The Exiled Jeweler: a contemporary romance novel (The Rosa Legacy Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: The Exiled Jeweler: a contemporary romance novel (The Rosa Legacy Book 2)
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She backed out of the room, colliding with Liv as she heard Anita say, “I need him in top shape for later.”

Closing the door quietly, she noticed Liv’s concerned look.

“I’m going back to the hotel. Please don’t mention to him that I saw the accident.”

“I can’t imagine anything is really happening between them except maybe in her imagination.”

“I’ll see you back at the hotel later.”

Emilia walked away from her friend and went in search of a cab. In all of her time exiled in Florida, she never felt particularly lonely. She had no idea how painful it was to lose the one person that mattered most to you. Is that how she felt about Alex? She knew people survived heartbreak all of the time. So why did it feel so devastating to her?


She placed a time limit on the stylists that evening. When they arrived, she was already wearing the V-neck black gown she had selected for the gala. It fell to mid-calf and it was a dress that reminded her of dancing.

As they finished with her, she asked them to do Liv’s makeup. Her grey hair was short and Liv had already styled it.

Liv had barely spoken to her since the game and seemed worried. She tried to put everyone at ease, but feeling so fragile she couldn’t attempt a joyful demeanor, so instead she strove for friendliness.

Instead of Alex arriving with the necklace she would wear, the head of security delivered it to the suite. Liv had placed it on the marble side table by the door.

As the stylists left the suite, Liv said, “I could make an excuse for you. Tell everyone you developed a migraine.”

“No. I came here to promote Berceto and this gala is part of that.”

“I’m sure that dreadful woman, Anita Green, will be at the event. She is helping with the benefit.”

“I’m fine. Really.”

Emilia crossed over the room and opened the jewelry case. The design was something she had worked very hard to get right. She wanted it to be beautiful but not so overly elaborate that it was difficult to wear.

She was able to easily do the clasp and turned to Liv.

“I love it. Your talent always amazes me.”

As they stepped into the lobby, she saw Alex break away from a group of people and come over to greet them.

His nose and cheek were bruised, but it didn’t take away from his powerful looks. If anything it added to his charm.

“Tough game?”

“Yes, it was, but my team prevailed in the end.”

“Liv, can I have a moment with Emilia?”

Nodding her head, Liv walked toward the ballroom after giving Emilia a look of encouragement.

Alex said, “I met your cousin’s fiancé in the foyer earlier. He seems like a great guy.”

She averted her gaze. “They are happy together.”

He stepped toward her. “Something is bothering you. Can you tell me what it is?”

Alex touched her elbow and gently turned her toward him.

Shaking her head, she said, “I’d rather not talk about it. It’s nothing important.”

He drew her closer. “The launch is exceeding our best expectations. I would think that you would be over the moon.”

She tried to strike a neutral tone. “I don’t know. Maybe it was the stress leading up to all of this, but I’m ready for it to be over.” She just wanted to go home and lick her wounds in private.

“Let’s enjoy the evening. The launch is a success and late tomorrow we can head home.”

He went to kiss her, but she avoided his lips. “I’d rather you not.” Her heart felt like it was breaking.

His husky whisper soothed her nerves. “We are alone,

Stepping away, she said, “I saw you flirting with Anita Green.”

His gaze penetrated her resolve. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“I was at the charity match. You have something going on with her.”

“We are old friends. Nothing more.”

Her voice rose. “I saw her leaning over you in the triage room, staking her claim.”

He smiled at her. “
, listen to me. I had a mild concussion and was bleeding profusely. I can barely remember being treated.”

She pushed him away. “It doesn’t matter. You are free to do whatever you want.”

He waited a moment while a couple walked by them. “Nothing has happened between Anita and myself. She is a flirt and loves attention. The only association I’ve had with her is over the benefit.”

Anger coursed through her body. “Yes, you have been very helpful with the charity work.”

“Is that a bad thing,

She wanted to strike out at him but instead gracefully walked into the ballroom.

Within seconds, they were both surrounded by the media. She noticed that Alex made no attempt to touch her but instead stood to the side.

If he was truly interested in her, he would stake a claim. Even though the rational part of her brain was telling her that he was only acting as she had requested. She hadn’t wanted their relationship blasted around the media. But now she wanted to tell anyone that was interested that he was hers. But was that really true?

She couldn’t eradicate the image from her mind of Anita Green standing over him in concern.

Her parents had flown in for the evening and Emilia greeted them. Alex sat next to her at the Berceto table, but it felt like an ocean separated them. She had the feeling that he was insulted by her accusation yet she didn’t quite believe him. Anita Green was beautiful, sexy and the biggest flirt that she had met.

Several times over the course of the evening, she noticed Anita touched his tie or sinuously wrapped her body against his. He did seem to extradite himself each time, but he didn’t ask her to stop. Emilia knew she was being completely unreasonable which only fed her anger at the situation.

After getting another drink, Emilia went in search of Isabel. She found her cousin dancing with Marc. She watched the two of them for a few minutes until Alex appeared at her side.

“Would you like to dance,

She nodded and he took her drink and placed it on a passing waiter’s tray.

He pulled her into his arms and she moved closer to him. She placed her arms around his neck and allowed her body to melt into his. She didn’t want to dance. She wanted to undress him.

. We are in public.” He used his strength to separate their bodies slightly.

“You don’t want everyone to realize that I’m into you?”

“I’m fine with public displays of affection. You are not.”

Emilia reached up and kissed him lightly on the lips. He stopped dancing and devoured her mouth. She could hear the music playing and snatches of conversation from others on the dance floor, but she completely forgot where they were. She pressed her hands into his shirt and fumbled with the buttons. He stilled her hands and led her off the dance floor.

They were in a private elevator within a minute, and she pulled him back into her embrace. They both stumbled out of the elevator and Alex reached into his pocket for his key. Waving it in front of the security device, he opened the door to his suite and pulled her back into his arms.

She pushed his jacket over his shoulders and he let it fall to the floor. She started unbuttoning his shirt and he left her lips to kiss her neck. She heard him groan as she glided her hands down over his body and firmly pressed against his swollen erection.

He unzipped her gown and pushed it off of her body. Lifting her up into his arms, he carried her through the suite. He tossed her on the bed and, after finding a condom in the bathroom, he stood over her.

She was covered by a sheer lace bra and matching black panties that used a garter belt to fasten her black stockings.

“You are absolutely gorgeous, Emilia. I can’t stop looking at you.”

Reaching down, he removed one stiletto and traced the line from her toes up to her calf. She wanted him to continue, but he moved to her other shoe and did the same thing. Desire flamed through her body and she didn’t want to wait from him to explore her slowly.

“Please, Alex.”

“I’m not going to rush but instead savor every delicious moment.”

She pleaded with him. “I want you to rush.”

He shook his head. “No. Trust me,
. You don’t.”

He slowly unrolled each stocking and traced the area his finger grazed with his tongue. She squirmed in his arms, her body moving erratically.

He got off the bed and kicked off his shoes, finished taking of his shirt, pants, socks, and finally his tight black boxers.

Emilia watched him, fascinated, and couldn’t wait to touch him. He unrolled the condom in economical movements and had himself safely sheathed before climbing back onto the bed.

Smiling at her, he pulled down her panties, tossing them aside before covering her with his mouth. Emilia gasped and pulled at his hair, but he stayed intent on driving her wild. Within moments she exploded around him, and he trailed kisses up her flat belly. He kissed her breast though her lace bra while he ran his hands over her body.

He switched his attention to her other breast, and she moved underneath him and pulled his body closer. She could feel his erection on her thigh and wanted him deep inside her.


He kissed her neck as he reached behind her and released the clasp of her bra.

He skillfully brought her to another climax before finding his own release. He held onto her tightly, enjoying the feel of her in his arms until he had to dispose of the condom.

Coming back to bed, he gathered her back into his arms and began a seduction all over again. Before they fell asleep, he undid her necklace and placed it on the bedside stand.




Chapter 12


The next morning, Emilia woke up alone in a tangle of sheets. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was nine o’clock. Memories of the night before paraded through her mind. There was no doubt in her mind that Alex was interested in her body. He had made that abundantly clear.

Maybe it was enough for now and it would deepen into something more tangible. She heard a knock on the door as she gathered up her clothing. She had found everything but her bra and one stocking. Whoever it was knocked again. Stepping into her dress, she called out, “Just a moment.”

Looking fairly dignified, she pulled open the door and saw her parents. Her mother looked like she might faint.

Coming into the suite, they handed her the
Las Vegas Sun News
. On the front page was a photograph of her kissing Alex on the dance floor.

She looked from one to the other. “It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Keep reading,” her father said.

She collapsed on the sofa and scanned the article. Whoever gave the interview to the tabloid was not a fan. They had brought up the old scandal and named Alex as the man in the photographs. The article went on to say that Alex Armati had been involved long term with Anita Green until he decided to break off the relationship to date the Berceto Heiress.

Why wouldn’t he have just told her about Anita? Why wasn’t he here this morning?

Her head pounded and as she stood up, she felt dizzy. Maybe she needed caffeine.

Her father waved his arms. “This is not the type of press that Berceto needs. You had been so successful in launching the new design but that is wasted with this bad press.”

“I’m not in control of the tabloid press. They will print what they want. I have to hope that people will be smart enough not to believe everything they read.”

Her mother said, “We booked first class tickets back to L.A. You should come with us.”

She shook her head. “I’m going to wait and speak with Alex. I’m not going to hide from this.”

Her mother continued. “It’s a mistake, Lia. He was the only one beyond the immediate family who could have told the press that he was the man in the photographs.”

Fear slid down her spine. “Why would he do that? What could he possibly gain?”

Her mother asked, “Has he made a commitment to you or any promises for a future together?”

Emilia stood up taller. “Our relationship is in the early stages.”

“Has he declared any feelings for you?” her mother asked.

She shook her head. He seemed to be interested in a physical relationship only. She had been so weak to fall into his arms without questioning him about Anita Green.

Facing her parents, she said, “I’m sorry this has worked out this way. But you should both go home and not worry about this. I have to finish a few clips with Isabel and then I’ll fly back tonight with the sales team.”

Silence descended over them as her parents stared at one another. Her father moved first, saying, “We should go. Lia is right. Staying will not help anything.”

Her parents hugged her and left. As the door clicked shut, she contemplated if she should wait for Alex.

After sitting on the sofa for half an hour, she went in search of her necklace and other items. Holding the expensive necklace in her hand, she returned to her suite and knocked on the door. Liv let her in and she tried to shield her embarrassment as she greeted two members of the sales team in the shared sitting area. She placed the necklace back in the jewelry case and handed it to Liv.

Making a few excuses, she went to her suite for a shower. She took her time washing her hair and straightening it. She chose to wear a black pencil skirt with a white silk blouse and four-inch slingbacks. Emilia carefully applied makeup to hide the dark smudges under her eyes. She had several filmed interviews scheduled today.

She was grateful it was the last day of the trade show and that they all planned to head back to California this evening.

Walking back into the sitting room, she found Liv by herself going over the schedule.

Perching on the arm of the sofa, she asked, “Have you heard from Isabel?”

Liv glanced up from her tablet. “Yes, she came looking for you about an hour ago. She said she had enough material to work with and was anxious to head back to Boston.”

She knew Isabel was eager to return to Marc, but she would miss her steady presence. She had meant to give earrings or a pendant to Isabel so she would need to send it via courier. Having her here in Las Vegas was hugely helpful.

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