. “Well, everything looks put together so I think we will head out. Cecilia and Liv, can we give you a lift?”

Emilia hugged everyone as they left. Closing the door, she glanced around the space and put away the few odds and ends left.

She hadn’t heard from Alex. Was he going to stop by?

After taking a long shower, she straightened her hair and put on makeup. She pulled on a pair of jeans with a black t-shirt.

Pulling out her laptop, she watched an old movie while checking her email and social media pages. It was nine o’clock at night when she heard a knock on her door. Looking through the peephole, she saw Alex waiting on the other side.

Emilia opened the door and invited him in. All of her insecurities faded as he pulled her into an embrace and kissed her before stepping back.

“Did you miss me?” he asked as he held her.

She was trying to get her bearings. “I didn’t know you were travelling until we texted.”

He kissed her neck. “I don’t know if that answers the question. You have this very interesting hot-cold thing going on.”

She pushed away from him. “I’m sure you are not interested in a woman, who you happened to have sex with, clinging to you.”

“Happen to have sex with?” His eyes were intense, but he intimated that she should explain herself.

Emilia walked into the main living space and looked out at the view. She had no idea what to say to him. Why was this hard for her?

Keeping her back to him, she said, “I don’t want to talk about this. I don’t think either one of us is under any illusions that it was meaningful or permanent.”

He came up behind her and pulled her into an embrace. “
, it wasn’t meaningful for you?”

She remained rigid in his arms. “No. And you couldn’t get me home fast enough afterwards.”

He whispered into her ear, “You were staying at your grandfather’s guest house. I didn’t want it to become an issue.”

“It’s fine. But I don’t think we should continue a physical relationship. It’s too complicated.”

“It’s too late. We have a physical connection. The rest will sort itself out.” He stepped forward and gently moved her hair behind her ear.

“I’ve missed you,
.” He pulled her into an embrace and held her.

“I’ve missed you.” She smiled as she said it.

He ran his hands lightly down her back asking, “Do you want to take a walk on the beach?”

She stepped back from him. “I haven’t been down to the beach yet. I’ve just admired the view from here.”

He held her hand as they walked out of the back door of the condo and through the courtyard area and crossed the busy street.

They spoke about Berceto for several minutes until they reached the beach. The tide was coming in and the water appeared choppy, silhouetted against the dark sky.

He shifted the conversation to his recent trip and told her about the mine he had invested in.

They stopped by a large barrier of rocks. Emilia sat down on one and enjoyed the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.

“Why is acquiring Berceto important to you?” Emilia voiced the words she had been considering.

He sat next to her. “I have five companies in my portfolio and countless investments. It’s a business decision.”

The coming darkness created an easy rapport between them.

Emilia asked him, “I remember you made a passing comment at the gala four years ago. You told an older gentleman that someday you would own Berceto.”

“I was probably speaking with my uncle. The business relationship between our families goes back generations. Years ago my grandfather borrowed money from your grandfather, within a short period of time the Auction House nearly went bankrupt. Your grandfather refuses to disclose the specifics of the arrangement. That is not why I wanted to invest in Berceto, but I am curious.”

She worried that he was masking an old vendetta, but she reminded herself that he had been completely transparent. Even asking her to reveal the truth to her family when he had nothing to gain. “Maybe I could ask my grandfather.”

“He feels strongly that I should let the past go.”

“But you can’t do that? You want the truth.”

He nodded his head.

They were alone on the beach and the dark surrounding them created a feeling of intimacy.

“I checked on Berceto’s new proposed location before I went away. It is a good location and the price is competitive. My only concern is that it’ll need substantial improvement.”

“It will give us an opportunity to configure the space.”

“Berceto has very little work at the moment, thatmoment, which must unsettle you.”

“I’m worried but I think the launch will help with sales for the coming year.”

“How will Berceto manage to hang until that happens?”

“I planned to talk with you about your investment into the company.”

“If sales remain sluggish, positions will need to be cut.”

“I’m not willing to do that. Most of the employees have been with us for a long time.”

“Most of them have learned poor work habits.”

“That is unfair.”

“Whether it is fair or not. It’s true.”

“I agree. The company needs leadership and new systems.”

“Benito. Are you ready to sign on the dotted line?”

She was drawn to him physically but reminded herself not to allow him to take advantage of the situation. Berceto was in trouble but she could keep fighting.

“I’m willing to give you thirty percent for your investment and business experience.”

She could barely make out his facial expressions in the dark but could tell he was surprised by her low offer.

“No. I’ll walk away.”

Why did he have to make this so difficult?

“Forty percent but that is my final offer. I won’t go any higher. My family founded the company and the future success will depend on my continued involvement. Without owning the majority of the shares, I have no incentive to stick around.”

She waited for Alex to argue with her. Instead he stood up and came over to her. He picked her up and spun her around until she was clinging to him.

“You have a deal,


She hoped she hadn’t made a mistake signing over forty percent of the shares to him.

He seemed tired after his flight and yet, even though she had moved and unpacked today, she was full of energy.

“How about a late night swim?”

“I didn’t bring a swim suit.” She looked out to the stormy ocean and considered the idea.

“It’s dark and you could go in your underwear.”

She held onto him. “We don’t have towels.”

“True,” he said. He put her down and began unbuttoning his jeans.

She pulled off her jeans and t-shirt and put them on a boulder. Walking down to the water, she turned and watched Alex come toward her in his boxers. He picked her up and began wading out into the choppy waves. She clung to him and complained about the temperature, but he kept walking until they were submerged. She held onto him in the darkness and enjoyed the muscular feel of his body.

“You are staying close,

“It’s so dark in the water that I can’t see anything.”

The water billowed out around her body and she found treading water in the dark exhilarating.

He pulled her in front of him and captured her lips. The water allowed her to move against his body with very little effort. She became lost in the intensity of his kiss. After a few minutes, she could feel him moving them toward the shore.

Breaking apart, she emerged from the water, “It’s so cold. I don’t know what we were thinking.”

They stood looking back on the rough ocean and Alex pulled her into an embrace. “You are tough.”


Alex attempted to dry her with his shirt but she was still wet when she pulled on her jeans.

“Luckily it is too dark for someone to grab a photo of us.”

Alex pulled on his damp clothing and they walked back to her condo.

He looked at her. “You were scarred by that incident.”

Looking away she said, “I’ll never forget what that felt like. Being judged harshly for allowing a man to kiss me.”

He took her hand. “I had my trust shaken as well.”

Emilia realized for the first time that Alex had been mistreated in the process, too. He must feel responsible for the incident. It was his house and his security guy who edited and sold the images.

Walking in the back door of her condo, she turned to him. “I don’t blame you for any of it. I know that if I had trusted my instincts and reached out to you that you would have done anything in your power to help me.”

He stepped forward and placed his hands on either side of her neck, gazing into her eyes. She returned his look and a warmth began to expand in her. Lowering his head, he captured her lips and sought entrance to her mouth.

A whimper escaped her throat and his tongue plunged into her mouth. She moved closer to his body and clung to him. He kissed her for another minute and then said, “We should move away from this glass wall and take off our damp clothes.”

Pushing the button to lower the blinds, she said, “I’ll show you where the shower is.”

He followed her upstairs and into her bedroom, closing the door. Emilia turned on the shower and began stripping off her damp jeans and shirt. She was surprised when Alex walked into the bathroom stark naked, holding his aroused flesh. The simplicity of his desire caused a stirring deep within her and she could barely step forward, her body was trembling so much.

He guided her hand to his erection and showed her what he wanted her to do. In his other hand he held a condom, ripping the packet he handed it to her. She guided it over his length and he kissed her neck.

When they stepped into the hot shower, he bent to kiss her again and his hands slid down her back and caressed her bottom. She explored his body with her hands and he kissed her deeply. He found her feminine core and slowly stroked her to evoke a response. She moved against him and he lifted her, positioning her for his slow entrance. It was raw and passionate, and within seconds, she exploded around him. He thrust into her deeply and found his own release.

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