The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (114 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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I scrambled with the button on his jeans as he pulled my dress over my thighs and slipped his finger straight through the lace of my knickers, tearing them easily and straight into me.

“Christ Ava, you’re so wet, always ready for me,” he snarled into my neck and then sank his teeth into me, knowing he now had my ultimate attention.

I flung my head back and groaned loudly as I managed to free his hard throbbing cock. The familiar feel of it in my hand sent delicious sparks of electricity through me. I jumped up and latched my legs around him, clinging to his hips as his hand slipped between us and he steered himself into me.

We both cried out as my muscles clamped on to him and he started to thrust; angry, hard thrusts that brought on an immediate orgasm. I screamed in pleasure as my muscles tightened and the world stopped around me. Mason grunted and bucked as he shot his seed inside me, once again biting me viciously which sparked another thunderous climax to course through me. “Mason!” I cried out as I struggled to breathe.

He was panting loudly and heavily. He continued to slowly slide in and out of me as he brought me down from my intense high.

He rested his forehead on mine. “You see Ava . . . you see how good we are, baby,” he rasped and his words slapped me hard in the face.

“What have I done?” I choked out, panicking and so damn angry at myself. “Let me go Mason.” I wriggled, trying to free myself off him.

He narrowed his eyes on me and pushed me further in the fence. “I’m not letting you go until you agree to talk to me, Ava.”

He was still buried inside me and I glared at him. “Will you put me down?”

His eyes glinted and a sly grin spread over his mouth as I felt his cock twitch back to life. My eyes widened and I gasped when I felt him reach full strength, hard and full inside me.

“Jesus, Mason.” I gulped but moaned as he slid out to the tip and drove back into me, slowly and stubbornly, grinding against me as he reached his limit.

“Fuck, baby” Mason groaned and closed his eyes against my neck as he repeated his actions, over and over until he was driving me wild with need and an intense craving to come.

“Mason, please,” I begged.

“Tell me what you want, Ava.” He tortured me further; painfully slow, out to the tip and unhurriedly back in, right to the tip of me and finished with a circular grind of his hips against my clit.

“Mason please,” I begged again. I was wrung so tightly I thought I would explode.

“Tell me Ava,” he growled and I swallowed.

“Fuck me, damn it, fuck me hard!” I yelled at him.

I was rewarded for my words as he pulled out and smashed back into me, hard and fast. “
I hissed as he sped up, grunting and snarling as he pounded into me.

“Come on, baby, Give it me,” he roared as he felt my muscles tighten in anticipation for the orgasm I knew was going to rip me in two. “COME ON AVA!” he demanded.

I exploded, violently and wildly, biting his neck savagely. My nails sank into his back through his shirt as he bit my shoulder and erupted forcefully into me again. “
” he cried out as he bared his teeth and flung his head back in ecstasy. “
He murmured as he continued to come with powerful spurts inside me.

We both held on to each other, comforting and just feeling one another until he sighed heavily and hitched me off him.

He straightened my dress over my hips and settled his hands on them as he leaned forward and kissed my nose tenderly. “Oh Ava,” he breathed and I sighed and leaned against him. He huddled me up and held me, snug against him, his chin on my head and my arms clamped around his waist as we stood, immobile and silent just listening to our deep breaths.

“Why do we do this Mason?” I whispered eventually.

He let out a soft breath and tilted my head back with his finger. “Because we love each other baby, we crave each other, we need each other, we hurt when were not together and we’ll cave without each other.”

I nodded, the honesty and truth of his words flowed through me. “But we’ll die
each other,” I whispered sadly.


MASON DROPPED ME off at the cottage shortly after. We were both silent, lost in our own thoughts as he pulled up. I glanced at him and smiled. “I’ll be at the hospital about 2ish if you’re there its fine, I guess you’ll want to spend as much time as possible before . . . well, you know.”

I sighed as his face darkened and he glared at me. “You’re still going?” he asked, his eyes wide and I frowned.

“Well yes, why would you think otherwise?” I asked, completely confused by his behaviour.

He scoffed and shook his head slowly. “Unbelievable!” He threw his hands up in the air.

“Mason? I don’t understand.”

I flinched as he slowly turned his head towards me, his eyes were pure fire. “Well I stupidly thought things might be different now we’ve just made love.”

I narrowed my eyes on him. “Mason . . . we fucked! Against a fucking fence.”

I watched in slight horror as his face contorted in rage. “WE DO NOT FUCK!” he roared. I shrank against the door. “We make love!”

I nodded rapidly. “Okay Mason.” I swallowed as I went to open the door and he grasped my arm, turning me to him. He scowled at me with a dark expression, then reached out and stroked a single finger down the side of my face and across my lips.

“You’re mine, Ava” he whispered serenely and I sighed heavily but nodded faintly.

“I’ll always be yours, Mason.”

His eyes softened immediately. We held each other’s gaze, trying to say everything but saying nothing at all. Eventually he nodded and smiled gently. “Bye, Ava,” he whispered as he leaned across and kissed me softly, his lips hovering over mine for a fraction too long as his hot breath wisped across my mouth.

I closed my eyes, engraining this feeling and emotion to memory and cupped his face, “I’ll always love you Mason, whatever happens, wherever I am or whatever I’m doing. My heart will always belong to you.” He closed his eyes as he relished my words.

I climbed from the car and walked into my house without looking back. I heard him pull off as I shut the door and walked into the kitchen to find Courtney sat at my kitchen table.

“Hey,” I chirped but halted as she looked up at me and I saw the pain and hurt in her eyes. “Courtney?” I scooted over to her and crouched in front of her. “What’s wrong, Hun?”

She let out a huge sob.

“Courtney, talk to me,” I urged and jumped when I heard the front door open and close before Mason strolled into my kitchen.

I looked up and frowned in puzzlement at him as he froze in the doorway, glancing between me and Courtney. “Sorry,” he cringed “I just needed something before I went.”

“What?” I asked, giving Courtney a quick glance as she held her face down.

He strolled over to me, grasped my arm and pulled me up. “This!” he exclaimed as his mouth surrounded mine and he kissed me; tenderly, slowly and so very adoringly. His hand slipped into my hair as he controlled the kiss and made love to me with his mouth.

He eventually pulled away and kissed each of my eyes. He glanced at Courtney again but she was still face down. “I’m gonna fight for you, Ava,” he declared and my eyebrows rose. “I’m not letting you go without a fight! I love you damn it and I’m gonna prove it to you!” He gave me another soft kiss, turned and walked out, leaving me stood immobile and stunned.

A tiny piece of me was jumping for joy as my stomach somersaulted at his words. I didn’t have much time to analyse them though as another sob erupted from Courtney.

“Hun, please tell me?” I asked desperately and she looked at me.

“I’m pregnant,” she declared.

“Oh!” I sat back on my heels. “I take it this is not good news.” I grimaced when she shrugged.

“Well I thought it was but Greg . . . Greg . . .” she sobbed loudly and my eyes narrowed.

“Greg what, Courtney?”

She snivelled. “He says I’ve done it to trap him,” she cried. My blood boiled as my rage surfaced.

“What the hell?” I scoffed. She shrugged again and held my eyes.

“I didn’t Ava, I would never . . .” She broke down and I circled her in my arms.

“What were his exact words Courtney?” I asked, needing to get the story straight.

She looked up at me. “I told him I was pregnant and he was really quiet to start with and then he just exploded, he called me a slag and said I’d done it on purpose so he wouldn’t leave me.”

She shook with her sobs. I growled and stood up. “Wait here!” I snapped.

She shook her head adamantly. “No Ava, don’t please,” she implored and I bit my lip.

“Like hell Courtney, nobody treats you like that!”

I grabbed my keys and bag and slammed the front door behind me as I climbed into my car and sped towards the club.

I screeched to a halt outside. I knew it wasn’t open yet but I tried the front door, finding it locked. I dialled Mason’s number when I saw his car in the car park.

“Hey, baby” he said happily and I smiled at the sound of his voice.

“I’m out front, can you let me in?”

He paused. “Oh, yeah, two minutes.” I ended the call and put my phone away. The image of Courtney’s broken face swirled in front of me and my rage built again.

The door swung open to a beaming Mason. “You okay Ava?” he asked when he saw my expression.

I pushed past him and scoured the main bar. “Where’s Greg?” I scanned all the people cleaning and refilling the bar and then I saw him, slumped in a booth with his head in his hands.

I stalked over to him. “Ava?” Mason queried as he followed behind me.

“Get up!” I growled at Greg who lifted his gaze to me and then narrowed his eyes on me. It was obvious he was drunk.

“Fuck off, Ava” he warned. I heard Mason’s growl behind me but I put my hand up to him and shook my head.

“I Said GET UP!!” I bellowed and he turned to glare at me.

“And I said FUCK OFF!!” he snarled.

Mason shifted so quickly I had to grab his shirt to stop him getting his hands on Greg. “Oh no you don’t,” I warned Mason who narrowed his thunderous eyes on me.

I took a deep breath then grabbed Greg’s hair and pulled him out of the booth, dragging him kicking and yelling. I pulled my fist back and slammed it into his face. He cried out and I did it again. “You
speak to Courtney like that again and I’ll wrap your fucking dick around your neck and fucking strangle you with it.” I flung him back into the booth and turned back to Mason.

His jaw had dropped and he regarded me quizzically. “Sorry,” I snarled. He shook his head in a ‘no problem’ gesture. I kissed his cheek, smiled softly at him and walked over to the main doors.

“I’ll see you at the hospital,” he shouted after me. I raised my hand, acknowledging him and left Greg groaning and grunting in the booth.

* * *

I was at cradling my beautiful babies, George in my left arm and Katie in my right when Mason walked in. He stood, regarded the three of us for a while, his face pained but he shook it off and came over to me, picked up Katie and settle into the chair beside me.

“You gonna tell what that was all about with Greg?” he asked as he placed a tender kiss on Katie’s head.

I snorted. “Courtney’s pregnant, Greg called her a slag and accused her of doing it to trap him.”

Mason shook his head in disgust. “Even I know Courtney’s not like that.”

“Hi Ava, Mason.” Glenda smiled as she walked over to us. “Do you want the good news or the good news?” She laughed and I grinned at her, knowing what she was going to say. “You can take your beautiful little people home tomorrow.” She chuckled as my grin turned into a huge brilliant beam.

“Really?” Mason asked and she nodded happily at us.

“It’s time you were a family,” she informed us. We both stiffened at her words but she didn’t seem to notice it. “Now I know you’re not living together but I recommend you have somebody around to help you, Ava.” She fiddled with some equipment and unhooked Katie from the first one and then did the same to George’s tubes. A sob escaped my throat as my babies were now utterly tube and wire free, both independent in their bodily functions.

Mason grinned at me, his beautiful face displaying every single inch of his happiness and gave them both a kiss. “Well done, peanuts,” he chuckled, very proud of his clever children. “They’ll be stopping with me,” he informed Glenda and I spluttered

“Mason, I really don’t think that’s a good idea,” I grumbled but he just glared at me.

“I think it’s a wonderful idea!” Glenda exclaimed.

Yes you would!

Mason nodded at her and she winked at him. I grumbled, “Mason, all their things are at the cottage, you have nothing at yours and I’m sure I’ll manage them on my own,” I argued but he shook his head and ignored me.

“Daddy will get someone to move your things,” he told Katie and kissed her again.

“Mason . . .” I warned as I felt my control spiralling away from me.

“No arguments Ava, you are coming home with me. That way I get to help you and I get to spend time with them before . . .” he stopped, refusing to let the words out of his mouth.

I sighed in resignation. “Fine but I sleep in the spare room.” He snapped his face round to mine and narrowed his eyes on me. I held my gaze on him, refusing to give in but he just turned away. I rolled my eyes, knowing I would have a struggle on my hands for the next couple of weeks.

He placed Katie back in her crib then pulled out his phone and started arranging for someone to transfer the babies and my things over to Mason’s house.


WE PULLED UP outside Mason’s house, the babies strapped in their car seats in the back. Mason grabbed my hand. “Welcome home, baby,” he grinned.

“Mason . . .” I warned but he shrugged me off and turned to Katie and George. “Home, peanuts,” he declared and climbed out, pulling his seat forward so he could remove George from the rear.

The front door to the house opened and Kerrie stood in the doorway with a huge smile on her face. “Hey Mummy and Daddy” she chuckled as she walked towards us.

I hugged her tight. “You look better,” I said happily.

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