The Vampire Queen (6 page)

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Authors: Jodie Pierce

Tags: #Eternal Press, #paranormal, #vampire, #supernatural, #Queen, #evil, #others, #Jodie Pierce

BOOK: The Vampire Queen
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“Wow,” said Kendra. “I thought I was going to be in trouble. I’ve always followed the rules and never did anything fun. Thank you for sticking up for me and calling me your friend,” Kendra said shyly. “I’ve never had a friend, before.”

“I do consider you my friend, and we have a pact, but there will also be times when I expect you to work for me, as well,” the Countess said. “Do you think you can handle the separation?” she asked.

“Yes, and I would be honored,” Kendra replied.

Over the next month, Kendra taught the Countess how to use various weapons. The art of sword fighting and dagger use were the two that most intrigued the Countess, so they spent many hours a day practicing, until their arms were too tired to continue. Kendra believed dagger-throwing could be useful, even against other vampires. It could kill or even temporarily trap an enemy and buy more time. Kendra really believed in them and thought it would be wise for the Countess to always keep a few hidden on her at all times, while she was out of the castle. Especially since she had learned to use them with such precision. Kendra also taught the Countess self-defense, and the Countess was flipping the male slaves by the evening—though the Countess doubted they put up much of a fight.

Throughout all of this, the Count watched in silence, unbeknownst to the participants.
What good are any of these tactics up against another vampire,
he brooded to himself. He shook his head, disgusted. He would have to bring in someone else to teach her about the true vampire ways. It was clear to him that the Countess had lost all respect for him, now that Kendra had come along. The Count had to bring in someone who could distract her from her precious Kendra and her thoughts of Lizzy. Kendra had been great, and he had felt safer with the Countess being in her company, but it was now time for the next level of training. This personal guard had to keep the interest of the Countess but not fall for her, which was not an easy task for most men. The Count could trust only one man for this job. It was time to bring in Alexos.

Chapter Fifteen

The next evening, the Count summoned both women, by way of Coletta, into his study. When they arrived, he was sitting behind his desk, reading something he quickly and mysteriously stuffed inside a nearby book, when he noticed them standing in the doorway.

“Please, come in and have a seat in front of me,” he invited. Kendra held back in the doorway at her usual post. “Kendra. You too, please. This involves us all,” he said. She reluctantly took a seat next to the Countess. She had never been in this room and was worried the news was not going to be good. Besides, all the books she didn’t know how to read, staring at her, were giving her the creeps.

The Count sat with his elbows on the arms of his chair, and his fingertips pressed together in front of him. He ran his index fingers back and forth over his lips, thinking as he agonized his guests with the wait. His stare seemed far away. Kendra caught the eye of the Countess, and she just shrugged her shoulders. When the Countess realized he wasn’t going to speak soon, she remembered her conversation with Lizzy. This was the room that held the marvelous book on flying, but which one could it be? There were probably thousands of books in this room. There were ladders to get to upper levels, where there were even more books. Books were piled on and all around his desk. There were even books piled around and
the fireplace. Why were there books stacked in the fireplace? Why didn’t he use the fireplace?
That seems odd,
the Countess thought to herself.
Fire. That’s right.
Now, I remember. Fire is a great enemy of the vampires. What better way to block off a fireplace than with books that would go up in flames easily.
It still didn’t make sense to the Countess.

“Well,” the Count said loudly and stood up suddenly, scraping his chair backward and startling both women. This brought the Countess out of her thoughts and back to reality. He came around the desk and sat on the front of it, between the two women. “It seems we three have been invited to a ball held by the Honorable Señor Alexos,” he said impressively.

“Ooh,” said Kendra. “I’ve heard of him. He’s supposed to have looks
brains.” The Count gave her a sharp look. “Sorry, sir,” she apologized.

“Anyway,” he said, daring Kendra to say another word with his dark eyes, “we will have to fly there, or it would be a three-day journey by carriage and ferry, and I’m sure none of us would enjoy that,” he said sarcastically.

“Great!” the Countess excitedly replied. “When do we leave?”

“I’m already aware that you can fly, Countess, but keep in mind you have not flown over great distances. Please, promise me you will not be too proud to ask for my or Kendra’s assistance while flying, should you get too tired. It will make you weak otherwise, and I want you to have enough energy to enjoy the party, instead of being drained. Promise?” he asked.

“Promise,” the Countess reluctantly mumbled. She did see his point but was not about to admit it out loud.

“Also, depending on all of our strengths, by the end of the evening, Señor Alexos has agreed to lend us his most sacred and secure bed chamber, which no other vampire has seen, if we wish to stay the day to rest. He is known for his security, so you will be safe there, Countess,” he added.

“Sounds like this Señor Alexos is very generous and too good to be true. What does he want from me in return?” the Countess asked, skeptical.

“Nothing. Just the pleasure of your company at his party,” the Count explained.

“Count, please be honest with me. Have I had dealings with him in the past of any kind?” she asked uneasily.

“Personally, no,” he replied. “Many wanted the two of you together at one time, but you wouldn’t even hear of it. You never even met him before rejecting him. Believe me, that is not what this is about this time around, either. He is a happy bachelor and enjoys entertaining many women. He wouldn’t want to be tied down, if his life depended on it. It’s just a party and nothing more. Promise,” he finished.

“I’ll believe that when I see it,” the Countess said. “All men are incapable of resisting me once they’ve met me. Why should he be any different? Let’s go, Kendra. We have outfits to plan,” the Countess said as she left the room.

This was the exact reaction he knew he would get from the Countess. He wanted her skeptical at first, but for them to make him a challenge was brilliant on his part. He knew exactly how to hook her to make his plan work to his benefit. He had already laid out the plan to Alexos and briefed him—okay, spelled out his plan for the Countess to him in detail—in a letter. He was reading Alexos’s response when the women came into his study. Alexos was willing to go along with the plan in its entirety. The Count had slowly allowed the Countess to see just enough of his study to question things on her own. He knew how her mind worked after all these years. It was also just enough to remind her of Lizzy and give her the confidence she would need to fly, so she would make it to this party alive, given there were no intruders during their flight. He had thought about leaving the book about flying—that Lizzy spoke of—open on his desk, but he knew the Countess would be too distracted and wouldn’t hear a word he said. He needed her focused as well as the exact reaction he got. She was predictable. Besides, the book would have been too obvious, even for her.

Chapter Sixteen

It was finally the night of the party. The Countess had on the dress she most recently bought. It was so exquisitely revealing, she made Coletta and the other slave promise not to tell “Master” about it. She planned to wear her purple, velvet cloak up to the parlor, so he would not see it until they were at the party. By then, it would be too late to do anything about it. Kendra had on a rhinestone-covered, emerald green, spaghetti–strap dress with a high waist and a flowy bottom that came just below the knee. She begged the Countess to carry a couple of daggers with her, but the Countess protested that there was no place to hide them in her dress. Kendra finally conceded defeat and gave up, adding a few extra in her own dress. As they went upstairs, the Count was waiting for them, and presented Kendra with a box similar to the one he had given the Countess not that long ago. In it was her own green, velvet cloak. She thanked him profusely, and they were ready to get on their way. The Countess hugged the Count and secretly slipped two daggers into his inside lapel pocket, unbeknownst to him, then smoothed out his tuxedo after “rumpling him” as she put it.

They loaded into the carriage, so the staff would not be suspicious, and started to travel south. They sneaked out of the carriage along the way, near an open, dark field.

“Okay, Countess. Show us what you’ve got,” the Count said, hoping he was not wrong about her or her flying abilities. Otherwise, all the plans were off. The Countess was nervous as they stared at her. She closed her eyes and remembered Lizzy’s instructions—her crossed arms, the serious look on her little face, and the toe-tapping. She couldn’t forget her little toe-tapping. The Countess gently and easily rose into the air. When she opened her eyes, Kendra and the Count were floating next to her.

“Excellent!” the Count said. “Okay. Here’s the plan. I’ll lead. Kendra, you keep a close eye on the Countess, and I’ll watch out for intruders. Everyone got it?” he asked. Everyone nodded, and they started to fly north in the night sky. The Countess remembered this feeling from flying with the Count. That first time was forever etched into her mind. The feeling of the wind in her face. The way the wind blew her clothes against her. The cloak was warm, so she never felt the cold. Just the wonderful air. She was lost in her thoughts, a giant grin on her face. She didn’t even notice Kendra sidle up next to her.

“You okay?” she shouted over the wind. The Countess lost her concentration and started to spiral out of control and lost elevation quickly. Kendra just stared at her in a panic, unsure what to do. The Countess had never been taught how to regain herself when she lost control during flight. Just as the Countess started to scream from the panic, she was grabbed in mid-air by the Count. Luckily, he was below them and had been watching. He flew with her the rest of the way to the party, which thankfully was only another 30 minutes. It was just enough time for the Countess to calm down and feel safe again in his arms.

When they landed, just outside the castle ground, Kendra ran over to the Countess. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” she apologized over and over.

“It’s all right, Kendra,” the Count said. “It happens to the best of us. I do need some wine and to sit down soon, though,” he said, starting to swoon.

“Sure. Thank you, Count.” The Countess looked into his eyes with a gaze he hadn’t seen in a long time.

“You are welcome, Love,” he replied, and they entered the ball.

Chapter Seventeen

As they entered, only the Count and Countess were announced aloud. The servants came to take the cloaks, and the Count shot the Countess a very displeased look when he saw her dress. Kendra told the servants the Count was feeling ill and needed to be seated with wine immediately, and they made sure this all happened very quickly. The Countess and Kendra, however, stayed behind and walked through the crowds. The Countess pleasantly said “hello” to those she remembered from the last ball. The thing the Countess enjoyed most this time was the whispers and comments about her dress.

“Where did she get
?” someone asked jealously.

“That looks
on her,” another voice pointed out.

“Wow! Look at that body! The things I could do to her,” came a male whisper in her ear. She turned around sharply with a slap ready, and the male lightly grabbed her wrist. “Excuse me,” he laughed. “I cannot contain myself when others are making comments. I have to get the best one in,” he said in a very deep, Spanish accent. He let go of her wrist but kept her hand in his as he bowed. When he came up, he kissed her hand and said, “You must forgive me. I am your host, tonight. Señor Alexos. I could hear the comments from the other side of the room and had to come see what magnificent creature they were discussing. I was surprised to find it was only you. Now, if you will excuse me, I have other things to tend to. Oh, and welcome,” he shouted over his shoulder as he walked away.

“He’s dreamy,” Kendra said, stars in her eyes as the crowd around them went back to doing whatever it was before he arrived.

“I don’t see what’s so great about him. He was kind of nice, but almost on the verge of rude, and he was arrogant!” the Countess said angrily.

“Countess, are you blind?” Kendra exclaimed. “He is gorgeous with a capital G! Who cares if he’s a little confident in himself,” she gushed.

It is true,
the Countess thought, but she wasn’t telling anyone else that. With his deep, Spanish accent, long dark hair pulled back into a ponytail, dress slacks that were tight in the butt, a short-waisted matador jacket, and a white shirt that was unbuttoned halfway down, so you could see his chest hair and gold necklaces. Not to mention a chiseled face and most likely the same under that white dress shirt.
to like?
she thought.
Oh, yeah. His rudeness. His “multi-entertaining”, etc.,
yet she would have him eating out of the palm of her hand like all men before long.
It’s only a matter of time,
she thought to herself.

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