The Exiled Jeweler: a contemporary romance novel (The Rosa Legacy Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: The Exiled Jeweler: a contemporary romance novel (The Rosa Legacy Book 2)
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“There could be cameras positioned toward the driveway. I wouldn’t want to shock your grandfather.”

Emilia froze. How could she have not realized that? The late hour and darkness made it seem as if they were alone, but she should know better.

He drew her toward the path leading to the guest cottage. Reaching the gate, she turned and said, “Goodnight.”

“Sleep well.” He placed a lingering kiss on her lips and walked away.

Her emotions were raw. How could she have allowed herself to become involved with him? She knew he had wild affairs and moved on quickly. Was it worth it? She was no longer so innocent and at twenty-six that had to be a good thing. She had been infatuated with him for so long and now it would only be worse. She could imagine easily what a physical relationship would consist of. Her body ached for him. If she didn’t have rigid self-control, she would have begged him to take her again. It would lead to more heartache. The only pride she had left was that she didn’t reveal how she felt about him. She needed to distance herself and pretend that she would be fine.



Chapter 9


Emilia barely slept a few hours, and as the sun rose, she went for a five-mile run on the nearly deserted beach. Reaching the turnaround point, silent tears slipped down her cheeks and she collapsed to her knees on the sand. Allowing the tears to flow for a few minutes, she imagined the worst scenario. She could see Alex acting as if nothing had happened between them. Looking out to the ocean, she thought,
So this is what heartbreak feels like
. The embarrassment and humiliation of four years ago, having to face the fact that he only wanted to experience sex with her, was nothing compared to allowing herself to feel something for him and then realize that he was only interested in a physical relationship.

She made herself stand up and wipe away the tears. She didn’t need Alex Armati. She needed to pull herself together and figure out how to save Berceto. Running back at a punishing speed, she battled against feeling weak and afraid.

After she showered and dressed for the day, she let herself out onto the terrace. She wore a pink skirt with a white sleeveless silk blouse.

Cecilia was setting out coffee and fruit on the low table by the pool.

Emilia waved to her saying, “I’m late for a meeting. I’ll see you later.”

The launch of her new designs was complete, but she needed to figure out how to order enough of the precious stones to build a sufficient inventory. But the company was already overextended and had very little reserves to negotiate a fair price.

She and her father were interviewing a new purchasing agent today. She had convinced an old-timer to take early retirement so she could implement different buying strategies.

She was talking with Liv on the speaker in her car when she heard another call coming in. Looking at caller ID, she noticed it was Alex.

Liv asked her, “Are you still there?”

“Yes, but I have another call. I’ll see you at Berceto.”

“Good morning, Alex.”

“Thinking about me?” His voice melted some of her coolness.

“No. I’m on my way to work.”

“Dinner tonight,

“I have another commitment.” She planned to look at a few condos with Liv.

“After dinner then. Should I pick you up?”

“I don’t know why last night happened. But I’m not interested in repeating it.” Another night with him would destroy her.

“Come over and I’ll show you why it happened.” He laughed and she almost caved.

“I have to go, Alex.
.” She hit end on the screen.

He didn’t talk about what happened between them. He wanted her to come over and have sex with him. Her body wanted to say yes, but her mind wouldn’t allow it. She needed more from someone before she was willing to start a relationship. But that was the issue. He wanted an affair and not a relationship.

She and her father avoided any discussion about Alex Armati as they worked through forecasts with the new purchasing agent.

It became evident that they carried too much stock of the raw materials for items that weren’t selling. Her father was reluctant to sell off the inventory for a fraction of the price they had paid for it, but Emilia convinced him. After spending hours on the numbers, she changed into jeans and a work shirt to produce a custom necklace that had been waiting for weeks. The design was for a celebrity who intended to wear it to a fashion show.

Blocking out all of the activity around her, she concentrated on the design that she had envisioned in her head. Liv interrupted her at seven o’clock.

“Aren’t you starving?”

Looking up at her friend, she said, “I need to finish.”

“You are holding people up. Security is waiting around to inventory your tray and begin the nighttime close out procedure.”

Emilia stretched her shoulders and neck. She forgot that it was more difficult to work here. In Florida, she was in charge of the inventory and could work as late as she wanted.

She stood and began packing up her tray. “I’ll stop. I’m late for the real estate agent. Are you able to come with me?”

Liv was checking her phone. “I planned on it.”

Her assistant would need to return to Florida soon. She had a husband and grown children who were invariably missing her.

Liv walked alongside her. “You have several messages from Alex Armati. Flowers were delivered to reception. I put them in your office.”

She nodded and handed the tray over to security.


Emilia stood in the middle of a condo with soaring windows, an ocean view, and wood floors. Liv was grilling the agent on fees and going over recent comps.

She could see herself living here. It was close to the new location for Berceto and had access to the beach.

Liv was opening closet doors and looking at the finishing touches. “This condo only has one bedroom. For resale, you should think about a two bedroom.”

She was upstairs looking at the bedroom with Liv. “I want to put in an offer. It’s perfect. I like the location and it has ocean views.”

Liv looked at her. “Entertaining here could be an issue. It’s not very large.”

“I don’t know how much entertaining I’ll do.” She looked at the bathroom and thought of having her own space again.

Liv teased her. “Are you going to turn back into a recluse?”

“Maybe.” She smiled at Liv and knew she would miss having her in California.

They left after Emilia signed the offer and found a small Italian restaurant in walking distance.

After they placed their order, Liv said, “I’m going to give your phone back. Alex has been trying to reach you and has left several messages.”

Emilia took the phone and placed it in her handbag. “Alex is a mistake. I shouldn’t have allowed myself to become involved with him.”

The older woman met her gaze. “How involved are you?”

She looked at Liv and shook her head.

Liv placed her hand on Emilia’s. “I knew at some point all of this would become too much for you. You are used to a much quieter life.”

She pushed herself to reveal her feelings. “I’m struggling to deal with Berceto’s issues; I can’t possibly lose my heart to someone like Alex.”

Liv took a sip of water. “There isn’t much choice when your heart is involved.”

Images of Alex ran through her mind. She was drawn to him and if she didn’t possess a scant amount of self-control, she would get in the car and go and throw herself at him.

“Alex Armati is about conquering. He only wants something that is out of reach. And as soon as he wins, he will lose interest and move on.”

Liv arranged the items on the table so everything was in line. “That is a particularly harsh and cynical view. I’m sure that he has depth to him and the ability to form emotional attachments.”

Liv looked at her intently for a moment, seemed about to say something, then changed her mind.

Emilia pushed past her comfort level and said, “Maybe I don’t have the ability to connect on an emotional level.”

Liv shook her head slowly. “Now you are being too harsh on yourself. Allowing yourself to fall in love takes trust, openness, and the desire to put your heart out there.”

Keeping her voice low, Emilia said, “I don’t have that desire. I know that I’ll get hurt or be made a fool of.”

The waiter poured them each a glass of merlot then left the bottle on the table.

“Ah. This goes back to being exiled by your mother for fear of negative publicity and Alex not coming to your rescue.”

Emilia shook her head. “I never expected to be rescued. If you remember, I refused to give his name out.”

Liv looked at her with kindness. “I think you resisted telling anyone who he was because you didn’t think he would stand by you.”

Emilia looked out at the crowded restaurant and said, “He wouldn’t have.”

“How could you possibly know that? Anyway, I don’t think you would have fallen for him if he was such a horrible human being.”

Emilia watched as a couple was seated near them.

“I’ve not said that I’ve fallen for him.”

“We know each other quite well. You have all the signs of a woman madly in love but afraid to admit it.”

The food was served and Emilia moved the conversation to the upcoming launch for Berceto.




Chapter 10


Emilia was finishing a commission for an engagement ring worth more than a million dollars when her father stopped by her work area. He admired the piece and watched her work for a short time.

“There are problems with a few shipments for the launch. Can you come upstairs when you get a chance?”

Her father rarely interrupted her work, so after several minutes, she returned her work tray back to the vault. An employee stopped her along the way for help with an intricate design. She gave encouragement and demonstrated a particular skill before dashing up the open staircase that led to the office.

Her father and the purchasing agent were discussing the shipments in his office.

“Most of our inventory comes from mines in Canada and Brazil. But to increase our supply at a competitive cost we should expand that to include Russia and Venezuela. Our shipping agent can’t get the shipments into the country for weeks.”

Emilia had a sinking feeling in her stomach. “What can we do?”

Her father said, “We were considering approaching Alex for his help as the main part of his business is importing. But I’m not sure. I know the two of you are still discussing his investment into Berceto.”

“I’ll speak with him.”

Emilia walked to her small office area and picked up her phone. There were several messages, including a message from Isabel about filming the launch.

She texted Alex asking if she could speak with him about a business problem.

He replied,
In Algiers. Returning Saturday. What is the issue?

I’m having issues with importing from Russia and Venezuela

It sounds as if you need a savvy business partner. We can discuss in person on Saturday night

I’m moving into my condo this weekend.

What is the address? I’ll stop by.

Emilia texted him the address and then reached out to her purchasing agent. She let him know that Alex Armati would help them next week.

It was so complicated. The issues at Berceto were dire and she didn’t want her relationship with Alex to be about bailing her out. But then she also knew that he had been seeking to acquire a majority share in Berceto for years. Should she trust his intentions and let him invest? Was that the best move for the future of the company? Without sufficient cash flow, there was very little she could do to improve the company. At this point, major layoffs were not far off. She needed to secure work for the employees and if that meant giving up part of her legacy Then she would need to do it.

Her father stopped by her small office.

“You need a better place to work.” He glanced around her cramped office.

She smiled at him. “I’m fine. Moving into the condo this weekend is enough change.”

He looked uncomfortable. “Do you need help?”

“No. Luckily, Liv is super organized and had already lined up a moving company in Florida to pack my personal belongings and helped me select new furniture that will be delivered on Saturday morning.”

He leaned against the doorframe. “Have you thought about offering her a permanent position here?”

Emilia glanced down at her computer. “I don’t know if she would move. And I’ve been hesitant to take on more permanent staff while things are so uncertain with Berceto.”

Her father nodded. “You are breathing new life into this company. But I’m worried it is not enough. We have to make a decision about Alexander.”

She looked at her phone. “I plan to speak with him this weekend.”

“I know your mom misses having you around the house. How about coming by for dinner tonight?”

They agreed on dinner and Emilia got back to checking her email.


On the drive over to her parents, she thought about Alex. She hadn’t known he was traveling to a dangerous area. It worried her. She caught herself thinking several times about Saturday night and could feel her excitement building.

Security waved her though the gated entrance. Approaching their house, she pressed the garage door opener so she could park out of sight. It was interesting how she knew their preferences without being told.

Coming in through the garage to the back foyer, she was greeted by a housekeeper who wore a grey uniform. She was informed that her parents were in the front sitting room.

Walking through the massive house, she didn’t feel at ease. She hadn’t spoken with her mother since it came out that Alex was the man in the photographs.

Her parents greeted her warmly and father poured her a glass of wine.

Emilia tried to keep her voice light. “I find it slightly strange that the housekeeper wears a uniform.”

She grew up aware of her parent’s wealth, but they had never had full-time staff. It seemed odd to her.

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