The Exiled Jeweler: a contemporary romance novel (The Rosa Legacy Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: The Exiled Jeweler: a contemporary romance novel (The Rosa Legacy Book 2)
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Isabel hugged her. “We’ll chat later. Right now, we have to figure this out. I want the film clips to be extraordinary.”

Liv left with Isabel and promised to check in later. As the door opened, the valet brought in her luggage.

She spent several minutes organizing her clothing and placing her toiletry items in the bathroom. She took a call from her parents on her cell phone and assured them she was fine.

But her thoughts kept going back to Alex. She realized she had hurt his pride. She had been trying to protect herself and instead had alienated him. She wasn’t sure how to shift their tentative relationship back onto a firm footing. The more she tried not to think about him, the more she found herself obsessed with thoughts of him.


The next day, Emilia stood in the center of her hotel room, dressed in a blue formal gown. A makeup artist was finishing her glamorous look.

Liv sat on the sofa going over the schedule of events, and she was aware of Isabel in the background filming with a hired cameraman.

She silenced the voice in her head that said her look was too showy. Berceto needed a spokesperson, someone to capture the interest of the media. Early in the morning, Emilia cringed as she read Liv’s copy in the press release. While it may be true, she didn’t want to share that much of herself. She was a reclusive designer with a scandal in her background, who was choosing to step into the limelight. She hoped people would be kind.

Repositioning the flow of her elaborate gown, Emilia smiled at the cameraman and pretended she was relaxed.

Liv asked her, “Have you eaten anything today?”

“A few bites.” It was all she could manage this morning as her stomach clenched with nerves.

“I’m going to call downstairs for a protein shake. It would be bad if you fainted.” Liv looked at her. “Just breathe.”

There was a brief knock on the door and someone opened it. Alex strode in and caught her glance.

He stepped within inches of her and said, “You could be a model.”

He was taking in her exquisitely dressed body and she had difficultly taking in oxygen. She wanted to throw herself into his arms but held still. He was dressed in a grey suit with a starched white shirt and blue tie. The cut of the suit accentuated his athletic build and polished mannerisms.

“I brought your necklace.” He held up the slim black Berceto case.

Instead of handing it over to one of the assistants in the room, he opened it to show her.

“It’ll be perfect with your gown,” he said in a low voice.

She looked at the aquamarine gemstones fashioned into an elaborate necklace. It was a beautiful piece. She hoped it would capture the attention of the industry.

In her peripheral vision, she could see Liv encouraging the makeup and hair stylists to pack up.

Alex stepped forward and placed the cool necklace on her chest, trailing his fingers over the elaborate design as he moved behind her and worked the clasp. The cameraman stepped in front of her and captured the image.

She attempted to remain calm as her heartbeat accelerated and her palms tingled. She could feel Alex’s breath on her neck. Was he torturing her on purpose? The only thing she could think about was her desire for him.

As he stepped away from her, he looked completely unfazed by her nearness.

Isabel said to the cameraman, “Let’s go to the venue so we can capture her entrance and the excitement in the crowd.”

Liv handed her the protein shake. “Try to drink this before coming down. I’ll see you there.”

As the door closed, Emilia took a few gulps on the shake and placed it on the table. She noticed Alex checked his watch.

“We should delay about five minutes so you are the last to arrive before the show opens. How are you holding up?”

“Fine. I know this is all part of resurrecting Berceto.”

“The design you came up with is breathtaking,” Alex said as he stepped in front of her.

Looking into his piercing blue eyes, she felt lost. She no longer wanted obscurity. She wanted Alex Armati. Even if that meant courting the media or having her employees discuss her love life. She knew there were no guarantees. Their relationship could fall apart in a few months, but she wanted to take whatever he was willing to offer her.


“There is no need for us to rehash anything. I know how you feel.”


“You need to be mentally ready for the media onslaught. It is a circus down there. I’ll be by your side for much of it, but try to relax and don’t let them scare you.”

“I’m not afraid of them.” It was a strange realization. She was no longer afraid of the media and what they would say about her. She was more afraid of Alex walking away from her. She wanted him more than anything. More than the business. More than her privacy.

“I can see the fear in every line of your body,

He stepped forward, placing his hands on her shoulders and pulled her close enough to capture her lips. For a second she thought he would change his mind as his gaze searched hers.

She let out a soft moan and his lips came down on hers. His mouth demanded entrance and she opened her lips and enjoyed the feeling of his tongue sliding erotically over hers. Her entire body seemed to react to him. She didn’t care that stylists had spent literally hours on her hair and makeup; she wanted Alex to unzip her gown so she could feel his hands on her naked body.

He abruptly stepped back. “The fear is gone.”

She touched up her lipstick, and he led her out of the hotel room. Emilia was surprised her body moved gracefully. She fully expected to dissolve at his feet.

A limousine was waiting at a back entrance to the hotel and took them to the convention center. Alex took her hand and brought her through a private entrance to an elevator.

“You look the part and your designs couldn’t be more spectacular. The opening will go well.”

When the elevators opened, she heard people screaming her name. Alex let go of her hand and gently guided her forward. He stayed close to her but wasn’t giving anyone the impression that they were an item.

In fact, he seemed more like a concerned business partner. She wanted to challenge his cool demeanor but stayed focused on walking toward the trade show.

There were so many flashes going off that she began to worry that she wouldn’t see the entrance. She kept a neutral smile on her face and was careful to elongate her neck to showcase Berceto’s masterpiece.

As the guards let them in, she breathed. The convention hall was enormous. It reminded her of a small city. Alex directed her to the Berceto booth and the sales team greeted her warmly. Liv was there and handed her a chilled bottle of water.

“Did you survive?”

“Yes.” The truth was she barely remembered walking through the crowd. Her thoughts had been on the kiss. She could feel his lips on hers.

Watching Alex, she noticed he engaged the sales team and gave them a quick pep talk as the doors to the show were opened.

Within seconds, the Berceto booth was crowded with industry insiders. Many of the people were buyers for the retail shops and the sales team guided them over to the display cases.

Emilia stood in the center of the spacious booth and greeted people. She received numerous compliments on the necklace she was wearing, but it was too busy to engage in real conversation. A few trade magazines came by and asked to take a photograph and schedule an interview. Liv was on hand to take care of the schedule and Emilia guided people toward her.

She watched as the sales team answered questions about the line of jewelry being launched by Berceto. She thought about the talented workers back at the shop who would have work if this went well.

Alex had left the booth on the arm of a beautiful socialite who barely glanced at Emilia. Liv discreetly told her that the woman, Anita Green, was organizing the charity soccer game and gala that would fund programs to benefit underprivileged children. The woman reminded her of a diva. Blond, powerful, and in control of her sensuality. Emilia watched as men she came in contact with smiled at her.

She knew Berceto had been asked to make a sizable donation to the event but had hesitated, given the reality of their finances. Alex had convinced her that it would be good for the company’s image to be seen supporting an important cause. It would go a long way toward convincing the industry that Berceto was a viable entity.

Now she wondered unkindly if the donation was made to keep Anita Green happy. She tried to shake off the feeling of doom that overtook her. Watching Alex go off with the pushy socialite caused the joy to go out of the event for her.

She was careful to go through the motions of smiling at customers and making small talk. When there was a brief lull, she broke away from the booth and went in search of the bathroom.

Walking in, she almost didn’t recognize herself in the full-length mirror. She used the bathroom, checked her makeup after washing her hands, and reminded herself that this event wasn’t about her. It was about launching Berceto. She shouldn’t allow herself to become jealous of some socialite. She needed to focus on why she was here.

She returned to the booth for a few more hours and surprised everyone with her energy and enthusiasm for the event.

There were open bars at several key locations and she noticed nearly everyone walking around had a glass of champagne or drink in their hand. Alex returned with a bottle of champagne and glasses for the sales staff.

He handed her a glass and offered a toast to everyone in the booth. “To the immensely talented Emilia Berceto.”

Everyone lifted a glass toward her and then there was a series of glasses clinking and laughter. From the conversations with the sales staff, she learned that this show was much more successful for Berceto than previous shows by far. They had collected hundreds of leads and were excited about the potential sales opportunities.

It was late when she headed back to her suite with Liv. She barely had the energy to remove her gown and slide into the cool sheets. Instead of chatting when they got to the suite, she had said goodnight to her good friend and firmly closed her bedroom door. She needed space to process the day. Physically and mentally she felt spent. But there was a part of her that was irate about Alex going off with the socialite Anita Green. But isn’t that what she wanted? Not to have anyone know that she and Alex had begun a romantic involvement? Instead she wanted to announce to everyone
hands off
. She needed to relax and not let it get to her.

The next morning, Liv announced that there was a charity soccer game that many of the industry insiders would be playing at but that she could take the morning off if she was exhausted.

“No, I would like to go.”

Liv seemed surprised but said, “You should probably dress fairly casual, but maybe we could get an aquamarine pendant from the case?”

Emilia put her hair up in a loose knot as Liv went in search of the right pendant. Adding just a slight amount of makeup, she chose a white button-down shirt and jeans. Adding heeled sandals to her look, she gathered her bag and phone and waited for Liv.

Fastening the pendant, she clutched the pear-cut aquamarine stone for comfort. The aquamarine selection this year had been a reflection of her favorite stone. Maybe it was because it was her birthstone or possibly it was the first stone she worked with when her grandfather helped her design her first pendant at four years of age.

She needed all the strength she could get. The challenge with Alex was no longer about privacy but gaining his interest. He seemed so aloof and untouchable.

Liv had secured tickets to the match and they were seated in the Berceto box.

She was surprised that Berceto had purchased a box. Alex must have organized it. Walking into the private area she noticed Isabel was caught in an embrace with a handsome man who was kissing her neck and allowing his hands to travel over her lower back.

“Isabel, Marc flew out and surprised me.” Her cousin radiated happiness.

“How wonderful to finally meet you.” Emilia held out her hand but instead Marc kissed each of her cheeks.

“Thank you for everything.” She knew he was talking about the engagement ring she designed last minute for her cousin.

“It was my pleasure.” Looking at both of them together, she was overjoyed for Isabel.

Isabel asked, “You came to see Alex play?”

Instead of denying it, she said, “Yes, I’ve never seen him play soccer before. Something tells me he’ll be quite good.”

“Marc has to leave during the gala tonight, but I wanted him to at least meet you.”

They spoke for a few more minutes, then took their seats as the game started.

Liv had gone in search of food and brought back stadium hot dogs with everything and four cokes. It took a moment to hand the food out and everyone’s attention was on the game.

The first half was a blur as she watched Alex fight for the ball. His team was up by two goals as the first half ended. Isabel and Marc made their excuses and slipped away.

She smiled at Liv as the game began again. It became a tied gamed well into the third quarter and she watched in horror as Alex fell during a complicated play and was kicked in the head.

Her hand flew to her chest as she watched the referees stop the game. Medics were called onto the field, and for several minutes she couldn’t see anything as they blocked her view of Alex. Finally he stood, and the crowd cheered. A medic helped him off the field, and he was taken inside.

She turned to Liv., “I can’t stand it. I’m going to check on him.”

Liv followed her from the box, and they made their way down to the locker rooms. She noticed there was a medical station next to the locker room and pushed the door open. Alex was on a table and the medic was trying to stop a nosebleed.

Anita Green was blocking his upper body from view as she leaned over him. Only seeing his grass-stained uniform and cleats, Emilia listened as the woman gushed on about his playing ability. The medic assured the socialite several times that he would be fine.

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