The Indian Ocean (74 page)

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Authors: Michael Pearson

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History in the ocean


1 Omar Khalidi, 'The Hadhrami Role in the Politics and Society of Colonial India, 1750s-1950s', in Ulrike Freitag and William G. Clarence-Smith, eds,
Hadhrami Traders, Scholars and Statesmen in the Indian Ocean, 1750s-1960s
, Leiden, Brill, 1997, p. 78 and passim.


2 See W.G. Clarence-Smith, 'Introduction', in Freitag and Clarence-Smith, eds, ibid.


3 Gérard Naulleau, 'Islam et affairs: Le cas des familles marchandes du Gulfe', in Denys Lombard and Jean Aubin, eds,
Marchands et hommes d'affairs asiatiques dans l'Océan Indien et la Mer de Chine 13
, Paris, Editions de l'Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, 1988, pp. 297–310.


4 Béatrice Knerr, 'Labour Export from South Asia: Another Case of the "Dutch Disease"?', in Giorgio Borsa, ed.,
Trade and Politics in the Indian Ocean: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
, Delhi, Manohar, 1990, pp. 169–221.


5 Amitav Ghosh,
In an Antique Land: History in the Guise of a Traveler's Tale
, New York, Vintage Books, 1993, pp. 270–2, 284–5.


6 Stella Mascarenhas-Keyes, 'International Migration from Goa: The Significance of the Global and Local Political Economy and Socio-Cultural Factors', Teotonio R. de Souza, ed.,
Vasco da Gama and India, International Conference
, Lisbon, Gulbenkian, 1999, 3 vols, II, pp. 235–49.


7 Lady Anna Brassey,
A Voyage in the Sunbeam: Our Home on the Ocean for Eleven Months
, London, Longmans, Green, 1878, p. 412.


8 Moussa Said, 'Souvenirs d'un vieux marchand indien des Comores', in
Historical and Cultural Relations between France and India, 17–20th centuries
, Sainte Clotilde, Association historique internationale de l'Océan Indien, 1987, pp. 107–10.


9 Alan Villiers,
Sons of Sinbad: An Account of Sailing with the Arabs in the Dhows, in the Red Sea, around the Coasts of Arabia, and to Zanzibar and Tanganyika; Pearling in the Persian Gulf; and the Life of the Shipmasters, the Mariners and Merchants of Kuwait
, New York, C.Scribner's Sons, 1940.


10 M. McCarthy, 'Indonesian Divers in Australia's Northern Waters',
Great Circle
, XX, 1998, p. 122.


11 W. Somerset Maugham,
The Gentleman in the Parlour
, 1930, part of
The Travel Books of W. Somerset Maugham
, London, William Heinemann, 1955, pp. 114–15, 169.


12 Frank Broeze, 'From Imperialism to Independence: The Decline and Re-Emergence of Asian Shipping',
Great Circle
, IX, 1987, p. 85.


13 Frank Broeze, 'Underdevelopment and Dependence: Maritime India under the Raj',
Modern Asian Studies
, XVIII, 1984, pp. 447–55.


14 Gavin Young,
Halfway Around the World: An Improbable Journey
, New York, Random House, 1981.


15 Maugham,
The Gentleman in the Parlour
, p. 114.


16 Young,
Halfway Around the World
, pp. 326, 283, 300.


17 Ibid., p. 216.


18 Australian Association for Maritime History, 'Newsletter', March 1999, no. 74, p. 5, note by Vic Jeffery.


19 Young,
Halfway Around the World
, p. 262.


20 Derek Johnson, 'Wealth and Waste: Contrasting Legacies of Fisheries Development in Gujarat since 1950s',
Economic and Political Weekly
(Mumbai) 31 March 2001.


21 Villiers,
Sons of Sinbad
, p. 159.


22 Hassan Saleh Shihab, 'Traditional Arab Shipping and Seafaring in the Indian Ocean',
New Directions in Maritime History
, ICMH/AAMH Conference, Fremantle, 6–10 December 1993, typescript.


23 Edward Prados, 'Indian Ocean Littoral Maritime Evolution: The Case of the Yemeni
Mariner's Mirror
, 83, 1997, pp. 185–98. This excellent study is based on the Red Sea coast of Yemen in the mid 1990s. For other dhow studies see page 298 above, f.ns. 5 and 6.


24 Mark Horton and John Middleton,
The Swahili: The Social Landscape of a Mercantile Society
, Oxford, Blackwells, 2000, p. 88.


25 Peter Boxhall, 'Arabian Seafarers in the Indian Ocean',
Asian Affairs
, 76, 1989, pp. 287–95.


26 Esmond Bradley Martin, 'The Present Day Dhow Trade of India',
Great Circle
, IV, October 1982, pp. 105–18.


27 Esmond Bradley Martin, 'The Decline of the Omani Dhows',
Great Circle
, II, 1980, 74–86.


28 Nick Birmingham, 'The Exceptional Janggolan',
Indian Ocean Review
, VII, 4, March 1995, pp. 7–8.


29 Young,
Halfway Around the World
, pp. 184–205.


30 Tim Mackintosh-Smith, 'The Last Place in Yemen',
Aramco World
, September–October 1999, pp. 13–15.


31 Peregrine Horden and Nicholas Purcell,
The Corrupting Sea: A Study of Mediterranean History
, Vol. I, Oxford, Blackwell, 2000, pp. 227, 229, 346, 382; Richard H. Grove,
Green Imperialism: Colonial Expansion, Tropical Island Edens and the Origins of Environmentalism, 1600–1860,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1995. For a sober more or less factual survey see Helen Chapin Metz,
Indian Ocean
Five Island Countries
, Washington, DC, Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, 1995, 3


32 Mackintosh-Smith, 'The Last Place in Yemen', pp. 9, 11.


33 Richard Barz, 'The Cultural Significance of Hindi in Mauritius',
South Asia
, III, 1980, pp. 1–13.


34 Shelton A. Gunaratne, Mohd. Safar Hasim and Roukaya Kasenally, 'Small is Beautiful: Information Potential of Three Indian Ocean Rim Countries',
Media Asia
, XXIV, 4, 1997, pp. 199–200; D. McDougall, 'Indian Ocean Regionalism',
The Round Table
, 341, 1997, pp. 54–5; Bob Newman, 'Letter from Mauritius',
Indian Ocean Newsletter
, VIII, 3, November 1987, p. 4; C.W. Binns, 'Islands '88',
Indian Ocean Review
, I, 3, September 1988, p. 7.


35 McDougall, 'Indian Ocean Regionalism', pp. 58–9; Jean Houbert, 'France in the Indian Ocean: Decolonizing without disengaging',
The Round Table
, 298, 1986, pp. 145–66.


36 Christian Ghasarian, 'We have the Best Gods! The Encounter Between Hinduism and Christianity in La Réunion',
Journal of Asian and African Studies
, 32, 3–4, December 1997, pp. 286–95.


37 A. Whitehead, 'Indian Ocean Regionalism',
The Round Table
, 341, 1997, pp. 53–4; Andrew D.W. Forbes, 'Archives and Resources for Maldivian History',
South Asia
, III, 1980, p. 70.


38 Michel Mollat du Jourdin,
Europe and the Sea
, Oxford, Blackwell, 1993, p. 232–4.


39 Paul Butel,
The Atlantic
, London, Routledge, 1999, p. 288.


40 See generally Keith Trace, 'For "Tyrrany of Distance" read "Tyrrany of Scale'': Australia and the Global Container Market',
Great Circle
, 23, 2001, pp. 21–46.


41 B.S. Hoyle, 'Maritime Perspectives on Ports and Ports Systems: The Case of East Africa', and Atiya Habeeb Kidwai, 'Port Cities in a National System of Ports and Cities: A Geographical Analysis of India in the Twentieth Century', both in Frank Broeze, ed.,
Brides of the Sea: Port Cities of Asia from the 16th-20th Centuries
, Sydney, University of New South Wales Press, 1989, pp. 204, 212–20.


42 Keith Trace, 'ASEAN Ports since 1945: Maritime Change and Port Rivalry', in Frank Broeze, ed.,
Gateways of Asia: Port Cities of Asia from the 13th to the 20th Centuries,
London, Kegan Paul International, 1997, pp. 318–38.


Sydney Morning Herald
, 17 September 2002.


44 Personal inspection of Dampier, and information from Hamersley Iron.


45 John R. Stilgoe,
, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1994, p. 64.


46 Olma Mignacca,
The Watcher on the Quay
, Sydney, New Holland Publications, 1998, p. 63 and passim.


47 Angus Phillips, 'The Whitbread – Race into Danger',
National Geographic
, May 1998, pp. 118–33.


48 See Jeff Harris, 'The Dhow of Racing', in
Aramco World
, 50, 3, May/June 1999, pp. 2–11 for a very useful account.


49 Metz,
Indian Ocean
, pp. xix, xxiii, 163.


50 Peter Reeves, Andrew Pope, John McGuire and Bob Pokrant, 'The Koli and the British at Bombay: The Structure of their Relations to the mid-Nineteenth Century', in M.N. Pearson and I. Bruce Watson, eds,
South Asia
, 1996, XIX, Special Issue, 'Asia and Europe: Commerce, Colonialism and Cultures: Essays in Honour of Sinnappah Arasaratnam', pp. 97–120.


51 P. Reeves, A. Pope, J. McGuire and B. Pokrant, 'Mapping India's Maritime Resources: Colonial State Experiments, c. 1908–1930',
South Asia
, XIX, 1996, p. 14; Daniel Behrman,
Assault on the Largest Unknown
The International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1959–65
, Paris, Unesco Press, 1981, p. 70; Peter Reeves, Frank Broeze and Kenneth McPherson, 'The Maritime Peoples of the Indian Ocean Region since 1800',
Mariner's Mirror
, 74, 1988, p. 243; Sanjay Chaturvedi, 'Common Security? Geopolitics, Development, South Asia and the Indian Ocean',
Third World Quarterly
, XIX, 1998, p. 713.


52 Kathleen Fordham Norr, 'The Organisation of Coastal Fishing in Tamilnadu', in Alexander Spoehr, ed.,
Maritime Adaptations, Essays on Contemporary Fishing Communities, Contributions from Ethnology
, Pittsburg, University of Pittsburg Press, 1980, pp. 113–27, and in the same volume Paul Alexander, 'Sea Tenure in Southern Sri Lanka', pp. 91–111.


53 R.S. Newman, 'Green Revolution–Blue Revolution: The Predicament of India's Traditional Fishermen',
South Asia
, IV, 1981, pp. 35–46.


54 Olga Nieuwenhuys, 'Invisible Nets: Women and Children in Kerala's Fishing',
, II, 1989, pp. 174–94.


55 Jona Halfdanardottir, 'Social Mobilization in Kerala: Fishers, Priests, Unions and Political Parties',
, VI, 1993, pp. 136–56.


56 Holly M. Hapke, 'Development, Gender and Household Survival in a Kerala Fishery',
Economic and Political Weekly
, 31 March 2001, and see also Nieuwenhuys 'Invisible Nets', for an older analysis.


57 Derek Johnson, 'Wealth and Waste: Contrasting Legacies of Fisheries Development in Gujarat since 1950s',
Economic and Political Weekly
, 31 March 2001.


Sydney Morning Herald
, 23 February 2002.


59 Bob Pokrant, 'Export-Oriented Aquaculture in Bangladesh: Changing Business Practices, Labour Organisation and Local Environments',
Indian Ocean Review
, XIII, 1, March 2000, pp. 8–10.


60 Bob Pokrant and Peter Reeves, 'Putting Globalisaton in its Place: Globalisation, Liberalisation and Export-Oriented Aquaculture in West Bengal and Bangladesh',
South Asia
, XXIV, 2001, pp. 159–84; Kazi Ali Toufique, 'Sandwiched between "Us" and "Them": Dilemmas and Contradictions in the Shrimp-Processing Export Sector of Bangladesh in the Globalisation Process',
South Asia
, XXIV, 2001, pp. 185–99.


61 Janet Ahner Rubinoff, 'Pink Gold: Transformation of Backwater Aquaculture on Goa's Khazan Lands',
Economic and Political Weekly
, 31 March 2001.


62 Gervase Clarence-Smith, 'Introduction', in Clarence-Smith, ed.,
The Economics of the Indian Ocean Slave Trade in the Nineteenth Century
, London, Cass, 1989, pp. 7–8.


63 David Armine Howarth,
, London, New York, Quartet Books, 1977, p. 149.


64 Villiers,
Sons of Sinbad
, p. 299 et seq.


65 Based on personal observation, discussions with experts in Broome, and two books by Hugh Edwards:
Port of Pearls
, Swanbourne, WA, the author, 1984, and
Broome's South Sea Pearls: The World's Finest Ocean Gems
, Broome, published for Willie Creek Pearls, n.d.


66 Tim Winton,
Land's Edge
, Sydney, Macmillan Australia, 1993, pp. 9, 13.


67 Lena Lencek and Gideon Bosker,
The Beach: The History of Paradise on Earth
, New York, Viking, 1998, p. xx.

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