The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) (11 page)

Read The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) Online

Authors: J. L. Massey

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1)
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“What if I need something you can’t provide? Do I come and discuss it with you first?”

“Yes Ari. What’s with all the questions about relationships? We know you are new not only to the club, but also to dating. Is that what this is about? You’re questioning how we should act since we are more serious than your past relationships? If you need something, you come to us. We will give it to you or find some way to get it. Now we might make you earn it, but that is all part of us being a Dom. And yes, it works both ways. If we need something, we come to you, and if you can’t provide it, then we discuss where to go from there. All three of us together.” He was talking to me like a parent would talk to a small child. Similar to how Adam spoke with Mason when I was over at their house. This just pissed me off more. I could feel my anger simmering.

“No matter what it is?”

“Yes! Just tell us what you need, baby.” He rubbed his fingers over his eyes.

“So we are in this type of relationship?”

“My God, Ari, yes we are. We told you that last night when we claimed you and when I introduced you as ours by the bar of the club. I know you don’t understand this type of relationship, but we most definitely are in one. I also know you don’t know me, yet, but I have never had a sub. You are my first. I have experience as a Dom, working with other subs, but never been in a relationship with one. It is and will continue to be a big deal because I have had several offers and have turned them all down until you. The fact that you walked away last night will be an even bigger deal. You’ll not walk away again, because I’ll not let you go. I wish you would have waited, but because you didn’t, you earned another punishment,” Mitch yelled and stood from the bed.

“Another? Another punishment?”

“Yes, Alex still owes you one from last night and now we both owe you one for this bullshit you pulled. We’ve been passing ideas back and forth on how we should do it. Because you are new it is going to have to be light, but it will still be difficult for you.”

“Not so fast. I’m pretty sure Alex dealt his punishment in last night leaving me needy and alone.”

“Hmm, didn’t think about that. Alex, is that why you sent her to my room?” Alex was still standing against the wall staring at me. His mask still up.

“No. I sent her to the room to sleep. If she was too wound up to sleep, she should have made herself cum.” He looked over to Mitch when he said this.

“You’re not even going to talk to me directly? You break into my hotel room, stare me down, and speak around me. Un-fucking-believable.” Alex crossed the room and leaned right into my face.

“If you wanted my attention, little girl, you should have asked for it. Not run off like a spoiled little bitch, pissed because she didn’t get her way. Don’t worry, Angel, you have my attention now, and you will have it until you have been thoroughly punished.” I flinched at being called a spoiled little bitch by him.

“You’re not going to punish me. You’re not going to touch me.”

“Oh, yes I am. I got woke up and had to get out of bed and search for you with Mitch and Adam.” Adam? I didn’t think Adam would be involved in the search. I thought he would give them my address.

“Oh yes, Adam. I’m sure he will want to watch, if not get in his own punishment,” Alex replied reading my face.

“None of you are touching me!” I screamed back into his face. Mitch stepped forward and looked straight at me.

“Then you’re done? With us? You’re ending the relationship?”

“No, Mitch.” I took a deep breath and let it out. “You’re right. I do believe I would enjoy being in this type of relationship, but I want a relationship like you described. To have that, there must be trust. I thought we could have it when I went to your room last night. How stupid was I? Typical virgin falls immediately for the guys she gives it up too.” My eyes watered, and I looked away. God, I didn’t want to say anymore. I choked back a sob and held off the tears. The fact wasn’t lost on me that I let myself feel something for two guys I didn’t know. They were not worth it. I was stronger and deserved a hell of a lot better. I defiantly looked back at Mitch. “Our ‘relationship’ ended when I was sent to my room so Alex could hang out in the club with Diana.” I watched as Mitch’s face went to shock, and Alex leaned in yelling at me.

“You don’t know what you are talking about. You should have stayed in the room like a good little sub.”

“I was a good little sub. I was in the room when I saw you with Diana. It just so happens that the live feed is hooked up to Mitch’s apartment.”

“Shit. I forgot I had that hooked up there. How did you find out?”

“Apparently, I am not as stupid as you thought.” The surprise on their faces at my discovery did little to ease my mortification.

“There are other factors that we can’t get into right now,” Alex replied while pacing the room.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It does so fucking matter. And after everything you went through last night, did you truly want to know that I liked to be whipped? That I needed it?”

“The whipping?” I laughed. “You think the whipping would have bothered me? Sending me to the room was your way of shielding me?”

“Yes, it was.”

“Hmm. Did it ever occur to you to ask me to sit with you while it happened? That maybe, I don’t know, Mitch could have whipped you. Or at least, helped you off the cross, instead of having Adam do it. And I don’t know; maybe, just maybe, let me be there to care for you afterwards. You know be the one to kiss and fondle you, instead of Diana.”

I watched as it registered to them both that I saw more than what they thought. “I am sure if I needed my car fixed or something that I could not do and asked a guy friend for help you would not like it if I kissed him when he was done.” I looked down at my bare toes feeling nothing but empty again. “You couldn’t even give me the type of relationship you were promising for four hours. The sad thing is that I didn’t go there wanting a relationship. I would have fell in line and the three of us would be fine if you didn’t start asking for things from me you didn’t want to do yourself. We never decided on a safeword. Let it be red. RED! I am done and would like you to leave,” I whispered and looked up to see Mitch look at Alex then back to me.

“Both of us or only Alex?” Alex looked up quickly at Mitch. I could tell he was shocked that Mitch would let me push him aside.

“Both. You filled in for Diana so Alex could have his fun. There’s no trust here.” I walked over and opened the door. “Goodbye.” I watched as Alex walked toward the door, stopping beside me.

“There are other factors that cannot be explained at this time. What you saw? Happened. I’ll not deny that, but there’s a hell of a lot that you didn’t see. In a relationship, you listen to both sides before you run off half-cocked. It’s not time for me to tell my side, but when it is, you will listen. You’ll understand. Then you’ll submit and take the punishment we give you.” He finished and walked out the door extremely pissed off. And Mitch looking defeated as he turned around to face me from the doorway.


“Red, Mitch.” Then I shut the door. I made my way back to the bed and laid down smelling Mitch’s cologne on the pillow as I cried.

The next morning, I looked and felt like crap. I had cried off and on the whole night. It wasn’t that I had fallen in love with them, but rather the desire I had to have the complete picture. I wanted to have a family again, and in the few hours I was with them I let go and pretended that I could. I let the wall down far enough to release the hope of having a family. When I looked in the mirror and saw my face, I knew everyone would know I had a rough night. I had to apply concealer, which I never use, under my eyes. I downed three cups of coffee and hit the road. I drove around several neighborhoods looking for houses. I saw several I liked, but none as much as the one the day before. I called Becca and asked if she would meet me at her parents’ house that afternoon. I wanted to talk with David and see if he would check out the house with me. We decided to meet around four so we could mooch dinner, too.

When I arrived, Becca was already there. She met me at the door with a huge smile.

“Girl, have we got to talk.” The dreamy look on her face told me all I needed to know.

“Had fun did you? I thought you two would hit it off. We both know he is a great guy and an awesome friend. And you, my sexy fun-loving best friend, deserve a great guy.”

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! So it’s not going to be weird between us? Because I’ll stop if it is.”

“Hell no! You’re not going to stop. You know Mark and I were never more than friends with a few kisses thrown in. I can’t see him more than being a friend. All three of us were friends. Just because he chased me years ago and I turned him down doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give him a shot. If he makes you happy then you better keep him or I’ll beat your ass,” I said with a smile, before we both busted out laughing. She knew I only ever talked this way around her. I really would never fight anyone. I was too polite. Then again the things I started doing in public had changed. Hmm, maybe it was time to stop being so polite and easygoing. Perhaps then I would not be used or ran over by the guys I dated.

“What was that?” she asked suddenly.

“What?” I looked back at her.

“That serious pissed-off look that you just had on your face. You are mad. Ari, don’t worry, I won’t see him again. Okay? Holes before poles and sisters before misters!”

I laughed at our old high school saying. “No Becca, he is a great guy. I did think of something…err…someone, but it was not him. And it was never going to be him. If you remember a long time ago when we dated I couldn’t get past the whole like my brother thing then. What would be different now?”

“You’re sure?”

“YES!!! I’m sure! Gee, what does a girl have to go through to get her best friend laid?”

“Okay then, you has some splainin to do Lucy. That was one seriously pissed-off look that was on your face.”

“Ethel have you been drinking?”

“No, sorry,” she laughed. “A marathon for
I Love Lucy
was on in the ER yesterday, and it was slow. I kind of got caught up in their banter. Now explain. Why the look?”

“Well…” I looked over at her and knowing I couldn’t get out of it, but not wanting to get into it, I decided to put it off. “I don’t want to get into it right now. Not while we are at your parents’. Later, when we leave, you can come back to my room and I will tell you then. Okay?”

“Fine, but I’m holding you to that. I want to talk to you about last night anyway,” she said excitedly.

We walked into the living room where David was watching a game. He saw us and stood up, giving us both hugs. He always gave the best hugs. This could be because he was a mountain of a man, standing around six and a half feet tall and weighing in at around two hundred and fifty. He kept his black hair short and had a trimmed beard that was black and silver. He had the lumberjack thing down to the flannel shirts and suspenders.

“Hey girls. What do you have planned today?”

“Hey David, where is Michele?” I asked as we all sat down.

“I’m here,” she replied coming from the kitchen and giving me a hug, too, before sitting on the couch with us. Everyone was waiting to see why I asked to meet with them.

“Okay.” I laughed. “I guess I will dive right in. I found a house, and I love it. It only has one bathroom and the kitchen needs to be redone, but it has a breathtaking backyard and a nice front porch. Plus, it’s only a few blocks from here. Oh and it is way below my budget so I can afford to redo the kitchen and add a bath. I want to make sure it is sound. David, I was hoping you wouldn’t mind looking at it and work out a timeframe for you to renovate it. I caught the owners there yesterday hanging up the sign, and they told me where they keep the spare key so I could show you.”

I watched as David ground his jaw and stared me down. Making me wait. I remembered that this was his thing. When we were younger, Becca and I would get caught doing something and when we got in trouble he would do this. He once admitted he did it to make us uncomfortable.

“First off, Ari, it pisses me off for you to think that I would mind. You and Becca were inseparable growing up and you stayed here as much as Becca stayed at your house. Then you lived here for a few months, too. You are our daughter, not by blood, but our daughter nonetheless. And if you ever come here questioning about whether we will be here for you again, I will get out my belt. I don’t care how old you are.”

“Second. No. I will not go look over the house. We will all go. We’re family, and we’re always there for each other. You don’t think Michele or Becca want to see this house? Who’s going to help you paint? Pick out furniture? Fill it with knick knack shit? It sure as hell won’t be me or the boys. The kitchen and bath, yes, shopping no.”

“Third. Don’t ever call here asking to speak with us. You come over and say what you need to. Because that’s what this is. You need us as much as we need you. There were gaps and holes in our life when you left, and I’ll not allow that shit to happen again. I know you put up a good front and pretend all is great in Ari-Land, but we know better. The sooner you figure out that you’re stuck with us the better.”

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