The Prince Of Highland Park (3 page)

BOOK: The Prince Of Highland Park
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“Fair” he smiled.


Ryan Chapter Two


I’ve fucked around with a lot of girls, they know what I want and what to expect
. They come, get fucked and are on their way.  No confusion, no expectations… well girls always have some expectations.  Each one thinks they can be the one that can change me, but I know what they’re after.  They don’t want me; they want what I can give them.  I walked in the club with Michelle and Samantha.  Samantha and I have been on again off again for a while now, but it’s nothing serious to me at least.  To my parent that’s a whole different story. They love her and they have been planning our future ever since we got together.  She and I have messed around and sometime she will let Michelle join us.  I enjoy what we do, but I’m not committed to any one of them or any other girl for that matter.  I’m free to do what I want and with whom I choose, I love to fuck and they enjoy getting fucked.


The first time I saw Evelyn Summers was the day she got hired three years ago.  I was sitting on the terrace with a few of my buddies when I saw her across the room. She had the most sincere, the most expressive eyes I’ve ever seen gawking back at me.  It was like she was in a trance standing there staring with her mouth open.  There was an innocence to her that I was drawn to, calling to me.  It was pussy-ish, but that’s how it felt.  There was just something about her that captivated me instantly.  I’m sitting there, looking at this girl, thinking how stunning she is, she looks to be about 5ft 8 inches, her skin looks smooth… soft and delectable. She is skinny with curves, man she is sexy as hell and her eyes, yes I can’t get over her eyes. She has these gorgeous hazel eyes. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul and hers were just that, and they called to me.  Her long curly black mane draped down her back and I’m sitting there thinking how it would feel when I run my fingers through it.  How I’m going to grab it as I take her from the back.  I thought to myself who’s this girl and what is she doing to me?  This shit never happens to me, not even with Chloe and she was a catch. 


It has taken me this long to approach her I saw her as I came out of the pool with Samantha.   I walked up to her and told her I was throwing a party and was inviting her.  She looked as if she was going to say no at first, so when she accepted I was thrown for a loop.  I know she saw me and Samantha messing around when we came out of the pool. I could tell it bothered her as it was written all over her face and her body posture.  I filed that aside for now because I’m so happy that she agreed to come to my party.  I got her number so I could text the address to her, before she hightailed outta there like she was on fire.


I looked back; Sam caught me looking at Ev; in a way that says I’m interested.  She didn’t look too pleased about that.  Before she could open her mouth to say something I said, “Don’t be a snob, I’m not dealing with your shit tonight.”  Sam looked at me like I just turned into an alien or something.  She always wants to play the jealousy shit and I’m not up for it at all.  She knows we are not in a relationship, but she wants everyone to think that we are, I really don’t know what she gets out pretending we are something we are not.  She came closer to me and said, “The way you were striping her with your eyes, with me standing right here was fucking rude.   Not to mention it’s not like she fits the profile of girls you normally go for. She works at the club for God’s sake, what the hell are you thinking?”

“That’s fucking enough! Not the girls I normally go for?
Maybe I need a fucking change from the girls I usually go for then,” I say as I walked off.


What is going on with me? I just snapped at Sam in front of everyone.  Evelyn is affecting me more than I can handle, that’s why I tried to stay away most of the time.  I could feel the pull she is having over me every time I’m near her and I have to get a grip on myself before I lose it. This path…these things that I’m feeling when I’m around her are not something that I want to entertain.  Not to mention my parents would never go for it, she would not fit in with the type of people my parents want me with, like Samantha, Chloe, even Michelle, people who have lots of money.  Grabbing my things from my locker, I got in my car and headed home.  I need to get my mind right for the party tonight. 


The party is booming and everyone is enjoying themselves.  I few girls vying for my attention, which I normally entertain, but not tonight.  There’s only one person I want to see and that thought is not sitting well with me.  As I made my rounds I saw Evelyn and her friend standing by the door looking like they wanted to make a run for it.  I walked over trying to get her to relax a bit by asking her if she was planning to make a quick escape.  She introduced me to her friend, and I must say they are both knock-out gorgeous. She’s the more gorgeous of the two, but Julie would give the guys here a run for their money, and they have a lot of that.  The girls they look so uptight, nothing outta place, fake boobs, lip injections, nose jobs all the cosmetic experiments there is, someone here has done it.  Evelyn and her friend are natural beauties from the wrong side of town, that’s the only thing it seems they have going against them.  Sam and Michelle came over wanting to know who invited them, as though this is their party.  When I said that I did; I saw the surprise as they tried to hide it behind their plastic smiles and false concerns.  I told Eve I’d be right back when I saw my buddy Mitch calling me over.


I already knew why he called me over before I even got there.  He was checking out Evelyn and her friend, so were all the guys; I see the hunger written all over their faces.  As soon as I reach over to the guys Mitch asks “Who are those girls?”  I laugh, because I knew he would.

“That’s Evelyn and her
friend I invited them over.” I heard Frank whispering to Tom that they were hot as fuck.  I looked over at him, but didn’t say anything, because I didn’t want to hear any shit from them, or for it to get back to my folks.  But needless to say I was not happy my friends were checking out my girl.  Whoa what the hell, why am I thinking like this? Putting claims on Evelyn.  I know I want her and the more I look around and see the guys admiring her. I know I need to make my move soon so she knows who she belongs to.  I want her to be mine, and mine she will be.


I watched Evelyn walking through the crowd, the way she is walking it looks like she is looking for an escape.  I excused myself from the guys to follow her I didn’t want her to leave.  I watched her walk over to the gazebo in the back and I walked up behind her.  I could tell she was deep in thought and didn’t hear me coming up behind her.  She turned around and she was stuttering trying to get her head clear.  I wanted to kiss her so badly, but before I did, I wanted to know if she had a boyfriend. When she said no I moved in and kissed her I could not hold back any longer.  I’ve been dying to taste her for so long, and now that I have I know that I won’t be able to give it up. 







Evelyn Chapter Three


What the hell am I doing entertaining Ryan’s crazy and ridiculous idea to change my opinion about him?  This guy has all my logical sense flying out the door when he is around and I can’t seem to stop it.  I can’t even think straight let alone stop acting like a giddy teenager.  Watching how he operates with Sam and the others should be my wake up call to leave him alone.  Maybe it’s because I wanted to feel alive again … I have been in a trance ever since Kevin
, died.


Kevin was my brother; he and I were thick as thieves.  We didn’t have anyone else but each other.  Kevin always looked after me. He took on a parental role even before our parents died, because they were too busy drinking and doing drugs to take care of us.  He read me bedtime stories, he shield me when our parents were fighting. He defended me when my dad called me a whore. Everything in Kevin’s life revolved around making sure I was well protected and cared for.  You would think as an older brother he wouldn’t want to be around me, let alone play with his younger sister.  Nope, Kevin was the opposite. He took me everywhere; he would say I’m his little tail.  We would fish together in the pond,  went swimming at the lake,  made mud pies,  played in the snow together, and if I wanted to play with my dolls he would play that too.  We would hide together from our parents while they were drinking.  He was my big brother, my protector, my parent, he was everything to me.


As I got older we argued, which was always about him being overly protective. He would never allow me to go anywhere without him, he was like my shadow and sometimes it got on my nerves.  Even when I was old enough to protect myself he wouldn’t let up.   I wanted my freedom to just be me, not having other kids scared to talk to me, because of my crazy self-proclaimed protector.  


When Kevin started high school his friends adopted me as their little sister, and my friends, well, let’s just say they like to be around so they could gawk at my brother and his friends.  When I started high school we became the untouchable group because of my brother.  As long as I was a part of that group, everyone knew not to mess with me.   When I went out I knew I would be safe as long as Kevin was with me. 


When I started to develop, if you know what I mean, some of the guys stopped seeing me as a kid, and a couple of them wanted to take me out.  When I told Kevin, because of course stupid me tells him everything that didn’t go over so well. He flipped and that’s putting it mildly, letting them know I’m off-limits, and if they ever cross that line they’ll have him to deal with.  Not that I was interested in any of the guys, but it pissed me off big time not able to make my own decision about the matter. I had to let my overprotective ass of a brother know that he had nothing to worry about, because I wasn’t looking to hook-up with anyone. I was too afraid to end up like our parents. 

I can’t help but remember when I put whipped cream in the palm of his hand while he slept and got a piece of thread to tickle his face. I had to cover my mouth with my hand to stop from laughing as he slapped the whipped cream on his face. 

My side hurt from laughing so hard that day.  Another time on his birthday I didn’t have money to buy him anything so I came up with the brilliant idea of taking things from his closest and wrapping them up as his birthday gifts
. We had a ball that day, even though he was given back his own things, he said it was the best birthday he ever had.  We used to have so much fun together; we’d laugh, talk about anything and played pranks on each other all the time. 


As I’m thinking about him this cloud of sadness comes over me…I miss him so much.  I think about not being able to talk to him about what’s on my mind, him not calling me baby girl again, him not being able to give me boyfriend advice, him not kicking my boyfriend’s ass if needed, my eyes became clouded with tears.


Rubbing my hand over my face I realize the tears were on my cheeks.  I quickly dried my eyes with the back of my hand and got out of bed.  I stretched my arms over my head, trying to get the aching tension from my shoulders.  Drawing the comforter over my bed and throwing the pillows back on…straighten my room and got ready for the yet another day without him.  


I threw on my black shorts and white tank top then, brushed my teeth, and washed my face, putting my hair up in a bun, and head to the kitchen for my morning coffee.    I put on the coffee and grabbed a yogurt from the refrigerator. Getting a spoon from the drawer I sat at the little kitchen table and start eating, waiting for my coffee to finish brewing so I can sip myself into oblivion.


I’ve fantasied about Ryan for so long even, when I told Kevin about him and, where he came from he always said to me. “
He’ll be lucky to have you baby girl, no matter what, just know that you deserve the best there is
.”  I used to think to myself that he was only saying that because he’s my brother so he had to say it.  My dad on the other hand drilled in my head how worthless I was over and over. 


Ryan Chapter Four


Last night I watched as Evelyn and her friend left after we kissed. I’m out to prove to her that I’m not the type of person she conjures me up to be in her head.  I understand why she feels the way she does about the snobby rich people. It’s common for people from the club to harass or sleep with girls from her side of town.  I want to show her that I’m not a snobby, materialistic asshole who thinks he is better than the people who work at the club.  Just because you have money doesn’t make you better than others and most of the people from around here didn’t get that memo. 


I can still feel her lips under my mouth, the way her body feels against mine.  My dick was hard as a rock when I touched her, the way she responded to my kiss, fuck I’m getting hard right now just thinking about it.  Adjusting myself in my boxers, I need to get myself under control. 


I hear Sam downstairs with my parents, and I know she’s about to come up to my room.  When I heard the knock I knew who it was “Come on in the door is open,” I called out.  Pushing the door open she walked in closing it behind her and started unbuttoning her blouse.  She walked over to where I am on the bed and pushed me down so she can straddle me.

She leaned in kissing me,
I rip her blouse from her shoulders, when I saw that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath, it only drove me crazy.  I grabbed her breasts and she groans out loud. She took my cock out from my boxers and started stroking it up and down.  She looks at me and smiles right before she bent her head and taking me into her mouth and start sucking.  I hissed between my teeth which prompted her to suck harder in turn driving me wild.  Sam is good with her mouth and she knows it. 


I pull her up to stand, because if she continued I’m going to blow and I wanted to fuck her hard-and-fast.  I pulled my boxers off, taking a condom out of my wallet on the nightstand.  I sheathed myself, and pull Sam to straddle me.  I heist up her skirt and tear her panties, “Oh, I see you want it rough, baby,” she whimpers.


I rub my finger along her opening making sure she was ready for me.  Once I felt she was wet and ready, without saying anything I slammed her down to the hilt on my hard cock.  She screamed out, and that made me lifts her and slammed her down again.  I lifted my hips and she screamed even louder “You have to shut the fuck up, my folks are downstairs.”   I squeeze her breast, sucking on her nipple which made her go wild as she rides me.  I could feel her tighten around me. I let go of her nipple with a pop and looked at her flushed face. I could see that she was close and I was nowhere near ready to finish.


Looking at her, all of a sudden Sam’s face turned into Evelyn’s and I slammed into her harder.  This can’t be happening to me, why the hell am I seeing her face while I’m buried deep in Sam.  I lifted Sam up flipping her so she was facing down, lifting her ass so she was on all four on the bed. I got behind and plummet into her again.  As I rode her, all I was seeing is Evelyn’s face and I rode her harder.   Her screams were getting louder with each thrust of my hips. I grabbed the pillow and told her to scream into it if she has to or else I’d stop if she doesn’t keep quiet.  I feel her pussy tightening, and knew she was about to cum.  Rubbing on her clit, she threw her head back while she came all over my cock.  I still wasn’t ready to finish, I reached around and started rubbing her clit and with my other hand and holding her waist so I could keep her still while I pumped harder.  I started to feel my balls tightening just as her pussy started to tighten again.  As I pound harder and faster all I was thinking was this was what I want to be doing to Evelyn; then Sam moaned and threw my shit off. 

was going so hard Sam reached around to brace her hand on my hip for me to slow down.  I wasn’t having that so I grabbed her hair and pulled it back as I continue fucking her, pounding into her harder as she screamed into the pillow the loudest I’ve ever heard her as I blow my shit.  Sweat was dripping from my face to her back.  I was so spent from fucking her but realized that I wasn’t satisfied. 


She turned her head and looked at me smiling as she said, “Wow Ry! That was amazing; you’ve never fucked me that hard before, I thought you were going to split me in two.”  By the smile on her face I could tell she loved it.  If only she knew I was thinking of someone else while I was fucking her, she would be mad as hell.  I pulled out discard of the condom, and went to take a shower. 


When I came out of the shower I told her she should leave, she wasn’t too pleased about that shit, but I didn’t care.  She grabs her stuff off the floor dragging them on and leaves.  I know I am going to be interrogated by my mom as to why she was leaving so quickly, but I just didn’t care right now.  I need to be by myself figuring out my next move.  How am I going to do this?  I sure don’t want to fuck it up with Evelyn even though we are not dating.  She already thinks badly of me.


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