The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2) (32 page)

BOOK: The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2)
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“Fuck me, Addie, you look so fucking good. It’s taking everything inside me not to lunge and fuck you right here on this table,” he said in a tortured voice.

“I suggest you be a good boy, because good boys get surprises,” I wagged my finger at him.

“But I like being bad,” Daimon warned as he stood up, his eyes fixated on me and my body. “And bad boys always get what they want.” He reached out to grab me but I held out my hand and pressed it against his hard chest.

“Be good. I promise, if you be good this one time, I’ll make it worth it,” I said in my most alluring voice, as I tried to tempt him down my little rabbit hole.

“I hate being good, but for you, this one time, I’ll try,” he said, licking the seam of his lips. “Forget the food for now. I want what I’m supposed to get if I play nice,” Daimon said roughly.

“Tsk tsk, you can’t help but be bad and I can’t help but love a bad boy.” I pulled on his tie, taking him to the couch. Daimon took off his suit jacket, leaving him with his vest. He sat with his legs spread and his hands tightly holding onto his knees.

“Addie,” he said in a warning tone. I changed the song and played Sade’s “No Ordinary Love”.

“Be good,” I said as I held out my finger.

The heavy beats played and I started to move the moment I heard Sade’s voice. I danced slowly in a tantalizing manner, watching him as he sat spellbound. I saw his need to reach out for me, but he was trying to be good, making me feel desired. I reached my hands down my body feeling my curves. Daimon grunted as his usual bright blues disappeared replaced by a dark intense lust. My hands finally reached my neck as they slowly moved up my hair. I then stretched my hands high above me. I brought one hand leisurely down to my core and pressed against it. I closed my eyes as I dove down deeper underneath my slip to my very wet and needy pussy. I heard Daimon grunt and groan. I was intoxicated by his stare and dominance as he watched me dance for him. I was pulled out of my trance as Daimon grasped my arm and pulled me to him.

“I hate being good,” he barked as he replaced my fingers with his. “Your juices are flowing,” he said as he brought up his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean. “Tell me exactly what you were going to do to me tonight?” he asked in a hoarse tone, bringing his fingers back down to my swollen pussy.

“I was going to dance for you, then fuck you until you begged me to stop,” I said softly while Daimon continued to finger me.

“Hmm, sounds just perfect, just like you look right now. You have no idea how fucking sexy you look, wearing that, with my fingers deep inside you.” I moaned at his words. “You want me to beg, then I’ll beg. Please let me fuck you, Addie.”

I reached my hand down his pants and felt his rock hard cock. Daimon sucked in air and grunted. He leaned in and nuzzled his mouth at the nape of my neck, his hot lips leaving a heated trail. He pulled away and looked up at me. He let out a deep breath and picked me up high enough that my breasts were at his mouth. I wrapped my legs around his chest. He kissed my breasts gently through the slip. As he carried me to our bedroom, I dove my fingers through his long soft hair, relishing his touch.

“You know this isn’t going to last long, especially after what you did this morning,” he groaned as he placed me onto the bed. I smiled. “Yeah you should smile. Fuck…the power you have over me.”

I reached up to Daimon and took off each layer of his clothing. He put his fingers just underneath my tiny straps and pulled them down.

Daimon laid his glorious naked body on the bed as I rode him. He pressed me down nearly stopping me from moving. My slow short pace was pushing him over the edge as he grabbed onto my hair and neck, pulling me down kissing me as I fucked him. “Fuck, Addie,” he gritted out as he suddenly came. I rode him, knowing I was close. I mewled as my release came unannounced.

“I guess we both couldn’t last long,” he mocked, holding me down to his chest. “We are made for each other and this just proves it.”

I lay breathless on his hard chest, fading into his embrace, silently agreeing with him.

“I had something else planned, but I guess I should plan it for another day,” I murmured.

“Really? You are quite the kinky little girl. I love it. But what you did today was perfect. You looked so stunning and beautiful,” he murmured. I pulled up and stared down at him. “Don’t look at me like that, you did and you still do,” he said as he moved his hand up my belly to my breast, then up to my face. I leaned in slightly welcoming his embrace. He then lowered his hand back to my chest just above my heart.

“You shouldn’t say things like that,” I whispered as I placed my hand over his and held it there.


“Because I’ll start believing it,” I said quietly.

“Then believe it, because that’s how I see you.”

The Truth

I never honestly believed I’d reach a time in my life when everything was perfect, but in my world, at that time, it was. Everything seemed to fall into place.

Sofia had grown into her own, living her life. I spoke to her nearly every day on Skype or by text. She would tell me all about her new world and how exciting it was. My father had also changed. He was even talking about going to Greece, finally seeing his family after so many years. He looked healthy and strong. His laughter was never forced or pained like before, but rather light and true.

As for Daimon and me, that took on a life of its own. Every day we fought, but made up. We laughed and teased, finally coming together in a simple way, like it was always meant to be. Being with professional Daimon was challenging. Going to galas and dinners, trying my best to fit into his world, wanting to help him, were at times beyond what I could do, but I tried anyway. For Daimon, I would do more, because he gave me my life back. He gave me a new lease and a way to finally change. Daimon still hated Darren’s presence, but finally relented when it came to our friendship. It wasn’t like I gave him much of a choice. If I had to deal with Linda in his life, then he had to deal with Darren being in mine.

Linda didn’t pose much of a threat to me, not anymore, because I knew Daimon loved me and only me. The last time I saw her, I smiled and was polite, but made sure she knew where she stood, never to cross my lines again. Daimon laughed, saying that the strong Addie was alive and well. I finally was alive and well, no longer living day to day, lost in past remorseful feelings of guilt and pain. It would always be a part of me but only as a reminder never to be like that again.

Summer was nearing an end and school was due to start; in a month’s time, I would be a new student at NYU. I was beyond happy about it. I sat quietly in a café after Elissa had just left from our day of shopping. My mind wondered as I smiled, watching people pass by the café’s window. That’s until I saw the reflection of Daimon’s father standing behind me.

“Addie,” he said quietly as he stood close enough that I could smell his overpowering cologne. I turned my head as he pulled out the very seat my close friend shared with me. He placed his paper cup down onto the wooden table and crossed his legs, putting his hands on his knees.

“How has my daughter-in-law been?” His voice was curt. I hated to admit it, but Daimon’s cruelness stemmed from his father.

“Fine and how have you been?” I asked to be polite.

“I’ve been better.” He smiled a hint of a menacing soul just lingering behind. “I see my son has done quite well for himself.” He released his fingers and grabbed onto his coffee.

“Daimon works hard,” I said sternly.

“He does. It’s too bad he didn’t take my advice to marry Clara. He would have had a lot more money at his disposal, but I guess you will have to do now,” he noted callously.

“You suggested you were forcing him to marry her,” I snapped, hating how he always tried to play Daimon.

“Forcing? Addie, no one can force Daimon to do anything. I never once said anything other than perhaps Clara would be good to marry for her money,” he said behind his cup.

“Please, Mr. Evans, don’t toy with me. Daimon said it clearly you were forcing a ridiculous marriage on him,” I said annoyed.

“Is that what my boy told you?” Daimon’s father laughed. “That boy…. and here I thought he didn’t have much time. It appears he had a lot of time to play you.” He kept chuckling.

“He didn’t play me,” I said forcefully.

“Well, I never once forced any marriage on him, nor could I. He is the chairman of the company my father owned. I was bypassed, not once was I ever going to run the show. Daimon took what my father gave him and made it to what it is today.”

I sat in my chair at that café, the world I so happily thought I knew, the world I thought I had grown to understand slowly crumbled away, like pieces of a puzzle that never really fit.

“Addie,” Daimon’s father called out to me, but I could scarcely hear him.

“I need to go,” I said quietly as I abruptly rose from my chair, making it fall to the ground. I looked around, everyone’s eyes on me. I felt flushed and embarrassed as I quickly picked up my chair and left.


Ted drove me home. I didn’t wait for him to open the door for me. I flew inside the building passing Phil and Lenny like they weren’t even there, even though I heard their faint hellos. I made it up to the penthouse to hear Daimon playing his violin. I ran up the stairs, Drako running after me, barking.

“Is it true?” I nearly shouted. Daimon stopped and looked at me.

“Addie, what’s wrong?” He started for me, but I held up my hand to stop him.

“I saw your father today. He was in the coffee shop I was in,” I started.

Daimon stood not moving, his violin in one hand, and his bow in the other as he slowly eased his hands down.

“Is it true? About you and Clara? You told me he was forcing you to marry her. If you tell me it’s true, I will believe you,” I pleaded.

“Addie,” Daimon said softly, putting his instrument down. “Just listen to me.”

“Is it true?” I shouted.

“Addie, I love you,” Daimon said more forcefully.

“Daimon?” I cried out.

“Clara and I weren’t ever going to get married. She wanted to, she even begged her father, tried to seduce me a few times. But no, never was I forced to marry her,” he said ruefully.

“So you lied to me?” I scarcely heard myself say.

“I did what I needed to do,” he said calmly as he tried to walk toward me.

“Stay the hell away from me!” I cried out.

“Addie, remember I love you,” Daimon said again.

“You love me?” I said incredulously.

“Yes, I love you,” he seethed.

I grabbed onto the door, bracing myself, barely seeing the room around me as my eyes welled up. I shook my head and ran past him to the closet.

“What are you doing?” he shouted at me. I yanked a large bag from the top and threw it onto the floor. “Addie?” he barked as I took my clothes off the hangers and threw them into the suitcase.

“I’m leaving,” I yelled.

“Is that it, Addie? You use me and then you leave?” I stopped immediately and glared at him.

“Used you? It’s you who used me, you son of a bitch. It’s you, who instead of expressing yourself, used an elaborate game of lies to win me over!” I shouted, pounding my chest. My tears that had welled up fell freely.

“It worked didn’t it?. You fell in love with me!” Daimon shouted.

“You lied to me!” I screamed.

“What was I supposed to do, Addie? Just walk back into your life and ask you to be mine? With anyone else maybe, but not you. You have always been what I wanted; throughout high school and now, you are the only one I can see. So who cares if I made up these lies? Who cares if I made myself out to be an asshole? I’m no angel. Addie. I wanted you, so I did what I had to have you,” he barked, his face fierce and stern, his jaw locked tight as he stared at me through his ice cold eyes.

“I sat there in Bora Bora and poured out my heart to you. I thanked you, you bastard and you sat there and said nothing,” I yelled.

“Just because I lied about Clara, it doesn’t take away how I feel about you. I love you, Addie. I did it to have you. I lied to have you. I paid everything to have you by my side every damn fucking day, because I have and only ever have wanted you!” he shouted.

“This isn’t love!” I shouted back. I turned and closed my suitcase up.

“Addie, if you leave…” he stopped.

“What, Daimon, what?” I hissed back.

“Addie, don’t you fucking dare leave,” he warned.

“What are you going to do, Daimon?” I challenged.

“Addie, if you leave, I will take it all away. Your sister’s money, your father’s comfortable living, even you going to school. Everything,” he shouted. I glared at him, my eyes burning with such anger.

“I don’t need you anymore,” I said fiercely.

“AHHH!” Daimon shouted at the top of his lungs. “I NEED YOU!” he cried out as he reached for his violin.

“DAIMON DON’T!” But he didn’t hear me as he threw it onto the coffee table breaking it into pieces.

“IF YOU ARE NOT HERE WITH ME, I NO LONGER NEED ANYTHING! NOT MY MONEY! NOT MY MUSIC! NOTHING!” he roared, his chest heaving as he held onto the neck of his broken instrument, a large cut on his forearm started bleeding, dripping down past his wrist onto the ground. “Don’t you understand, I am nothing without you, nothing.”

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