The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (34 page)

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Authors: Ray Kurzweil

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Another key feature of the human brain is the ability to make predictions, including predictions about the results of its own decisions and actions. Some
scientists believe that prediction is the primary function of the cerebral cortex, although the cerebellum also plays a major role in the prediction of movement.

Interestingly, we are able to predict or anticipate our own decisions. Work by physiology professor Benjamin Libet at the University of California at Davis shows that neural activity to initiate an action actually occurs about a third of a second before the brain has made the decision to take the action. The implication, according to Libet, is that the decision is really an illusion, that “consciousness is out of the loop.” The cognitive scientist and philosopher Daniel Dennett describes the phenomenon as follows: “The action is originally precipitated in some part of the brain, and off fly the signals to muscles, pausing en route to tell you, the conscious agent, what is going on (but like all good officials letting you, the bumbling president, maintain the illusion that you started it all).”

A related experiment was conducted recently in which neurophysiologists electronically stimulated points in the brain to induce particular emotional feelings. The subjects immediately came up with a rationale for experiencing those emotions. It has been known for many years that in patients whose left and right brains are no longer connected, one side of the brain (usually the more verbal left side) will create elaborate explanations (“confabulations”) for actions initiated by the other side, as if the left side were the public-relations agent for the right side.

The most complex capability of the human brain—what I would regard as its cutting edge—is our emotional intelligence. Sitting uneasily at the top of our brain’s complex and interconnected hierarchy is our ability to perceive and respond appropriately to emotion, to interact in social situations, to have a moral sense, to get the joke, and to respond emotionally to art and music, among other high-level functions. Obviously, lower-level functions of perception and analysis feed into our brain’s emotional processing, but we are beginning to understand the regions of the brain and even to model the specific types of neurons that handle such issues.

These recent insights have been the result of our attempts to understand how human brains differ from those of other mammals. The answer is that the differences are slight but critical, and they help us discern how the brain processes emotion and related feelings. One difference is that humans have a larger cortex, reflecting our stronger capability for planning, decision making, and other forms of analytic thinking. Another key distinguishing feature is that emotionally charged situations appear to be handled by special cells called spindle cells, which are found only in humans and some great apes. These neural cells are large, with long neural filaments called apical dendrites that
connect extensive signals from many other brain regions. This type of “deep” interconnectedness, in which certain neurons provide connections across numerous regions, is a feature that occurs increasingly as we go up the evolutionary ladder. It is not surprising that the spindle cells, involved as they are in handling emotion and moral judgment, would have this form of deep interconnectedness, given the complexity of our emotional reactions.

What is startling, however, is how few spindle cells there are in this tiny region: only about 80,000 in the human brain (about 45,000 in the right hemisphere and 35,000 in the left hemisphere). This disparity appears to account for the perception that emotional intelligence is the province of the right brain, although the disproportion is modest. Gorillas have about 16,000 of these cells, bonobos about 2,100, and chimpanzees about 1,800. Other mammals lack them completely.


Dr. Arthur Craig of the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix has recently provided a description of the architecture of the spindle cells.
Inputs from the body (estimated at hundreds of megabits per second), including nerves from the skin, muscles, organs, and other areas, stream into the upper spinal cord. These carry messages about touch, temperature, acid levels (for example, lactic acid in muscles), the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, and many other types of information. This data is processed through the brain stem and midbrain. Key cells called Lamina 1 neurons create a map of the body representing its current state, not unlike the displays used by flight controllers to track airplanes.

The information then flows through a nut-size region called the posterior ventromedial nucleus (VMpo), which apparently computes complex reactions to bodily states such as “this tastes terrible,” “what a stench,” or “that light touch is stimulating.” The increasingly sophisticated information ends up at two regions of the cortex called the insula. These structures, the size of small fingers, are located on the left and right sides of the cortex. Craig describes the VMpo and the two insula regions as “a system that represents the material me.”

Although the mechanisms are not yet understood, these regions are critical to self-awareness and complicated emotions. They are also much smaller in other animals. For example, the VMpo is about the size of a grain of sand in macaque monkeys and even smaller in lower-level animals. These findings are consistent with a growing consensus that our emotions are closely linked to areas of the brain that contain maps of the body, a view promoted by Dr. Antonio Damasio at the University of Iowa.
They are also consistent with the view that a great deal of our thinking is directed toward our bodies: protecting and enhancing them, as well as attending to their myriad needs and desires.

Very recently yet another level of processing of what started out as sensory information from the body has been discovered. Data from the two insula regions goes on to a tiny area at the front of the right insula called the frontoinsular cortex. This is the region containing the spindle cells, and fMRI scans have revealed that it is particularly active when a person is dealing with high-level emotions such as love, anger, sadness, and sexual desire. Situations that strongly activate the spindle cells include when a subject looks at her romantic partner or hears her child crying.

Anthropologists believe that spindle cells made their first appearance ten to fifteen million years ago in the as-yet-undiscovered common ancestor to apes and early hominids (the family of humans) and rapidly increased in numbers around one hundred thousand years ago. Interestingly, spindle cells do not exist in newborn humans but begin to appear only at around the age of four months and increase significantly from ages one to three. Children’s ability to
deal with moral issues and perceive such higher-level emotions as love develop during this same time period.

The spindle cells gain their power from the deep interconnectedness of their long apical dendrites with many other brain regions. The high-level emotions that the spindle cells process are affected, thereby, by all of our perceptual and cognitive regions. It will be difficult, therefore, to reverse engineer the exact methods of the spindle cells until we have better models of the many other regions to which they connect. However, it is remarkable how few neurons appear to be exclusively involved with these emotions. We have fifty billion neurons in the cerebellum that deal with skill formation, billions in the cortex that perform the transformations for perception and rational planning, but only about eighty thousand spindle cells dealing with high-level emotions. It is important to point out that the spindle cells are not doing rational problem solving, which is why we don’t have rational control over our responses to music or over falling in love. The rest of the brain is heavily engaged, however, in trying to make sense of our mysterious high-level emotions.

Interfacing the Brain and Machines


I want to do something with my life; I want to be a cyborg.



Understanding the methods of the human brain will help us to design similar biologically inspired machines. Another important application will be to actually interface our brains with computers, which I believe will become an increasingly intimate merger in the decades ahead.

Already the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is spending $24 million per year on investigating direct interfaces between brain and computer. As described above (see the section “The Visual System” on
p. 185
), Tomaso Poggio and James DiCarlo at MIT, along with Christof Koch at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), are attempting to develop models of the recognition of visual objects and how this information is encoded. These could eventually be used to transmit images directly into our brains.

Miguel Nicolelis and his colleagues at Duke University implanted sensors in the brains of monkeys, enabling the animals to control a robot through thought alone. The first step in the experiment involved teaching the monkeys to control a cursor on a screen with a joystick. The scientists collected a pattern of signals from EEGs (brain sensors) and subsequently caused the cursor to
respond to the appropriate patterns rather than physical movements of the joystick. The monkeys quickly learned that the joystick was no longer operative and that they could control the cursor just by thinking. This “thought detection” system was then hooked up to a robot, and the monkeys were able to learn how to control the robot’s movements with their thoughts alone. By getting visual feedback on the robot’s performance, the monkeys were able to perfect their thought control over the robot. The goal of this research is to provide a similar system for paralyzed humans that will enable them to control their limbs and environment.

A key challenge in connecting neural implants to biological neurons is that the neurons generate glial cells, which surround a “foreign” object in an attempt to protect the brain. Ted Berger and his colleagues are developing special coatings that will appear to be biological and therefore attract rather than repel nearby neurons.

Another approach being pursued by the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Munich is directly interfacing nerves and electronic devices. A chip created by Infineon allows neurons to grow on a special substrate that provides direct contact between nerves and electronic sensors and stimulators. Similar work on a “neurochip” at Caltech has demonstrated two-way, noninvasive communication between neurons and electronics.

We have already learned how to interface surgically installed neural implants. In cochlear (inner-ear) implants it has been found that the auditory nerve reorganizes itself to correctly interpret the multichannel signal from the implant. A similar process appears to take place with the deep-brain stimulation implant used for Parkinson’s patients. The biological neurons in the vicinity of this FDA-approved brain implant receive signals from the electronic device and respond just as if they had received signals from the biological neurons that were once functional. Recent versions of the Parkinson’s-disease implant provide the ability to download upgraded software directly to the implant from outside the patient.

The Accelerating Pace of Reverse Engineering the Brain


Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission natural selection, the force that made us. . . . [S]oon we must look deep within ourselves and decide what we wish to become.

                   —E. O. W
: T


We know what we are, but know not what we may be.



The most important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.



Some observers have expressed concern that as we develop models, simulations, and extensions to the human brain we risk not really understanding what we are tinkering with and the delicate balances involved. Author W. French Anderson writes:

We may be like the young boy who loves to take things apart. He is bright enough to disassemble a watch, and maybe even bright enough to get it back together so that it works. But what if he tries to “improve” it? . . .The boy can understand what is visible, but he cannot understand the precise engineering calculations that determine exactly how strong each spring should be. . . . Attempts on his part to improve the watch will probably only harm it. . . . I fear . . . we, too, do not really understand what makes the [lives] we are tinkering with tick.

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