The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (116 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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The relief that tore through me nearly stole my breath and my hands started trembling. He smiled painfully and nodded. I knew he needed me more than anything right now.

“Hun,” I turned to Courtney again. “He’s crazy about you, even I can see that” I told her as I felt Mason’s hand start to tremble in mine and I knew he was struggling with himself. I squeezed him tightly and he returned it by clenching my hand securely.

Courtney eyed Mason sceptically then the light behind her eyes switched on and she realised what was happening. “You two get off, I’ll be fine here with Ryan and Sam” she said, giving me a brief nod of her head towards Mason who was now looking pale as sweat dampened his forehead.

I gave her a grateful smile and hurriedly rang Kerrie. “Hey,” I said as she answered. “Mason’s with me; are you okay with Katie and George for a few hours?”

She exhaled loudly, her own relief palpable. “Yeah, we’re good, we’re watching Countdown,” she giggled and I couldn’t help but smile at her.

“Okay. We’ll see you soon.” I ended the call then stood up and kissed Courtney. “Ring me later with an update.”

I pulled Mason up, who seemed to be in a world of his own. Sweat was dripping from his forehead, his free hand was clenched and his jaw was tight. “Come on, baby,” I soothed gently. He smiled at me and nodded to everybody in the room as I led him out of the hospital, into my car and took him back to the cottage.

I unlocked the door and ushered him through, then directed him up the stairs and into the bedroom. He frowned at me but I started to unbutton my shirt. His eyes widened and dropped to watch my fingers as his breath hitched.

This was the only thing I could think of to take his mind away from his need and craving and besides . . . I wanted this too, I needed him close and joined with me.

When I popped the last button I slipped the shirt from my shoulders. He stood, his eyes glazed as he stared at me. I took both of his hands and placed them over my breasts as I stood in close to him and started to undo his shirt.

His breathing deepened as I kissed the skin that was revealed with every opening of a button. My tongue sneaked out to taste him and a small groan rumbled from his throat as one of his fingers started to trace along the edge of my lace bra.

I slid his shirt back and my own breath hitched at the sight of his hard stomach . . . he was God! I mouthed his nipple and grazed my teeth over it and he returned the gesture by sliding his thumb over my heavy nipple. I moaned as I bit down gently on his skin and snaked my mouth down over his stomach, tasting his unique salty and musky flavour. “You are so beautiful,” I murmured against his abs as I unbuckled his belt and slid it free.

He inhaled sharply when I cupped his hard erection over his trousers. His hands settled in my hair, twisting it round his fingers as I undid his trousers and slid them down his legs, tapping his ankle for him to step out of them.

I licked, nibbled and kissed my way back up his leg. “I need you, Ava,” he rasped and I nodded.

“I know.” I ran my finger over the outline of his cock through his shorts. He hissed, his hands tightening in my hair as I nibbled the contours of him and as I reached the head of his length I slid his shorts down and freed him. I groaned at the sight of him, he was huge, hard and pulsating profoundly.

I licked from the root to the tip and he growled as I swirled my tongue around the tip of him. “You taste so good baby, I’ve missed your cock so much,” I told him and his hands tugged at my hair, guiding my head further onto him. I knew my dirty talk always turned him on a lot and I revelled in his need and lust for me.

I mouthed his hardness fully and slid my lips all the way down, loosening my throat to accommodate him and swallowing as he reached my throat to take him further.

Christ Ava,
” he snarled. I slowly did it again as I cupped his balls and caressed them tenderly and sucked him again, speeding up a little as I slid a fingernail over his perineum. He rewarded me with a long deep groan.

“You want my finger in your ass, Mason?” I felt his cock throb heavily in my mouth.

“Fuck, yeah,” he snarled. I looked up at him through my eyelashes and saw his hooded eyes watching me as I sucked on my finger in preparation.

I slid my hand behind him. “Bend over me Mason,” I encouraged. His hands left my hair and slid down my back to cup my bottom as his body bent over me.

Coating my finger with saliva, I groaned and slid my finger into his backside. He cried out loudly and jerked into my mouth, flooding me with his delicious spunk.

he roared as he jolted and shuddered on my tongue.

“Jesus Ava. You fucking amaze me.” He pulled me up and took me in a demanding and controlling kiss, his hands slipping down over my backside. “I’ve missed this . . . being with you,” he whispered as his hands undid the button on my jeans and he slid them down my legs.

His nose came to rest against my mound and he inhaled deeply. “You smell so fucking sweet baby, I want you under my mouth.” I moaned as his words flooded my core with arousal. “Oh yeah, I can smell your husky scent so much better now.” He stood up and walked me over to the bed and pushed me gently until I was sat on the edge.

“Lift,” he ordered as he slid my knickers over my thighs and down my legs. He knelt back on his heels and gazed at me. “Take your bra off,” he commanded. I smiled coyly, biting my lower lip and gazing at him as he stole a breath. I slipped the straps down my shoulders and held my bra against me as I unhooked it with the other.

His eyes darkened and heated as he watched me. I tipped my head slightly and pulled my bra away. He sighed deeply and took a nipple straight into his mouth, sucking heavily on it. I arched my back, pushing myself further into his hot mouth.

He bit me softly then blew gently on my wet nipple causing a small moan to escape. His mouth found my other pert nipple and he sucked it, bit it and blew on it before he kissed his way down my stomach and down to my eager pussy.

He placed his hands on the inside of my thighs and pushed them open. He bit his lip harshly as he stared at my openness. “So fucking beautiful,” he whispered as his fingers parted my flesh, opening me up further to his scrutiny. “You are so damn perfect Ava, this was made for me,” he rasped. He bent his head and licked from my anus up to my clit in one sweep.

“Oh yes,” I moaned. “Your tongue was made for me Mason,” I groaned, gripping his hair as he started to work me in a frenzy, his hot tongue driving me wild. He gripped my thighs tightly to hold me down as I bucked underneath him.

“Come on my tongue Ava, I want your cum dripping down my throat.” He slipped a finger into me and stroked the front wall. I cried out as my body clenched tightly and my orgasm took over, pinning me immobile as it coursed through me.

“YES!” I snarled as I lifted my hips higher, pushing myself deeper into his mouth.

He worked me down gently then gripped my hips and pulled me off the bed, positioning me over him, my legs either side of his bent ones and I slid down on his stiff cock.

We both sighed in contentment and I sank all the way down, taking all of him as he filled and stretched me. His mouth found mine as he kissed me vehemently and I lifted off him and plunged back down. We both groaned as I twisted my hips when I reached the base of him.

“Fuck! Do that again” he hissed and I did, his eyes squeezed tight as I twisted on him. “Oh God baby, I need you to come Ava, right now,” he snarled as he took a nipple in my mouth and bit it gently.

I powered onto him as he slid a finger between us and laboured my clit as I plunged harder onto him. “Yes!” I cried as we both climaxed together, mixing our juices as we grunted like animals and bit into each other’s necks.

I was surprised I wasn’t covered in scars from mine and Mason’s primal love making but it worked for us and that’s all that mattered.

“Wow,” he breathed as I sweated and panted on top of him and he rested his forehead on my chest.

“Thank you,” he whispered and I kissed his head.

“My pleasure.” I grinned and he chuckled.

“No . . . it was definitely all mine.”

He lifted us onto the bed and I curled around him. “You feel better?” I asked hesitantly and he laughed out loud.

“Well your diversion tactics certainly helped. I feel fucking euphoric,” he declared and I grinned up at him. He squeezed me tightly and kissed my head again. “I told you, you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off me for three months,” he chuckled and I snorted.

“It was for medicinal purposes.” I smirked and he nodded with mock sincerity.

“Of course, baby.”

I kissed his chest. “Thank you for coming to me Mason, I mean it.”

He nodded against me, “It was so hard. All I wanted to do was obliterate the damn feeling of letting Greg down. I just wanted to escape.”

I held him tighter. “You didn’t let Greg down, don’t blame yourself Mason. How do you feel now?” I asked and he sighed.

“Still pissed and raring to find the bastard but I don’t feel the urge, the need deep inside me to get high. I’m high from being with you,” he whispered.

I chuckled, “You smooth thing, Mr Fox.”

He dug his fingers into my ribs, “Only to seduce you with, Miss Stone.” He grinned down at me.

My phone rang and I rolled over the bed onto my stomach to pick up my bag from the floor and saw it was Courtney. “Hey, Hun,” I answered.

“Hi,” she said quietly.

“How’s he doing?” I asked as Mason stretched out across my back as I leant over the edge of the bed.

“No change, I was just ringing to see if I could stay with you tonight . . . I don’t wanna . . . I don’t wanna be alone, Ava,” she gulped.

“Courtney that’s fine Hun, give me thirty minutes and I’ll come and fetch you,” I told her.

“Sam said he’ll drop me off at Mason’s. Apparently Greg’s gonna be out for a while and there’s nothing I can do here,” she explained and I nodded even though she couldn’t see me.

“No problem, Hun.” I heard her heavy sigh and ended the call.

“You hear all that?” I asked Mason as he kissed tenderly down my bare back.

“Yeah,” he breathed as his teeth nibbled my bottom. “You have a gorgeous ass, Ava.” He dipped his tongue into the crack at the base of my spine and I wriggled against him.

His finger swept up my groove and pressed against my anus. “I would love to fuck your sweet arse Ava, make you delirious with pleasure as I screw your tight cunt with your vibrator at the same time” he whispered against my skin. My mouth dried and I moaned.

Fuck Mason.
” I swallowed as he bit my buttock.

“Make you scream in ecstasy as I fill your arse with my hot cum.” We groaned together and I reached round to slap his leg.

“Mason stop, Courtney’s on her way over to yours and we have to get over there.” I closed my eyes to compose myself and then struggled out from underneath him.

“If Courtney’s staying does that mean you have to sleep in my bed tonight?” he asked. I laughed as he waggled his eyebrows.

“Well I suppose, but no more sex Mr Fox, you have another six weeks to wait yet, this was just a mid-season special offer,” I winked as I picked up my clothes and pulled them on.

He groaned and rolled over. “Ava, you’re gonna kill me.”

I smirked as I leant over him and kissed his bare stomach, “Come on stud . . . up!”

I grabbed his hand and pulled him upright. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me against him. “I love you baby, thank you for today,” he said with a sigh and I kissed the top of his head.

“Hey, I’m proud of you. You did well today, Mason.”

proud of him, he had come to me instead of the drugs and I hoped we had finally turned a corner and were on the up, but I wasn’t holding my breath, this was mine and Mason’s relationship and it was never easy.


COURTNEY AND I were chatting and I was diverting her from her agonised thoughts of Greg. Mason and Sam had disappeared into his office a couple of hours ago. I knew they were sorting out revenge tactics for Greg’s stabbing and I was worried this was going to turn into a full scale war with whoever had done this.

“I have my first scan next Thursday, will you come with me?” Courtney asked and I beamed at her.

“Of course.” I grinned, my best friend was having a baby and it was now my turn to support her. “Greg will be fine, Hun,” I reassured her and she nodded.

“Whatever happens I still don’t know what he wants though Ava, he said some pretty nasty stuff and he must have been thinking them to say them.” She looked at me and I could see the pain in her eyes.

“Hey, whatever happens, you are gonna be the most wonderful mum and I’m always here to help you.”

“How are you and Mason doing now?”

I glanced towards the stairs to make sure the men hadn’t emerged. “Really good, he’s trying you know, so . . .” I shrugged and took another drink of the non-alcoholic wine I had bought on the way over for Courtney.

“Does that mean you’re staying?” she asked hopefully and I bit my lip in thought.

“I dunno Hun, we’ll see if he keeps it up. I love him but when children are involved you need more than love to survive.”

She nodded. “Don’t I know it,” she admitted as the men exited the office and they both looked stern.

“Ava, I need to go out,” Mason said bluntly.

I narrowed my eyes on him. “Why?” I asked with a cock of my head but he shook his head at me.

“It doesn’t concern you,” he barked and I reared back. He rubbed his face. “Sorry baby, I’m just a bit uptight,” he apologised and kissed my forehead. “I won’t be long,” he advised and left with Sam.

“I don’t like this,” I told Courtney.

She nodded her head. “Me neither, something’s going down Ava.”

Courtney went to bed and I curled up with a blanket as I waited for Mason. I was worried. Something didn’t feel right and I couldn’t seem to breathe properly with a niggling worry. I was flinching at every movement, there was just something ringing my internal alarm but I couldn’t put my finger on what.

I heard a noise outside and I bolted upright, listening intently. I prayed it wasn’t Mason drunk or high.

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