The History of the Renaissance World (130 page)

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Authors: Susan Wise Bauer

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Homs, 347, 348

Honan, 505

Hongwu emperor (Zhu Yuanzhang), 527–29, 565, 567–69, 637–38

Hongxi, emperor of China, 642

Honorius III, pope, 258–59, 278–79, 282–84, 293, 294

Honorius IV, pope (Savelli, Giacomo), 391, 392

Honshu, 62

Ho (Le) Quy Ly, 534–35

Horikawa, emperor of Japan, 63

Horns of Hattin, 157

Hosokawa Yoriyuki, 566

Houkouang, 505

Hoysala, 112, 115

Hoysala Kingdom, 429, 479

Huai river, 59, 505

Huete, 91–92

Hue Tong, king of Dai Viet, 298–99

Hugues de Boves, 250

Huitzilopochtli, 491, 493, 495

Hujwiri, ‘Ali, 545

Hulagu Khan, 341–43, 347–49, 374, 405–6

Humai, 94–95

human sacrifice:

Moche, 192

Toltec, 187

Hunac Ceel, king of the Mayans, 187

Hundred Years’ War, 499–503,

Hungary, 137–39, 141, 144, 168, 170, 177, 281, 315–16, 354, 388, 424, 539, 553–54, 601, 633, 645, 673–77, 678

in Crusades, 177, 275

German knights in, 282

timelines, 140, 147, 183, 280, 286, 292, 297, 317, 325, 556, 564, 570, 603, 610, 619, 653, 661, 672, 682

Huniades, John, 675–77

Hus, Jan, xxiv, 613, 615–18, 646

Husain, ‘Ala’ al-Din, 122

Husayn, Amir, governor of Balkh, 557–58

, 618, 646–50

Hussite Wars, 618, 675

Hu Wei-yung, 529

Ibn al-Ahmar, king of Arjona, 307

Ibn al-Athir, 61, 105–6, 155, 157–59, 170, 172, 276, 296

Ibn al-Qalanisi, 103

Ibn Amir Hajib, 456

Ibn ‘Arabshah, 561

Ibn Battuta, 95, 451–53, 456–59, 480, 506, 547–48

Ibn Hud, 306–7

Ibn Khaldun, 349, 351, 457, 459, 629

Ibn Mardanish, 88–89,

Ibn Munir, 36

Ibn Sa’id, 289–90

ibn Shaddad, 155, 172

Ibn Tumart, 44, 373

Ibn Wasil, 295–96, 336, 347

Iceland, 604

Idris II, Almohad caliph, 372

Ife, 98–99

Ilah Ahai, 107

Il-khanate, 343, 349, 369, 374, 376, 379, 405–6, 419–21, 450–53,
, 558, 560, 627, 630

timelines, 426, 432, 439, 454, 460, 469

Illyricum, 137

Iltumish, sultan of Delhi, 229–30,
, 326, 327, 329, 330

Ilyas Shahi dynasty, 480

‘Imad al-Din al-Isfahani, 34

Imam al-Shafi’i, 106

imperial cities, 611–12

Inca, 192–93

Incarnation, doctrine of, 236

India, 29, 108, 112–15, 117–24, 228–31, 279, 291,
, 546, 627, 638

Eastern and Western Chalukya in, 112

famine in, 480

Ghaznavids in, 121–23

Mongols in, 405

new sultanates in,

north of, 264

numbering system of, 46

Pala empire in, 117–20, 123–24

plague in, 507

Sena empire in, 117, 119–24

south of, 270, 272, 273

timelines, 116, 125, 133, 232, 241, 274, 280, 321, 338, 409, 432, 439, 448, 483, 490, 496, 550, 556, 560

Timur and, 561–63, 627–28

see also

Indian Ocean, 230, 272

Indravarman II, king of Khmer, 300

Indravarman V, king of Champa, 385

Indus, Battle of the, 264–66

Indus river, 226, 264–66, 482, 561

, 364

Injong, king of Goryeo, 70

Innocent III, pope, 176–78, 180–82, 204–5, 220, 236–37, 240, 242–46, 248–49, 253–54, 257–58, 277, 283

Innocent IV, pope, 323–24, 330, 359–61, 408

Innocent V, pope, 340

Innocent VI, pope, 539–41

Inquisition, 260,
, 320, 324

in Italy, 259

interdict, 8, 130, 205, 238

investiture, papal right of, 5, 7–8, 10–11

Iran (Persia), 121, 122

Irbil, 157

Ireland, 6,
, 166, 203, 436–37, 465, 507

England’s invasion of, 148–50

timelines, 154, 160, 165

Irene, queen of Germany, 176, 178

Irish Sea, 148

Iron Crown of the Lombards, 648

Iron Gates, 675

Isaac Angelus, emperor of Byzantium, 145–46, 170, 176, 178–79, 219

Isabeau, queen of France, 621

Isabella (daughter of Charles VI), queen of England, 594–95

Isabella (daughter of Philip IV), queen of England, 401, 435, 464–68

Isabella of Angoulême, 202, 308

Isabelle, queen of France, 153, 499

Isami, 327, 329

Isar river, 83

Isfahan, 558

Isfizar, 558

Islam, 34, 277, 279, 283, 430, 451, 463, 601, 629, 638

in Africa, 588–89

in central Africa, xxiv, 94–97, 288, 290

code of hospitality of, 157–58

Crusaders vs., 170, 172–73, 449

in Georgia, 264

in Hagia Sophia, 680

in India, 124, 225–31, 327–28, 427–31, 478, 480, 545

Islamic states, 155–56

in Jerusalem, 158–59, 296, 332–33, 337, 351

in Middle East, 351

Mongols and, 348, 349

in North Africa, 373

in old Il-khanate lands, 453

in Ottoman empire, 419

ruling custom of, 346

Shi’ite, 226–28

slavery and, 226, 588

in Spain, xxiii, 43–47, 88–92, 177, 242–46, 306–7, 372, 373, 515, 655

Sufism in, 544–45

Sunni, 226
, 228

in Syria, 102–5

Timur and, 558, 628

among Turks, 134

and the West, 681

in West Africa, 99–100, 208–9, 455, 459

Islamic law, 44

Isle of Wight, 579

Issyk-Kul, Lake, 505

Istanbul, Constantinople’s transformation into, xxv

Italy, 53, 76, 135, 141, 144, 257, 294, 295, 318, 320, 359, 364, 370, 374–75, 389, 410, 413, 414–16, 465, 485–86, 540–41, 616, 648

city-states of, 16, 83, 85

in Crusades, 13–14

Holy Roman Empire in northern, 8, 83–86, 646

liberal arts in, 6

maritime republics of, 16

northern, 83, 321, 364, 411, 484, 604, 645–46

northern, Lombard League in, 318

Papal States of, 10,
, 82–83, 86, 360, 410, 571–73

Renaissance in, xxiii–xxiv

scholarship in, 46

southern, 360, 365, 373, 389, 391, 410

southern (Dukedom of Apulia and Calabria), 13,
, 135, 141

timelines, 18, 24, 87, 93, 101, 147, 154, 325, 331, 418, 426, 432, 490, 496, 504, 511, 524, 576, 586, 590, 619, 626, 634, 653, 661, 672

trading posts of, 16

war within, 571–75,

Itinerarium Regis Ricardi
, 171

Ivan Asen, emperor of Bulgaria, 367

ivory, 95, 97–98, 290

Izu, 213

Izu Islands, 162

Jackson, Peter, 230

Jacques Bonhomme insurgents, 520, 583

Jaén, 307

Jaffa, 172

Jaffna, 547–48

Jalal ad-Din, shah of Khwarezm, 263–66, 333

Jalalu-d din Firu Khilji, 404

Jalandhar, 406

James, king of Aragon, 243, 246, 305–7, 372–73, 390, 410, 420

James II, king of Aragon, 463

James II, king of Sicily, 392

Jamuqa, 196–98

Japan, 61–67,
, 69, 161–65, 382, 383, 386, 470, 566–69,

Chrysanthemum Throne in, 214, 215, 470

Cloistered Emperors in, 63–67

Kamakura Shogunate in,

pirates from, 566–67

Records Office in, 62

samurai in, 62, 66, 161, 163, 211, 382–83, 470, 473, 475

shoguns in, xxiv, 211–15, 470

Southern and Northern Courts in, 475,

timelines, 68, 75, 80, 165, 175, 216, 224, 477, 483, 490, 570, 576, 586

Jargeau, 665

Jatavarman Sundara, 272

Jaunpur, 549

Java, 108

Javakas, 274

Jaya Indravarman II, king of Champa, 29–30

Jaya Paramesvaravarman II, king of Champa, 300–301

Jayasi, 428

Jayavarman II, king of Khmer, 30

Jayavarman VIII, king of Khmer, 385

Jeanne d’Arc, 664–68

Jebe, 263, 264

Jeong Dojeon, 568

Jeong Jung-bu, 71–72

Jeroschin, Nicolaus von, 284–85

Jerusalem, 40, 76, 134
, 168, 173, 178, 179, 233, 237, 275, 282, 293, 295–96, 318, 351, 375, 450, 676

Crusader retaking of, 296

patriarch of, 296

Saladin’s conquest of city of, 158–59

Jerusalem, Kingdom of, 13–16,
, 21, 35–36, 103–6, 135, 156–59, 166, 171–73,
, 275
, 293, 333, 351, 353, 369, 376–77

Jews, 457

in Egypt, 89

English imprisonment of, 205

expulsion from France of, 153, 413, 463

French, Pastoureaux’s murder of, 462–63

laws of, 395

Philip IV’s taxes on, 401

in Spain, 89

Jiangzhou, 527

Jianwen, emperor of China, 638

Dai Viet

Jien, court priest, 213

, 34, 35–36, 102–3, 155, 157

Jin dynasty (Jurchen), 25,
, 29, 55–59,
, 195, 197–200, 262, 379

timelines, 33, 42, 60, 68, 75, 201, 206, 210, 269, 274, 302, 325

Jin empire, 310, 311–13, 341

, 119

Joan (daughter of Louis X), 417

Joan, queen of France, 507, 515

Joan, queen of Navarre, 374, 515

Joan, queen of Scotland, 498

Joanna, queen of France, 579

Joan of Navarre, queen of France, 398, 416, 516

Jochi (son of Genghis Khan), 263, 266–68, 310, 313, 339, 560

Jogaila, grand duke of Lithuania, 554–55

Johannes Scotus Erigena, 6

John, duke of Burgundy, 621–23

John, king of England (John Lackland; John Softsword), 150–51, 166–67, 173–74, 202–5, 233, 238, 240, 248–55, 308, 360, 362, 399, 625

John, king of Jerusalem, 276, 293–95

John (son of Louis IX), 374

John I, king of Castile, 592

John I (John of Aviz), king of Portugal, 592–93, 654–56

John II, king of Castile, 654

John II, king of France, 515–22

John II Comnenus, emperor of Constantinople, 16–17, 35, 135

John III Vatatzes, ruler of Nicaea, 222–23,
, 367–69

John IV Lascaris, ruler of Nicaea, 369–70

John V, emperor of Byzantium, 423, 425, 537–42, 598–99

John VI, emperor of Constantinople, 423–25, 507, 537–39, 541

John VII, emperor of Byzantium, 629–30

John VIII, emperor of Byzantium, 650–52, 676

John XXII, pope, 461–62, 484–88

John XXIII, pope, 615–17

John Cinnamus, 143

John Ducas, 135

John of Bohemia, 500

John of Brienne, 293
, 318

John of Fordun, 399, 400, 434, 437, 447

John of Gaunt, 517, 521, 577–79, 581, 583, 591–93, 595, 596
, 620, 654

John of Procida, 389

John of Salisbury, 53, 77

John of Trokelowe, 445

Joinville, Jean de, 226, 303, 308, 332–37, 353, 355, 373–74

Jordan river, 347

Joseon, Goryeo as, 567–69,

Jurchen people, 25–27, 57–58

see also
Jin dynasty (Jurchen)

jury trial, 129

Justinian, emperor of Rome, 135

Juvaini, 264, 268

Juzjani, Minhaj Siraj, 122, 329

Ka’aba, 429, 457

Kabil Shah, khan of Chagatai, 557

Kadan, 315

Kaesong, 71, 311

Kafur, Malik, 407, 429, 478

Kahta, 450

Kaifeng, 25, 26, 29, 55, 56, 199, 310, 312–13

Kajoor, 459

Kaka, 587

Kakatiya, 112, 115

Kakatiya Kingdom, 429, 478–80

Kalachuri, 112

Kalka, 313

Battle of,

Kalka river, 266

Kalmar, 607

Kaloyan, emperor of the Bulgarians, 220–21

Kalyani, 112

Kamakura, 470

Kamakura shogunate, 162–64,
, 211–15, 382, 471–75

, 383

Kamo river, 63

, 61

Kanem, 94–96, 288–90,
, 372, 587–89

Saifawa dynasty of, 95

timelines, 101, 107, 116, 210, 216, 292, 297, 302, 590, 597

Kangdong, 310

Kanghwa, 311, 341

Kannauj, 329

Kano, 588

Kara, 404, 405

Karakorum, 316, 339, 342–43, 347, 379–80, 637

Kardashian family, 519

Karl Knutsson, king of Sweden, 609

karma, 119

Katsina, 588

Kaveri, 546

, 121

Ked-Buqa, 347–48

Keita clan, 208–9

timelines, 210, 216

Kemmu Restoration, 474

Kent, 78, 583

Kent, earl of, 304

Kerait tribe, Mongol, 195–96

Kerak, castle of, 449

Khalil, 346

Khalil al-Ashraf, sultan of Egypt, 376–77, 449

Khandesh, 548, 549

khans, 195, 196

Khatun, 452

Khentil mountains, 195

Kherlen river, 304

Khilji dynasty, 404

Khitan people, 310–11

, 29–31, 300–301,
, 385, 531–33,

timelines, 33, 42, 60, 302, 309, 536, 543, 550

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