Read The Prince Of Highland Park Online
Authors: Marilyn Faith
“What’s your problem?
I don’t know you and there’s nothing you should have to say to me.” Looking back and forth between me and Kyla Sam said, “Well I do have something to say to you.”
“Then say it so we can be on our way,” I
say rolling my eyes at her.
“Ryan is mine,
so leave him alone” she says. Not believing this shit I said “Really now?” Determined to get her point across she leaned in closer to me and said “Well he is, and if you have any doubt you can ask him if he didn’t just fuck us today.
It felt like she slapped me in the face. Needing to drop this conversation, and by the look on Kyla’s face I have some explaining to do. “Well if you say so, but like you said he fucked you guys. Can’t mean much if that all he’s doing now can it?” With that I left the both of them standing there ready to blow a gasket. I tell Kyla I’ll come find them in a bit, she didn’t ask any question like I expected. She just nods ok. I leave, finding the bathroom so I could catch the breath that was sucked outta me by what Sam just said. Would she lie about something like that, she probably would. I don’t want to take her word for it so I need to ask Ryan if it’ true. I hope to God it’s not, not after what happened between us two weeks ago. Even though we are not together it would break my heart.
Ryan Chapter Fourteen
I was coming downstairs when I saw Evelyn and a guy dancing, wondering if she came here with him. Why didn’t she tell me she was coming? I feel a pang of jealousy hit when I see the way she
’s dancing with him. He’s touching her like they’ve know each other for a long time and I didn’t like it. I was on my way over to her when she said something to the guy and walked off. Thinking to myself maybe it was just someone wanting a dance. I came around the corner when I saw that Michelle and Sam. They were talking to Ev and some girl that was standing at her side, one of her friends I assume. I don’t know what they are talking about but it can’t be good. So I wait until Ev walked off, and then approach Sam and Mitchell. “Why were you talking to Evelyn just now?” She tried to look all innocent like she thought I was stupid. “You know what I’m talking about Sam so don’t play dumb with me.”
“I just wanted to know wha
t she was doing here, and wanted her to know that …I don’t know …I know we are not exclusive or anything like that, but I want to be.” Hearing her say that shit, I know what I have to do, but not here, I’ll deal with this later.
“I don’t want to deal with this right now, but we will be talking about it at a later time” I say walking away to go find Evelyn. I know I have to handle the Sam situation carefully at least for now. I don’t want things getting back to my folks so they can intervenes before it get off the floor with Ev.
Looking around the room I don’t see her, I wonder if she left the party. No, I see the girl that was standing by her earlier so I know she’s still here somewhere. Saying hi to some of the people I knew and having small talk will not take my focus off finding her. I don’t want to be rude and ignore the people trying to talk to me so I stop a couple of times, but make an excuse to move on.
Just as I was about to turn the corner, I see her coming out of the bathroom. I walk up to her with my hands in my pockets. “Ev, can we talk for a few?” She follows me outside before she could say anything “Who was that guy you were dancing with? I asked. The way he was touching you…” Rubbing my hand down my face trying not to sound too possessive with her, “I didn’t like it, I ...” She looks as though to say what right I have to not like what she did and with whom. “You want to stand here and be offending by me letting a guy put his hands on me while we were dancing, when you fucked someone else?” She spits out. Taking a deep breath, “Did you fuck Samantha and Mitchell last night and today?” She ask not beating around the bush, shit how did she know…”Fuck that’s what Sam and Mitchell told you just now, when I saw them talking to you?” I ask. She didn’t say anything just stares, waiting for me to confirm or deny their claim. I wasn’t going to lie to her so I said “Yes…I’m sorry …” before I could say anything else she walks away.
Why the fuck did I let my fucking dick rule my better judgment and fuck with those girls. It’s not like I’m dating Evelyn, but I like her and I might have just messed up any chance I have. I need to fix this; I have to make it right. I don’t know how, but I will start with Sam.
Walking back inside I see Sam talking to a couple of people. “Hey Sam can we talk for a minute” excusing herself from the group she follows me outside where we could get some privacy. “I think we should cool it between us…” she was stunned by my outburst. Regaining her composure “Is this because of that girl from the club?” she asks.
“No; it’s because of what you said to her and don’t deny it, I heard you” I lied looking her dead on daring her to deny it. I believe Evelyn, I know Sam can be malicious and I don’t want her knowing t
hat Evelyn said anything. Holding her head down ashamed of what she said or that she was caught I don’t know and don’t care. “I love with you Ry… I don’t know what came over me. I saw her and I saw red. I didn’t mean to discuss our private business, but it sort of slipped out. I’m so sorry…please don’t end this. I will make it up to you I promise.” Shit how do I handle this now? I don’t want to cause a scene and put her onto Evelyn’s scent. I have to handle this delicately.
“How can you say you
love with me? You knew what we were doing, I made it clear where we stood in the beginning” I said.
“I know
, but things changed over time, and I was hoping you would give us a chance to see if we would work. I know I can make you happy,” she said looking defeated. Fuck, this was not where I saw this conversation going. “I need some time to clear my head. Let’s just cool off for now and see what happens ok?” I said hoping that she won’t push me.
I just have to figure out how I will handle my folks and not let this affect Evelyn’s job at the club before I can cut all ties with Sam. “Ok; just know that I’m here whenever you’re ready,” she smiles. Nodding my head, walking away leaving her outside and went to find the guys. I didn’t see Evelyn the remainder of the party so I send her a text hoping I could see her tomorrow and set things right.
Evelyn Chapter Fifteen
Why the hell am I mad at him?
It’s not like we’re together, so I have no right to be upset. I thought we had made a connection? Maybe it’s just me. I could be off with everything that has happened. Just thinking about him makes my heart flutter. I know that’s not wrong. Knowing that he fucked those girls is eating at me, though. How could he kiss me like he had no choice, like I was his breath of fresh air? How could he embrace me with such desperation and passion and then fuck not one, but two bitches? I know I shouldn’t be mad. I have no claim on him, but I’m disappointed.
The chiming of my phone snapped me out of my reverie. Swiping my finger across the screen I see a text from him.
I’m sorry
. Please forgive me. Can I see you tomorrow? Please.
I didn’t reply
. If I did I would just tell him to lose my number, so I’ll wait to see how I feel tomorrow.
I was woken by the damn doorbell. Looking over at the time on my alarm clock, it says 6 a.m. The doorbell rang again. Damn it, who the hell could be visiting at this forsaken hour of the morning? Climbing out a bed, dragging my robe on, I stumbled toward the door. Whoever is at that door is about to be on my hit list. “What the … Brent? Why are you here so early? Is everything ok?” I ask concerned.
“Yeah; everything is good, I was coming to see if you wanted to go for a run?” He quickly answers seeing that I was not pleased to be up. “I was planning on sleeping in; I didn’t get much sleep last night. But since you are already here, and I won’t be getting any more sleep, come on in.”
“I’m sorry I wo
ke you, I know you are an early riser I didn’t think much of it coming here,” he said.
, it’s ok, I’ll go get ready; please help yourself to whatever.”
I ran upstairs to the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush, slapping some toothpaste on it and start brushing my teeth. I wash my face. I look up, and a zombie looking creature is looking back at me in the mirror. I ran the brush through my hair to try to make it look a little more decent. Crap, so not working. Well who cares it’s only Brent. He sure has seen me looking worse. I come out and put on some running shorts and a top. “Ok Brent, let me grab my running shoes and some socks, and then I’m ready.” Brent walks over and gives me a tight hug and a kiss on my forehead. “You didn’t look too pleased to see me this morning so I waited to give you your hug and kiss,” he said smiling.
“I was grumpy huh?”
“Grumpy is an understatement, so you know.”
“Whatever; just for that statement you better be prepared to run mister understatement
“Bring it on miss overachiever
,” he quips, we both laugh, sadly but true. So we set out on our running mission.
“Were you trying to kill me?” Brent asked breathlessly.
Come on, that was only six miles nothing too bad.”
“Maybe not for you
, because you do this shit almost every day, I on the other hand not so much.”
“You’ll survive. C
ome on in, would you like some coffee?”
“Yeah tha
t’s the least you can do after you try to kill me by way of exercise,” he states.
, black right? Help yourself to anything,” I say bringing the two cups of coffee to the table.
“So, how’s Sabrina?” I look over at Brent sipping his coffee. “We are not together, I caught her fucking her brother’s friend,” he said as if he wasn’t fazed. I knew differently.
“I’m sorry
you had to see that, so how are you holding up?” I ask concerned. They have been together for a while so I know this must be hard for him. “I’ll survive; it best to know now so I can leave this shit behind, right?” He shrugs.
, you could say that, but I want to know how you’re really doing?” I know he was trying to make light of it.
“It gets better with each day, not l
ike she’s making it easy though” he finished. “How so?” I ask.
“Well she keeps calling and dropping by apologizing and shit, but the truth is
, I can’t forgive her. I keep telling her, but she’s not getting it. She keeps saying I can’t throw away four years just like that.”
“Yeah; that was a long time
, we all thought you guys were going to get married and shit.” Sighing he said,
so did I.
Now she thinks I don’t want to work it out because I want you,” he adds. What the fuck. “Why would she think that?” He looks at me over his mug and says, “I have no idea.”
“We’ll I’m sorry she was such an idiot
,” I add. She thinks he is interested in me; well she is looking at the wrong friend. Since Kev…I know we haven’t talked much, we miss you baby girl, I miss you,” he said. I can see the sadness radiating from his eyes when he mentions Kevin. I’m trying to get through it each day. I walk over to him putting my arms and resting my head on top of his, just holding him. “I know you are and I love you for it, it’s just hard sometimes, and you know…talking to you or the guys…it just reminds me so much that he is gone?”
“I know Ev; but shutting us out
…, we are all having a rough time, but that doesn’t mean we can’t remember the great times we all had while he was here.”
We miss you Ev, it’s like we lost you too and…” Tears are now running down my face. Brent turns and pulls me onto his lap and wiping my tears he whispers, “I got you. No matter what, know you can talk to me about anything. I know Kev would want us here looking out for you...if not he would kick our asses. You know how protective of you he is, so no more avoidance ok. We are here for you anytime,” laughing between sobs knowing he was right. Kevin was crazy like that.
“Thanks Brent I love you guys so much and I feel like he… you know… he died because of me
,” I sob.
“Don’t…don’t do that to yourself, he wouldn’t have had it any other way, you know that. I know if he could do it all over he would have done the exact same thing o
ver and over again knowing the result. He loves you that much, he was your protector, your go to guy. So I know you might feel guilt for him dying, but don’t, he would want you to go on living, be happy.” I’m sobbing all over his shirt, snot and all; he’s just kept rubbing my back and trying to sooth me. I know what he says is true, but I just can’t help feeling the way I do. “I keep trying, but I still… can’t.”
“It will take time; give yourself the time you need to heal. It will get easier each day. I know believe me I know,” he whispers. I can hear the sadness in his voice and I know he’s remembering his sister. She died in a car accident four years ago. Kevin was like a brother to him, they were best friends so I know he misses him. Trying to lighten the mood I laugh “I hope you don’t become a protective ass like him,” laughing Brent smacks me on my back. “I’ll try,” wiping my face so I don’t look so horrid, I smile and say “well that got a little emotional didn’t it?”
“You can get emotional with me anytime li
’l sis,” he smiles.
“So what else have you been up to? So is there anyone special?” He asks looking at me like he knew something, but didn’t want to say. “Not really. I mean there is someone I’m interested in but I don’t know right now,” I answer waiting to see if he says what he knows. “Is this the same guy that you have been fawning over for the last three years or did someone else finally catch your attention?” He asks. I guess he does know. “Yes the same guy; I don’t know…something happened and I don’t know if I have a right to be mad or… I just don’t know what to think,” I said, looking away. “What happened, if you don’t mind me asking?” Well I do mind but what the hell? I might as well tell him. “I thought he liked me and I found out last night that he fucked two girls from the club. He texted me to apologize, but I didn’t answer,” I ramble quickly.
“Are you guys together?” He asked.
“No we are not,” I said, knowing what he’s thinking. How can I be mad at someone I’m not even dating, for sleeping with whomever he wanted? “I get why you might feel uncomfortable...” he said delicately.
“Pissed is more like it. I am pissed
, because how can he kiss me then fuck two girls later?” I answer with more force than I wanted.
“Well when you say it like that it looks bad.” He held up his hand, before I could say anything and continued, “I get why you’re pissed, but maybe you should talk to him. Hear him out see where his head’s at, and then you can go from there. You’re a smart girl, always have been. Trust your instincts. If you think he felt something, maybe he is running scared,” he looks at me.
“So you honestly think I should talk to him?” I ask confused
“Yes I do. Hear what he has to say, before you write him off, don’t get mad at me for saying this, but you guys are not dating so it’s not like he cheated on you. Maybe he don’t really know how you feel. I would say talk to him get everything in the open and see what happens.”
“Anyway li
’l sis I’m heading out, I have a few errands I have to run,” he said walking over and put his cup in the sink. “I’ll call you later,” he says kissing me on the head. “Ok; thanks for the talk; I missed you,” I say as I lean into him. “I missed you too, we’ll talk soon, remember what I said, trust your instinct,” he says as I walk him out and watch him get into his car and drive away. Closing the door I leaned against it contemplating if I should indeed call Ryan. I don’t want to see him right now I have to think maybe I’ll text him sometime during the week if I don’t hear from him.