The History of the Renaissance World (127 page)

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Authors: Susan Wise Bauer

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Barbaro, Nicolò, 678–80

Barnwell Chronicle
, 205

Barons’ War, 254

Barquq, al-Zahir, 628

Basava, 113–14

Basel, 648–49

Bastille, 669

Bathinda, 326–27

Batu, 313, 315–16, 339, 340–43

Bavaria, 82, 360, 484, 601

Bavaria, duke of, 364

Bayajidda, 588–89

Bayan, 382

Baybars, sultan of Egypt, 450

Bayezid I, emperor of the Ottomans, 598–602, 629–30, 632, 678

Bayonne, 578

Beatific Vision, 487–88

Bec Abbey, 5, 6

Becket, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, 127–32, 148, 151

Bedford, duke of, 663, 665, 668–69

Beijing, 381, 640–42

Beisan, 348

Béla, 139, 282

Béla III, king of Hungary, 168

Béla IV, king of Hungary, 315–16

Belgrade, 675

Benedictines, 540

Benedict XI, pope, 413

Benedict XII, pope, 488

Benedict XIII, pope, 612, 617

Benevento, 364, 390

Bengal, 117, 121, 124, 229, 328, 403, 479, 480, 544, 545, 549

Benin, 98–99

timelines, 101, 107, 116

Benin City, 99

Berengar of Poitiers, 52

Berengar of Tours, 6

Berke, 343, 349

Berkeley Castle, 465

Bernard of Chartres, 52–53, 354

Bernard of Clairvaux, 36, 40–41, 52–53, 77, 81

Berry, duke of, 579, 623

Bertrand, archbishop of Bordeaux,
Clement V, pope

Bertrand of Toulouse, 14

Berwick, 399, 498

Béthencourt, Jean de, 654

Bethlehem, 278

Béziers, 238–39

Bhongir, 546

Bianchi (White Guelphs), 411

Bible, translation of, 613–14

Bihar, 120, 123

Bijjala II, king of Kalachuri, 112, 114, 115

Bilma, 95, 97

Biram, 588

Birgham, Treaty of, 397–98

Birgitta of Vadstena, 572

bishops, 10

Black Death, 505

Black Sea, 135, 219, 221, 264, 266, 343, 349, 367, 368, 405, 420, 632, 680

Black Sheep “Qara Qoyunlu” Turkomans, 632–33

Blanche of Castile, regent of France, 254, 259, 303–4, 332, 353–55

Blanche of Lancaster, 591

Blind Harry, 400

Boccaccio, Giovanni, 507

Boccanegra, Guglielmo, 370

Bo Dala, crown princess of Champa, 301

, 111

Boethius, 5–6

Bogğazkesen (“Cutter of the Strait”), 678

Bohemia, xxiv, 275, 465, 613, 615–18, 645, 646–50, 673–74

Bohemian Diet, 647

Bohemund, prince of Antioch, 13–14, 17, 135, 182

Bohemund II, prince of Antioch, 17, 35

Bohemund III, king of Antioch, 170

Bohemund VI, prince of Antioch, 351, 374

Bojador, Cape, 655–56, 658

Boleslaw, king of the Polans, 284

Boleslaw I, duke of Piast, king of Poland, 552

Bolingbroke, Henry,
Henry IV, king of England

Bologna, 85, 415, 572, 575

Bonaventure, 277

Boniface, marquis of Monferrat, 217–19

Boniface IX, pope, 612, 617

Boniface VIII, pope, 410–13

Bonsmoulins, 167

Book of Highways and Kingdoms
, 99

Bordeaux, 308, 462, 578

Boril, ruler of Bulgaria, 221

Borjigid clan, Mongol, 185

Bornu, 588

Borommaracha of Suphanburi, king of Syam, 532

Borte, 195–96

Bosnia, 137–39, 141, 168, 170, 424

Bosphorus Strait, 3, 13, 221, 370, 630, 678–79

Boulogne, count of, 303

Bourbon, duke of, 579, 592, 623

Bourges, 354, 663

Bouvines, 249
, 250, 252

Braga, 367

Brahmans, 113, 120–21

Bram, Crusader attack on, 240

Brentwood, 583

Brescia, 415, 613

Breslau, 673

Bretigny, 520

Bretigny,Treaty of, 521–23

Brindisi, 135

Brion, Simon de, 389

Bristol, 205, 397

Brittany, 49, 151

Brittany, count of, 304

Brittany, duke of, 399, 594

Bruce, Robert, the Fifth, 398

Bruce, Robert, the Sixth, king of Scotland, 398–99, 434–38, 466, 497

Buda, 315

Buddha’s Tooth temple, 111, 271

Buddhism, 27, 70, 198, 383, 470, 565

Amitabha (Pure Land), 525

in Dai Viet, 299–300

in Goryeo, 74

in India, 117–19, 121

kings in, 111

Mahayana, 118

in, 271

in Sri Lanka, 108, 110–12, 113, 270–72

Theravada, 118

of Uijong, 72

Buddhist monasteries, 62, 111–12

in, 62, 63, 119

Buddhist temples, 69, 71, 118, 197, 383

Bughra Khan, sultan of Gaur, 403, 479

Bukhara, 263

Bukka, 480

Bukka Raya, sultan of Vijayanagara, 546–47

Bulala, 587

Bulgaria, 220–21, 367–69, 424, 539, 598, 600, 676

timelines, 224, 232

Bulgars, 341

Burgundians, 624, 662–63, 665, 667

Burgundy, 521, 673

Burgundy, dukes of, 152, 521, 577, 579, 601, 621, 623, 625, 662–63, 667, 669, 673

Burji Dynasty, 628

Burkhan Khaldun, 195, 197

Byzantium, 13–16, 35, 103–6, 134–39, 141–46,
, 168–70, 178, 179–80, 217–22,
, 222, 375, 389, 424, 450, 506, 529, 537–42,
, 598–602, 645, 650–52

civil war in, 422–24

Latin Empire in, 180, 217–23, 367–70, 389

ongoing decline of, 221

restoration of, 367–70, 419–25

timelines, 18, 24, 42, 48, 140, 147, 154, 165, 175, 183, 194, 201, 224, 232, 280, 286, 292, 371, 378, 393, 402, 418, 426, 432, 543, 550, 556, 603, 610, 619, 634, 644, 653, 682

Turkish overthrow of, xxiv–xxv, 14, 673, 677–81

Cadiz, 654

Cadmus, Mount, 39

Caen, 501–2

Caesarius of Heisterbach, 239

Caffa, 506

Cairo, 97, 106, 155, 273, 276–78, 335, 337, 339, 342, 347–49, 351, 376, 450–52, 456–57, 458, 548, 628, 629

Old, 456–58

, 111

Calais, 515, 517, 521, 577–78, 593, 624, 625

Calixtus II, pope, 11

Callixtus III, antipope, 86

Camões, Luis Vaz de, 90

Campo de Montiel, Battle of, 522

Canary Islands, 654–56

Cancellieri family, 411

Cane, Facino, 645

Cantacuzenus, John,
John VI, emperor of Constantinople

Canterbury, archbishop of, 5–8, 22, 127–32, 204–5, 583

Canton, 505

Cao Tong, king of Dai Viet, 298

Cape Blanc, 658

Cape Bojador, xxiv

Capet, Hugh, 499

Capetian dynasty, in France, 20, 76, 235
, 499, 515

Carcassonne, 239, 240, 463

Caribbean Sea, 455

Carinthia, 321

Carinthia, duke of, 321

Carlisle Castle, 399

Carmagnola, Francesco, 646

Carpathian mountains, 283, 315

Carpini, Giovanni de Plano, 339–40

Carthage, 373

Casimir III “the Great,” king of Poland, 551–55

Casimir IV, king of Poland, 674, 677

Caspian Sea, 226, 263, 264, 267, 310, 313, 349, 558–60, 632

Castelnau, Pierre de, 237

Castelsarrasin, 462

caste system, 120–21

Castielfabib, 243

Castile, 43, 44, 88–89,
, 237, 242–46, 306–7, 522–23, 570, 591–93, 627, 654, 673

timelines, 524, 530, 536, 597, 603, 661, 672, 682

Catalan Atlas, 457,

Catalan Company, 420–22

Catalonia, 420

(Aristotle), 6

Cathars, 236–40, 257, 259, 354, 486, 582, 647

Catherine (daughter of Charles VI), 623, 625

Caucasus range, 313

Cauchon, Pierre, bishop of Beauvais, 668

Celestine III, pope, 172

Celts, 22

Central America, 187–88,
, 192, 491

timelines, 194, 201, 206, 496, 504

Central Asia, 310, 505

Ceos, 420

Ceprano, 364

Ceredigion, 394

Cesena, 574

Ceuta, 655, 657–58

Chad, Lake, 94, 97, 289–90, 587–88

Chagatai (son of Genghis Khan), 267–68, 310, 339, 343

Chagatai khanate, 343, 405–6, 557–60, 630

timelines, 564, 570, 576

Chalkokondyles, 599, 678

Chalukya, 429

Eastern, 112

Western, 112, 115

, 29–31, 300–301,
, 385, 533–35,

timelines, 33, 42, 60, 302, 309, 536, 543, 550

Champagne, count of, 36

Chan Chan, 192

Chandrabhanu, king of the Javakas, 274

Chao Phraya river, 300, 532

Chapultepec, 491

Charente river, 308

Charlemagne, 20, 85, 282

Charles I of Anjou, king of the Two Sicilies, 333, 335, 337, 364–65, 373–75, 390–91, 410

Charles II of Hungary, king of Naples, 553

Charles II “the Lame,” king of Naples, 391–92, 410, 413, 416

Charles IV (Charles of Bohemia), Holy Roman emperor, 503, 551, 553, 571–72, 611

Charles IV, king of France, 463, 464, 466, 616

Charles V, king of France, 517, 520–23, 551, 577–79

Charles VI, king of France, 579–81,
, 592–94, 601, 612, 621–23, 625, 646, 662, 671

Charles VII, king of France, 662–67,
, 669–71

Charles of Navarre, 516–17, 521

Charles of Valois, 411, 415

Charles the Simple, 308

Chartres, 52–53

Chastellain, 663

Chatillon, 152

Chauhan clan, 428

Chauhans, 123

Cheapside, 578

Che Bong Ng, Red King of Champa, 533–34

Chen Fu, 56

Cheng Ho, 638

Chengzong, emperor of the Yuan dynasty, 386

Chen Liang, 26

Chen Youliang (Emperor Dahan), 527

Chernigov, 266

Chichen Itza, 187

Chieu Hoang, queen of the Dai Viet, 298–99

Chimu people, 192

, 69, 97, 119, 134, 195, 282, 291, 301, 343, 382, 505, 529, 531, 546, 565–68, 627, 630, 637–43

climate conditions in, 525

Dai Viet and, 27

Imperial Commissioner’s Office for the Control and Organization of the Coastal Areas, 26

Jin dynasty in,
Jin dynasty (Jurchen)

Ly dynasty in, 29

Mandate of Heaven in, 25, 29

Ming dynasty in,
Ming dynasty

Mongol dynasty in, 380–86, 405

Mongols conquest of, 262

plague in, 525

Song dynasty in,
Song dynasty

timelines, 530, 536, 543

Yuan dynasty in, 383–86,
, 470, 503, 525–26, 528–29, 565–67, 630–32, 637

Chinon, 251, 664–65

Chioggia, 575

Chios, 143

Chittor, 428

Choe Chung-heon, 73–74, 310–11

Choe Chung-su, 73–74

Choe-U, 311, 342

Chola, 270, 272–73

Chola empire, 108, 112–15,

Chormaghan, 313

Christianity, 340, 489, 601, 630

in Africa, 287–88

Dante’s and Marsilius’s contentions about, 485–86

early, 233

Greek thinkers and, 6, 50–53, 76, 356

heresy and, 233–40

Mongols and, 340, 341, 348–49

power and, 3

as pretext for slave trade, 659–60

in Spain, xxiii

see also
Greek Orthodox Church; Roman Catholic Church

Christian of Oldenburg, king of Denmark and Norway, 609


in Jerusalem, 296

Jews and, 153

Christopher of Bavaria, king of Scandinavia, 609

Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris
, 45–46

Chronica Maiora
, 578, 581–82, 591, 623, 662

Chronicle of Canterbury
, 521–22

Chronicle of Ibn al-Athir
, 105

Chronicle of Lanercost
, 398–99, 437, 463, 497–98, 501

Chronicle of Melrose
, 252, 254

Chronicle of Novgorod
, 266

Chronicle of Pluscarden
, 434, 445

Chronicle of St. Evroult
, 447

Chronicle of the Crusade
(Joinville), 226

Chronicles of Lanercost
, 397

Chrysanthemum Throne, 214–215, 470

Chung-hsing, 199

Chungnyeol, king of Goryeo, 382

Chupan, 450–52

Church, conflict between Aristotelian logic and, xxiv

churches, east African, 287–88

Church law, 53, 323

Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 296, 333

Church of the Tithe, 315

Cicero, 489

Cilician Armenia,
, 17, 136, 339, 340

timelines, 18, 24, 140, 147

Circassians, 628

Cistercians, 354

Citadel of Cairo, 628

civilians, 70–74, 153, 538

war and, 263, 321, 391, 501, 547, 574, 578

Clarendon, 129

Clear Mirror
, 472, 473

Clement IV, pope, 364–65, 374

Clement V, pope, 413–14, 416

Clement VI, pope, 507, 510, 539, 572

Clement VII, pope, 574, 579, 612

Clifford, Rosamund, 151

Cloistered Emperors, 63–67,
, 471–72, 569

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