The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy (136 page)

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Authors: Irvin D. Yalom,Molyn Leszcz

Tags: #Psychology, #General, #Psychotherapy, #Group

BOOK: The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy
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Internet support groups; effectiveness of; ethical concerns with; growth of; norms of; problems with; research on

Interpersonal behavior; examination of; of group members; identifying

Interpersonal circumplex; research on

Interpersonal coercion

Interpersonal communication

Interpersonal compatibility

Interpersonal competence

Interpersonal distortions

Interpersonal dynamics

Interpersonal dysfunction

Interpersonal input

Interpersonal intake interview

Interpersonal learning; overview of; required for behavioral change; self-disclosure as part of

Interpersonal mastery

Interpersonal model of group therapy

Interpersonal nosological system; development of

Interpersonal pathology: advice-seeking and; displayed by group members

Interpersonal relationships; contemporary schema for; disturbed; importance of; as key to group therapy; mental health and; request for help in; theory of

Interpersonal satisfaction

Interpersonal shifts

Interpersonal styles: in therapy groups

Interpersonal theory; aspects of; concepts of

Interpersonal theory of psychiatry

Interpersonal therapy (IPT); adapting to group therapy; cognitive therapy
; compared to group interpersonal therapy

Interpretation; concepts of; in context of acceptance/trust

Interpretive remarks

Intersubjective model

Intervention; in CBT-G; for manual-guided groups; for medical illness; observing in supervised clinical experience; structured; by therapist

In-therapy variables

Intimacy; conflict and; dropouts and; establishment of; limits of by group members; problems with

Intrapsychic factors

Intrinsic anxiety

Intrinsic limiting factors

Intrinsic problems

Interpersonal therapy

Group interpersonal therapy

Isolation; decreasing in inpatient groups; feared by terminally ill

James, William

Janis, I.

Johari window

Jones, Maxwell

Judeo-Christian National Marriage Encounter programs

Kernberg, Otto

Kiesler, D.J.

Klein, Melanie

Knowledge deficiency

Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth

Laboratory groups: members’ attraction to

Language; value of to therapist

Large-group format

Lazell, E.

Leaderless meetings; in Alzheimer’s caregiver groups; anger in; in HIV/AIDS groups; member concerns about; reporting on; in support groups; in time-limited groups; unpopularity of

Leadership: technique; transfer of

Learning disability groups: therapeutic factors and


Letters of credit

Lewin, Kurt


Lieberman, M. A.

Life skills groups



Loneliness; specter of; types of; universal fear of

Long-term dynamic group; silent members in

Long-term interactional group

Love’s Executioner

Low, Abraham

Low-inference commentary

Lying on the Couch

MacKenzie, K.R.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving

Magister Ludi

Maintenance of group

Make Today Count

Maladaptive interpersonal behavior; in acute inpatient therapy groups; demonstration/meaning of

Maladaptive transaction cycle

Male batterers groups

Marathon groups; history of; research on; transfer of learning and

Marmor, Judd

Marsh, L.


Maslow, A.



May, R.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction


Mechanistic psychotherapy: therapeutic alliance in

Mediating mechanisms

Medical illness groups; altruism evident in; clinical illustration of; coping emphasis in; existential factors in; extragroup contact and; group cohesiveness in; modeling in; modifying group therapy technique for; psychological distress in; universality in; value of imitative behavior in

Medical stress

Meditation stress reduction

Melnick, J.

Membership problems: addition of new members; attendance/punctuality; dropouts; removing client from group; turnover

Memory, forms of

Men Overcoming Violence

Mended Heart

Mental disorder: disturbed interpersonal relationships and; makeup of

Mental health, interpersonal relationships and

Mental Health Through Will Training



Miles, M.

Mindfulness of being

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)


Mitchell, Stephen

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Modeling; co-therapist and; in medical illness groups; process orientation

Model-setting participant, therapist’s role as

Modification of technique

Momma and the Meaning of Life

Moms in Recovery

Monopolistic behavior: causes of; clinical illustration of; research on; therapist’s job to check

Monopolists; as catalyst for group anger; crisis method of; feedback and; group cohesiveness influenced by; group reaction to; group therapy influenced by; guiding to self-reflective therapy process; as interrogators; self-concealment and; social suicide and; therapeutic considerations for


Moreno, J.

Mother-child relationship

Mother-infant pair

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)


Multicultural groups

Multimodal group approach

Multiple observers

Mutual recognition


Narcissistic clients; clinical example of; empathy in; examples of; general problems with; overgratified/undergratified; overview of; therapeutic factors and; therapist management of; in therapy group

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH); Collaborative Treatment Depression Study; time-limited therapy study of; Treatment of Depression Collaboration Research Program

National Mental Health Consumers Self-Help Clearinghouse

National Registry of Certified Group Psychotherapists

Need frustration

NEO-Five Factor Inventory

NEO-Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI)

Neurotic symptoms


Nietzche, F.

National Institute of Mental Health

2000 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Nitsun, M.

Nonverbal exercises

Norms; antitherapeutic; of caution; confrontation and; construction of; established early in therapy groups; evolution of in group; examples of; group summary and; of Internet support groups; modeling and; as prescription for/proscription against behavior; procedural; procedural for brief therapy groups; self-disclosure and; self-perpetuating; setting for decreased conflict; setting for increased engagement; shaped by therapists; shaped in first group meeting; social; social reinforcement and; support and; undermining of; value of; written summaries and

Obesity groups


Observant participation

Observation of experienced clinicians; group member response to; postmeeting discussions for

Occupational therapy groups

Off-target hostility

O’Neill, Eugene

One-person psychology

Ongoing outpatient groups

Open groups; termination of

Open, long-term outpatient group therapy

Open-ended psychotherapy group; combined therapy and; therapeutic goals of


Operant techniques

Oral summaries

Organ transplant groups


Ormont, L.

Outcasts, social needs of

Outcome research strategies

Outpatient groups; therapeutic factors selected by

Overeaters Anonymous


Panic disorder

Panic disorder groups

Paranoid panic disorder

Parataxic distortions; emergence of; as self-perpetuating; as source of hostility; in therapy groups.
See also

Parent group

Parent-child relationship

Parents Anonymous

Parents of Murdered Children

Parents Without Partners

Parloff, M.

Partial hospitalization groups

Past: distant; reconsititution/excavation of; use of; value of in therapy

Past unconscious

Pathogenic beliefs

Pathology display


Peer supervision groups

Perceived goal incompatibility

Perls, Fritz

Personal agenda: in acute inpatient therapy groups; exercise for; filling of

Personal growth groups

Personal history

Personal psychotherapy: for therapists

Personal responsibility: in group therapy

Personal worth.


Physical abuser groups

Placebo treatment

Point of urgency


Postmeeting discussions

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); CBT-G and

Potency: of group therapy


Power equalization

Power maintenance

Pratt, Joseph Hersey

Pregroup individual sessions: emphasizing points of; helping members reframe problems/hone goals; purpose of; therapeutic alliance established in; value of

Pregroup interview: objectives of; purpose of

Pregroup orientation

Pregroup preparation; benefits of; group processes/client outcomes and; introducing new therapist; for new in established group

Pregroup testing

Pregroup training: attendance and; concepts of; research on

Prejudice, as source of anger

Premature termination

Preparing for group therapy: common group problems; inadequate preparation and; informed consent and; misconceptions about group therapy; other approaches; rationale behind; reduction of extrinsic anxiety and; research on; system of; timing/style of.
See also
Appendix I

Present unconscious

Pretherapy preparation; dropouts and

Primal horde

Primal scream

Primary family experience

Primary family group, corrective recapitulation of.
See also
Family reenactment

Primary task; meaning of; secondary gratification and; of therapy group

Primordial, existential loneliness

Prison groups, existential factors and


Problem-solving groups, large-group format and

Problem-solving projects

Problem-specific groups

Procedural memory.
Implicit memory

Process: as apparent in group; beginning of; content
; definition of; examples in groups; as power source of group; recognizing; review of; therapist recognition of

Process commentary; group-as-a-whole and; progression of; sequence for change; sequence initiated by therapist; series for; as short lived; as taboo social behavior; theoretical overview of; therapist’s role and; in training groups.
See also
Process illumination

Process group

Process illumination; helping clients accept; leading to change; techniques of; will and.
See also
Process commentary

Process inquiry

Process orientation: helping clients assume; modeling of

Process review


Professional therapist groups

Pro-group behavior

Projective identification



Psychiatric hospital groups, existential factors and

Psychiatric inpatient groups

Psychic functioning

Psychoanalytic revisionists

Psychodrama groups, therapeutic factors and

Psychodynamic pathways

Psychoeducation; here-and-now focus in

Psychoeducational groups; large-group format and

Psychological trauma groups


Psychotherapy: American; compared to game of chess; conditions for effective; current aims of; demystification of; evolution of; existential force in; necessary conditions for; as obstruction removal; reliance on nondeliberate social reinforcers; as shared journey of discovery; task of; therapeutic fads of; transformative power of; value of therapist/client relationship in

Psychotic clients; clinical example in early stage of group; clinical example in mature group; danger to group; in early phases of group; fear of; in later stage of group

Posttraumatic stress disorder

Public esteem; evidence for; increase of; influence of; raising in therapy groups; raising of; under-evaluation of


Quality of Object Relations scale

Quality of Object Relations scale (QOR)

Rape groups

Rashomon nature of therapeutic venture

Reality testing

Reasoned therapy


Recovery, Inc.; direct advice used by; large-group format of; organization of; therapeutic factors and


Reflected appraisals

Regression: borderline clients and; group development and

Relational matrix

Relational model

Relationship; development of

Relationship attachment

Relaxation training

Removing clients from group: member reaction to; reasons for

Repetitive patterns


Resistance; to conjoint therapy; as pain avoidance

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