The SEAL Next Door (Alpha SEALs Book 5) (3 page)

BOOK: The SEAL Next Door (Alpha SEALs Book 5)
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He was here for his buddy, not to chase after women.  Especially one that was apparently staying right next door.  That was a friend or relative of Beckett’s.  She sure the hell wasn’t the next chick he was going to take to bed.

Matthew cleared his throat.  “Yes, that’s right.  I’m Matthew.  Do we know each other, darlin’?”

Where the fuck had that come from?

Yes, it looked like he was flirting.  Right here.  Right now.  Two days before his buddy returned home missing one limb.

“You don’t recognize me,” she said with a small smile.  He felt a strange tightening in his chest.  Hell, he’d do anything to erase that look off her face, but since she was parked in Beckett’s driveway, she had to be upset for the same damn reason he was.  His injured friend.  The homecoming ceremony.  It sure the hell had nothing to do with him.

He took a step closer, dropping his duffle bag to the ground.  His heart did a funny little stutter, like it knew something his brain didn’t, and blood pounded through his veins.  All the air felt like it had been sucked from his lungs, and he couldn’t for the life of him figure out whether to move closer or retreat.  Her wide sea green eyes stared at him, now somewhat amused. His mind was desperately trying to play catch up with his body, which was reacting to her on a primal level.  To kiss her.  Touch her.  Claim her.

Make her his.

But what the hell was that about?  He hit on pretty women all the time.  Went to bed with them even more often.  What made her so damn appealing?  He was missing something here, and as a trained SEAL, that didn’t sit well with him.

The image of a little girl in pigtails suddenly sprung into his mind, of endless summers exploring the great outdoors and a trio of inseparable kids.  His gut twisted even as his pulse raced.  This wasn’t some sexy as hell woman he didn’t know.  Not some long lost relative of Beckett’s that he could hope to coax into bed as a distraction from the current hell he was living.  Not some pretty blonde he could enjoy the weekend with and then never see again.

“It’s me,” she finally said.  “Brianna.”

Nope, this was FUBAR—fucked up beyond all recognition.  He was lusting over his best friend’s little sister.

Chapter 3



Matthew’s jaw dropped, and Brianna knew he really hadn’t recognized her.  It had been what?  Maybe ten years since she’d last seen him?  Beckett and Matthew had enlisted in the military right after they’d graduated from high school.  She’d just finished eighth grade, ready to move onto high school, and they were ready to see the whole damn world.  Leaving her behind.  She’d trailed after them all through childhood, and they hadn’t seemed to mind having her along on their adventures.  It wasn’t until the tender age of thirteen, when Matthew was seventeen, that she’d started to see him as something other than her older brother’s best friend.  Something more special than just the boy next door.

Not that he’d paid her any special attention.  He’d been tall and handsome even then—attracting all the high school girls and some of the pretty college co-eds that were around for Pensacola’s beaches with his tall physique, tanned muscles, and bright green eyes.  And as for today?  Holy hell.  He’d filled out in ways she could never have imagined when she was younger, with muscles bulging from beneath the arms of the short-sleeved polo shirt he wore, jeans that hung perfectly from his narrow hips, and a wide chest that she longed to sink into.

Just imagining those massive arms wrapped around her, those muscular hands trailing over her skin, had her heart rate palpitating and desire pooling at her core.  She’d been attracted to him when she was younger, yes—in a school girlish sort of way.  In wanting him to pull her aside and steal a kiss.  But now?  Damn.  She wanted a whole night in his arms—surrounded by his strength.  She wanted the weight of his muscular body atop hers, the feel of his lips against her own, and his throbbing manhood buried deep inside her swollen flesh.

She blushed, trying to shake the image she had of them tangled up in the sheets together.  She’d only had one serious relationship, and it had been far from satisfying.  Something about the way Matthew carried himself let her know that she would know
how to please a woman.  And something about the way her body always responded to him let her know a night with him wouldn’t disappoint.  But who was she kidding?  He was her older brother’s best friend.  He’d never seen her as anything other than the girl next door, and even if they were both adults now, perfectly capable of making their own decisions, he’d never make a move on Beckett’s little sister.

She blew out a sigh as Matthew finally regained his wits and walked over to her.  She was about to hold her hand out in greeting when he suddenly engulfed her in a hug.  His muscular arms wrapped around her, his chest pressing against her breasts as he pulled her close.  His chin rested atop her head, his entire body surrounding hers.  He was solid as a rock but warm.  It shouldn’t have felt so damn good to have him hold her, but she unwittingly melted into his firm embrace. Her cheek fell against the thick cotton of his polo shirt, and his scent surrounded her—soap, mixed in with a muskiness that was all Matthew.

“Holy hell, Brianna, I didn’t even recognize you,” he said gruffly.  He released her all too quickly, and she stepped back, tilting her head up to meet his gaze.  Slight stubble coated his strong jaw, but it was those green eyes that did her in.  It was like they could see right into her soul.

“It hasn’t been that long, has it?” she asked lightly.

“Damn near ten years,” Matthew chuckled, crossing his arms casually.  “You’ve grown up.”  She took in the corded muscles of his forearms, the veins bulging from those strong hands.  Hell.  He wasn’t just the guy next door anymore.  He was a Navy SEAL now—a warrior.  He’d been around the world.  Seen things she’d never dreamed of.  Been with more women than she could probably ever count.

“Ten years is a long time,” she said softly, regret winding through her.  “I’d say we’ve all changed.”

“The last time I saw you was sometime when I was home on leave.  You were still in high school and dating that goofy kid from down the street as I recall.”

Brianna blushed, remembering her brother and Matthew watching as she left on a date one night.  They’d both seemed amused, and the poor guy she was with had seemed terrified.  “How on Earth could you remember that?”

Matthew winked.  “I didn’t like him hanging around you.”

Unexpected warmth seeped through her. He was just being a protective older brother type.  It certainly didn’t mean anything.  Brianna shrugged, feeling like a teenager all over again, and she didn’t miss the way Matthew’s gaze slid to her chest.


“Well, anyway, he was harmless.  And I’m single now.”

Matthew raised his eyebrows, a smile playing about his lips.

Crap.  Why on Earth had she said that?

“I’m surprised,” he said with an easy grin.  “Especially without Beckett and me here to chase all the guys away.”  He cleared his throat, his eyes clouding at the mention of Beckett.

“I went up to visit him at Walter Reed,” Brianna said, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.  “It was bad, really bad.”

Matthew nodded grimly.

“It was good of you to come this weekend.  He’ll need the support.  I talked to him earlier, and he seemed pretty down in the dumps about coming home and needing our help.”

Matthew chuffed out a laugh.  “That’s Beckett.  Too damn stubborn to let anyone help him with anything.  Too damn stubborn to die, I suppose.”

Brianna nodded grimly.  “Some of the other guys he was with didn’t make it.  The Navy wouldn’t tell us any of the details, but Beckett told me they’re gone.”

“I should’ve gone up to see him,” Matthew said, looking pained.  “It’s only a couple of hours from Little Creek.  I could’ve taken leave or driven up one weekend….”

Brianna reached out and touched his tanned forearm, and Matthew flinched.  His eyes met hers. “He was really out of it, Matthew.  He wouldn’t even have remembered that you were there.  It’s better that you came now.  I don’t think he would’ve wanted you to see him that way.  Not like that.”

He nodded, swallowing, and Brianna slowly pulled her hand back, instantly missing the warmth of his skin beneath her fingertips.  The solid strength of him.  She glanced over to the groceries she’d left on the ground behind her car.  “Anyway, I better get those inside before everything melts in this heat.  My parents are out picking up things for Sunday, and I swung by the grocery store….”

“I’ll help you,” Matthew said, striding over to the back of her car.  She followed, coming to a stop next to him.  His large frame loomed over her, and she tried to ignore the way her pulse pounded as his arm brushed against hers.  He had pounds of muscle beneath all that tanned skin, and the thought of all that strength inside of her was terrifying.  Exhilarating.  The idea of Matthew making love to her set every last nerve ending on fire, and heat washed over her skin.  She’d never be with Matthew in that way.  She’d never even kiss him.  So why her mind was conjuring up images of Matthew’s powerful body atop hers, she’d never know. 

Brianna grabbed the last bag, amused that Matthew was holding the other four.  Was he showing off for her?  Or just being a southern gentleman?  Walking over to the passenger side of her car, she grabbed her oversized purse from the seat, making sure her uniform was completely stuffed inside it, and headed toward the front door.  Matthew was hot on her heels, and she added an extra little swing to her step.  She thought she heard him mutter something under his breath and grinned.

Matthew cleared his throat.  “Sweet ride,” he said, trailing behind her.  She glanced over her shoulder to see him looking back at her car.  And was it her imagination, or was there a slight bulge in his pants that hadn’t been there before?

“Thanks.  I just bought it last year.”

“So last I heard,” Matthew continued, “you have some fancy marketing job?  You always were the smart one in the family.”

Brianna inwardly cringed.  It was doubtful that she’d see Matthew again after this weekend, so why bore him with news of her layoff and current less-than-desirable job situation?  There was no way she was telling him the embarrassing truth.  That yes, she had her MBA, but she’d lost her job and was currently collecting tips as a cocktail waitress.  A job she didn’t need any type of degree for.  “Uh, yeah,” she agreed.  “I’ve been in marketing for two years.”

There.  Not a total lie.

“No kidding. And you moved back in with your folks?”

She shrugged, feeling herself flush.  “Beckett could use the help while he recovers.  And it’s not forever.”

She pulled her keys from her purse and fidgeted with the lock, her whole body pulsing with awareness as Matthew came to a stop right behind her.  Goose bumps coated her skin despite the heat, and she felt even more attuned to him now than when he’d briefly embraced her moments ago.  Heat radiated off his large frame as she stood between him and the door, and she could still smell the musky scent of his skin.  He was so close and so far all at the same time.  Confusion wrapped around her mind.

Finally, she got the front door open, hoping he didn’t notice how long it had taken.  Or why she’d been so distracted.  Feeling flustered, she gestured for him to go ahead while she closed the door.

The familiar scent of her parents’ home filled the air—the slight trace of the lemon cleaner her mom always used, the lingering scent of the muffins her mom had made at breakfast that morning.  Framed photographs lined the walls of the hallway, and she tried not to cringe as she spotted the one of her, Beckett, and Matthew as kids.  Her brother looked so happy and carefree in it.  Would she ever see him smile like that again?

They carried the groceries into the kitchen, and Matthew hefted the four bags he was carrying onto the counter as if they weighed nothing at all.  She watched his shirt stretch across his muscular back, and her eyes slid lower to his narrow hips.  He looked powerful and domineering yet perfectly at ease in her kitchen.  She quickly looked away before he caught her watching him.  So what if he looked like some sort of statue of a bronze god come to life?  She had no business wanting him that way.  Or in any way.

“Looks just like I remember it,” Matthew said, a smile coming to his face as he glanced around the cozy kitchen.

“Yeah, Mom and Dad haven’t changed much over the years.  Just like old times….”  Her voice trailed off as she thought how nothing would be like “old times” again.  Not with Beckett missing a leg, getting around in a wheelchair.  Not when her older brother, the big, bad Navy SEAL would never be sent on an op with his team again.  She’d grown used to not knowing where he was, but to know he was stuck sitting at their parents’ house in a wheelchair?  She wasn’t sure which scenario was more gut-wrenching.

“How is Beckett now?” Matthew asked, evidently thinking the same thing as her.  “Seriously.  My folks haven’t told me everything—I’m sure of that.  Mom didn’t want me to worry while I was deployed with the team.”

Brianna blew out a sigh.  “Down in the dumps.  Lucky to be alive. Upset that his career as a Navy SEAL is over.”

Matthew nodded, his jaw tightening.  It had to be hard for him, Brianna realized.  Beckett and Matthew did everything together, from the time they were kids right up until they graduated from high school and enlisted in the Navy.  She doubted many men became SEALs, but somehow they both did.  And they were damn good at their jobs.  Now Matthew would continue his career and Beckett would be sidelined at a desk job.  No matter what, from this point forward, things would never be the same again.

Brianna pulled a gallon of milk from one of the grocery bags, trying to distract herself from the unwanted memories, and Matthew relieved her of it instantly, his fingertips brushing against hers. “I got it,” he said, his voice gruff.

His biceps bulged as he easily lifted it away, and she tried not to stare at the massive man in front of her.  The walls of muscles spanning his chest were impressive.  Intimidating.  Inviting.  She wanted to skim over them with her fingertips, exploring each dip and ridge.  To smooth her palms over his broad pectorals.  To kiss her way over this man, learning about the hardened warrior he’d become over their years apart.  Which was completely crazy.  The spark she’d felt as his fingers brushed against hers was ridiculous.  It certainly shouldn’t have sent warmth seeping through her entire body.  Or made her breath catch and nipples tighten.

She abruptly turned away, taking a deep breath as she grabbed some more items from the bags.  At least she’d been grocery shopping and not out buying tampons or something.  Matthew probably would’ve insisted on helping carry her bags inside then, too.  Groceries, she could handle at least.  Walking purposefully across the kitchen, she opened one of the cupboards, stretching up onto her tiptoes to shove the boxes of pasta up onto a high shelf.

She heard the fridge door slam shut, and when she turned back around she found that Matthew was watching her, his eyes molten.  He’d gone completely still, seeming unsure whether to bolt from the room or cross it, collecting her in his arms.  She met his gaze, and the warmth coiling in her belly snaked down to her core.  She wondered what it would be like to kiss Matthew.  To taste him.  To let him hold her just for one night.  Crazily enough, she was certain that a night with Matthew in her bed would be better than a thousand nights with another man.  She’d been in love with him forever—first in a silly, school girlish way, and then in the way that you start to care for someone you’ve known forever.  There was lust there, yes, but she was certain she’d also been in love with him all this time.

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