The Vampire Queen (5 page)

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Authors: Jodie Pierce

Tags: #Eternal Press, #paranormal, #vampire, #supernatural, #Queen, #evil, #others, #Jodie Pierce

BOOK: The Vampire Queen
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This time, when the Countess got out of the tub, Kendra turned her back to give her privacy. She followed the Countess to the top of her bed chamber and took up her usual post.

“Would you like to come down and see what all goes into getting me ready to go out?” the Countess asked. Kendra was dumbfounded. Just a little while ago, the Countess was embarrassing her, but now she was being nice.
Is this a trick?
Kendra couldn’t help but wonder; however, this might be one of her only chances to see how the rich get all dressed up.

“Sure, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, and I wouldn’t be in the way,” Kendra replied excitedly.

“Nonsense. Follow me,” the Countess said before heading downstairs with a nervous Kendra following behind.

When they arrived downstairs, Kendra stood there with her mouth open. The entire bed was lined with dresses to choose from. Coletta got started right away on the makeup for the Countess. As she was doing her eye shadow, the Countess stopped her and said, “Kendra, I want you to pick out my dress for this evening.”

“Me?” she stammered. “I couldn’t possibly choose,” Kendra said.

“Then, we are not going anywhere until you do. Now, get deciding,” she ordered. She allowed Coletta to continue with her makeup, except for the lipstick, as that would depend on the dress. The other slave took her over to the other table and started fluffing and spraying her long, beautiful curls. She was very meticulous that every curl had to be in place. Finally, everyone stopped and looked at Kendra, who was still walking around the bed with her eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

“Well?” said the Countess.

“Oh, Countess! I’ve never seen so many beautiful dresses in one place before, and they all would look amazing with your figure,” she blushed.

“I need you to pick just one for tonight, dear,” she explained.

“Well, I was thinking the royal purple one with the halter top, low back, high waistline, and short hemline would be good if you were going for semi-casual,” she explained, looking for reassurance.

“ are a genius. That will work perfectly for this evening. Job well done,” she complimented. Kendra sighed a huge sigh of relief. The pressure was off, and she had made the right, feminine decision.
Better yet,
she thought.
I pleased the Countess.

“Now, Coletta. Please go get the horse and carriage. Kendra and I will be going out, tonight,” the Countess instructed. Kendra stood in place, looking stunned.

Chapter Thirteen

At first, they rode along in silence. Kendra was nervous about why the Countess suddenly seemed to be going along with her being there.

“Kendra, please forgive my previous behavior. I don’t like being told what I can and cannot do, and I don’t like surprises. You were definitely a surprise,” she laughed. “However, I’ve craved a female I can have a close relationship with. The Count is never around. He’s always off on business, and he’s locked Lizzy away, whom I had just started to adore. Surely, you can understand the need for companionship?” she asked.

“I’ve been alone most of my life, but there were times that I would have given anything just to have a friend to talk to,” Kendra sadly explained.

“Exactly,” said the Countess. “Let’s make a pact that above and beyond your duties to protect me, we will forever be friends,” she suggested.

“That would be excellent,” Kendra said excitedly.

“We should seal our pact in blood,” the Countess said. This was her way of finding out—without asking—if Kendra was also a pure-blood vampire.

“Ok,” said Kendra. She bit her middle fingertip until it bled, and the Countess did the same. Then, they licked—not sucked—the other’s finger, until the bleeding stopped.

“There. It is done the old-fashioned way,” the Countess said, somehow knowing she was right.

“Yes. It is forever binding and unbreakable,” Kendra agreed.

“I have some special wine if you’d like some,” the Countess offered.

“Sure,” said Kendra. The two of them sipped their wine and sat in the back of the carriage, enjoying their state of euphoria and new companionship. It was not what the Countess had planned for Kendra, but when she saw the way Kendra looked at her earlier that day, everything changed. The two of them together just seemed natural.

As the carriage wheels hit the cobblestone street, she knew they were close to their destination. Finally, the carriage came to a halt, right in front of the dress shop. Kendra stepped out first and looked up and down the street. She then helped the Countess down out of the carriage.

“Everything seems to be closed,” Kendra observed.

“Not the best shop in town,” she replied. “Follow me.”

The Countess took Kendra by the hand and marched into the dress shop she had been in only a few days before.

“Stay by the door for a moment,” she instructed and strode away. The Countess found the shopkeeper and spoke quietly.

“Do you remember me?” she asked.

“Of course, Countess.” The shopkeeper bowed and smiled.

“Well, I need more items, but the Count is not with me, and he does not allow me to carry money. Can we work around that?” she asked.

“The Count has instructed us that you have an open line of credit with us to use whenever you see fit,” she informed the Countess. “I’m surprised he did not tell you.”

“Oh. Well...we never discuss finances. I guess he just didn’t want me to spend too much,” the Countess giggled. “In that case, I will be doing some shopping tonight for myself and my friend. Please, treat her the same way you would treat me. Thank you,” and with that, she walked over to join Kendra, a huge smile on her face.

“What is it?” Kendra asked.

“Well…you, my friend, are going shopping on me, tonight. We are going to make a lady out of you, yet,” the Countess explained.

“No way!” exclaimed Kendra. “I cannot defend you and chase the ‘Others’ in a formal gown and high heels,” Kendra insisted.

“I know, so here’s the compromise. When you are just hanging out, you may dress however you wish. When I am attending an event or we are out in public together, you will dress up. That’s the deal. No negotiating, and I’m paying for it, so start looking for dresses, and we can do a little fashion show. The shopkeeper will accessorize for you, so don’t worry about that. In the meantime, I’m going to pick up a couple more dresses, too,” the Countess explained. Kendra had a look of horror on her face.

“Come on. This will be fun. This is what girls do,” the Countess explained and was off. Kendra was immediately swarmed by sales associates. Good! That would distract them, so she could do what she really came here to do.

The Countess went into the dressing room, pulled back the curtain, and there sat the same, Jamaican woman smiling at her.

“Back so soon, child?” she asked.

“You knew I was a vampire?” she accused her.

“Yes, child,” the old woman agreed.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” the Countess demanded.

“‘Twas not me fate to tell ye,” she responded.

the evil one I’ve been dreaming about?” she cringed as she asked the question.

“Maybe in a past time. It don’t mean dah who ye need be now,” she replied. “Also, beware there be many tricky people out deh dah want ye. See dem for who deh really be, not who deh say deh be,” she warned.

“Do I have to be evil, because I’m a vampire?” she asked.

“No, silly child. Duh evil ones deh try to manipulate and convert ye. Stay true to ye self. Keep duh stones close, and deh will help,” she said. With that, she got up and walked away, and the session was over.

The Countess walked out of the dressing room to find a frazzled-looking Kendra. She shooed away all the sales people and spoke. “Okay. Hand me the dresses you personally like the best,” the Countess suggested. Kendra handed her seven dresses, mostly green and black.

“The others you don’t like?” the Countess asked.

“Not as much as those,” Kendra pointed to the pile in the Countess’s arms. The Countess snapped her fingers, and an associate appeared.

“We will not be taking these,” she said. The associate disappeared with the dresses draped across the chair. “Now, take these and go in the first dressing room, and try them on. I want to see each one after you have it on, ok?” the Countess instructed. One by one, Kendra tried on the dresses, and they all looked stunning on her. The Countess advised the staff to collect the shoes, jewelry, and accessories for each of the dresses Kendra tried on. After the last dress, Kendra came out and flopped into the chair next to the Countess.

“Who knew shopping could be so exhausting,” she confessed.

“I found one dress I’d like to try on before we leave, if you don’t mind sitting there a little longer,” the Countess replied.

“As long as I don’t have to try on anything else, I’m good,” Kendra smiled.

The Countess grabbed the purple dress she had been eyeing last time and took it into the dressing room. She knew the Count would never approve, but that’s what made it all the more enticing. The store was busy, but when she came out, everyone stopped and you could hear a pin drop as all eyes were on her. The dress was a floor length, royal purple velvet that split up both sides to the hip. The front was split down the center to the navel, allowing a large amount of cleavage and a flat tummy to be exposed. As the Countess turned in the dress, the back was also split down the middle, almost all the way to the top of the buttocks. The rest of the dress was form-fitting and very slinky. The Countess definitely had the body for this dress, but the Count would not be pleased with the amount of skin that it revealed.
Oh, well. I’m getting it,
she thought to herself.

Kendra came up to her. “Wow. That’s all I can say. Wow.” The Countess changed back and informed the staff she’d take the dress and everything to go with it. She also bought a couple pairs of pajamas for Kendra without her knowing.

Their ride home was amazing. They drank more wine and talked about all the fun they’d had. The Countess kept her side visit to herself. Kendra kept rambling about never having anyone do anything like that for her before, and she felt very special to have such a true companion. When they arrived home, the Count was waiting at the gate for them.

“Did you ladies have a nice time?” he asked, but he seemed rather perturbed.

“Wonderful!” the Countess shouted over her shoulder as her and Kendra continued into the castle, carrying the bags to her bed chamber. They sorted out the clothes, and the Countess gave Kendra the pajamas she had secretly purchased for her.

“Here. They are green, just like your eyes,” the Countess said as she handed the pajamas to Kendra.

“You are amazing. Thank you for everything,” Kendra said as she hugged her.

“Kendra?” the Countess asked.

“Yes, Countess?” she replied.

“I had such a wonderful time today with you, and I don’t want it to end.” she explained.

“Me, neither,” replied Kendra.

“I was wondering if you would stay the night with me. No hanky-panky, and I’ll give you your own covers, but please say you’ll stay,” the Countess begged.

“I don’t know, Sweetie,” Kendra said.

“We’ll both be fully clothed,” the Countess insisted.

“Won’t the Count be mad?” Kendra asked.

“I’ll handle the Count. Please?” the Countess smiled.

“Ok,” whispered Kendra.

Chapter Fourteen

The next evening, the girls were awoken by the Count’s bellows.

“Kendra! Where the hell is that girl?” he asked Coletta.

“I...I...I don’t know.” She squeaked in her mouse voice when Master was upset, and she was nervous.

“Down here,” the Countess said in a singsong voice. “Quick, hide under the covers,” she whispered to Kendra.

“No. I couldn’t,” Kendra said, looking frightened.

“Come on. It will be fun,” she encouraged. Kendra finally gave in, just as the Count made his way down the steps.

“Well? Where is that woman?” he said, his eyes scanning the room frantically. The girls tried hard not to giggle.

“I paid her good money to keep a close eye on you. First, you two go off last night and don’t tell me where you are going, and
she’s missing!” He ended in a huff. With this, the Countess became enraged and stood up on the bed, her hands upon her hips.

“I’m not your prisoner. I am the Queen, and I have someone with me to protect me. Why do you have to know my every move? You are
my father, and I do
feel I need to answer to you!” she stated matter-of-factly. The look of shock on his face also held hurt behind his eyes, but she didn’t care. “Oh, and as far as Kendra goes,” she pulled back the covers to expose her laying there in her new green pajamas, “this is as close an eye as you will get. We were having so much fun last night, we decided to have a pajama party.”

“A pajama party?” the Count interrupted.

“Yes. See, we have become friends, which I know you don’t want, because you took Lizzy away. So, I’m warning you ahead of time. If something happens to Kendra or she disappears, I will go against coven and kill you, myself. In the meantime, she will be under
orders, not
so get over it! You are dismissed, Count,” she said dryly. The Count turned and was gone with a flap of his cape.

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