The Palace of Illusions

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Authors: Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Tags: #Literary, #Fiction

BOOK: The Palace of Illusions
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Acclaim for Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's
“An exotic escapist tale.… With
The Palace of Illusions
… Divakaruni has proven that her storytelling talents put her right up there with the best.”
—The Miami Herald
“Divakaruni, renowned for her skillful take on women's relation ships, creates a very believable character in Panchaali, a queen who must choose between making history or following her true desires.”

The Oregonian
“A lyrical tale imbued with the scent of ancient incense yet… rooted in modern day relevancy.”

“Full of wonders.… Draupadi is a complex, impassioned heroine with a wry sense of humor, and the women who surround her are fierce and uncompromising.”

The Onion A.V. Club
“Introduces Western readers to an ancient mythology—this time with complicated, strong, memorable heroines.”

San Antonio Express-News
“Divakaruni has taken a male-centered story and breathed new life into its female characters, giving us a rich tale of passion and love, power and weakness, honor and humiliation.… Entertaining, insightful, and suspenseful.”

The Union
“A novel look at [an] ancient Indian epic.”

New York Post

The Palace of Illusions
is not only an exciting, action-packed read, but also an educating one, and will likely encourage those curious enough to delve into the original Mahabharata.”

The Toronto Star
“As grand and tragic as the epic poems by Homer.… Divakaruni's best work yet.”

“[Divakaruni's] women are desperate, wonderful, complicated, lyrical, memorable, even magical.… Daring.”

Vogue India

The Palace of Illusions
is unique, amongst Divakaruni's very best.… A creative, illuminating feminist work that compels us to re examine the original text.”

India Currents
“Imaginative.… Poignantly told.”

Hindustan Times
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is the author of the bestselling novels
Queen of Dreams
The Mistress of Spices
Sister of My Heart
, and
The Vine of Desire
, and of the prize-winning story collections
Arranged Marriage
The Unknown Errors of Our Lives
. She lives in Houston, Texas, and teaches creative writing at the University of Houston.
Queen of Dreams
The Vine of Desire
The Unknown Errors of Our Lives
Sister of My Heart
The Mistress of Spices
Arranged Marriage
Leaving Yuba City
Black Candle
For Young Readers
The Mirror of Fire and Dreaming
The Conch Bearer
Neela: Victory Song




Who is your sister? I am she.
Who is your mother? I am she.
Day dawns the same for you and me.
Innana's Journey to Hell,
3rd Millennium BCE,
translated from Sumerian by N. K. Sandars
My deepest thanks to:
My agent, Sandra Dijkstra, and my editor,
Deb Futter, for guidance
Antonya Nelson and Kim Chernin
for encouragement
My mother, Tatini Banerjee, and my mother-in-
law, Sita Divakaruni, for good wishes
Murthy, Anand, and Abhay for love
Baba Muktananda, Swami Chinmayananda, and
Swami Vidyadhishananda for blessing.

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