The Exiled Jeweler: a contemporary romance novel (The Rosa Legacy Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: The Exiled Jeweler: a contemporary romance novel (The Rosa Legacy Book 2)
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Taking a sip of champagne, her grandfather said, “Your parents have been too protective and haven’t let you live.”

She thought about his words. He rarely commented on her upbringing, but she knew he thought her parents smothered her.

She needed to tell him the truth. “Alex Armati was the man in those scandalous photographs of me. At the time, I didn’t think revealing that would help the situation. But he is insisting I tell the family.”

Her grandfather took another sip of his champagne. “That’s very interesting.”

She watched his expression carefully. “Are you upset?”

“No. Delighted in fact.”

Before he said anything else, Alex approached them.

“Emilia revealed tonight that you were the man in the photographs.”

Emilia looked up and saw her parents behind Alex. The scene was playing out is slow motion, her mother clutched her father’s arm.

Alex turned and greeted them.

There was a brief silence. Then Emilia said, “This is not how I wanted you to find out. I was planning on telling you in the next few days.”

Her mother looked at Alex. “Why didn’t you come forward at the time? Instead you let the endless speculation ruinmyruin my daughter’s reputation.”

“Mama, that’s not fair. Alex left the next day on a business trip and by the time he returned, I was in Florida. I refused his phone calls because I didn’t want it to become any more complicated.”

Her mother was shaking. “So, you undressed my daughter in public and then let her take the fall.”

Her father tried to quiet her mother. “This is not the place, Francesca.”

Alex said, “Why don’t we go somewhere less public to discuss this?”

Her mother said, “There is nothing else to say. I’m leaving before I say more than I should. But I expect you to treat my daughter with respect.”

Alex shook her father’s hand and said good night to her mother. Her grandfather decided to leave with her parents and within a few minutes, she was alone with Alex.

She couldn’t meet his eyes. “That was unfortunate.”

“It needed to happen.”

He pulled her into an embrace and said, “Come dance with me.”

“I don’t think we should call any more attention to ourselves.”

“That is what this night is about,

He led her back to the dance floor. Others around them smiled as Alex led her through a series of ballroom dances.

She relaxed and followed his lead as she tried not to notice the photographers snapping their picture.

As the gala began to wind down, he whispered in her ear, “I intend to take you back to my place tonight.”

She met his darkened gaze and wanted to kiss him, but resisted. It was too public of a place.

He stepped closer and said, “You have too much control,
. I look forward to dismantling every ounce it.”

Pulling her to him, he lowered his head and kissed her deeply before taking her hand and leading her from the room.

She was shaking as she stopped him in the foyer and said, “Alex, there is too much unresolved between us. I know you want something from Berceto. Something I can’t figure out yet.”

He lightly ran his hands down her arms. “We need to put the business issues aside and explore what lies between us. We started something four years ago that we never acted on.”

She kept her voice down, becoming aware of people hanging out by the reception desk. “The problems won’t go away. How could we possibly start a relationship when we know that there is a business connection between us?”

“Emilia, you are more than just Berceto Designs. I promise you that we will keep the two separate and not allow our feelings to influence our business decisions.” He put his hand on her lower back and pulled her forward into his body. “Trust me,

As they stepped outside the hotel, more photographs were taken of them as Alex took the keys from the valet and opened the door of his silver Bugatti sports car for her. Climbing into the low car, Emilia held her gown and hoped the photographers didn’t get an awkward shot. Alex shielded her as much as possible and then closed the door before he walked around and climbed in.

Within seconds they were speeding away from the hotel. Emilia thought about how much her life had changed in a few short weeks. Instead of hiding away, she was learning how to court the media and was even contemplating getting involved in a relationship. Glancing over at Alex, doubts began to surface. How could they keep their private and professional lives separate? Wanting a physical connection with him wasn’t enough to base an entire relationship on.

Glancing at her phone, she clicked through to some of the links that Liv sent. She looked amazing in the photographs and it seemed her inner turmoil wasn’t evident in any of the comments. The Berceto name was getting a lot of hits and Liv reported that their website had unprecedented volume.

Pulling into his circular driveway, Alex cut the engine and turned to her. “Having second thoughts,

He reached out and gently traced her cheek with his fingers. She did the same and he grinned at her, saying, “We are going to have fun tonight.”

He opened his door and came around the car and gently tugged her into his embrace. Running his hands down her bare arms, he told her, “You are so beautiful.”

He kissed her until she had to stop for a breath. Alex picked her up and glanced into her eyes. Approaching the front door, he put in a code on the entry panel and pushed the door open while carrying her.

“I didn’t think you would come tonight.”

“I cut my business trip short to be back in time to see you in this gown.”

“I need to take the necklace off.”

He led her down the hallway to his office. She looked at the wall when he switched on the light. The photographs of them were still hung on the wall as before. She was amazed to see passion and not something tainted.

He came up behind her and removed the necklace while kissing her neck. Instead of continuing the seduction, he went to the safe built in behind a bookshelf, placed the necklace in the unit, and closed the door. He pushed the bookshelf back in place and she caught his glance.

“Why do you have the photographs on the wall?”

“I like to look at you,

It wasn’t the response she was expecting and it threw her.

He stepped forward and turned her around again so she was facing the images as he placed his hands on her waist. “I sometimes would begin to think that you were a figment of my imagination, and then I would come in here to remind myself that you were real.”

She tried to articulate her feelings. “There was this connection between us, but the press ruined it.”

“We are wiser and know more now.”

She studied the images of them and enjoyed the feel of his hands on her body. She wanted to forget the past. Turning, she reached up and kissed him. He deepened the kiss and held her body close to his.

In between frantic kisses, he said, “Let’s go upstairs,” as he unzipped her gown.

“Step out of the gown and we can leave it here.”

She shook her head. “I can’t walk through the house naked.”

“We are completely alone,

Meeting his gaze, she asked, “What about your housekeeper or security?”

He said slowly, “I no longer use a security detail and I gave my housekeeper the night off.”

He helped her step out of the gown and she stood before him in a black lacy bra with matching panties and four-inch heels.

“I don’t know that we will make it upstairs.”

She started to unbutton his shirt and he pulled her pointedly against his erection, “I need you.”

She stepped back and looked at him. He held her hand and pulled her out of the office and to the staircase.

“I’ll follow you.”

She had never walked in front of a man barely dressed and was hugely self-conscious.


Alex walked behind her up the staircase and couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Her graceful walk and beautifully toned body captivated him.

She stopped in the upstairs foyer and waited for him. He had unbuttoned his shirt and it hung open as he yanked her into his arms. He could feel the warmness of her skin and his mouth devoured hers as he pressed intimately against her.

“I can’t believe how long I waited for this.”

He breathed in her scent and his body hardened. He needed to slow down. He wanted to savor every inch of her and give her so much pleasure that she would cling to him.

Opening the first door on the right, he touched the light switch and the room illuminated.

“Is this your room?”

“I can’t wait,

He devoured her mouth as he unclasped her bra, feeling the delicious weight of her breasts in his hands. Gently squeezing her nipples, he heard her gasp and he lowered his mouth to heighten her sensation.

She pushed the shirt from his shoulders and he suckled her breast as he used his hands to undue his belt and then his trousers. Pushing her back onto the bed, he took a second to take off his shoes and socks before slipping out of his pants.

“I’m sorry. I forgot a condom. Give me one second.”


Emilia froze. Taking off her shoes, she contemplated if she should remove her panties or wait for him. Her brief experience didn’t include consummation so she was at a loss.

Alex returned smiling. He removed his black boxers and she noticed he was completely at ease with his body. He walked to the bed and gently lifted her hips to pull off her lace panties.

“I’ve never had sex.” She awkwardly blurted out the words.

He stilled. She continued, “I know it seems strange to be twenty-six and have no experience but…”

He stood over her. “It’s fine. Don’t worry. We’ll go slowly.”

Climbing onto the bed next to her, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. As his mouth explored hers, he used his hands to stroke her body. She was desperate for him to touch her breasts again, but he took his time kissing her neck and touching her back.

Her body arched into his, and he laughed against her neck. “Patience, Emilia.”

She explored his naked chest with her hands and heard his indrawn breath. He wasn’t as in control as he let on. She took his nipple into her mouth and he pushed her onto her back. “Please,

His hands returned to her nipples and squeezed gently, causing her to writhe beneath him. One of his hands moved down over her flat belly and gently touched her there. She moaned as each stroke became harder until finally he was exploring her fully.

He positioned her underneath him and as he plunged his tongue into her mouth, he slowly entered her. An excitement raced through her body and she responded to each thrust by matching his rhythm.

An excitement built in her until she was writhing beneath him and one final thrust caused her to explode and then she felt him reach his completion.

He rolled away from her and discarded the condom. Her body was physically exhausted, but her emotions seemed to be in chaos. Alex stood by the bed and adjusted the covers so she could crawl into the cool sheets. He tucked her in and kissed her swiftly on the lips.

“If you expect me to sleep alone, then you should take me back to the guest house.”

“I’m not ready for sleep. I’ll join you in a while.”

She sat up clutching the sheet over her breasts. Her words rushed out. “Do you regret this? Take me home and we can forget this happened.”

Alex stepped closer to her and kissed her. “I have no regrets. You were so sexy and amazing. But I need to shower before I’ll be able to sleep. Join me?”

He wrapped her in a sheet and carried her to the master bedroom suite. Leaving her standing in the middle of the room, he turned on the steam shower.

“Why didn’t we come in here?”

“It was too far at that moment. I couldn’t wait.”

Emilia stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom and removed all the pins from her hair. She watched Alex getting into the shower. She hoped a basic shampoo would remove all of the hair products.

He opened the door for her when she turned around. The warm steam surrounded her. She stepped in and he soaped her body.

“I’ll let you handle the shampoo,” he said as he squeezed an enormous amount into her hand. Letting some of it slip down the drain, she lathered her hair and rinsed while he let his hands glide over her back and hips.

Instead of seducing her in the shower, he held her gently in his arms and kissed the top of her head. “It’s too soon. Your body needs a chance to adjust.”

She turned and explored his wet shoulders and chest. He captured her hands and said, “Don’t.”

Turning off the shower, he stepped out and grabbed a towel.

She took a white towel from the pile and began to dry off. He moved out of the bathroom and she lost sight of him.

He threw a T-shirt and shorts for her on the bed and left her to get dressed. She found him dressed in jeans and a T-shirt in the kitchen making her tea with honey.

He poured the water and didn’t look up. “When you are ready, I’ll take you home.”

Her mind was struggling to make sense of his actions. Why did he want her to leave?

“Thank you for making tea. I can take it with me.”

Within moments, they were heading through the quiet Los Angeles streets at two o’clock in the morning.

Sipping the hot tea, her mind flashed back to making love with him. He was so attentive in the moment, but now he seemed distant and remote.

He pulled into the driveway at her grandfather’s house and turned off the engine.

Reaching over he took the tea cup and placed it in the cup holder. She released her seat belt and reached for the door handle.

“I’ll walk you in.” He was out of the car in an instant. As she stepped out, he closed the door and pushed her up against the car.

His warm body covered hers and, placing a hand behind her neck, he positioned her for his mouth. He kissed her provocatively and waited for her response with each touch. As his long, lean body pressed into her, she could feel his arousal and her body reacted by twisting closer.

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