The Vampire Queen (7 page)

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Authors: Jodie Pierce

Tags: #Eternal Press, #paranormal, #vampire, #supernatural, #Queen, #evil, #others, #Jodie Pierce

BOOK: The Vampire Queen
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Somewhere, a band started playing, and she found she had wandered to the upper level. She looked over the banister, and people were dancing. The Countess believed it was some sort of Spanish song, because she didn’t recognize the music and could not understand the words. A waiter came by, and she took a glass of wine. When she looked back down at the dance floor, Alexos was in the center with a partner, dancing very seductively. This went on all night, and each time, he had a different partner. He had started to sweat from dancing, so his white shirt was starting to stick to his muscular chest. His chest hairs were curly and moist. The beads of sweat on his face were glistening. Some of his hair had fallen out of his ponytail and was hanging alluringly around his face. Finally, he took the ponytail out, and all of his hair cascaded down around him in magnificent and sexy curls, making him even more appealing. How she longed not only to be able to dance like that but to be the one dancing with him.

“Wishing every woman in this place’s fantasy?” came the sarcastic voice in her ear. The Countess spun around to find herself standing face-to-face and alone on the entire upper level with Angelina. “Where’s your ‘Warrior Woman’ now to protect you?” Angelina cooed, as if to a newborn baby.

“I can defend myself, and didn’t I warn you last time not to anger me?” the Countess challenged.

“Ooh. I’m shaking in my boots, bitch. I think it’s time for you to go downstairs,” and with that, Angelina pushed the Countess over the banister; however, the Countess didn’t fall. She just hovered in the air above the guests and slowly descended to the ground near the Count. Kendra came out of nowhere with her sword and ensued in a bloody battle with Angelina on the upper level. Angelina kept screaming, “She has something I want. Make her give it back!” However, the battle raged on. The music stopped, and most of the crowd fled, fearing the return of the old Queen and subsequent destruction.

Finally, the Countess grabbed the two daggers she had hidden in the Count’s lapel pocket. He was shocked that she had managed to get them there without his knowledge, but he did not ask questions at this point. She rose up to stand on the banister. Kendra had Angelina almost pinned against the wall.

“Kendra, duck!” the Countess shouted, and she threw the two daggers at Angelina, surprising her and pinning each hand against the wall. The Countess slowly jumped down off the banister and strolled over to Angelina, with all the confidence in the world.

“Whatever I have of yours will remain in my possession,” the Countess mocked. Angelina wailed and sobbed. “You have lost again, Angelina. When will you learn?” she hissed into her ear. The Countess pushed a dagger further into Angelina’s left hand. It was bleeding badly, now. The Countess dipped her finger into Angelina’s blood and touched it to her tongue. She immediately spat it out.

“Your blood is tainted, Angelina. As are so many others. Mark my words. Those of you with this tainted blood will burn in the likes of fires you’ve never before seen!” the Countess cackled.

“This is far from over, and if you don’t join us, it will be your funeral pyre we will be ‘seeing’,” Angelina said. Suddenly, the daggers fell out of the wall, and she flew out of the closest window, into the night, and disappeared.

Chapter Eighteen

The Countess went straight for Kendra, who was still lying on the ground.

“How are you, my friend?” she asked, helping Kendra up.

“Just some scratches. Good things we heal fast, huh?” she tried to laugh, but it was apparent she had at least one broken rib. “I’ve never seen that side of you,” Kendra said, nodding to the wall where Angelina had been only moments ago.

“There’s something about her that brings it out in me,” the Countess explained. “Don’t know why.” By now, the Count and Alexos had made it up the stairs to check on them.

“Is everybody all right?” Alexos asked.

“I’m feeling a little weak,” the Countess replied, winking at Kendra.

“Here. Let me help you to my bed chamber, then,” Alexos said, picking her up.

“Oh, Alexos. That won’t be necessary,” the Countess barely protested.

“Oh, but I insist,” he said as he gallantly carried her down to his bed chamber. The Count and Kendra rolled their eyes and followed behind.

When they got to the bottom of the stairs, there was a passage to the right and one to the left. They took the one to the left.

“I have given you ladies my bed chamber, because you will be the most comfortable in it. The Count and I will be just across the hall, in the one to the right,” he explained.

“I just hate that I’ve caused so much trouble and put you out of your own bed.” The Countess tried to sound innocent.

“It’s no trouble at all,” he insisted. “Please, do not go wandering around the castle when you wake up. I have the entire place booby-trapped, so I’ll come get you when we are all up and ready to set off on our journey. For now,
boa noite
,” he said and was gone.

“Our journey?” the Countess said. “What’s that mean? Is he coming with us?”

“Probably not. He probably meant the three of us. Get some sleep,” Kendra said while settling into bed sleepily. The Countess’s mind was turning, but she got into bed, anyway. She was exhausted from the day’s events, but she secretly wished Alexos was coming back with them.

The following evening, the Count awoke the Countess quietly and sat on the edge of her bed, so they could speak in low voices.

“I’d like to discuss something with you, and I hope to have your full cooperation in the end,” he sighed, sounding defeated already.

“What is it?” the Countess asked.

“After what happened last night in the middle of the party, it signifies the ‘Others’ are getting bolder and more confident. I would like to bring Alexos back with us to add security to our castle and to ensure your safety, Countess,” he finished.

“Count, you know as well as I do that I detest being a prisoner in my own castle,” she protested quietly, so as not to wake up Kendra.

“Most of his additions would be outside, to deter those trying to get in. The only thing inside would be a panic room or safe room for you to stay in should there be an invasion. We can talk more about the details, later.” He looked at Kendra and nodded in her direction. “Would you allow him to at least do the outside and consider hearing him out about the inside? He really knows his stuff, Love,” he said.

“Ok,” she agreed.

“Excellent! It is almost time to get moving, so if you would get Kendra up and get ready, we’ll be back in about 10 minutes,” he replied.

“Ok,” she repeated.

The Count left the room, and she was secretly excited that Alexos was coming with them. Better yet, she didn’t have to do any whining, crying, demanding, or persuading to get him to come. This was fate! Maybe, they were supposed to be together like the ‘Others’ wanted all those years ago. Maybe, just maybe, this was the strong King Lizzy had foretold in their conversations that now seemed like forever ago. She missed Lizzy. Oh, she was so excited, though. Why had she turned him down without even meeting him all those years ago? They could have been ruling together all this time!
Stupid girl! Stupid, stupid girl!
she told herself. Kendra! Crap!

“Kendra, Sweetie,” she said.

“Mmmmm,” was all that came out from under the covers.

“Hurry. We need to be leaving, soon,” the Countess encouraged.

“Uh-huh,” Kendra mumbled but made no effort to move.

“Alexos will be here in five minutes,” the Countess said sweetly.

“Alexos!” Kendra jumped out of bed. “Why didn’t you say so,” she shrieked. The Countess giggled. Kendra looked at her, panic in her eyes, and then gave into giggles as well. They were still giggling when the guys arrived.

“Is everyone ready?” the Count asked. There were nods all around. “Same formation as last time, except Alexos please fly next to the Countess at all times. I have arranged for the carriage to meet us in the same field we sneaked out of last time, and it will take us back to our castle,” he finished.

“Let’s go,” the Countess said and took off into the air. The other three followed.
Were I not the “Ancient One”, I would travel
like this,
she thought to herself.

The flight home was uneventful, and the carriage was waiting just where it was expected. The carriage ride was even silent, each person alone—deep in their own thoughts. This is when the Countess finds it the easiest to read them. Alexos was going over in his mind the blueprints the Count had provided him of the castle. He was also thinking of devices he could use outside to deter intruders. The Count was usually harder to read, since she “made” him. She was able to get fewer details from him but more emotion. Right now, he was very stressed, feeling alone, and very worried, not only about the “Others”, but about her as well. It was what Kendra was thinking about that was most disturbing to the Countess. Kendra had been awake and heard the entire conversation between her and the Count. Why then did she pretend she was sleeping when the Countess tried to wake her up?

They arrived at the castle gates, and the men helped the women down and out of the carriage.

“Count, I’d like to talk to you privately and immediately,” said the Countess.

“Kendra, will you please show our guest into the house? I’m sure Coletta will be waiting at the door to show him to his room,” he requested. Kendra squealed with delight. “What’s wrong?” the Count whispered.

“Can Angelina read minds?” the Countess asked.

“Fortunately, that is not one of her abilities,” the Count replied. “Why?” he asked.

“It’s nothing,” she said and strode off.
Then, how did she know I called Kendra “Warrior Woman” when we first met?
she thought to herself.

Chapter Nineteen

For five days, the guys were behind closed doors in the study, and the Countess paced angrily in her bed chamber. Even Kendra could not keep her calm. Coletta was the only one allowed in to replace their supply of wine. On the fifth day, the Countess was summoned to the study. Kendra attempted to go in with her, but Alexos explained this was a matter for the property owners only. A hurt Kendra sat in the hallway, and the Countess felt bad but was relieved she didn’t have to tell Kendra “no”.

“Ok, Countess. Here’s the part we talked about. Please, just listen to him before you say “no”,” the Count pleaded.

“Ok.” The Countess smiled pleasantly, but anger still flashed in her eyes.

“Countess.” Alexos started gently and a bit timidly, feeling her anger, “First, please don’t take offense to anything I say. I hold you in the highest regard. You are capable of amazing things, some of which you don’t remember yet, and some of which you have already proven. I also know that you are a “stand up and fight” girl, not a “run and hide” girl. These things being said, and with you having so much more to learn before being at the same level as some of the ‘Others’, I think you should consider having panic rooms installed in the castle. They will be rooms specially designed to withstand the general powers of the vampires. Yes, you held your own against Angelina, but if 30 of them come toward you...well, let’s just say your chances won’t be that great. I want to put a couple in the castle, so that no matter which end you are in, you will have access to one. No one but the three of us in this room will know about these rooms. Any questions?” he finally finished. They both looked at the Countess, anxiously expecting her to blow up at any moment, to have their eardrums pierced with her shrieks. It was a long time before she answered, and the anticipation was almost too much for the two of them to take.

“I think it’s a fantastic idea,” she said resolutely. “I had been thinking the same thing, and this will put my mind at rest. I agree that only we three should know about the rooms,” she said uneasily.

“Don’t worry,” said Alexos. “I’ll handle distracting Kendra.”

“Just don’t go having
much fun with her,” the Countess snapped.

“There’s our old Countess back,” Alexos laughed. They all three laughed.

Construction outside got underway the following day as Alexos already had blueprints drawn up, and the contractor was his usual guy. He just kept adding to the blueprints and making his own devices. This was his personal specialty. Per Alexos, everything outside could be turned off from the inside by remote, another fact they kept amongst the three of them. In the evenings, Alexos and the Countess would stroll through the outside, surveying what had been done earlier that day. Every day, Alexos was dissatisfied with the progress made by the contractor and complained, but this prompted conversations between Alexos and the Countess. They had even started speaking cordially to each other on a consistent basis. She no longer thought he was completely rude and understood that his confidence was because he was competent in his specialty. Of course, he was gorgeous, but she still wasn’t telling anyone that.

“Alexos, may I ask you some things?” the Countess asked.

“Maybe. I’ll answer what I want,” he replied.

“To whom does your allegiance belong?” she asked.

“Spain, of course,” he said proudly.

“No, I mean in this battle of good and evil, vampires, me?” she ended in a whisper.

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