The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (142 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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I got up and got my things to get in the shower only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. I looked at my clock wondering who it could be this early in the morning. I opened the door to find Gabe on the other side. I smacked myself in the head. “Shit, training. I forgot. I’m sorry.”

“Apparently you’re not the only one. I suggest you let your partners know I do not tolerate tardiness. I expect to see all four of you in a half an hour,” Gabe said, turning on his heel to leave.

I jumped out into the hall. “Wait, four?”

Gabe turned around. “Dean, Cameron, you and Roman,” he said.

Of course Roman would still be training with Gabe. I should have known better. I dragged myself back into my room, skipped the shower, and got dressed. I projected to Dean to get up all the way across the quad and text Cameron several times.

Cameron’s room was first so I knocked on the door hoping I wouldn’t wake her roommate. “Ella, is something wrong?” Sienna asked when she opened the door.

“Oh, Sienna, I’m sorry. I thought this was Cameron’s room?” I looked around thinking I must have switched up the numbers.

“It is,” she said.

“How did I not know you guys were roommates?” I said, scratching my head. “And how do you guys get to room together when I get stuck with the ice queen?”

“We’re actually not roommates. I’m only staying here because Cameron asked me. Kylie, Cameron’s roommate,” she looked over her shoulder and then stepped out in the hall closing the door behind her. She lowered her voice. “Kylie was one of the people killed at the dance. She didn’t find out until she got back and saw all her stuff was gone.”

I suddenly felt like the worst person in the world. “Oh,” I said. “I didn’t know. Is she okay?”

“Yeah, they weren’t very close, but still.”

“Right, well um, I kind of need Cameron to get up. She has training.” I almost wished I could let her sleep. She needed a day off almost as much as I did.

“Are you the one who has been texting her for the past twenty minutes?” I nodded. “Sorry, I thought it was Austin so I turned off her phone.”

“I thought everything was okay between them?”

“Everything’s fine,” Cameron groaned, pulling the door open all the way. “What do you want? It’s like six o’clock in the morning.”

“It’s time for training,” I said, handing her a Gatorade. “And I should warn you, Gabe does not like it when you’re late.”

“Can’t you just tell him I have cramps or something?” she whined.

“Nope. Now get dressed before he punishes us all.”

“He already is punishing us. Hey, where are you going?”

“To wake up Dean,” I called over my shoulder.

“Good luck,” she laughed.

I ran up the next two flights of stairs to Dean’s room. I knocked lightly on the door while still screaming in his head to wake up. He didn’t answer and I was just going to walk in but I didn’t want to startle his roommate. Then I remembered Roman was his roommate. I sighed trying not to cry again. Then I cussed myself for wanting to cry. I had never been this pathetic before.

What was wrong with me?

Have I truly lost myself?

No. I stood up taller. I was Ella McCallister damn it and I did not let boys or stupid people get me down. I was strong and I was powerful and I could face anything. I put my hand on the doorknob to let myself in and then I chickened out.

“Who am I kidding? I can’t do this,” I said, taking a step back. I placed my hand behind my neck trying to rub away the tension when I felt a small shock. I pulled my hand away and saw the bracelet Dad gave me had a faint glow to it. I smiled putting my foot down. “I can do this.” I barged into Dean’s room. He was passed out on his bed and thankfully Roman was nowhere to be found.

I let out a small sigh of relief that Dean was alone and decent, well, he had boxers on. “Dean,” I said, shaking him. “Dean, get up!”

“Ella,” he grumbled. “I may not have an ass kicking power like you but I can still kick your ass so you better have a good reason for waking me up.”

“It’s time for training.”

“The only way I’m getting out of this bed is if you’re bleeding from the head which I don’t think you are. Now leave.”

“Look, no one’s happy about getting up this early, but the longer you make Gabe wait the worse it will be on all of us. So get up now or I will continue to scream in your head until you do.”

“It was so much more peaceful before you had this power,” he moaned.

“Now you know how it feels. You have five minutes to get ready. Cameron and I will be waiting for you downstairs.”

After ten minutes had pass I started screaming in Dean’s head again to hurry up. It was so nice to be able to torture my brother anytime I wanted.
“I’m coming. Stop yelling,”
he projected.

“So how bad is this going to be?” Cameron asked.

“Considering he didn’t seem too happy this morning, I’d say we’re in for a world of hurt.”

When we got to the gym no one was there and I knew right away we would be running.  We set out for the outside track where Roman was already running laps. Gabe led us through a series of stretches and then told us to run.

I thought having done this a million times it would be a piece of cake, but I was wrong. Being away for a few months and not working with Gabe all the time really left me a bit out of shape. Cameron had no problem. She used to run track in high school and apparently ran laps every morning before class. Dean, on the other hand, was worse than me.

Dean never ran a day in his life. He was winded after the second lap. Gabe told him if he didn’t pick up the pace he would just keep adding laps. I laughed at his pathetic attempt which just ended in me getting more laps. “I wouldn’t laugh. You’re no better than he is,” Gabe said.

I stopped when I got close enough to him. “Why am I running anyways? I’ve already done this. Shouldn’t I be working on something else?”

He stared down at me with his arms crossed. “No. You are being punished for your little unplanned vacation and from what I can see you need a refresher course.”

“Shouldn’t you be running with us then? You’re not as fast as you used to be old man,” I said, regretting it the moment it came out of my mouth.

His eyes narrowed and he bent down to get in my face. “I will not tolerate little children with smartass comments. You can’t handle it than leave,” he said angrily.

“I don’t have a choice,” I snapped. “And I’m not a child.”

“Then stop acting like one,” he barked. “And you do have a choice. You don’t want to be here. You’re free to leave whenever you want. There’s nothing keeping you here. Now if you’ll excuse me I have other students to attend to.”

I knew what I was about to say was wrong, but I had a habit of putting my foot in my mouth and I was mad. Not mad at Gabe in particular, but just everything in general and Gabe was the first one to light the match. I poked him in the chest. “You work for me, remember? So I think maybe you should treat me with a little more respect if you want to keep your job.”

By then everyone had stopped running and was listening to our argument or should I say my little hissy fit. Gabe’s jaw tightened and I knew he was holding back. “I think we’re done for the day,” he said, walking off the field.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

“What the hell was the about?” Dean asked, leaning over with his hands on his knees and gasping for breath.

“Are you okay?” Cameron asked, surprised by my sudden outburst.

I couldn’t even speak which was probably a good thing considering every time I opened my mouth I said the wrong thing. “Look, not that I’m not grateful for you ending this torture session early, but damn Ella that was harsh, even for you.” Dean straightened up and walked away from me disgusted.

Cameron looked conflicted, unsure what to do. I was sure she agreed with Dean, but didn’t want to add fuel to the fire. “Hey Ella –”

“I really don’t need one your smartass commentaries Cameron so spare me.”

“Wow, Ella, really?” She stormed off. I tried to call after her but she ignored me and I didn’t blame her.

How did I keep managing to piss people off? Oh yeah, because I kept opening my big mouth.

I took my time walking back to my room. When I reached my hall the only sounds I heard were the squeaking sounds my sneakers made as I dragged my feet. I was starting think it wasn’t necessary for them to put me in a hall all by myself. The way I was going I would probably have run off everyone all on my own. At first I thought the solitude would be great, but lately being alone wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. 

I decided to skip breakfast and head to my first class early. I thought maybe if I arrived before everyone else it would ease the shock of my return.

I so desperately wanted to throw on one of my hoodies and hide but it was the middle of June and almost ninety-eight degrees out. I opted instead for hiding under a hat and plugging my ear buds in. After I healed the tree, I had received several – not just one – new blue streaks. I was hoping that was the end of the streaks. I didn’t think it was possible I could get anymore. The entire underneath of my hair was now streaked with blue and a few on top.

I was first to arrive as planned. I took a seat in the back and took out my notebook. I had no idea where we had left off or what we were working on so I just doodled in my notebook until class started. No one noticed me as they shuffled in and took their seats. Cameron walked in last and ignored me, sitting as far away from me as she could.

“Hey Cam, so I heard you took off to get rid of your bastard baby. I just want to know, are the rumors true?” Some snooty blonde who I didn’t know asked Cameron.

“Oh Misty, you should really be careful. From what I heard your indiscretions are definitely more scandalous. So maybe next time you should take the dick out of your mouth before you speak,” Cameron said, smiling sweetly. Cameron got a few snickers from our classmates and made a very unhappy Misty turn red.

I smiled at Cameron’s retort, happy that she put that girl in her place. Mr. Hendal showed up shortly ending anymore discussion of rumors about Cameron’s illegitimate baby. For once I was glad I wasn’t at the root of the rumors but not happy that my friends were.

Mr. Hendal paused for a moment when he saw Cameron, but then continued as normal. “Class, take out your books and we will finish the chapter on the royal lines. I will be collecting your timelines at the end of class today. Cameron you can share with Misty,” he said, causing Cameron to roll her eyes at her sudden misfortune.

Mr. Hendal turned to the black board and proceeded to write the names of the royal families they had been working on. “McKinnon,” he started and my head shot up. “Is the last of the royal lines –” he stopped when he saw me. “Well class, it would appear we have a new student,” he said, looking directly at me and smirking. I knew he knew it was me, but felt the need to make an ass out of me. “Will someone please inform her of what the dress code is?”

Misty raised her hand. “Yes Miss Greer,” he pointed to her.

“No hats allowed during class,” she said, sitting up straight and pretending to be an astute student.

“Thank you Miss Greer. Now, will you kindly remove your hat,” he said to me, still smiling like an ass. Everyone turned around to look at me as I took off my hat and shook out my hair. They gasped as the realization of who I was became known. “Miss McCallister, it is so nice for you to grace us with your presence. I trust you had a nice little vacation.”

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