The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (59 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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She truly has lost it.

              I guess everyone grieves in their own way.

              Dean distracted Jade with a drink and I mouthed the words
“thank you”
in reply. Dean and I then took Jake into the living room so he could open his presents we had bought him. Xander got him a new baseball mitt and cap while Dean and I each got him a new video game. I got him one of latest baseball games while Dean got him some zombie killing one. I yelled at Dean and told him that wasn’t an appropriate game for a six year old, but of course he could have cared less.

              Shortly after, Danni and Hadley arrived and joined us in the living room. As soon as Jake spotted Hadley he froze. You could almost see the glow around her as she sashayed her way over to me in her cute, puffy, Christmas dress. I picked her up, pulling her onto my lap. “Merry Christmas Ella!” she cheered, throwing her tiny arms around me.

              “Merry Christmas Hadley. What kind of goodies did Santa bring you?” She listed all the things she got as Jake stared at her in awe.

              “Boom!” Dean yelled. “I just took you down Jakey.”

              “I think his interest is on something else,” I giggled. “Jake, you remember Hadley.” He barely moved. He just watched her like he was mesmerized.

              “Oh man Jakey boy, I think we need to have a chat,” Dean said, catching on. I just rolled my eyes.

              “D-do you wanna p-play?” Jake stuttered, offering Hadley a remote and stealing Dean’s. I laughed making Dean narrow his eyes at me.

              “We so need to talk about the bros before hoes code,” Dean said, feeling rejected.

              “How about we play a different game, one where you don’t get points for dismembering body parts.” I searched through the other games until I found one we could all play. “How about Just Dance. Girls versus boys?”

              “You’re on. Come on Jake, we’ll show these girls how it’s done,” Dean challenged.

              Eventually everyone else joined us in the living room and in the game. We kept to girls versus boys. It was the most fun I had in a long time and of course the girls won.









Chapter four




After the game we all gathered around the table for dinner. We bowed our heads as my mom led us by saying grace. “Amen,” everyone said. I was just about to dig in when Xander stood up. “Before we eat, I’d like to make an announcement,” Xander said, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Last night,” he paused and looked at Jasa. “I asked Jasa to marry me and she said yes.”

              My jaw dropped as I looked around the room at everyone’s expression. Dean nearly choked on his wine while Danni looked horrified not believing what she just heard. Everyone else cheered happily. I didn’t know what to think. I managed to get out congrats just as my mom and dad welcomed Jasa to the family.

              Dean and I exchanged looks. Apparently he was as surprised as I was at Xander’s announcement. I looked back at Danni who forced out a smile and congrats through gritted teeth. I was definitely going to have to pull her aside later and find out what was going on there, but first I’d talk to Xander. This was so unlike him. They haven’t even been dating that long and Xander never made rash decisions like this. I remember it took him a week to pick out his outfit he was going to wear for his graduation which I thought was ridiculous because you wouldn’t even see it under his cap and gown.

              Not wanting to destroy everyone else’s joyful mood, I plastered on a smile and pretended everything was fine. Danni pretty much stayed silent throughout the rest of dinner while my mom spent most of the time discussing wedding plans with Jasa. Every now and then I would catch Danni and Xander exchange looks, making me wonder even more what was going on there.

              Once we were finished, the boys retreated to the den to smoke cigars and celebrate while Jade, my mom, and Jasa continued to talk wedding stuff. My fake smile was making my face hurt so I opted to take Jake and Hadley into the living room to play some video games. After Jake and Hadley were settled, I went back into the kitchen to help Danni clean up. “Okay, so what’s up?” I asked Danni.

              “What?” she said, acting like nothing was wrong.

              “Don’t act like you don’t know. I saw your face when Xander announced he and Jasa were getting married,” I said, challenging her to lie to me again.

              “Ella don’t be silly. I’m happy for them,” she replied, downing her glass of wine.

              I took the glass from her and hid the bottle, then I made her face me. “Danni, seriously, you looked like someone just stabbed you in the heart. What’s going on?”

              “Danni, what are you doing?” my mom asked, interrupting before I could get some answers out of her. “It’s Christmas, come sit down with us. Today is your day off.” My mom tried to pull Danni out of the kitchen thinking she was in there cleaning up, but I knew she was in there to hide.

              Taking the hint as a good distraction, Danni picked up one of the sponges, and started to clean the dishes. “I don’t mind.”

              “Well I do,” my mom said, stopping her. “Come on.” She tried to pull Danni back into the dining room, but she wouldn’t budge.

              “I just remembered I told Hadley I’d take her for a walk and show her all the lights,” Danni said.

              “Nice save,” I thought to myself.

              “Oh my goodness. I had totally forgotten about that. Ella, why didn’t you remind me?”

              “Um, because I didn’t think we would go considering…” I broke off not wanting to dampen the mood.

              “Ella, it’s Christmas and it’s tradition. I’m sure even your father won’t deny us this. Come on now. Go get the kids ready.” I looked at my mom thinking she was nuts. No way would my dad let us go outside to look at Christmas lights we’ve seen a million times. “Be sure to dress warm. I heard there was a cold front coming in so put on a coat, gloves and scarf,” she called over her shoulder. I looked back at Danni. She just shrugged, taking the opportunity to continue avoiding my questions by going into the living room to get Hadley ready.

              I followed my mom into the den where I found my dad smiling happily. He embraced my mom in a hug and gave her a sweet kiss before they exited the den and walked back downstairs. I followed them clueless as to what was going on. “Ella, you should put a coat on, it’s gotten quite chilly out,” my dad said.

              “Wait, what?” I said, looking at him befuddled.

              “You want to go outside and see the lights, don’t you?”

              “Well yeah, but…” I bit my tongue realizing it was not wise to press my luck. Clearly my dad was in a good mood and my mouth, if not kept closed, would probably spoil that. So I did what he said and grabbed my coat. “I highly doubt I’ll need this though. I mean come on, we live in California. It never snows let alone drops below sixty degrees.” My mom stopped me at the door forcing me to wear a hat, scarf, and gloves. “Mom, really, I’m sweating in this stuff. There is no need –” I stopped short when she opened the door letting in a gust of cold air and…snow?

              I gasped at all the feathery, light, white stuff that was drifting in from the outside. I ran passed everyone and out into the cold air. I lifted my head up to the sky and spread my arms wide, smiling. I spun and spun catching giant snowflakes on my tongue. I couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t the first time I saw snow, but it was the first time it snowed here, and on Christmas. I was brought back to reality by the sound of giggles coming from Jake and Hadley. I looked to see them smiling and playing in the several inches of snow that had accumulated on the ground. “It’s snowin’ Ella, it’s snowin’!” Jake cheered, picking up piles and throwing them in the air.

              “Can you believe it?” Danni said as surprised as I was.

              “No, I can’t,” I said, unable to unscrew the smile from my face.

              I was about to walk out into the street when my dad stopped me.  “Let’s not got ahead of ourselves here,” he said, pulling me back. I looked at him funny before I noticed him motioning for guardians to stand on either side of the street. Of course, I should have known this was too good to be true. I sighed, trying my best not to let this ruin my good mood. Once flanked by guardians, my dad allowed us to continue on our way through the abandoned streets. I strolled aimlessly through the snow, not paying attention to where I was going and nearly ran into Gabe.

              “Miss Ella, you should be more careful,” he said, steadying me so I wouldn’t fall.

              “Gabe? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be home having Christmas with your family?”

              “Duty calls and as I can see I believe I arrived in the nick of time,” he winked.

              I straightened myself out. “I can’t believe my dad would have you work on Christmas, of all the rotten things to do.”

              Gabe shook his head. “I had the morning off as did the rest of the guardians who are here now. Besides, most of my family is long gone by now and those that are left live out of the country,” he said like it was no big deal. I think even if his family was here Gabe would still put his Job first which made me kind of sad. “Do not be sad for me,” he said, lifting my chin. “This was my choice to be here.”

              “But that’s the part that makes it sad,” I admitted. “I mean. Why would you rather work than be with your family?”

              “You have not met my family. Those who have would know that they are sometimes considered more work than what I do here,” he said, giving me a half smile. I had to give him one in return for that. As far as wacky families go I could understand.

              “Well then, in that case, I’m glad you’re here,” I said, linking my arm through his so I wouldn’t slip. We walked through the streets enjoying the decorative lights throughout the neighborhood.

              I finally felt like I was at peace. That was until something cold, round, and wet whizzed by my head. I turned around in time to catch a snowball to the chest and Dean hiding behind a bush laughing. “Dean!” I yelled before I got pelted in the side by another. I turned to the left to see Xander wielding another weapon in his other hand ready to fire. “Grow up you guys!” I shouted. I turned back around to keep walking when one hit me in the back of the head. Mouth open, ready to bring hell, I turned around and stopped when I spotted the guilty party. “Dad, really, you would hit your own daughter?”

              “That should teach you not to turn your back on your enemy,” he said, smiling slyly.

              “That’s it.” I bent down and retrieved my own weapons. Gabe moved out of the way and stood in front of my mom, Jasa, and Jade. He was just big enough to block all three of them from any oncoming snowballs. I took my first fire at Dean and then Xander. I saved the biggest snowball for my dad. I pulled my arm back and fired away. I hit him dead center in the middle of his forehead. I froze, anticipating the beating of my life.

              I heard Dean snicker and looked over to see my mom trying to hide her smile. My dad wiped the cold, wet snow from his face. I waited for it, cringing. “You better run,” he said, bending down and preparing to pelt me with snowballs. I shrieked and ran behind the nearest tree, dodging flying snowballs left and right. Danni joined me behind the tree with Hadley and Jake to help. The snowballs were flying faster than we could make them. I couldn’t understand how the boys were able to collect them so quickly.

              I pulled Jake aside, pointed out where Dean was hiding, and told him to stuff snow down his back. Not a minute later I heard a yelp and knew Jake had succeeded. “Jake, you traitor! I thought we were friends?” Dean grumbled, making me laugh.

              I was cold, wet, and feeling numb. From the look on Danni’s face I could tell she had enough as well. We bravely stepped out from behind the tree with our hands up showing we were unarmed. “Truce,” I called out.

“Truce,” Xander and my dad agreed.

              I dusted off the remaining snow and joined my mom with Gabe where I knew it was safe, just in case.

              We strolled down the street gazing at all the amazing light displays. Jake and Hadley ran ahead still playing in the snow with Danni not far behind them. Jasa and Xander lagged behind while the rest of us held up the middle. I eventually made my way up to Danni who Dean was closing in on. I’m sure so he could make a move on her. I pushed pass him receiving a dirty look and linked my arm with Danni’s. “Oh, hey Ella,” she said, snuggling closer to me for warmth.

              “Can you believe this? I mean who would have thought it would snow in California?” I said, still amazed.

              “I know. I’m just glad Hadley gets to experience all of this,” she said as she watched her daughter play.

              “Are you happy?” I asked.

              “What?” she said, caught off guard by my question.

              “Are you happy? I mean with the way your life turned out.”

              She let out a breath before she said, “Yes. Yes I am.”

              “Care to tell me why you avoided my questions in the kitchen earlier?”

              “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said.

              “Oh come on Danni. You know exactly what I’m talking about,” I said, giving her a playful nudge.

              “Just drop it Ella.”

              “Danni seriously what’s the –”

              “I said drop it Ella,” she snapped. I stopped. Danni unlinked her arm and walked ahead. “Come on Hadley. It’s time to go back.” I opened my mouth to stop her but decided to let it go. I caught Xander’s face turn to concern as he watched them walk back to the house.

              “Is everything okay?” he asked Danni.

              “Yes, I just want to get Hadley back inside. She’s not really dressed for this weather,” Danni replied.

              “Would you like us to walk back with you?” Xander asked, troubled.

              Danni looked down at his hand that was twined together with Jasa’s. “No, I’ll be fine,” she said, taking off in a hurry. My dad signaled for one of the guardians to follow them back. I looked forward to catch Jake with a sad look on his face. No doubt from his new girlfriend heading back inside. Considering I couldn’t feel my toes anymore, I thought it wise to head back inside as well. I told Jake I would take him back to play with Hadley. I let my parents know I was heading back to the house with Jake to warm up. Gabe and two other guardians followed with us which I thought was a little ridiculous since we were only about a half a mile from our house.

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