The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (117 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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I tilted my head as I heard it again. I flung the blanket back and stood up. The room was in darkness and I spun round as I saw a shadow pass the window. My heart was hammering in my chest and I watched in horror as the doorknob rattled.

“Fuck!” I hissed. I looked down at myself to find I was just wearing shorts and a vest.

Grabbing my phone I dialled Mason. “Ava,” he answered sternly and I flinched at his coldness.

“Are you outside?” I whispered, choosing to ignore his mood.

He paused, “No, Why?”

I swallowed the lump from my throat. “Because someone is trying to get in.”

“Shit! Hold tight baby I’m on my way,” he yelled at me.

I jumped as I heard something at the kitchen window and then a loud smash of glass. “Fuck! Mason,” I whimpered.

“Baby? What was that? Ava?” he shouted.

My breath froze and I dropped my phone as I stared in horror at the man in front of me, my lungs were screaming at me for air and my legs wobbled.

“Ava. . . .” Mason shouted through the phone. I tried to shout back and all that came out was a gurgle.

“Hello, Ava,” he sneered at me.

I screamed, a high pitched blood curdling scream as I stumbled backwards.

“Ava. . . . .” Mason’s faraway cries filled the silence of the room.

I shook my head rapidly, refusing to believe the image in front of me. Half of his face looked like it had been burnt off, he didn’t appear to have a top lip, one of his eyes was wide and raw as his eyelid had disappeared and all down one side of his neck the skin was missing and black.

I screamed again and Courtney shouted from the top of the stairs. “What the fuck?” she stammered as she too took in the sight of him. “Fuck . . . No, it can’t be.”

Dane cocked his head and smiled . . . well kind of grimaced. “Two for the price of one.” He laughed loudly and then my heart froze as one of the babies started crying.

Shit . . . not now!

His head snapped to the side and he tipped his head to listen with his good ear, “Oh my! Let’s see if history can repeat itself.” He smiled cruelly and headed for the stairs.

“Noooo!” I cried as I bolted after him.

Courtney ran into the nursery and slammed the door shut behind her. I heard her pulling furniture behind the door and I thanked God for Courtney.

I raced up closely behind Dane and as he got to the nursery door he started slamming against it with his body. “Get away from them you bastard!” I screamed as I sprinted across the landing and dived on him.

We crumpled to the floor but he managed to smash his fist smashed into my face. “You fucking bitch. You’re gonna pay for what you did.” It was like déjà vu as we struggled against each other.

His fist slammed into my stomach as he grabbed my hair and cracked my head against the floor. Bright lights swam before my eyes and everything tipped but I managed to push him away so I could crawl out from under him.

I had to get him away from the babies so I made a mad dash for the bedroom, he floored me before I even got there as his hand gripped my hair again and, because I was now laid on my stomach, he smashed my face to the floor, my nose exploded.

“Fuck!” I hissed.

“That’s right, paybacks a bitch, Ava.” He laughed as his hand pulled at my shorts.

“Noooo!” I screamed and flung my elbow back, smashing it into his face. He reared back and howled in pain as I crawled across the floor. He grabbed me again and this time he succeeded in pulling my shorts off.

“Oh yes, look at that.”

I scrambled across the floor but his knees straddled me. He lifted my hair again and smashed my head against the wall at one side of me and then he did it again. I was going to pass out any minute. I froze as I heard him unzip his trousers. “Noooo Dane, please,” I begged as a large hand grabbed one of my legs and pulled it sideways.

I was desperately trying to get free. His fist smashed into the side of my head. “Keep still Bitch!!” I was crying loudly and begging desperately. “I enjoyed Greg’s payback but yours and Mason’s is gonna be the ultimate sweetness,” he snarled and thrust into me.

I screamed and grabbed at the carpet, frantically trying to get free as he thrust into me again. He spluttered and spat all over me as I tried to wriggle out from under him. His hand wrapped around my throat and squeezed.

“Keep fucking still or I’ll fucking end you whore!” he growled with another thrust. I was gurgling and choking as his grip tightened around my throat.

The corner of my vision had gone black and the rest of my sight was covered in dancing spots as I felt everything slipping away. My lungs had shrivelled up, my brain seemed to be swelling rapidly in my skull and my body seemed lighter as though I was floating.

I closed my eyes against the torture as I felt his sticky cum soak my leg and let the darkness envelope me.

* * *

I opened my eyes, desperately attempting to fill my lungs as I heard noises and shouts. I heard Mason anguished cries and I smiled faintly at the sound of my man, my man had come for me.

“BABY? NOOOO!” he cried as he scooted to the floor beside me and pulled me onto his lap. I tried to look at him but I was still struggling to breathe, my throat had been crushed and my head was screaming in agony.

My eyes were swollen and my vision was tinted with blood. “Mason,” I croaked.

“Oh Jesus Christ!” he roared. “Fucking find him!” he bellowed at somebody, “I need to get Ava to hospital.”

He was shouting out orders. “Where’s Courtney?”

He scooped me up and walked across the landing with me. Suddenly he slammed to a halt and looked down at his forearm where Dane’s sperm had trickled onto it. The roar and howl that erupted from his lungs made my bones crack and my blood curdle in my veins. “When you find him, save him for me . . . he’s mine!” he snarled so malevolently and icily I shivered in his arms.

“It’s okay Baby, I’m here now,” he whispered and stroked my clammy hair off my face.

I moaned and rasped, “Courtney saved the babies.”

“Sam, Car!” he shouted and I saw a flurry of people as I opened my eyes. “Courtney, I need a blanket for Ava.” He stood still on the landing while he waited for the sheet and nuzzled my hair. “Jesus Ava, I am so fucking sorry baby,” he whimpered but I couldn’t answer.

I heard Courtney’s sob as she brought the sheet. “Oh fuck, Ava!” she exclaimed when she saw me. “I daren’t open the door in case he got to the babies Ava, I’m sorry, babe . . . I’m sorry . . .” she cried. I shook my head and then winced at the pain.

“Sam, are you fucking ready?” he snarled before we descended the stairs and exited the house. I could see Sam’s worried expression and I wondered what I must look like.

Nausea rose from my stomach. “Mason, I’m gonna be sick,” I grated against the soreness of my throat. He squatted down on the gravelled driveway and I tipped my head to the side as I emptied my stomach.

“Sorry,” I croaked when I’d finished.

“Shush, don’t be,” he whispered, placing a tender kiss to my head.

He bundled me into the back of car, climbed in beside me and pulled me back onto him. I winced in pain at the movement and he kissed me again.

“Sorry,” he grimaced.

My vision blurred and everything tipped sideways. “Mason . . . How did . . . I thought . . . Mason . . .” I rasped, “I don’t . . . feel . . .” And then his beautiful face disappeared.

* * *

Oh Jesus! I ached everywhere. My head was thumping, my ribs hurt and a pain shot through my nose and cheek every time I moved a single facial muscle. I opened my bruised eyes and fought against the blur for a few moments.

I could make out Mason sat in a chair in the corner, his head was slumped to the side and he was snoring softly as a streak of sunlight filtered through the vertical blind and lit his face, I was amazed how angelic it made him look. I snorted to myself; Mason was many things but definitely never an angel.

I lifted my head off the pillow but as the roaring pain squealed through my head I decided against it and placed it back onto the pillow. Looking around I found a buzzer for a nurse and stretched out painfully to press it; within a minute a nurse was rushing through the door.

She glanced at Mason and then turned to me, a bright smile revealed perfect white teeth and I was sure I saw them dazzle. I inwardly thought she should advertise toothpaste.

She ventured over to me and I put a finger against my lips to shush her as I knew Mason wouldn’t have had much sleep. “Let him sleep,” I whispered but winced as a pain tore through my cheekbone and jaw when I spoke.

I hissed.

The nurse smiled sympathetically. “No smiling or talking for a while, Ava.”

She fiddled about with some equipment at the side of my bed and the blood pressure cuff tightened against my arm as she shone a light in my eyes with an ultra-bright torch and made me follow it.

“How are you feeling Ava?” she asked eventually and I squinted.

“I’m not sure, my head and face hurt; my ribs are a little sore but . . .” I shrugged.

She nodded. “The police want to talk to you.” She sat on the edge of my bed and grasped my hand. “Honey, I’m so sorry to tell you but we found evidence of a sexual assault,” she divulged gently. I wanted to laugh. How many times had I heard those bloody words?

I nodded and looked at Mason. “I know.” I sighed quietly and she tipped her head.

“Were you conscious when it took place?”

I nodded again. “I think I passed out after he strangled me,” I told her, burrowing my eyebrows as I tried to remember.

She nodded and squeezed my hand. “Do you feel up to talking to the police yet?”

I pursed my lips and glanced at Mason again. “I would rather wait until I’ve spoken to my boyfriend. I need to . . . to . . . well, you know, tell him what happened. How long has he been here?” I asked, dreading the thought of him nipping out to score.

“All the time, Honey,” She smiled and I sighed in relief. “He wouldn’t leave your side.” She glanced at him and sighed dreamily. I knew he’d affected her as he did many other women.

I cringed in anticipation of filling him in with the details but I was more in need of answers from him, but I knew I had to tread carefully knowing this could send him back massively.

I sighed and the nurse patted my hand in reassurance. “How long have I been out?” I asked as she gestured to the water jug and I nodded, then immediately winced.

“About eighteen hours,” she informed me. My poor bruised eyes widened and then screamed at me in protest and I swiftly relaxed them. “You have some extensive bruising to your brain Ava, your body simply shut down to recover. You’d be amazed at the human natural healing abilities.” She smiled again, “I’m Teresa by the way and I’ll be looking after you for your stay in the wonderful Royal Hotel . . . 5 stars and nothing less,” she winked.

I smiled at her as she held a straw to my lips and I sipped, the cool water soothing my painful throat.

I liked her at once, she was a large bubbly girl about my age but what struck my attention were her perfect teeth and her bright blue eyes, they reminded me of Nate, the sharpness and twinkle in them set me at ease straight away.

Mason stirred and mumbled something and then his eyes flicked open. It took him a few seconds to focus and then his eyes widened on me and he shot out of his chair and over to me.

“Baby,” he breathed as his hand stroked my hair off my forehead so he could plant a tender kiss. “Jesus Ava . . . I’m so sorry, baby.” He exhaled heavily and I palmed his cheek.

“Hey,” I scolded as his eyes closed in relief.

“Oh god Ava . . .” he choked and planted another kiss, this time on my cheek and I winced at the pain. “Sorry,” he grimaced. “How are you feeling?” His fingers touched all the wounds on my face as he grimaced with each one.

I shrugged. “The babies?” I asked and he smiled.

“They’re fine, Kerrie and Courtney are watching them.”

I nodded to him then glanced at Teresa. “Could you leave us a moment please?”

She smiled understandingly. “I’ll be back in about ten minutes, I can’t give you any longer with the head trauma you’ve had, I’m sorry.” I nodded an acknowledgement before she closed the door quietly behind her.

My eyes turned to Mason. He looked down and sighed. “I’m so sorry Ava; if I’d have known he’d . . . he’d . . .”

I grasped his hand. “I know Mason, he was your best friend,” I expressed. His eyes found mine again, confusion, relief and gratefulness displayed in them.

He nodded slowly. “I tried, after he did what he did, I so wanted to kill him Ava but . . .” He shrugged and sucked on his lips, “We’d been friends for years and I just couldn’t do it.” He stood up, took a deep breath and chewed on his bottom lip. “But I won’t make the same fucking mistake again, Ava.” He closed his eyes and tried to steady his breathing as his fists clenched.

I patted the bed to the side of me. “Come here.” His face screwed up in pain but he did as I asked and perched beside me. I took his hand. “Mason, I need to tell you something.” I took a deep breath. “He . . . Dane raped me.” I closed my eyes and swallowed, waiting for the outcry but his lips brushed over mine.

“I know baby, I know . . . I’m sorry . . .” I opened my eyes to see the devastation in his. “Why are you more worried about me than yourself, Ava?” he asked, confusing marring his face.

I frowned. “I dunno.” I scoffed, “It’s not exactly new for me Mason, although . . . it doesn’t get any easier but I know what this has done to you, how you must feel knowing that Dane . . . that he . . . touched me when I’m yours.” I shivered.

He stretched out on the bed beside me and turned to face me, his fingers tracing the contours of my face. “I can’t believe you at times Ava, you never stop amazing me. You’re strong, confident and so fucking incredible. I thought you’d have my balls for the biggest fuck up I’ve ever made.” He sighed sadly and I knew he was torturing himself.

“Mason, I understand . . . hell, if it was Courtney I don’t think I’d be able to hurt her, never mind . . .” I closed my eyes and relished him as his lips found mine and he kissed me so softly I could barely feel him.

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