The History of the Renaissance World (129 page)

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Authors: Susan Wise Bauer

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Flanders, counts of, 152–53, 249–50, 399, 411, 579

Fleet Prison, 583

Flor, Roger de, 420–21

Florence, 321, 364, 415, 416, 507, 510, 572–75, 645, 648, 651

Foggia, 360

Fomba, 459

Fontainebleau, 416

Fonti, 574

Forbidden City, 640, 643

Forth river, 433

Forth valley, 433

Forty, the, 327

Foulques, 177

Four Articles of Prague, 646–47

Fourth Chinese Domination, 640

Fourth Crusade, 176–82, 240, 367

Fourth Lateran Council, 257–58, 275

France, 6, 20, 39,
, 173, 233, 257, 259, 275, 293, 303–4, 364, 372, 390–91, 411–14, 445, 461–63, 464, 465,
, 488, 497, 515,
, 541, 621–23

the Anarchy in,

church and state in, 401, 411

constable of, 623, 625, 669

Crusaders from, 39, 159, 166, 177, 244, 275, 332–37, 347, 353–54, 601

England’s hostilities with, 153, 159, 166, 173–74, 177, 202–3,
, 238, 248–52, 275, 303–4,
, 308, 332, 353, 355, 361, 397, 401, 461, 498–503, 515–23, 547, 577–83,
, 592–95, 623–25, 654, 662–71,

liberal arts in, 6

north of, 516

Pastoureaux rebellion in, 354–57,

Scotland and, 433, 501, 663

timelines, 269, 309, 317, 338, 345, 358, 366, 371, 378, 387, 393, 402, 418, 426, 477, 483, 504, 511, 524, 530, 536, 586, 590, 597, 603, 626, 634, 644, 672, 682

warming in, 443,


in Crusades, 13

feudalism in, 4

popes in, 83

south of, 235, 240, 258

Francia, Western, 20, 36, 49, 76–78, 149–51,
, 152, 159, 167, 174, 202–3, 221, 233, 236, 249, 252, 259, 303

timelines, 24, 33, 42, 48, 54, 60, 68, 80, 87, 93, 133, 140, 147, 154, 160, 165, 175, 183, 194, 206, 210, 216, 241, 247, 256, 261

Franciscans, 257, 277, 316, 324, 339, 354, 367, 373, 389, 392, 486, 506, 572, 615, 654

Francis of Assisi, Saint, 257, 277–78

Frankfurt, 81

Franks, Salian, 417

Frederick II, Holy Roman emperor, 250, 275–76, 278–79, 293–96, 316, 318–21, 330, 332, 356, 359, 388

excommunication of, 294–96, 322–23, 410

Italy invaded by, 321–24,

Frederick Barbarossa, Holy Roman emperor, 82–86,
, 141, 159, 168–70

Frederick of Austria, rival king of Germany, 416, 484–85

Frederick of Hapsburg, Holy Roman emperor, 675, 677

Freitas, Lançarote de, 658

Freteval, 129–30

Froissart, Jean, 463–65, 497, 499, 501, 515, 521–23, 574, 577–79, 581–83, 593–94, 596, 620

Fujiwara clan, 61–67, 161

Fujiwara Nobuyori, 66–67

Fulbert, 49–50

Fulk V, count of Anjou, 20–21, 35, 103, 293

Fulk the Black, 20

Galen, xxiii, 46

Galich, 266

Galileo Galilei, xxiv

Gallipoli, 420–22, 538–39

Gambia, 459

Gampola, 548

Ganges delta, 117, 225

Ganges river, 328

delta of, 403

Gao, 455

Gaoyou, 527

Garcia Ramirez (the Restorer), king of Navarre, 44, 89

Garigliano river, 364

Garnier l’Aleman, 296

Garonne river, 246

Gascony, 435, 499, 501, 517

Gaur, 119, 120, 124, 480

Gaveston, Piers, 435–36, 463–64

Gaza, 347

Gelasius I, pope, 82

Gempei War, 161–65

Genghis Khan, 195–200, 207, 262–68, 279, 310, 316, 333, 339, 380, 557–58, 560, 627, 629, 632

Genoa, 16, 83, 141, 144, 333, 369–70, 415, 420, 506, 539, 541, 571, 575, 578, 646

Geoffrey (son of Henry II), 150–51, 166, 202

Geoffrey the Handsome (Geoffrey Plantagenet), 20–21, 76, 77

George III, king of England, 578

George IV, king of Georgia, 264

George V, king of Georgia, 450, 453, 650

George VI, king of Georgia, 650

Georgia, 264, 313, 339–40, 453, 632, 640

timelines, 269, 274, 317, 325

Gerald de Barri, 168

Gerald of Wales, 148–49, 151

Gerald the Fearless, 90–91

Gerard of Cremona, xxiii–xxiv, 46–47

Gerger, 450

Germany, 20, 81–86, 249, 250, 257, 318–21, 323–24, 359, 364, 388, 410, 416, 445, 465, 484–86, 488, 489–501, 551, 571, 574, 611–13, 618, 645–50, 674

civil war in, 416

in Crusades, 13, 39, 81–82, 159, 166, 168–70, 177, 275, 282–85, 293, 601–2

electors of, 360, 416, 484–85, 500, 503, 612–13, 675

Holy Roman empire in, 8, 11, 20, 86, 176

national identity of, 318

Slavic tribes in, 238

timelines, 87, 93, 101, 353, 418, 426, 432, 490, 496, 504, 511, 524, 576, 586, 590, 619, 626, 634, 661, 672

Gertrude of Bavaria, queen of Hungary, 282

Gervase of Canterbury, 203

Gesta Principum Polonorum
, 283–84

Géza II, king of Hungary, 139

Ghana, 99–100

fall of, 207–9

Ghazan Khan, ruler of Il-khanate, 405–6, 420–21, 450

Ghazi Malik Tughluq,
Ghiyas-ud-Din, sultan of Delhi

Ghaznavid Turks, 121–23

Ghazni, 228, 229, 545

Ghibellines, 410–11, 415

Ghiyas ad-Din Ghuri, sultan of the Ghurids, 122–24, 225

Ghiyas-ud-Din, sultan of Delhi, 431, 478–79

Ghost Month, 643

, 229

Ghurids, 118
, 121–24, 225–31, 336

Giant’s Tank, 109–10,

Gibraltar, 515

Gibraltar, Strait of, 43, 91, 243, 655

Giles Chronicle
, 671

Gillingham, John, 166

, 95–97

Gironde, 578

global warming, 443

Gloucester, 149

Glyndwr, Owain, 620–21

goats, 445

Gobi Desert, 263, 267

Gobir, 588

Go-Daigo, emperor of Japan, 471–75, 569

Godfrey of Viterbo, 85

Gojong, king of Goryeo, 311, 342

Go-Kameyama, emperor of Japan, 569

gold, 95, 98, 174, 290, 456–57

Golden Bull, 282–83

Golden Horde, 316, 340, 343, 349, 405, 406, 450, 506, 554, 560, 561, 630

timelines, 564, 570, 576

Golden Horn, 679,

Goliath, 348

Golubac, 673

Gongmin, king of Goryeo, 565–67

González de Clavijo, Ruy, 627

Gopala, king of Pala empire, 117–19

Goryeo (Korea), 69–74,
, 198, 310–13, 339, 341–42, 379, 381–85, 565–68

Council of Generals (
) in, 72–74

Goryeo (Korea) (

timelines, 75, 80, 87, 317, 325, 570, 576, 586

see also

, 70–74, 311

Go-Sanjo, emperor of Japan, 61–63

Goseibai shikimoku
, 212, 215

Go-Shirakawa, emperor of Japan, 65–67, 161, 163–64, 212–13

Gospel, 647

Go-Toba, emperor of Japan, 163–64, 213–15

Gottland, 609

Go-Uda, emperor of Japan, 471–72

Granada, 88, 89, 306, 307,
, 515, 655

Grand Canal, 526

Gratian, 53

Gray, Reginald de, 395

Gray, Sir Thomas, 465, 467, 498, 518

Greater Poland, 284

Great Gift ceremony, Hindu, 120

Great Wall, 640

Great Zimbabwe, 291

Greece, 135, 171, 367–68, 599, 633, 678

Greece, ancient

ideas and thinkers of, xxiii–xxiv, 46–47, 354, 681

natural philosophy of, 76

Greek fire, 630

Greek Orthodox Church, 219–20, 222, 376, 389, 539, 541–42, 554–55, 650

Catholic beliefs vs., 376
, 651–52

Greenland, 443, 604

Gregoras, Nicephorus, 538

Gregory VIII, pope, 159

Gregory IX, pope, 294–96, 318–23

Gregory X (Teobaldo Visconti), 374–75

Gregory XI, pope, 572–74

Gregory XII, pope, 617

Gregory the Great, 412

Gregory the Priest, 136

Greif, Hannsen, 601–2

Grim, Edward, 131–32

Grimm, Wilhelm and Jakob, 447

Grimoard, William,
Urban V, pope

, 207

Guanches, 654

Guelphs, 410–11, 415

Guesclin, Bertrand de, 578

Guhila, 428

Gui, Bernard, 462

Guibert of Nogent, 153

Guienne, Duchy of, 464, 465, 467

Gujarat, 407, 428, 549, 563, 627

, 61–63, 65–66, 162, 213

Gulbarga (Karnataka), 546,

Gulf of Tonkin, 27

Gunther of Pairis, 217

Guy, king of Jerusalem, 157–58, 170–71, 173

Guyuk Khan, Great Khan, 339–41

Guzman, Dominic de, 236–37, 257–58, 320

Gwalior, 228

Gwynedd, 394–95

Haakon, king of Norway, 605, 609

Hadrian’s Wall, 399

Hafsid dynasty, 372–73

Hagia Sophia, 680

Haidar, Mirza Muhammad, 558

Hailing, prince, 57–58

, 95, 97, 103, 155, 290, 351, 451, 456, 480, 482

Hakata Bay, 382, 383

Hakut, Malik, 326

Halil Pasha, 676–78

Hama, 347, 348

Hanazono, emperor of Japan, 471

Han dynasty, in China, 27

Hangzhou, 55–56, 55
, 382

Han Lin’er, 526

Han Roe, 72

“Hansel and Gretel” (Grimm), 447

Hanseong, 568

Han Shantong, 526, 527

Hanyang, 568

Harahara, 480

Harald Tangle-Hair, 604

Harfleur, 623–24

Harihara Raya I, king of Vijayanagara, 545–48

Harim, 34

Harima, 471

Harlech Castle, 621

hashish, 228

Hattin, Battle of, 157

Hausa Kingdoms, 588–89,

(rockets), 546

Hawarden, 395

Hawkwood, John, 573–74

Hedwig, king of Poland, 553–55

Heiji Disturbance, 66–67, 161–62

Heiji Era, 65

Helena, empress of Byzantium, 599

Hellespont, 176, 538–39

Heloise, 49–50, 52

Henry, prince of Portugal, xxiv

Henry (son of John I of Portugal), 655–59

Henry I, king of Constantinople, 221–22

Henry I, king of England and duke of Normandy, 3–5, 7–8, 10, 19–22, 76, 251

Henry II (Henry Plantagenet), king of England, 76–79, 126–32, 148–53, 166–68, 174, 203, 293
, 399, 498

Henry III, king of England, 304, 307, 332, 335, 359–65, 367, 375, 394–95

Henry IV, Holy Roman emperor, 8, 176

Henry IV, king of England, 595–96, 608, 614, 620–21

Henry V, Holy Roman emperor, 8–11, 16, 19–20

Henry V, king of England, 620, 623–25, 662, 671

Henry VI, Holy Roman emperor, 170, 172–73, 176

Henry VI, king of England, 662–63, 668–71

Henry VII, king of Germany, 414–16

Henry VII (son of Frederick II), 320–21

Henry of Huntingdon, 19, 21, 22

Henry the Fat, king of Navarre, 374

Henry the Fowler, 20

Henry the Lion, 82–83, 86, 177, 410

Henry the Pious, duke of Greater Poland, 315–16

Henry the Younger, 130, 150–53, 166

Herat, 225, 558

Hérault river, 238

Herbert of Bosham, 128, 131

Hereford, 397, 465

heresy, 233–40, 242–43, 249, 413, 488, 582, 615

church councils and, 257, 260, 649

punishment of, 319–320, 359

trials for, 617, 667–68

see also Albigensian Crusade; Inquisition; Languedoc

Hermann of Carinthia, 46

Heselrig, Sir William, 400

heterodoxy, 51–52

Hexamilion Wall, 633, 673

Hiei, Mount, 63

Himalayas, 225


Angkor Wat and, 30–31

beliefs of, 119

castes in, 120–21

in Champa, 300–301

in Chola empire, 108, 110–15

in, 29

in India, 118–20, 123–24, 225, 230–31, 270, 327, 329, 405, 407, 427–31, 478, 479, 480, 544–46

in Sri Lanka, 271

Hindu Kush mountains, 267

History of Florence
(Machiavelli), 646

Ho dynasty, 640

Hogen Era, 65

Hogen Incident, 65

Hohenstaufens, 410

Hojo clan, 473–74

Hojo Masako, 213–14

Hojo Takatoki, 472–74

Hojo Tokimasa, 212–13

Hojo Tokimune, 382–83, 470

Hojo Yoshitoki, 213–14

Holinshed, Raphael, 596, 663, 667

Holland, 249

Holy Land, 21, 37, 77, 166, 171, 176, 258, 279, 281, 294, 354, 375, 377, 462

Crusader Kingdoms in, 13–17, 156–59

Holy Roman Empire, 8–11,
, 82–86,
, 159, 168–70, 316, 318–24,
, 485, 500, 645–50,
, 652

Electoral League of, 500

Guelphs and Ghibellines in, 410–11

imperial cities in, 611–12

Innocent IV and, 359–60, 410

shrinkage of, 365

timelines, 12, 18, 24, 33, 42, 48, 54, 60, 68, 87, 93, 183, 194, 206, 210, 216, 241, 247, 256, 261, 280, 286, 292, 297, 302, 325, 338, 345, 358, 366, 371, 387, 393, 402, 418, 426, 432, 490, 496, 504, 511, 524, 576, 586, 590, 619, 626, 634, 653, 661, 672, 682

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