The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) (14 page)

Read The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) Online

Authors: J. L. Massey

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1)
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“Quite a show you put on.”

I turned to see my brother standing there. Adam knew I was more than what I let on but didn’t know how much more. Everyone in this town thought I went off to join the military only to get dishonorably discharged. And now thought I was just a bum who went from place to place working odd jobs. The truth was they pulled me from my unit to put me in an elite group working secretly with the FBI. We could be undercover as anyone, anywhere. Chameleons. That was what we were. When it came about that someone was needed in my hometown they called me in and explained the situation. When they found out I had experience as a Dom in the club, they sent me in as lead. Everyone thought I was a local loser come bartender.

“We need to talk. Privately. You, me, Mitch, and Diana. Tomorrow at the club. Noon.”

“Is that why you came over? To tell me something you could have told me over the phone? Or did you come over to scare off my guest?”

I smiled big at Adam. He was taking his role as Uncle Adam seriously. Something I personally liked, but just not toward me. “Don’t worry about my Angel any.”

“She said today she wasn’t your anything.”

“A minor blip, nothing to worry about. Mitch and I will have her sorted out and she will be bent over, begging for it. Like they all do.” God he hated his cocky sounding ass.

“There’s what she wants and what her body wants. Don’t use her body’s response to your advantage when you just want to get your dick wet. She’s not just another sub. You knew that when I asked for your help with her in the club. Don’t treat her like you do the rest.”

I looked at my brother hard. He was the guy who took me to the club when I was eighteen. I wanted what Adam had, a wonderful family who fully supported his Dom behavior in the bedroom and club. I didn’t want to control every aspect of a woman’s life. I wanted her willing to submit to me sexually. To leave the decision of how and when she will reach her climax in my hands and to know I caused it. I wanted her to view it as a gift from me. Yeah, I liked to mix a little pain in there, too, and see a bare red ass. Hear the crack a whip makes when it hit bare skin. Hear moans from pleasure and cries from pain. To see tears roll down a woman’s face as she screamed my name in ecstasy and know that moments before she was cussing me for bringing her pain. I wanted it with Aurora, and I planned to have it even if it came with Mitch. I didn’t mind Mitch and was even turned on watching the way he handled Aurora and that was confusing, but…I shook my head and looked at Adam.

“Tomorrow. Noon,” I replied and walked out. We had decided it was time to bring in Mitch and Adam. Mitch, because he ran the club, and Adam, because he knew everyone. I didn’t know Diana’s story or if it was the same as mine. I met her as I came in to do this job. They had set her up months before, and she was a full-time Domme. I was told I was going to have to work with her and since she was already a Domme, I would need to be a switch to keep their options open. Evidence came in on someone wanting to break a Domme and bring her into submission and another who liked taking on grown men who were confused about their sexual preference. I never thought I would like submitting, but I soon realized it wasn’t about being weak, but about letting go completely. We did one scene a night on both Friday and Saturday nights to keep up appearances. Plus, since I was supposed to be sexually confused it helped that Diana was a lesbian and never turned me on when she did whip me. At least, it never happened until Friday night. When I closed my eyes, all I could see was Ari’s pussy. I wanted and need her. It wasn’t until I felt my cock being caressed and lips against mine that I came back to and noticed that it was Diana and not Ari. I grabbed her hand and went to tell Mitch that I was taking off for the night. It was going to look like I was leaving with Diana since I had her hand, but I needed to get out of there. I gave her a ride on my bike to her apartment. She never commented on the fact that I was turned on. She was smart and knew why. I went to my own place and went to bed. It wasn’t two hours later that I received the call that Aurora was gone. I hated that she thought so little of me. I found it ironic that everyone I ever knew thought I was a loser, but the idea that Aurora might think that ate at me. I was sure right now that Adam thought we were meeting to talk about her. If only that was the problem.


I didn’t want to walk into the hotel with this junk all over me and didn’t know if I could get it all out myself. I drove over to Michele and David’s house to beg Michele for help. Yes, I would be embarrassed, but Becca was at work, and I didn’t know who else to go to. I parked and walked up to the door, but it was answered before I could knock.

“Oh, hello Ari. Thought I saw some headlights. What are you up to? What is all over you, girl?” David asked as he ushered me inside. I turned to look at the living room to see Michele, Jasper, and Jackson all sitting there with shock and humor on their faces.

“Hi!” I squeaked. “It gives a new meaning to sex hair don’t you think?”

The boys busted up laughing while Michele smiled her motherly smile at me.

“My dear…you do know what is in your hair, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do. At least I think I do. I let a three-year-old do my hair and makeup and fell asleep in the process. I thought she was using her play makeup. Instead she went into her mommy and daddy’s secret boxes. Before I saw it, I promised her I would not take it off before I was home. But I don’t want to walk through the hotel lobby like this, and I don’t know if I can get it all out. Will you help me?”

“Yes, Ari,” Michele said in her exasperated tone. “I’ll help you and you can shower here, but let’s see what is all in there. I see the condoms. What else do we have?” They all stood around me to get a better look.


“What are the pompoms?” Jasper asked reaching out to touch.

“Nipple Clamps.”




“Hmmm. Let me see, Mom,” Jackson said as he moved against my back. “We have condoms, nipple clamps, anal beads, and cock rings. And I do smell something fruity.” He leaned forward and smelled my hair right under my ear. “Mmmm… Did she put something watermelon scented in your hair?”

“Alright, enough Casanova.” I slapped his hands, which had made their way around my waist. “I didn’t know about the rings. And yes she put some kind of oil in my hair. Oh and the makeup is body paint. And before you even ask, yes I already had my picture taken, and you cannot take another one.”

“Alright boys, let your mom deal with the sexpot while we finish watching the game. Maybe the Rangers will hold them in the ninth.” They laughed as we walked out of the room.

It took two hours and dish soap to cut the greasy mess my hair was in. I was not happy by a long shot and had already decided that Mason and I would be having a talk. I spent the time talking about the house and signing the papers. I ended up in one of Jackson’s football jerseys that hung nearly to my knees. I sat on the couch talking with David about security systems. I guess I fell asleep because when I woke up I was being carried up the stairs by Jackson.

“What are you doing?” I yawned and looked around. “Put me down. I can walk.”

“What I am doing, my little sex kitten, is giving up my bed for you to sleep in. The proper and nice thing to say is ‘Thank you’.”

“The proper and nice thing is not to have your hand on my ass.”

“Jackson. Get your hand off her ass. Why can’t you see her as your sister like Jasper does?” I heard David ask from behind us.

“First off, Jasper has a girlfriend he is in love with and has been since kindergarten. Second, how can I not want Ari? She’s hot as hell. You should want someone like Ari for me.” Jackson placed me on his bed and smoothed his hand down my bare leg as he reached for the covers.

“I’m sorry, Ari. Jackson grabbed you before I could,” David said, then turned back to Jackson and spoke like I wasn’t even here. “And of course Ari is a sweet girl. I would love to see you with someone like her, but not her. You will corrupt her sweetness.”

“I think there’s a lot more to our little Ari than she leads on.”

“What do you mean? She is nothing like you. She is pure and innocent.”

“Is she? Sweet. Yes. Innocent. I don’t think so. Not anymore.” Jackson looked me over completely lost in thought and not sexually. I didn’t know if I should be offended for being objectified or happy I wasn’t being sexually accosted.

“Why you little…” David slapped him on the back of the head.

“Hey! Enough! I am right here, and you two are not going to talk around me like I am not in this room. David, I am not an innocent little girl anymore. It’s all part of growing up. It doesn’t mean I’m immoral either. Jackson, thank you for the compliments, but you’re too young for me. I see you as a little brother.”

David sucked in a breath and let it out. “Are you good here, Ari? Do you need anything else?”

“I’m good, but I can go back to my hotel. I’m awake now.”

“No, it’s nice to have you back under our roof. Let me enjoy it.”

“Okay, thank you.”

“Good night, my sweet girl.” He cut his eyes to Jackson then left the room.

Jackson walked forward and sat down beside my hip with a smirk I was sure he used to get into the girls’ panties. “You honestly think you’re too old for me?”

“Yes. You’re barely out of high school.”

“We’re not as different as you might think, but if you want me to think of you as my sister I guess I can try.” He made a face and shook his head. “I want you happy and if someone hurts you in any way I’ll be there to kick their ass. Be it emotional or more. Even if you think you deserve it.”

“What are you saying? What do you think I deserve?” I thought this was strange coming from Jackson. He was always the jokester, and I had never seen him this serious.

“I said if you think you deserve it. You’re a sweet girl, like my dad said, and deserve someone to treat you as such. You need to remember that. No one can change that, but you.”

“Okay, what’s going on?”

He looked in my eyes for a long time. Then reached up to cup my cheek. “You’re only three years older than me. That’s not a big difference. I’ve been eighteen for seven months now and I’ve been a member of a certain club for the past six months. A club that you seem to have an interest in. One with a red door.”

I sucked in a huge breath. “How?”

“I saw you at the bar with Alex and Mitch. You…” He shook his head and stared off in space. “You were so fucking hot; I made my way over there when Mitch showed up. I didn’t know if I was going to kick their asses or join in. When he made you cum, fuck, I wanted you, Ari.” I felt sick. “Everyone who saw that wanted you. Even knowing it was wrong because I could never go there, I wanted you.”

“Why? There were tons of girls walking around naked or doing more than what I was. Why would you want me? Why would anyone?” It came out while I was trying to keep calm. I felt betrayed, but I knew he didn’t do anything wrong. I was just so embarrassed.

“You don’t get it, do you? Ari, you are not some girl walking around. You’re prime material for those Doms who want a sub. You’re new and untried. Virgin yet willing. Don’t give me that look. You can go through those club doors and be the highest paid hooker on the street corner and still be a virgin in that club. There are many different types of virgins. There are also plenty of girls there who have done the scenes plenty of times, but how many times does someone as fresh and innocent as you walk in and agree to try to satisfy your Doms. You automatically fell in line and followed the rules like you were made for it. Born to do it. Add the fact that you are beautiful. Why would any Dom there not want you?”

He looked down into my eyes and reached for my hand. “You were happy that night. I might have been focused on certain things, but I could tell that you were happy, even while you were getting punished. Not going through the motions and putting up a front, but happy, Ari. I don’t know what happened between then and now, but something did. Yesterday, when you came over, the sad girl was back. What happened?”

“Oh God! Forget yesterday!” I jerked my hand back and through it up in the air, waving my hands as I spoke. “I can’t believe you saw that. You should not have watched. You should not have been there. You’re too young!” I felt my face getting hotter and hotter as Jackson started to laugh.

“Ari, I started taking some online college courses in January, and I’ll be attending college in the fall. The club is for eighteen and up. Now, it’s not like they let anyone in, especially someone still in high school, but Dad knows how I am, and he was part of the scene a long time ago. He introduced me to some people, and I’ve been going through a kind of Dom training. As for turning away, I probably would have if I didn’t already get turned on by it before I realized it was you. The way you looked didn’t fit with our innocent Ari. I am sorry if it makes you feel uncomfortable,” he said with a smile letting me know he wasn’t the least bit sorry.

“David knows, too?”

“About me, yes. Not about you. Tell me, do you not think your parents would have supported you if you asked for help to get into this type of club? Yes, they would because, like mine, they were good opened-minded parents. Now back to the question. What happened between now and then?” I could hear the authority come out in his voice and knew that he would have a good Dom voice. I was proud that he had the guts to ask David to help him.

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