The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (120 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Now Mason, please.”

His hands slid underneath me, lifted me and nudged me further up the bed. He settled between my legs as I wrapped them around his hips and he gently pushed into me. We both sighed heavily as we joined as one, our souls uniting and dancing together. His plunges were firm but gentle as he rocked into me; his mouth and teeth grazing my neck as I lifted my hips to meet his every thrust.

“Oh God Ava, you feel so good,” he breathed and sank his teeth into my shoulder delicately.

“Ahhhh,” I moaned as I clutched his arse and pulled him deeper into me, right to the hilt making him groan loudly.

“Baby, come with me,” he breathed as he started to drive harder into me as we both hit fever pitch. Our warm breaths collided as he took me in a fevered kiss and plunged deeply into me.

I felt one long push from him that ignited both our climaxes and we cried each other’s names together as we ground our hips into each other, the need to take each other deeper. I struggled to see where I ended and he started as our bodies entwined together, a mixture of limbs and love as my soul clung to his. “I love you baby,” I breathed into his neck, “so, so much, Mason.”

He rolled us over so I was laid out on top of him and we fell asleep, Mason still buried deep inside me, our need to be joined for a little bit longer.


THINGS SETTLED DOWN for a few of weeks and I was constantly looking over my shoulder for Dane but we hoped he had fulfilled his revenge and that was the end of things.

Greg declared his undying love for Courtney and asked her to marry him, so we had a double engagement party.

Katie and George grew stronger and happier every day and Mason and I were thoroughly enjoying parenthood . . . they were an absolute joy.

His mother had become a familiar figure in our lives as her and Mason tried to build back their relationship.

I was visiting my psychologist twice a week and I had high hopes. Everything seemed to be running smoothly for once but I should have known not to get too comfortable, this was my life I’m relaying to you and you should know by now that it was never simple or easy.

I was leaving the counselling session late one evening and as I walked across the dark car park I heard a noise behind me.

I froze and spun round. “Hello Ava,” Dane sneered as he slung an arm around my throat and held a cloth to my nose.

My last thought was that I hoped Mason took care of my babies. . . .


Sometimes, love is just that little bit too destructive


I HAD BEEN here about eight days or so I reckoned with the coming and going of daylight, in the small room, the dusty, dirty rundown room. I had no idea where the room was, I hadn’t left it since I woke up here.

I missed my babies with my very core and I hoped they were being cared for and showered with love. I knew Mason would be going insane and he had probably scored by now. It was this particular notion that enraged me; not the fact I was handcuffed to a dingy bed in a filthy room, being raped and beaten every day but the fact that Dane’s actions would have forced Mason back onto the cocaine and I hated him for it. It had been three months since Mason had got high and I had been so proud of him and the fact that Dane taking me would now set him back, once again having to see Mason struggle with the daily cravings and the hunger angered me.

He could do any of the things he had been doing to me but now he had hurt Mason I was desperately trying to work out a plan to escape . . . I needed to get to my man!

I needed to pee and my throat was dry. I knew he would be here soon. I’d rather wet myself than look at Dane . . . the ugliness, the evilness and the damn cocky smile that I was eager to rip of his face.

I was naked and filthy, and handcuffed to the bedframe. My poor body was covered in bruises, welts and cuts where Dane’s frantic thrusts at me had seen him clawing at my skin as though he wanted to climb inside me, inside my soul.

He was frightening, the pure vehemence in him but he also had a steel calmness to him and it was that what terrified me, the way his eyes were dead but still held an icy glint, the way his lip curled at one side making him look malevolent and crazed. His laughter was terrifying, the high pitched crazy cackle that tore through my very soul.

Scanning the room for the thousandth time, hoping to spot something that could help me get out, I moaned desperately. There was nothing in the room apart from a broken wooden table that was held up with telephone directories and a bedside table that held the plastic bottle of water that Dane would let me drink from.

Oh and don’t forget the chain and hook that hung from the middle of the ceiling, we mustn’t forget that . . . I don’t think I would ever forget it.

There was nothing, absolutely fucking nothing, that would help get me out of there and I was sure I was going to go crazy but I was damn determined not to. I refused to go there again, knowing that the last time I broke I had hurt Mason so much. His pain and turmoil as I clawed at myself and begged him not to let the angels of hell take me had devastated him and torn him in two.

I wouldn’t let Dane break me, he didn’t deserve that, he didn’t deserve any of my emotions. I knew that’s what he wanted, to hear my cries and screams as he tortured or raped me but I wouldn’t let myself give him that.

I heard a noise outside the door and I held myself still, gearing myself up for him. I took a deep breath as the door opened and Dane stood jeering at me. “Good morning, sweetheart.” He smiled happily as he walked into the room.

Biting my lip, I took a quick glance at the item in his hand and my heart jolted, it was his favourite choice.

He cocked his head at me. “How are you feeling this morning Ava?” he asked as he did every morning. I nodded but refused to look at him as he strolled towards me and round the bed to the bottle.

“Thirsty? I bet you are. Let me help you with that, Ava.” He picked up the bottle and unscrewed the cap. His hand settled behind my neck to tilt my head up as he brought the bottle to my lips. Greedily, I took some large gulps, knowing this could be the last drink I got today.

He sighed heavily as he spotted the handcuffs and his finger stroked the edge of them. “Oh Ava, look at your poor wrists.” He shook his head in pity. “Why do you do this to yourself? Your beautiful skin is ruined now.”

I had been desperately trying to free my hands from them and now the skin was raw, bleeding and sore but I still kept trying in my urgency to escape.

“You won’t get out of these, sweetheart.” He smiled and shook his head at me then leant into my ear. “I had to get the professional equipment for you Ava, I know how feisty you can be,” he chuckled.

I gulped down the bile as his tongue swept up my cheek. He inhaled heavily, “Ahhhh you always taste so wonderful, the saltiness and sweetness of you makes me hard, Ava.” He shook himself off and stood back up, his head tipped as he regarded me. “Well let’s see what we have for you today.” He scrunched his shoulders up in a happy grin and held up the weapon of choice. “I know how much this turns you on sweetheart, so I’ve decided to treat you today.” His fingers stroked over my cheek as if in a loving gesture and I swallowed, looking away.

His hand grasped my chin forcefully and he turned my face to his. “Look at me, Ava.” His grip tightened and I refused to flinch. I moved my eyes to his and he smiled at my submission. “See, I need to see those gorgeous eyes, sweetheart.” His eyes roamed my body and the glint in his eyes brightened.

“I need the toilet,” I rasped, my throat sore and dry from days of drought.

His lip curled at the corners like it did every time I asked for something. “Well . . . ?” he sneered with his eyebrows high in query and I swallowed a breath, forcing myself to give in to him.

“Please could you take me to the toilet, Sir?” I asked quietly and slowly.

He laughed that stupid laugh that reverberated through my core and made me want to strangle him. “Oh you’re getting so good at it now; we’ll get that tenacity out of you soon.” He leaned over me and bit my breast hard enough to pierce the skin. I clenched my eyes shut against the pain, forcing myself not to cry out. I bit my lip desperately and this did make me wince, having bitten them so much in the last week they were now covered in sores from my teeth and the dryness of not having enough liquid. I clenched my thighs together to stop the urine from leaking out. This was a speciality of his, knowing that his bite would loosen my bladder and I would pee myself. The first few times he had done it he had chastised me for wetting myself but now I was starting to control it and it pleased him very much.

He stood back up and smiled at me. “Did you know Ava that your orgasms are fiercer and more intense if your bladders full?”

I stared at him. Shit!

“But I really need to go, Sir. I don’t think I can hold it while you make love to me.” I winced inwardly at my words but I knew they were expected.

He regarded me for a while and then huffed. “Alright but only because you’ve been a good girl.”

Walking over to the table, he picked up the key for my cuffs. “Now how do we behave, Ava?” he mocked and I took a deep breath.

“You are my . . . my master and I must . . . I must behave,” I grated out and closed my eyes at the nausea that rose.

He smiled merrily and kissed my cheek as he bent to unlock the cuffs. “Oh Ava, you have made me so happy sweetheart. I knew you would love our little activities.” He unlocked one and then moved around the bed to the other one. “You are such a whore that a fuck from anyone would sate you.”

‘I don’t think you’re a whore or slag. You are the most loving, caring warm person I know Ava.’

Mason’s voice shot into my head at Dane’s words and I smiled faintly to myself. For the first time in my life I believed the words. I wasn’t a whore; it was never my fault for everything that had happened to me. These men took what wasn’t offered, never offered, but this little thought and memories were what were getting me through these horrendous days.

I rotated the wrist he had freed from the handcuff, the other hand still attached to one. The feeling of air and freedom made me sigh in relief. “Does that feel better, Ava?” he narrowed his eyes on me, waiting for my answer.

“Yes, thank you Sir,” I breathed and cringed inwardly as he fastened a cuff that remained on my right wrist to his wrist. He practically dragged me to the bathroom as my legs wobbled from being immobile for so long.

I sat on the toilet, no longer embarrassed about peeing in front of Dane, I didn’t care now. I eyed the shower longingly. “Please can I shower, Sir?” I asked desperately. I knew his answer but I couldn’t seem to stop asking.

He scowled at me, “Now, now Ava, you know better than that. You’re a dirty whore. The filth is inside you not outside. A shower won’t help you.” He shook his head in frustration. I nodded and stood up when I had emptied my bladder.

“All done?” he asked cheerfully and I nodded again. I swallowed heavily knowing what would happen now. He grinned at me then walked me back into the room and into the centre, below the chain.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to prepare myself as I mentally calmed my mind and willed away the trembles my body had launched.

Dane lifted my arms and handcuffed both hands to the hook.

‘Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool.’
I recited in my head as the first crack of the whip hit my back. The thrash across my already delicate skin smarted as a thousand nerve endings in my skin screamed at me. I swallowed the scream back, refusing to let it out.
‘Yes sir, yes sir, three bags . . . ’
I bit my lip as another crack erupted over my back. Fuck it hurt, it seemed worse this time, whether he was getting harsher or whether it was because my skin was already so sore.

Another one hit and a forbidden whimper crept up my throat. I desperately tried to hold it back and I coughed to disguise it.
‘One for the master . . . ’

FUCK!!! That particular harsh lash managed to get a groan from me.

“YES AVA, FEEL IT!” he shouted as he flayed me again.

I would not cry, I would not cry . . .

‘One for the Dame, one for THE LITTLE BOY. . . . ’
FUCK!! Another cry broke free.

“GOOD GIRL!” he cried as I felt his penis settled between my legs. I silently thanked god for the short whipping I had received today.

He thrust into me roughly as my legs gave way and I hung limply from the chain. Both of his hands settled around my neck and I prayed, as I always did, that this time he would tighten them enough to end the torture and set me free from him . . . from the nightmare.

This was the easy part.
‘Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow . . . ’

The nausea was rising with each of his grunts and moans. “Oh Ava, you’re so fucking tight,” he groaned as he sped up and I bit into my lip so harshly that I could taste blood again.

My head sagged and I closed my eyes.
‘With silver bells . . . and cockle shells, and . . . pretty maids all in a row.’
I sighed in relief as I felt him swell inside me and his final grunt left his lips as he filled me with his filth, his rotting seed.

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