The rule of empires : those who built them, those who endured them, and why they always fall (90 page)

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15. Quoted in Jonathan North, “General Hoche and Counterinsurgency,”

Journal of Military History
67 (2003): 530.

16. Owen Connelly,
The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era
, 2nd ed.

(Fort Worth, TX: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1991), 209.

17. Connor,
Age of Napoleon
, 51–52; Ellis,
Napoleonic Empire
, 77–81.

18. These fi gures do not include the “independent” satellite states. Woolf,

Napoleon’s Integration of Europe
, 30.

19. Ellis,
Napoleonic Empire
, 35–36.

20. Woolf,
Napoleon’s Integration of Europe
, 158–59; Ellis,

, 60–63.

21. Best,
War and Society in Revolutionary Europe
, 116–17; Isser Woloch,

“Napoleonic Conscription: State Power and Civil Society,”
Past and Present

(1986): 120–24.

22. Woolf,
Napoleon’s Integration of Europe
, 171, 220–21; Edward Whitcomb,

“Napoleon’s Prefects,”
American Historical Review
79 (1974): 1099.

23. Charles Esdaile, “Popular Resistance to the Napoleonic Empire,” in

Napoleon and Europe
, 138; Best,
War and Society in Revolutionary

, 114; Woolf,
Napoleon’s Integration of Europe
, 172–73.

24. Gunther Rothenberg,
The Art of Warfare in the Age of Napoleon

(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1978), 159–60.

25. Michael Rowe, “Between Empire and Home Town: Napoleonic Rule on

the Rhine, 1799–1814,”
Historical Journal
42 (1999): 665–66.

26. Quoted in Woolf,
History of Italy
, 30.

27. Nicholas Doumanis,
(London: Oxford University Press, 2001), 44;

Force of Destiny
, 4–5.

28. Douglas Radcliff-Umstead,
Ugo Foscolo’s Ultime Lettere di Jacobo Ortis,

A Translation
(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1970), 57.

29. Spencer Di Scala,
Italy from Revolution to Republic: 1700 to the Present

3rd ed. (Boulder, CO: Westview, 1995), 27.

30. Quoted in Gregory,
Napoleon’s Italy
, 47–48.

31. Doumanis,
, 43.

32. Duggan,
Force of Destiny
, 52; Gregory,
Napoleon’s Italy
, 137; Frederick

Soldiers of Napoleon’s Kingdom of Italy: Army, State, and Society,

(Boulder, CO: Westview, 1995), 61.

NOTES TO PAGES 275–306 463

33. Alexander Grab, “State Power, Brigandage and Rural Resistance


Napoleonic Italy,”
European History Quarterly
25 (1995): 54; Gregory,

Napoleon’s Italy
, 135–36.

34. Quoted in Charles Esdaile, “Popular Resistance to the Napoleonic

Empire,” in Dwyer,
Napoleon and Europe
, 140.

35. Quoted in Gregory,
Napoleon’s Italy
, 172.

36. Quoted in ibid., 182.

37. Quoted in Duggan,
Force of Destiny
, 67.

38. Broers,
Napoleonic Empire in Italy
, 12.

Chapter 6

1. C. W. Hobley,
Kenya: From Chartered Company to Crown Colony
, 2nd

ed. (London: Frank Cass, 1970), 109–17; Richard Meinertzhagen,
Kenya Diary

(New York: Hippocrene, 1984), 214, 224.

2. Meinertzhagen,
Kenya Diary
, 178.

3. Ibid., 223, 233; David Anderson, “Black Mischief: Crime, Protest and

Resistance in Colonial Kenya,”
Historical Journal
36 (1993): 858.

4. John Seabrook, “Ruffl ed Feathers: Uncovering the Biggest Scandal in the

Bird World,”
New Yorker
, May 29, 2006.

5. Great Britain, House of Commons,
Report from the Select Committee

on Africa (Western Coast)
(London, 1865), iii.

6. P. J. Cain and A. G. Hopkins,
British Imperialism: Innovation and Expan-

sion, 1688–1914
(London: Longman, 1993), 112.

7. Anonymous, “France under Louis Napoleon,”
Westminster Review

(October 1858): 193; Richard Hingley,
Roman Offi cers and English Gentlemen

(London: Routledge, 2000), 20.

8. Lance Davis and Robert Huttenback,
Mammon and the Pursuit of Empire:

The Political Economy of British Imperialism, 1860–1912
(Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1986), 71–75, 270; Cain and Hopkins,
British Imperialism
, 467.

9. Patrick K. O’Brien, “The Costs and Benefi ts of British Imperialism

1846–1914: Reply,”
Past and Present
125 (1989): 173, 176.

10. Cain and Hopkins,
British Imperialism
, 359.

11. Ronald Hyam, “The British Empire in the Edwardian Era,” in

Oxford History of the British Empire: The Twentieth Century
(New York:

Oxford University Press, 1999), 5:48.

12. E. S. Grogan,
From the Cape to Cairo: The First Traverse of Africa from

South to North
(Freeport: Books for Libraries, 1972), 356.

13. John Iliffe,
A Modern History of Tanganyika
(New York: Cambridge

University Press, 1979), 324.

14. John Lonsdale and Bruce Berman,
Unhappy Valley: Confl ict in Kenya

and Africa
(London: James Curry, 1992), 18.

464 NOTES TO PAGES 306–13

15. John Lonsdale, “The European Scramble and Conquest in African

History,” in
The Cambridge History of Africa
, ed. Roland Oliver (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1985), 6:747–48.

16. William Lloyd-Jones,
K.A.R.; Being an Unoffi cial Account of the

Origin and Activities of the Kings African Rifl es
(London: Arrowsmith, 1926),


17. Meinertzhagen,
Kenya Diary
, 218.

18. Ibid., 10–12, 148.

19. Bruce Berman,
Control and Crisis in Colonial Kenya: The Dialec-

tic of Domination
(Nairobi: East African Publishers, 1990), 134; Simon S. S.

Kenyanchui, “European Settler Agriculture,” in
An Economic History of Kenya

ed. W. R. Ochieng’ and R. M. Maxon (Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers, 1992), 115.

20. Quoted in W. T. W. Morgan, “The ‘White Highlands’ of Kenya,”

graphical Journal
129 (1963): 140.

21. Quoted in W. McGregor Ross,
Kenya from Within: A Short Political

(London: George Allen and Unwin, 1927), 41.

22. Harry Thuku,
Harry Thuku: An Autobiography
(Nairobi: Oxford University Press, 1970), 2.

23. A. C. Hollis,
The Nandi: Their Language and Folk-Lore
(Westport, CT:

Negro Universities Press, 1971), 50; Jomo Kenyatta,
Facing Mount Kenya: The

Tribal Life of the Gikuyu
(New York: Vintage, 1965), 42–43.

24. Kenyatta,
Facing Mount Kenya
, 47.

25. Bertram Francis Gordon Cranworth,
A Colony in the Making: Or Sport

and Profi t in British East Africa
(London: Macmillan, 1912), 21.

26. Robert Foran,
The Kenya Police, 1887–1960
(London: Robert Hale, 1962),


27. Grogan,
From the Cape to Cairo
, 378.

28. Cranworth,
Colony in the Making
, 48.

29. F. D. Lugard,
The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa

Frank Cass, 1965); F. D. Lugard, “The Colour Problem,”
Edinburgh Review

(April 1921): 281.

30. Quoted in E. A. Brett,
Colonialism and Underdevelopment in East Africa:

The Politics of Economic Change, 1919–1939
(New York: NOK, 1973), 73.

31. Quoted in Anthony Clayton and Donald Savage,
Government and

Labour in Kenya, 1895–1963
(London: Frank Cass, 1974), 105.

32. Quoted in ibid., 172.

33. John Cell, ed.,
By Kenya Possessed: The Correspondence of Norman

Leys and J. H. Oldham, 1918–1926
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976),


34. Hut Tax Ordinance, 1910, in G. H. Mungheam, ed.,
Kenya: Select

Historical Documents
(Nairobi: East African Publishing House, 1978).

NOTES TO PAGES 315–38 465

35. Thomas Jesse Jones for the African Education Commission,
Education in

East Africa (Phelps-Stokes Report)
(London: Edinburgh House, 1924), 118.

36. Quoted in Wyatt Rawson, ed.,
Education for a Changing Common-

wealth: Report of a British Commonwealth Education Conference, July 1931

(London: New Education Fellowship, 1931), 80.

37. Tanganyika Education Conference,
Conference between Government

and Missions: Report of Proceedings 5–12 October 1925
(Dar es Salaam: Government Printer, 1925), 76.

38. William Malcom Hailey,
An African Survey: A Study of Problems Aris-

ing in Africa South of the Sahara
(London: Oxford University Press, 1938),


39. Labour Circular No. 1, October 23, 1919, Labour Circular No. 2, February 17, 1920, in Mungheam,
Kenya: Select Historical Documents

40. Tiyambe Zeleza, “The Colonial Labour System in Kenya,” in Ochieng’

and Maxon,
Economic History of Kenya
, 180.

41. Ibid., 177.

42. Kenya Colony and Protectorate,
Report of the Kenya Land Commission

(Nairobi: Government Printer, 1933).

43. Terence Gavaghan,
Of Lions and Dung Beetles
(Ilfracombe: Arthur H.

Stockwell, 1999), 36.

44. Quoted in Marshall Clough,
Fighting Two Sides: Kenyan Chiefs and

Politicians, 1918–1940
(Niwot, CO: University Press of Colorado, 1990), 16.

45. Hailey,
African Survey
, 387–89.

46. Nuffi eld Foundation and Colonial Offi ce,
African Education: A Study

of Educational Policy and Practice in British Tropical Areas
(Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 1953), 80.

47. Cranworth,
Colony in the Making
, 85; Gavaghan,
Of Lions and Dung

, 35–36, 66.

48. James R. Sheffi eld,
Education in Kenya: An Historical Study
(New York:

Teachers College Press, 1973), 410.

49. Kenyatta,
Facing Mount Kenya
, 306.

50. Quoted in R. D. Pearce, “The Colonial Offi ce and Planned Decolonisation

in Africa,”
African Affairs
83 (1984): 80.

51. L. J. Butler,
Britain and Empire: Adjusting to a Post-Imperial World

(London: I. B. Tauris, 2002), 81–85; J. S. Hogendorn and K. M. Scott, “The East

African Groundnut Scheme: Lessons of a Large Scale Agricultural Failure,”

African Economic History
10 (1981): 108.

52. Quoted in Anthony Kirk-Greene,
On Crown Service: A History of HM

Colonial and Overseas Civil Services, 1837–1997
(London: I. B. Tauris, 1999), 9.

53. Report by Kenya Governor and Memoranda on What Legislation Is

Discriminatory, February 28, 1949, Great Britain Public Records Offi ce, CO 859


466 NOTES TO PAGES 338–61

54. R. Mugo Gatheru,
Child of Two Worlds
(London: Heinemann, 1966),


55. Anthony Clayton,
Counterinsurgency in Kenya: A Study of Military

Operations against the Mau Mau, 1952–1960
(Manhattan, KS: Sunfl ower University Press, 1984), 41.

56. David Anderson,
Histories of the Hanged: The Dirty War in Kenya and

the End of Empire
(New York: W. W. Norton, 2005), 53–59.

57. John Hargreaves,
Decolonization in Africa
, 2nd ed. (London: Longmans,

1996), 171; Butler,
Britain and Empire
, 106–8.

58. Harold Macmillan,
Pointing the Way, 1959–1961
(London: Macmillan,

1972), 475.

59. Michael Blundell,
A Love Affair with the Sun: A Memoir of Seventy

Years in Kenya
(Nairobi: East African Publishers, 1994), 97.

60. Quoted in Clayton and Savage,
Government and Labour in Kenya
, 189.

61. Michael Blundell,
So Rough a Wind
(London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson,

1964), 263.

Chapter 7

1. Thomas Kernan,
France on Berlin Time
(Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott,

1941), 76.

2. Simone de Beauvoir,
Letters to Sartre
, trans. and ed. Quintin Hoare

(New York: Arcade, 1991), 322.

3. Kernan,
France on Berlin Time
, 12–13.

4. Quoted in Richard Vinen,
The Unfree French: Life under the Occupation

(New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006), 23.

5. Philippe Burrin,
France under the Germans: Collaboration and Com-

, trans. Janet Lloyd (New York: New Press, 1993), 14.

6. Pierre Laval,
The Unpublished Diary of Pierre Laval
(London: Falcon,

1948), 45.

7. David Pryce-Jones,
Paris in the Third Reich: A History of German

Occupation, 1940–1944
(New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981), 67.

8. Quoted in Karl Brandt,
Management of Agriculture and Food in the

German-Occupied and Other Areas of Fortress Europe: A Study in Military

(Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1953), 485.

9. Hermann Rauschning,
Hitler Told Me
, quoted in Burrin,
France under

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