The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2) (27 page)

BOOK: The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2)
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“Open wide enough so I can slide in.” The sound of his dominant voice had me under the spell, which was Daimon. I eagerly did what I was told and opened wider, anticipating his taste. “Fuck, Addie, you look like you can’t wait to have me in your mouth,” Daimon grunted, pushing my head down his shaft. “I’m going to fuck your mouth, Addie.” he tone was low as he started his gentle thrusts. I reached my hand up to his balls, but Daimon pushed my hand away. “It’s what I want.” I sat still, letting him use my mouth as he fucked it. My pussy grew wet, as my mind drifted to thoughts of him ripping my clothes off and having sex with me at that moment. I snaked my hand down my pants and rubbed my clit. “No, Addie,” he growled as he moved faster. I wiggled in my seat needing relief. Daimon only grew hotter and heavier as he slowed his rhythm, coming into my mouth, his hot salty cum dripping down my throat as he held my head. “Take it all, Addie. Every last drop,” Daimon ordered while I swallowed.

Daimon finally pulled out, my mouth hurting from his assault. “Don’t you dare touch yourself, not until I tell you.” Daimon pointed at me.

“Daimon, I’m not going to sit here and do nothing,” I said, my body hot with need.

“You will,” he snapped.

“No, I won’t,” I replied.

Daimon leaned in, putting his hands on either side of my chair, his face inches from mine. “You will be a good girl and do as I say.” His eyes peered into mine. Daimon could always be intimidating. I did want to give him power; I wanted him to control me, but something inside me still fought with my desire. As I glared back at him, I finally realized why. Frank. Frank took my power without asking me and I was left in pieces. Yet here I was willingly giving Daimon what I wanted and still I couldn’t quite do it.

“Screw off, Daimon,” I snarled as I pushed him off my seat and stood up to head to the back of the plane where I found a bathroom. I locked myself inside, reeling from everything that just happened.

Frank was a tender lover until he changed and became rough, and at times would even hurt me. I would sometimes wake with bruises around my neck or on my back. It was hard, but I hid it from Sofia and my father. He never once forced me, but used my guilt to use and control me. I felt shame for wanting my lover to own me and to control that part of me. Frank never once ordered but rather did what he wanted and in my mind at the time, it was okay because I thought I loved him.

“Just shut up and fuck me already. I don't need this shit from you. What I need is your pussy,” Frank yelled loudly as I walked into his home after closing the diner for the night.

“Can’t I just go take a shower first?” I said, exhausted from my long day. Frank didn’t say anything so I moved toward his bathroom when I was blindsided. I was on the wooden floor, the side of my head pounding. I opened my eyes to find Frank on top of me, his eyes dark and angry, while his teeth were bearing down at me.

“Don’t you dare make me tell you twice.” I bit the inside of my lip as I rose up. Frank grabbed my upper arm, his fingers digging in deep as he pulled me close. “I waited for you all day,” he said harshly.

“I'm sorry,” I breathed.

“You’re sorry?” he chuckled darkly. He slapped me hard, my face throbbing. “You like it when I'm rough,” he grunted as he thrashed away inside as he held onto my throat, almost choking me.

A loud knock came at the door.

“Addie!” Daimon called out. My heart jumped and my nerves kicked in. “Addie,” Daimon called out again.

I unlocked the door knowing I wouldn’t win this fight. Daimon quickly opened the door and stood at in the doorway.

“What the fuck was that?” he asked. But I said nothing. Daimon growled and stepped inside pushing me back.

“What are you doing?” I asked, trying to push him out.

“What I want,” he said grimly. Daimon reached for my pants and yanked them down.

“No,” I said roughly, but Daimon won’t listen to me.

His fingers instantly found my pussy and began mercilessly rubbing my clit. I grabbed onto his shoulders, my nails digging in deep. He turned me around to the sink and hoisted me up. He pulled me to the edge, still playing with my pussy. He dug out his cock and drove it inside me with confidence; his movements were rough and fierce.

“I know this is what you want. You want me to take what I want from you. You want this, Addie. Fuck!” he grunted as he plunged his dick deep inside me.

I stifled my cry and I anchored myself onto the sink. Daimon seized onto my hips, driving his cock harder and faster. My pussy clenched around him as I came hard. Daimon grunted and bared his teeth as he pulled my shirt up to expose my belly. He yanked himself out and came all over me, his hot seed gradually pooling into my navel.

“Get off me,” I spat out, trying to catch my breath, but Daimon didn’t move, rather he took my arms and held me close.

“You don’t get to tell me you like losing control and then walk away when I do it. You don’t get to do what you want when you want. Not anymore,” he said in a serious tone.

“Really? Let me explain this to you. Just because I caved and told you I love you, doesn’t give you any rights to me,” I warned, the memory of Frank still fresh in the forefront of my mind.

“You think so?” he challenged.

“I know so.” I stood my ground, only because in my heart of heart I knew Daimon would never hurt me. He would never go as far as Frank. My body reacted to Daimon and I let it. I wanted him to have it, to do what he wanted.

“You belong to me and I get to do what I want to you,” he said bluntly. His words made my mind rewind to the times I was with Frank. “Addie?” he said hoarsely, his face changing as he grabbed onto me. “Addie what is it? Just tell me,” he implored.

“I want to… I really do… but I can’t,” I admitted quietly. I felt like Frank had yet again come into my life and ruined something special to me. I knew it was me, but still I felt his presence.

“Is it me?” Daimon demanded.

“No. No, it’s not you. How can it be you? It’s me who’s broken. Just when I think I can move forward something blocks my way,” I said ruefully.

“Frank,” Daimon said in a harsh tone. “Don’t give me that look, Addie. You might think I'm not the brightest, but I know you. I know you better than anyone.”

“I want to give you control. I want you to take it from me, but I feel wrong doing it after what had happened with Frank,” I murmured, looking away from Daimon, my eyes stinging as tears started.

“I am not him,” he said roughly, upset I might have compared him to Frank.

“I know you’re not him. You could never be him,” I said regretfully.

“I like controlling you in bed, and that’s only because I highly doubt I can in any other aspect of our relationship. Addie, it’s okay to want it. I want it too,” he said as he cupped my face and kissed me. His lips were supple and simply divine, soothing the doubt that lingered in my mind. “You did say this trip was going to bring you a lot of new experiences.” He grinned as he looked down at me.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, sniffling and wiping my tears away.

“Joining the mile high club.” He wagged his eyebrows.

“You’re such an ass.” I hit his chest as I laughed, breathing out a small sigh. Daimon made me feel protected and safe. I knew with him, I could finally let go. I was just worried to see how far he would take me.

“I’m your sexy ass.” He nuzzled his face into my neck.

“Mr. Evans?” Mitch knocked at the door of the bathroom. “You will need to take your seat, sir.”

Daimon rested his head on my shoulders and quietly sighed.

“Fine, Mitch, thank you,” he shouted.

“He likes you, you know that, right?” I teased.

“What?” Daimon rose up and looked incredulously at me.

“He wants your sexy fine ass,” I mocked, giving him a chaste kiss.

“You can’t be seriously jealous of my male flight attendant?” he asked, almost smiling.

“No, I'm not jealous. I'm just telling you. He seems to want you.”

“You’re hallucinating. It has to be air deprivation from your first flight.” Daimon reached behind him and took a towel and wiped off his cum from my belly.

“Okay, Daimon, don’t believe me,” I smirked.

He helped me down from the counter and gave me my pants. I got dressed and headed out with Daimon holding my hand. I watched as our fingers intertwined. His strong hand held onto me with such certainly that it made me feel like a fool for letting my past get in the way of my future.

“Daimon,” He turned to me, his marvelous icy blues with his tousled hair. God, he was so beautiful. I used his hand and propelled myself to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in.

“Thank you,” I whispered into his ear. Daimon, slow in reacting, finally hugged me back, holding me tightly as he took in a deep breath.

“Anything for my Addie.”

The Layover

“Wake up, Addie,” Daimon said softly in my ear.

“Are we there?” I asked, opening my eyes to see the bright sun peering through the oval windows.

“No, we’re not.” Daimon continued to touch my face as he knelt down beside me.

“Then where are we?” I asked, looking up at him.

“We’re in Doha refueling,” he smiled.

“Doha? Are you serious?” I bit my lip to hold back a smile.

“Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?” I nodded in response.  “It's probably going to take a few hours, so let's go. But before we do,” he rose up and extended his hand, when Mitch appeared, giving him a carryon bag, “go change.”


“Addie, we're on vacation.” Daimon leaned closer to my ear and whispered, “And I want to see you wearing what I bought you, now go change.” He pushed back a little and smiled at me.

I laughed as I emerged from the bathroom; Daimon had bought me a silk summer dress. It was a pastel red and very bohemian. He even got me tiny Grecian golden sandals.

“Now that's my Addie.” He reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers together. “Come, the car is waiting for us.” He pulled me through the plane right to the air stairs. Daimon kept going but I stopped him. “What, Addie?” The world around me was foreign and strange. The air was thick with heat, the sun hot and low. A gust of air hit me and heavy aromas of exotic smells enticed me. “Come on, Addie.” Daimon tugged at my hand and I followed him.

The black BMW drove us to the main airport where a gentleman opened the door for Daimon and me.

“Mr. Evans.” The man extended his hand leading us inside. I held onto Daimon's hand, letting him lead me as I looked around, completely taken in by everything around me. The airport was small but was filled with people of various cultures that I’d never encountered.

“Mr. Evans, welcome to Onyx Lounge,” a Middle Eastern man welcomed from behind a desk.

“Thank you,” Daimon responded, walking us through the sliding glass doors.

The room was filled with businessmen, some wearing their traditional kaftan and headdress. Their beards were clean and perfectly shaven, creating an air of seriousness. To the other end of the room were travelers, most of whom were British. They sat on red-and-white leather chairs lined up perfectly. Large televisions were placed sparsely around, displaying flight details. Waiters and waitresses walked around asking patrons if they needed anything. Everything was impeccable and clean. “Addie, let's sit here,” Daimon said, pointing to a small area that was a bit more private, cutting us off from the rest of the people. “You like people watching,” Daimon noted as he sat down.

“It’s not people watching; it's just I feel like we’re somewhere completely different, like we're not even part of the same planet. It's absolutely amazing,” I said, completely taken in.

“We’re half way across the world; here it doesn't matter if you’re a New Yorker,” Daimon said, waving over a small waitress. “Two bottles of water, hummus and some tabbouleh,” he said to her. She nodded and left.

“You’ve been here before?” I asked.

“A few times, for business, mostly.”

“Daimon,” cried out a man with a thick British accent. “Holy fucking hell, mate! Haven’t seen you since the merger.” I saw a rather pudgy looking man with a receding hairline holding a glass filled with what I presumed was beer.

“Fuck,” muttered Daimon under his breath. “Stanley, how are you?” Daimon said with a fake smile plastered on his face as he stood up and shook his hand.

“Oh, I see you brought one of your sexy lady friends out to play. How many have I seen you with again?” he laughed as he nudged him on his side.

“You’ve must have seen quite a few with my husband.” I stood up and held out my hand so he could shake it.

“Oh,” he murmured, “I was just kidding around.”

“Sure you were,” I said as he shook my hand but looked over to a raging Daimon who was staring at me. “Now if you two would excuse me,” I said through my teeth.

“Fucking asshole,” I muttered as I left them both and went off to the other end of the lounge. I saw the young waitress who was caring for us holding onto our order. I waved at her asking her to place it down at a large table that was free. I sat down and ate to my heart’s content.

“I see you’ve found food,” Daimon commented coldly as he sat down in front of me. I narrowed my eyes at him as I finished the last drop of water in the bottle. I slammed it down and continued to glare at him. “I see my Addie is a bit upset,” Daimon remarked.
How many has Daimon been with?
The need to know his number was gnawing at me. I let out a breath between my bites. Had I been at a better state of mind I would have told him this was the best Middle Eastern food I ever had and I was only at the airport. I grabbed my bottle of water and chugged it down.

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