The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2) (28 page)

BOOK: The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2)
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“A bit,” I replied.

“That was Stanley. He helped me with my mergers in London,” Daimon noted calmly.

“I see, and how many do you have in London?” I asked.

“Companies?” Daimon acted coy.

“Women, you conceited asswipe,” I snarled.

“I only know that I have one in my life and she is quite the pain in my ass,” he snarled back.

“You should maybe get rid of her,” I retorted.

“Maybe, considering she just compared me to something that wipes a dirty fucking ass,” he hissed. “But the truth is I can’t seem to get her out of my mind let alone from under my skin. So I’m going to have to keep her, unfortunately.”

“That’s too bad for you,” I said as I looked away not able to see the very blue of his eyes. One of my many weaknesses when it came to him.


“How many?” I asked, surprising myself. “How many did you have?”

Daimon sighed and just looked at me. The very look on his face spoke volumes.
Was there even a number that was high enough to cover how many he had?

“I had ten,” I said without realizing.

“Ten? How?” he furrowed his brows and nearly bared his teeth.

“You think just because I worked at the diner and Frank was my only serious boyfriend that I didn’t date. I dated. Just like you I had needs. Desires that needed attending to,” I fired back, watching his face contort. “Let me guess, you thought I only had Frank. How naive are you?” I said dryly.

“I didn’t want to know your numbers and I fucking don’t want you to know mine,” he said angrily.

“Did you bring them on trips like this?” I wondered. The notion that he did, hurt me more than I thought. Just like this trip was a first for me, I wanted something to be a first for him.

“Some to London, others to other parts of the world, but never to French Polynesia,” he bit out. I looked down at the table and stared at the food, trying my hardest to focus and not cry.

“Why is this bothering you? Addie, I'm almost thirty; you couldn’t have thought that I never had other relationships?” he questioned.

“It’s stupid. Just forget it.” I picked up a piece of pita and dipped into the hummus. I chewed on the flat bread and tasted the lemony chickpea dip. I sat quiet until it was time to get back on the plane.


“Do you want to go back?” Daimon said roughly as I buckled my belt.

“You decide,” I said under my breath. I closed my eyes, annoyed at myself and my behavior.

“Mitch!” Daimon cried out.

“Yes, Mr. Evans?” Mitch emerged, his tone just as annoyed as mine.

“Wait outside while I talk to my wife,” Daimon snapped.

“Yes, sir,” Mitch huffed as he looked at me and walked out to the air stairs and waited.

“What is your fucking problem?” he asked, irritated.

“I don’t even fucking know,” I yelled back, unbuckling my seatbelt.

“Addie, I fucked other women. It’s normal,” Daimon started.

“Okay and I fucked other men. Let me see, I fucked one in a movie theater. Oh, and one in his car, one took me to Vermont for the weekend and fucked me out in the woods,” I lied through my teeth.

“Enough,” he shouted.

“I thought for some stupid reason I was different, special, I realize I'm not. I'm just one of many in Daimon Evans’ life,” I chuckled and looked away from him.

“Fuck me,” he said in a harsh tone. “What do you want, Addie? For me to shout on the rooftops? You want some sort of scripted bullshit that they do in movies? You are not in the line of many, you are my Addie. The only one who has ever owned my fucking heart. I get it. Don’t think I don’t. I’d rather no man had every touched that sweet fucking heat that is now mine, but that’s not the reality. You and I are the reality, now on this plane, heading for our honeymoon. Do you understand me?” he said bluntly. “Look at me, goddamn it,” he ordered. I looked over. Daimon’s face was fierce and cold; his eyes were like clear ice. “Addie, what more do you want?”

Daimon was right, my irrational way of thinking didn’t help what we were trying to build, yet I was letting jealousy rule me. Day two of this wonderful trip and I’d already fucked it all up.

“You’re right. I’m sorry,” I murmured.

“What did you say?” he voice sounded lighter than before.

“I said, I was sorry,” I said a little louder.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t get that. What was that again?” he teased. Seeing him smile eased my heart.

“I SAID, I WAS SORRY!” I shouted and chuckled.

“That was a little too loud for me. I didn’t…”


“Okay, okay, I’ll stop. It’s not often the all great and powerful Addie says sorry.” He smiled and walked over to me.

“Well, I am.” I pouted as he knelt before me.

“You shouldn’t be,” he said as caressed my hair.


“Because if what you told me is true, I'm ready to kill those men.”

“It’s not all true,” I admitted. Daimon narrowed his eyes.

“I at least know Vermont isn’t true. You would never leave the diner. But man, did that one get to me.”


“Seeing you in the forest, naked before me, readying for my cock. Yeah, that one is mine,” he winked and smiled wickedly.

“You’re such a bastard.” I shook my head at him.

“The movie theater can’t be true. My Addie isn’t a risk taker like that,” Daimon said, watching me. I bit my lip and smiled.

“Addie?” Daimon waited.

“Mr. Evans, the pilot said we need to leave now. It’s our turn on the runway.” Mitch came back into the main cabin.

“Fine,” Daimon hissed as he continued to glare at me. “Addie, tell me,” Daimon insisted, but I said nothing.

“Mr. Evans, you will need to sit down,” Mitch implored.

“Daimon, you heard the man, go and sit.” I smiled, not letting him in on my secret.

“You are so getting a punishment when we get off this plane,” Daimon said in a harsh tone.

Bora Bora

The moment I got off the flight, I understood why people always wanted to visit. The heat was scorching hot. The sun was bright and burned your skin while the air was clean and crisp. I was exhausted from the nearly twenty-four-hour flight. I didn’t remember much after I sat inside the car that was awaiting us at the airport. All I could remember was leaning on Daimon’s shoulder.


I stretched out my arms over my head. My body ached as I moved on the soft bed I was laying on; Daimon’s arm was across my belly as he slept next to me. The sun was setting and soft colors of pink and blues were painted across the sky. I rose up slowly not to wake him. My eyes filled with wonder as I made my way to the patio sliding glass doors. I pulled the door open and let in the warm air from outside. I smiled quietly to myself, completely thrown by all that was around me.

“I’m guessing by your small laughter you’re happy.” Daimon rose up from the bed and rested on his elbows.

“This is incredible,” I breathed, looking out to the view in front of our waterfront villa.

“I know it was nicer before when I carried you into the room. You realize you’re heavy,” he noted as he got up and walked over to me.

“Classic Daimon,” I murmured. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head into my neck.

“I’m glad you love it. All I ever want is for you to be happy,” Daimon said softly.

“Is this really our room?” I asked, taken aback as I looked around the huge villa.

“Do I make money?” he retorted. “Yes Addie, it’s our room. All two thousand seven hundred square feet of it is all ours; including the salt sea pool and our own private access to the barrier reef out there.” He held on tighter.

“I can’t swim very well,” I admitted.

“Then I’ll teach you,” he said softly as he nibbled at my ear. “It’s not your fault. You’re Addie,” he teased, but I elbowed him.

“Could you stop doing that? I might not know a lot, but I know enough,” I said, annoyed at him.

“Addie, you’re smart, a little too smart. Last thing I need is for you to figure it out and walk out on me,” he groaned as he held his belly.

“Maybe you’re right. I must be stupid to fall for your sappy words.” I stuck out my tongue.

“Finally, you realized it,” he mocked. “Now, about before, you know about the movie theater.” His face slowly changed into a predator. “You and a movie theater. Interesting, so my Addie likes trying out new things.” Daimon followed me around the room while I attempted to escape him and his dirty little thoughts, but it was too late. Daimon grabbed me and threw me onto the bed.

“Tell me more, Mrs. Evans, what exactly did you do in that theater with this worthless man?” he said as he lay on top of me. I laughed and squirmed around trying to get away.

“If you don’t, I’ll make you pay,” he threatened.

For the rest of the night, Daimon made me pay. Oh, God, did he ever make me pay. I laughed thinking about how much he fought me to tell him, but I kept my past sexual trysts to myself. It felt good having not told him and watching him brood.

“Why are you not talking to me this morning?” I asked as we sat down to a beautifully prepared breakfast that was placed outside on our private patio facing the ocean. It was midday and the sun was high in the sky, shining brightly. We both woke pretty late, partly because of jetlag and mostly because of Daimon’s relentless punishment as he called it.

“I’m annoyed,” he murmured.

“Annoyed? Why?” I teased, knowing full well his reason. Daimon said nothing as he forked a piece of carved out fruit from the center plate. “Is it because I won’t tell you about my sexual escapades? Or is because you can’t force me to tell you?” I smirked.

“I can force you if I want,” he bit out.

“Really, how? I’m interested to know.” I acted coy.

“I would suggest you not push me. You may not like the animal I become,” he warned, his eyes darkening as he leaned his head to one side and watched me carefully. The look he gave me made my body shiver. He frightened me but also excited a part of me that needed him to be the way he was right then.

“An animal? I highly doubt that.” I played along, hoping he would go further.

“Yes, Addie, an animal. One that will mount you and melt you from the inside,” he said low and domineering.

“You think too highly of yourself, Mr. Evans,” I retorted, swallowing my nerves. His eyes became wrought with desire as he stood up and moved slowly to me, his hungry eyes fusing me to where I sat.

“I think today you will need to learn just how much power I have over you,” he said hoarsely as he leaned in close, taking my hand and yanking me up.

“On the bed,” he ordered. I looked at Daimon wary of where he was going with all this. “On the bed, Addie…now!” I sat down on the edge of the bed and waited. “So my Addie likes doing naughty things in public places,” he said as he sat down on a chair in front of me.

“Daimon,” I said, trying to act as though his actions hadn’t aroused me.

“I see you wore my summer dress again,” he commented, ignoring me. “Lift it up. I want to see your pussy,” he ordered.

“Daimon,” I muttered again, uncomfortable with all the windows and sliding doors open.

“Now, Addie, lift up your dress and let me see that sweet, sweet heat that is mine.” His voice was lowered as he rested his elbows on his knees waiting for me.

I sat confused with my emotions. The logical part of me wanted to get up and smack him, but the part of me that needed his dominance, the part of me that yearned for this, fought hard. I slowly lifted up my dress, exposing myself to him. The warm air hit my core, causing my body to shiver with goose bumps.

“No panties…very nice, Addie,” he groaned as he sucked in his breath. “Play with yourself,” he murmured, his voice low and commanding. I slowly brought my hand to my pussy, uncertain of my actions. My cold fingers jolted my labia as I hesitantly moved. “Look at me when you’re doing it,” he said darkly. I unwillingly met his eyes. The hunger that lay deep in the blue of his eyes compelled me to move faster. I let out a breath as I fought the whirlwind of emotions, fear, lust and hunger. I dove my finger inside me as he watched. My juices making me sleek as I inserted another finger. “Keep going, Addie,” Daimon urged me on. I brought my other hand to my clit and massaged it slowly as I fingered myself, the heat of his gaze exciting me more.

“Faster,” he was barely able to say as he unzipped his jeans and took out his cock. The air around us was heavy with a savage lust. I bit my lower lip, forcing myself to focus on my frantic need for release. I watched on as Daimon pumped hard on his penis. I brought my legs up to the edge of the bed further opening up myself. “Fuck,” he groaned as he stood up and walked over to me. With each step he took, I felt my pussy tremble with need. I wanted him inside me, deep inside me. I wanted him to feel my pussy tighten around him as I came. “Spread your legs wider,” he said gruffly as he stood over me, looking down at me through his hooded eyes.

I spread my legs as far as I could. Daimon growled low into his chest as he placed the head of his cock at the mouth of my pussy. “It’s glistening. You’re so wet,” he gritted out as he swiped the head of his cock once on my swollen flesh. My breath hitched as I nearly came. “Not yet,” he bit out. He grabbed onto my thighs and plunged himself deep. “Tighten that sweet fucking heat around me,” he said roughly. The instant he said it my pussy tensed up, feeling his thick length. Daimon moved, abandoning all control, his frantic thrusts, moving in deeper and harder. His head fell back as he tightened his grip on my thighs. “Fuck, Addie,” he grunted. I continued to play with my clit circling around, seeking my orgasm. God, he looked so perfect between my legs as he surged into my pussy.

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