Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global Security (42 page)

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sex, 109, 185

of wildlife, 185

Transnational Criminal Organizations, 192

transparency, 195, 198

Treasury Department, U.S., 49, 149, 150

Treatise on Government, A
Siyasat Nameh
) (Nizam al-Mulk), 10–12, 14, 15, 112

Tunis, 75, 91–92, 95, 99, 100, 102

Tunisia, 32, 73, 74–76, 91–100, 125, 175, 198, 207, 209, 227
, 241

2011 rebellion in, 91, 95

Arab Spring in, 20

bribery in, 74, 96, 113

bureaucracy of, 91–100

civil service in, 91

customs enforcement in, 95–96, 98

finance ministry in, 96

horticulture in, 97

jihadi movement in, 99–100

judicial system in, 98–99

kleptocratic system of, 215

land grabbing in, 94–95

loans in, 93–94, 95, 141

police in, 98

protests in, 94–95

public water authority in, 97

revolution in, 67–69, 72

as secular, 92, 99

self-dealing ruling family of, 92–97, 108

taxes in, 96, 97, 98

tourism in, 94–95

Tunisian bureaucracy, 91–100

Tunisian officials, as corrupt, 99

Twin Towers, 183

Tyrannicide Brief, The
(Robertson), 164

Ukraine, 107
, 184, 186, 187

ultimatum games, 44–45, 156

Umara b. Hamza, 11–12

unemployment, 73–74, 84, 85, 96, 125, 186

United Arab Emirates, 59, 109

United Nations, 22, 41, 42, 98

Development Program of, 84

Security Council of, 182

United States:

Afghan corruption money held in, 150

corruption in, 209–211

government based on rights in, 170

national security of, 7, 189

oil imports of, 122

originality of, 168

puritanism in, 178

seen as guilty by Afghans, 165, 182

United States government:

2008 financial meltdown prompted by failings of, 209, 211

as accountable for behavior of Afghan government, 14, 165

Afghan government addressed by, 136, 154

aid from, 76, 149

bribing by, 187

corruption and kleptocracies enabled by, 27, 181–83

diplomatic engagements of, 190

distorted conduct of foreign policy by, 32

impact of, in Afghanistan, 29

military-to-military relationships of, 41

Wall Street and, 209–10

United States officials, 68, 142, 143, 144, 150, 154

Afghans’ attempted meetings with, 27–29

as insensible to native populations, 33

and protection of Afghan counterparts, 143

Urlaeva, Elena, 101, 114

Uzbek government, 101–2

Akromiyya businessmen as threat to, 104–7

banking system in, 107

bribery and, 106, 108–9, 111–13

corruption in, 102, 105–6, 107–10

customs and, 110

economic abuses of, 102, 107–12, 113–14

kleptocratic system of, 216,

land grabbing by, 111

land owned by, 115

officials and, 105

open practice of Islam feared by, 102, 117

vertically integrated corrupt system in, 112

Uzbekistan, 101–17, 120, 175

Andijan massacre in, 103–5, 116, 117, 160

bribery in, 106, 108–9, 111–13

cotton harvested in, 107
, 113–15, 216, 231

demonstrations in, 103–4

farmers in, 115

gas exported from, 113, 117

gold exported from, 110, 113

human rights activists in, 101–2, 114

Islam in, 102, 104, 105, 117

police in, 111, 112

religion as recourse in, 115–16

religious conservatism in, 102–3, 117

U.S. embassy in, 101

women in, 102

Uzbek officials:

government monitoring of, 113

protesters’ confrontation of, 105

Vatican, 218

Vietnam, 40, 152

Vietnam War, 139, 147


to police states, 21

to Western countries, 50, 191

Wall Street, 183, 209–10

Wall Street Journal,

walnut hulls, 34

Walter of Milmete, 92

Washington, D.C., 37–38, 67–68, 135, 145

Washington Post,

Wasiq, Caliph, 11

Wayne, Anthony, 48, 142

Western culture, 183

Western education, 119, 129

Western governments, 203

anticorruption efforts of, 187, 195

corrupt governments paid off by, 154–55, 187–88

corruption enabled by, 27, 181–83, 189, 195, 204

corruption as threat to national security of, 189

diplomatic engagements of, 190

as insensible to problem of corruption, 187

see also
United States government

Westgate Mall, 185

Wilder, Andrew, 44

William of Orange, 156–57

William of Pagula, 16–17, 36, 41–42, 114, 143, 165

Williams, Nicholas, 37, 40

Winfrey, Oprah, 33

wiretapping, 142


Islamic garb for, 31, 99

religious lifestyle requirements of, 130–31, 132

sex trafficking and, 109

in Arghan Cooperative, 34

in Uzbekistan, 102

World Bank, 40, 122, 194

World Customs Organization, 202

World Trade Organization, 202

Yanukovych, Viktor, 107

Ya’u, Yunusa Zakari, 121, 127, 130, 133

Yemen, 155, 185

Ypres, 158

Yuldoshev, Akram, 104

Zaoui, Sami, 76

Zawahiri, Ayman al-, 89–90, 182

Zimbabwe, 185


The Punishment of Virtue:
Inside Afghanistan after the Taliban

Copyright © 2015 by Sarah Chayes

All rights reserved

First Edition

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Book design by Brooke Koven

Production manager: Julia Druskin

The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

Chayes, Sarah, 1962–

Thieves of state : why corruption threatens global security / Sarah Chayes.

pages cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-393-23946-1 (hardcover)

1. Political corruption—Case studies. 2. Security, International—Case studies. I. Title.

JF1081.C43 2015



ISBN 978-0-393-24653-7 (e-book)

W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.,
500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110

W. W. Norton & Company Ltd.,
Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT

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