The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) (13 page)

Read The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) Online

Authors: J. L. Massey

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1)
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“Environmental photographer?”

“Who knows?” He smiled and shook his head.

“It sounds like she’s having fun with it. I’ll swing by and see her. Later Adam,” I said as I walked to the door.

Holly was sitting on the porch when I pulled in. She gave me a once-over and smiled. “Look at you all fancy. You know we are not formal in this house right?”

I laughed as I looked down at my snug grey sheath dress and red heeled sandals then to Holly’s jeans and t-shirt. “I was at the bank all morning signing papers. I bought a house today! I am so excited!” I said as I gave her a hug.

“A house! I would be excited, too. Where is it? How big? What color? I want to know it all.”

I started laughing, again. “It is actually not too far from here. It is on Emery Street. It has three bedrooms and one bath, but we are turning it into a two bedroom and two bath with an office nook in the master bedroom. We are updating all the fixtures and security. I am going to call the utility companies tomorrow and get it all set up where I hope I can move in by this weekend. I am going to move into what will be the guest bedroom for the time being. I will have it and the one bath to use while the rest is being worked on. My friend Becca, her dad is David Young of Young’s Building and Construction. He is going to help me get everything done as quickly as possible.”

“Yes, I know both David and Michele. I met them over at your parents’ one night. They are a nice couple. He does extraordinary work. I’m hoping that Mason will be in Mrs. Young’s class in a couple of years.”

“She is a great kindergarten teacher. She is always thinking of new ways to have fun while teaching the kids new things.”

“That’s what I thought.” She cocked her head sideways. “Well listen to that. Mason is up.” Mason opened the screen door, came outside, and ran to me when she saw me.

“Auntie Ari, I missed you. Will you come and play with me? Daddy got me a new baby. Come play. Come play.”

“Mason!” I said as I gave her a huge hug. “Yes, I will come play with you sweetie. That’s why I’m here.” I winked at Holly as Mason pulled me in the house and to her room. “Mason, is this your new baby? She is so pretty. What’s her name?”

“Her name is Ari, after her aunt. Isn’t she the mostest pretty baby in the whole wide world? I knew I had to have her because her eyes are like ours. See purple.” I smiled at my sister and wondered if I was ever as cute as what she was. Holly was in and out several times, but left me alone to play with Mason.

“Are you bored yet?” I was startled when I heard Holly’s voice and realized I must have fallen asleep sometime after Mason decided to give me a makeover. This was not unusual. Whenever someone played with my hair I was out. I think this came from my mom brushing my hair and singing me to sleep when I was little. I had been on my stomach on the floor letting Mason sit on my back and fix my hair. We had played babies, horses, read books, colored, did my makeup, and now my hair. “Mason, sweetie, get off Ari and cleanup. It’s time for dinner.”

“Dinner?” I looked out and noticed it was dark. “Wow, lost track of time there.”

“No problem. I made enough for you and was able to catch up on all the laundry while you guys played.” She looked my face and hair over for a minute then flashed a huge smile. “I will give you ten bucks to leave your hair and face alone.”

“You don’t have to pay her Mommy, she told me she wouldn’t wash it off till she got back to her hotel. Isn’t she pretty?” Mason beamed at me looking over her work.

I smiled down at Mason then up to Holly who was trying not to laugh. “I have a feeling I am so pretty that people won’t know what to think.”

Holly laughed out loud. “That is a guarantee.” We heard a door shut then heard Adam call out, “Mason, your daddy’s home! Where, oh, where is my Mason?”

“Oh no! I have to hide. Ari, clean up your mess,” Mason said as she jumped into the closet.

“Well then! I guess I should clean up my mess.” I laughed while hearing Adam call for Mason.

“Sorry. He plays this game with her a couple times a week, and she loves it,” Holly explained as she started helping me clean up.

“Hmm. My Mason must be in her room. My goodness. She surely has been,” Adam said looking at me. “No one can do hair or makeup like that but Mason.” I smiled at Adam who was trying not to laugh.

“It can’t be that bad.”

“Have you’ve seen yourself?”

“No, but now I’m a little scared to.”

Adam smiled a huge smile and reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. “I think we should take pictures. It shows how much fun she had fixing your hair and how good of a sport you are. Smile.” He snapped his camera a few times then played with his phone before putting it up.

“Now that this is recorded and emailed to me so it won’t be deleted,” he looked over to Holly, “I think we need to have a talk with Mason about our private things.”

“But Daddy. I didn’t touch anything bad. I only wanted her hair to have some pretty balloons. I didn’t get the butterfly or anything,” Mason said as she came out from the closet.

“I know, but those are Mommy and Daddy’s special balloons, and we put them up for a reason. That is our private box, and I know that you had to climb on top of something to reach it.”

“Sorry Daddy. I’m hungry. I’m going to go wash my hands,” she said as she ran from the room not sounding the least bit contrite.

“Do I have condoms in my hair?” I asked looking at both Holly and Adam.

“Yes,” they both said with a huge smile.

“And you promised to leave it in until you got back to your hotel,” Holly reminded me with a giggle. “Come on, it’s time to eat.”

“I’m going to go to the bathroom and see how pretty I look.” I batted my eyelashes and walked out to the sound of Adam’s laughing following me.

“Oh my God,” I whispered to Adam as he leaned up against the door. “What did she do? I thought she was using her play makeup and hair bows.”

“It doesn’t get any better in the back. She might have left the butterfly, but she used the anal beads and…” he leaned in and sniffed me, “she used the watermelon lube too.” He walked out laughing so hard.

I walked to the kitchen where everyone was already at the table. And looked from Mason’s sweet smiling face to Holly and Adam’s downcast eyes, silently laughing.

“Mason did you get my makeup from the same place as the balloons?”

“Yes. And the hair beads and barrettes.” She smiled a huge smile.


“Oh yes. There are two red ones, and two white ones, and two black ones. They look like pompoms.”

“Pompom barrettes?” I said to Holly.

She cleared her throat, looked down and whispered, “Nipple clamps”.


“Body paint.”

“You guys use condoms?”

“Umm…not personally.”

The same time she whispered this we heard a door shut.

“Hey, where is my Mason?”

“Uncle Alex is here!” Mason ran out of the room. I looked up at Adam then at Holly. I could feel my face start to get hot.

“I should go.” I stood up and pushed my chair in. The same time as Alex made it to the kitchen.

“Alex. This is my Aunt Ari. Isn’t she pretty. She let me do her hair and makeup.”

“Yes, Mason, she is as beautiful as an angel,” Alex said looking right at me.

“If I only had a halo and wings.” I rolled my eyes, tired of hearing him call me an angel.

“Next time I will wake you in time to put on a costume. Momma has a bunch of shinny ones.”

“Mason, we are going to have a long talk about getting in your mommy’s things.”

“But Daddy, Mommy and Aunt Ari both said they love it. I just wanted her to be as pretty as Momma. Don’t you think Momma is pretty when she wears her costumes?”

“Yeah, Daddy. Don’t you think I look pretty in them?” Holly had tears running down her face and had quit fighting to keep her laughter quiet.

“Oh God, I don’t want to know. I need to go.” I looked down at Mason. “Thanks sweetie for doing my hair. Next time I come and play, I will bring you some new makeup and hair clips so you won’t have to steal your mommy’s. I might even bring a couple of costumes, too. Maybe even matching ones for me and you. Okay? I love you baby.” I gave her a big hug and realized what I said. I loved her. It hurt, but at the same time filled me with joy. “Thanks guys for having me over. Holly, I’ll come back sometime this week. If you get done early one day, we can go furniture shopping.”

“I would like that.” She looked from me to Alex and whispered, “You don’t have to go. You didn’t even eat.”

“Yes, I do.” I looked over at Mason who was telling Alex about her day. Then whispered back, “Plus I feel dirty with your sex toys in my hair. I mean, come on Holly, you could give a little foreplay before you thrust them on me.” She laughed and hit my arm. “Bye Adam, and don’t worry, I will return all your goodies.”

Adam smiled a half smile. “Some of that is nonreturnable. Now that you have used it you should have to pay for it,” he said in a smooth, but commanding tone.

I heard Holly’s swift intake of breath. Before I could reply Alex jumped in. “Not happening,” he barked out and grabbed my arm and pulled me from the room to the sound of Adam laughing. He didn’t let go until we were in the living room.

“What are you doing here?” he demanded as he pulled me up against his firm body.

“I came to see Mason and Holly, but I’m leaving. I’m sorry I wasn’t expecting to see you,” I said as I pushed against him.

“Oh Angel, you should expect to see me. Expect to see a lot of me,” he said as one hand wrapped around to grab my ass cheeks and the other reached up to cup my neck.

“Please Alex. We are done. It was fun, and I learned a great deal about myself. Thank you for that and for making my first time pleasurable. I will always remember it,” I said thinking of what Becca told me while still pushing against his hard chest.

“Fuck that. We are nowhere near done. I don’t know if I will ever be done with you. My God, Ari,” he whispered as he swept down into a desperate kiss. Using his hands he picked up my ass to press further against him. I could feel his cock hardening further. I could also feel my traitorous body heating up as my hands gripped his shirt and I kissed him back. He dropped his hand to my breast while kissing me. Then all of a sudden I felt his hand on my bare ass, and I jerked back.

“No! Stop. I don’t want this.”

“Baby, Angels cannot lie. You do want this. You want more than this.” He squeezed my ass harder, bringing my body against his again.

“Please, Alex, let me go, and you will not have to see me anymore.”

“You will see me. I have plans for you, Angel. You want to know those plans?”

“No. No plans.”

“I plan to have you back in my bed. I plan to put my cock between your legs. And I plan to take you any way I want. I plan to have your luscious lips wrapped back around me as I fuck your mouth. I plan to suck that spiced peach juice out of you as you cum on my tongue. And I plan to fuck you so hard that you cannot recall anything but my name. I am going to take you over and over, until you’re too tired to do anything but let me take care of you. Then when you have rested, I plan to take that sweet virgin ass of yours. Don’t think I didn’t notice the little maneuver from Mitch where he had his dick in your mouth first, then your pussy.” I stiffened. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan to do this today or even tomorrow, but it will happen.” His finger stroked against the cleft above my bottom.


“Angel, we both know it’s going to happen. Stop resisting and lying to yourself about how much you truly want to be taken there.”

“I don’t know anything,” I replied trying my best to get out of his arms.

He smirked down at me. Cocky bastard.

“You know it. You know how it is each night when you go to bed lonely. You want me to be there. I bet that you desire it even now. Even as you are mad at me, fighting to get out of my arms. I bet if I feel you now, I would have proof. I bet your clit is swollen, and your pussy is wet and slick. Hmm?”

God, I hated him because he was right. I wanted him. My body felt wired at his touch, at his words. I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth while fighting off the desire to grind myself against him.

“I bet you are so hot I could slide right in without any problem. Soaking my dick with your heavenly scent as I push in and out repeatedly, filling you, and making you moan, but don’t worry, Angel. I said soon, not tonight. Not even if you beg.” He then walked me to and through the door.

“Good night, my Angel. I will see you soon.” He stepped back inside and shut the door in my face.

I stood there staring at the door, trying to gather my wits and figure out what just happened. I rubbed my legs together before I realized what I was trying to do. Son of a bitch! That did not happen. Stupid fucking games.


I closed the door and stood there waiting for her to leave. I wanted her, too much. She was a danger to me and my career, but at this moment I didn’t care. I wanted to throw her against the door and fuck the shit out of her until she screamed my name. I leaned my head against the door trying to get my pounding cock under control. I hadn’t been this hard in years.

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