The Vampire Queen (4 page)

Read The Vampire Queen Online

Authors: Jodie Pierce

Tags: #Eternal Press, #paranormal, #vampire, #supernatural, #Queen, #evil, #others, #Jodie Pierce

BOOK: The Vampire Queen
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“He doesn’t want you to learn to fly, because then you can take off without him,” came the small voice next to her on the bed. Lizzy had come from out of nowhere, which was normal for her, so the Countess wasn’t frightened by it, anymore.

“He tried to do it to me, too, before I found some books in his study about it. He found me in there one day, and the door to it has been locked ever since,” she explained. “I can’t show you the book—which was really helpful—but I can tell you, and you can practice, yourself. Just be careful not to get caught, or we will both be in trouble. Ok?” she offered.

“Sure,” she replied. The Countess was very excited, now.
He can’t stop me, now,
she thought to herself. Somehow, she knew Lizzy would help her but wasn’t sure why she was so willing all of a sudden. The Countess didn’t care, though. She was going to get to learn how to fly!

“Ok. When you become experienced, you can just think it, and it will happen. For now, your head is like your horse’s reins. If you want to go right, you tilt your head right, and same with the left. If you want to go up, you stretch up your neck up. If you want to go down, you push your head down into your shoulders. Think you got that?” Lizzy asked.

“Sounds easy enough,” she replied.

“Oh, it’s not. The first few times I tried it, I was spinning in circles and going up and down so fast, I was bouncing from trees to the ground and back again,” Lizzy laughed, remembering. “Good thing vampires heal quickly. I was really banged up. You also need to manage your speed while doing these things, and that’s not something I can teach you. It’s something inside you that will come to you with practice.” Lizzy smiled at the Countess for the first time. She liked having someone to share a secret with.

“Lizzy, thank you for all you have taught me. For a child, you sure know a lot,” she said.

“’s nothing. I’ve picked a lot up on the streets,” she replied. With a bounce, she was off the bed and out of the room.

Now, she was left to ponder all the new things Lizzy had told her and how willing she was to help her. Maybe her first impression of Lizzy was incorrect. Some people just have to warm up to you before they can be themselves. That must be what has happened here.

That morning, when she slept, was the best night’s sleep she’s received since she had arrived. No destruction, death, evil, or projectors replaying those things. Instead, she was flying through the night sky with Lizzy. The two of them had visited some of the world’s most amazing sites, together. They had become very close friends and confided everything in each other. Lizzy no longer looked like a wild animal but dressed like a proper, young lady. The two of them were heading to a very important meeting that Lizzy had been talking about for months.

“Wake up! Wake up! The Count is gone. He left on a business trip right after your argument last night. That means you can practice your flying, now!” Lizzy was talking excitedly and trying to shake her awake at the same time.

“C’mon. Time to practice. Perfect time! He’s not even here. C’mon!” she pleaded as she jumped up and down on the bed.

“All right, all right. I’m up,” the Countess said sleepily. “Just stop jumping.”

“Yippee!” Lizzy squealed as she jumped off the bed and started gathering clothes for the Countess to put on. She quickly dressed, and Lizzy grabbed her by the hand and dragged her all the way out back.

“Ok. Begin.” Lizzy said very seriously.

“What? Were you a school teacher in a former life? Are you going to hit me over the knuckles with a ruler if I don’t do it right?” the Countess laughed.

“This is serious. We don’t know when he’s going to be back, so we have to practice as much as we can,” Lizzy explained. The Countess saw Lizzy meant business, so she tried to put on her serious face. After several doubled over, giggling fits that received crossed arms, toe-tapping, and stern looks from Lizzy, the Countess was finally ready to concentrate.

“Ok. You can do this. Remember, just easy and slow movements,” Lizzy encouraged. The Countess took a deep breath, stretched her head upward, and slowly started to rise. She tilted her head to the right and moved right. She tilted her head left and moved left. She stretched her neck out to rise even higher.
she said to herself.
Here’s the true test.
She slowly scrunched her head and neck down into her shoulders and slowly started to descend, until her feet touched the ground.

“Wow! That was amazing!” Lizzy was jumping up and down. “I’ve never seen anyone do it so perfectly on their first try. It’s like it came natural for you,” she exclaimed. With that, Lizzy ran up and hugged her.

natural. Like something I’ve done many times before,” she explained. “It’s as if I just needed a refresher course.”

“You were amazing, graceful, and mystical and truly our Queen.” Lizzy gushed.

“My being able to fly makes me your Queen?” she asked.

“No, but it’s one more thing that confirms you are ‘The Ancient’,” Lizzy said.

The Ancient,
the Countess repeated softly to herself. She wondered what that meant and what duties and responsibilities it brought with it.

“As good as that felt, it kind of drained me, Lizzy. I think I’m going inside the house for some wine. Care to join me?” she asked.

“No. Thank you, my Queen. I will be going out. I still need the real thing,” Lizzy smiled. With that, they parted ways.

Hidden away in a tree, the Count sat watching it all with a horrified look on his face. The “Others” had never interfered this early, before. He wondered what they were up to this time. He was just about to find out in the Countess’s dream, when that wretched Lizzy woke her up, today. He was definitely worried. He wanted them to believe he was out of town, to see what Lizzy had planned for this evening. He had feared the worst and was right. Now, he had to plant some of his
people in the castle.

Chapter Eleven

Her following night’s rest was back to the nightmares of death and destruction. When she awoke, her pillows were again thrown across the room, and the bed was soaked with her sweat. She trotted upstairs in a frightful mood to look for Coletta to assist her with a bath. What she found at the top of the stairs surprised her.

“Excuse me, Countess. On orders of the Count, you may not leave your bed chambers just yet,” said a very thin but muscular woman. She was dressed in leather body armor with a chest plate, forearms, calf guards, and a pleated, leather skirt. She had her sword drawn but various other daggers were hidden within her outfit. She had long, straight, black hair—cascading down her back—large, green eyes, bronze skin, and soft, sun-kissed, peach lips.

“I what?” she stammered. “Just who are you?” she demanded.

“I am Kendra, and the Count has hired me to protect you,” she explained pleasantly.

“Protect me?” she shrieked. “Do you even know who I am?” she asked.

“Yes. You are the Countess and Queen,” Kendra stated calmly and bowed her head courteously.

“Then, you know he is only the Count and
the King and therefore has no control over me. Now, step aside!” she demanded.

“I’m sorry, Countess. Since the Count hired me, he is the only one I take orders from. Please, return to your room. The Count will be down to see you shortly.” Kendra smiled and took a step toward the Countess, with her sword drawn to show she meant business. The Countess, having nothing to fight back with, gave her one last nasty look and a sigh before stomping back downstairs. She had read from Kendra’s mind that the Count had returned to the castle, and Lizzy had been placed in the chamber for punishment indefinitely, but Kendra didn’t know for what reason.
Why would he keep me a prisoner here? What have I done? How had I angered him to deserve this? I find I frequently ask myself these same questions
, she thought to herself.

“All will be revealed in time,” he said as he descended her stairs.

“That’s what you always say, but you fail to tell me the important things,” she sobbed. He moved to hold her on her bed.

“Don’t touch me!” she shouted. He slouched down into the chair next to her bed.

“Countess, there are many others in the vampire world that want to see you rise up and be their Queen, again,” he explained.

“What’s so wrong with that?” she asked.

“Some of your past lives have not been very nice ones. Each time around, I try to keep you as innocent for as long as possible, so you can decide this time if you want to be good or evil and keep you from making the same mistakes; however, the forces of evil are working much harder and much faster this time around,” he explained.

“How do you know that?” she asked, disbelieving.

“They planted Lizzy here from the beginning to help bring you over to them quicker,” he elaborated.

“Liar!” she screamed at him. “Lies! The lies you tell are concocted out of your jealousy. You are just jealous that I have made a friend other than you, and she will speak to me, but refuses to speak to you. You’re afraid I won’t need you, anymore!” the Countess yelled.

“Countess, I wish that were the case, but I speak the truth,” he tried to sound consoling.

“Get out!” she demanded. “Get out, and take your ‘Warrior Woman’ with you! I will not be held prisoner in my own castle,” she ranted, her blood boiling.

“I will get out, but that ‘Warrior Woman’ will be your shadow from now on,” he said.

“We will see about that,” she mumbled. She was not one to be toyed with, and this “Warrior Woman” didn’t know what she was getting herself into, messing with the Countess de Lourdes.

Chapter Twelve

The next evening, when she rose, she was looking forward to her future games of cat and mouse with this despicable “Warrior Woman”. She wanted to show her superiority and feminine mystique in comparison to Kendra’s manly appearance and demeanor.
This would slowly break any woman,
she thought to herself. The Countess yelled for Coletta, and she quickly scurried down the stairs like a mouse.

“I wish to take a bath, then dress up in a very feminine, form-fitting gown for tonight, as soon as possible. I will be up for my bath in a few minutes. Please have it ready,” she commanded. Coletta leapt with excitement, for she loved to dress up the Countess. Before long, the younger slave had returned from running her bath and started pulling out clothes, jewelry, and matching shoes.

She made her way upstairs, and just as she expected, she was stopped at the top by Kendra.

“May I ask where you are going, Countess?” she said pleasantly.

“I’m going to take a bath. You may follow if you must, and since I’m told you will be my shadow, I guess you must,” she smiled back with an apparently fake smile. The Countess walked ahead toward the bath, while Kendra followed behind.
Good. At least she has enough sense not to walk with me like we are equals or friends,
she thought to herself.

In the bathroom, the water had been run with the usual rose petals floating on top. Coletta turned her back to the Countess, so she could disrobe.

“You are not going to turn around to allow me some privacy to disrobe and climb into the water?” the Countess asked of Kendra and walked over to her, shocked.

“I’m sorry Countess, but the Count said to keep an eye on you at all times when you leave your bed chamber,” she replied, mockingly innocent. The Countess dropped her robe to the floor and stood, looking Kendra in the eyes. She then began to walk slow, seductive circles around Kendra.

“Are these the kind of eyes the Count would have you looking at me with?” she said with seduction dripping from her lips. “See anything that strikes your fancy? Anything you’d like to touch? Sure, I’m not as muscular as you, but this is what a
woman looks like,” she whispered into Kendra’s ear. Kendra attempted to remain stoic, but it was clear she was shaken. The Countess gently ran the tip of her tongue up the right side of Kendra’s neck.

“Stop that,” Kendra said and grabbed the Countess around the waist to push her away.

“Does it feel good to touch me? I know you’ve been thinking about it. I can read your mind,” she said. Kendra looked embarrassed and aghast at the same time.

“Kendra…Sweetie,” the Countess purposely dragged out. “Are you a lesbian?” she asked innocently, but the giggle gave her away.

“That’s enough!” Kendra shouted. “My personal life is none of your concern, you prissy little thing,” she hissed. “Now, get in that damn tub.”

“Are you sure you want me to do that? You wouldn’t be able to look at me, anymore,” the Countess shrieked with laughter. With that, Kendra picked up the Countess rather roughly and plopped her into the tub, spilling water all over the floor. Coletta turned around in alarm.

“Sorry, Coletta,” Kendra said. “I’ll help clean it up.”

“Nonsense,” she said. “Let me get the Countess her wine, and I’ll have it taken care of in no time,” Coletta insisted.

Kendra sat in a chair by the door, on the other side of the bathroom, where she could only see the Countess out of the corner of her eye. The Count had said she would be a handful, but Kendra did not like being embarrassed. She did, however, find the Countess very attractive, and it made her feel ashamed of her masculine/warrior appearance; however, it was all she knew. She never had a mother growing up to make her more girly or lady-like, and she had to help her father defend their tribe from an early age.
Oh, well. I am what I am,
she thought to herself. Nothing can change that, now. At least she knew she was fighting for the good side.

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