This London Love (19 page)

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Authors: Clare Lydon

BOOK: This London Love
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Meg thought for a moment. “That would be brilliant.”

Kate disappeared into her room, then made it back to the bathroom to give Meg a T-shirt.

“Thanks — I won’t be long.” She paused. “And I don’t normally get naked within five minutes of walking into someone’s flat,” Meg said. “Just so you know.”

“No complaints here.” Kate kissed Meg on the lips. “You want to give me your top and I’ll rinse it for you?”

Meg did a double-take, before grinning at Kate. “That would be lovely.”

Kate was still smiling as she walked down the hall and knocked on Jess’s door. No answer. She poked her head around the door — her flatmate was nowhere to be seen. Kate crossed her fingers that Jess would be out late or, even better, staying at Lucy’s. She strolled back to the kitchen, just as the boiler chugged to life, which told Kate the shower was on.

Meg was naked, just the other side of this wall — the thought brought an epic smile to Kate’s face. She was still holding Meg’s top in her hands, so Kate got out the handwash and cleaned it as best she could, before wringing it out and hanging it over the hallway radiator. If that didn’t score her brownie points, she had no idea what would.

She was in the lounge with a bottle of Heineken, reading foodie magazine Scrumptious, when Meg reappeared some ten minutes later. Her jeans clung to her shapely legs, while the T-shirt Kate had given her had a low-cut V-neck. Meg had combed her wet hair, which was now slicked back and side-parted. She looked like a Calvin Klein model. Kate blinked rapidly.

“Hi.” Meg was clutching the door frame uncertainly.

“Hello again,” Kate replied. She cleared her throat. “Can I get you a drink. White wine?”

Meg nodded. “That would be great.”

Kate got up and slunk past Meg, almost too scared to touch her for fear it might all turn out to be a dream. In the kitchen, she levelled her breathing and tried to calm her mind. But before she knew it, there was Meg, leaning against her fridge, looking delicious.

“Everything okay?” Kate’s stomach flip-flopped again as she surveyed Meg again — intense, turquoise eyes, honeyed skin, soft lips.
Those lips.
Yes, she remembered kissing those earlier. In fact, every part of her body remembered kissing them earlier.

“Everything’s just fine.” Meg stepped into Kate’s personal space and snaked an arm around her waist. “Only I remember at the party promising to kiss you into oblivion and I just thought, we may as well start sooner rather than later. Shall we bypass the wine and go straight to the bedroom?”

Honestly, Kate had been dreaming about a woman saying something like that to her for about 34 years.

Kate was about to respond, but Meg had already made the decision for them.

Her question was rhetorical.

Kate was a fast learner.

Meg pressed her lips onto Kate’s.

Kate’s body shook.
. Meg’s kiss created a mini-earthquake on Planet Kate and she was helpless to stop it. Was she coming across as too much of a juddering mess to her potential new lover? Kate hoped not. She’d forgotten to check the list of possible don’t-dos on a first date, but she was pretty sure ‘constant vibrating’ would come pretty close to the top.

Still, Kate managed to shove these thoughts to the back of her brain and concentrate on the here and now. Meg was kissing her into oblivion, so it was only polite she should be present and engaged.

Kate increased the pressure of her lips on Meg’s, then slipped her tongue slowly in and out of Meg’s inviting mouth.

And that was when Kate felt Meg shake and she knew the playing field was level.

And then their kissing escalated. Kate’s hands were under Meg’s top, tracing the outline of her nipple through the lace, the other grasping her bum through her jeans. And all the while, their lips were joined, their bodies aching with want.

Then Meg’s hand was pressing into Kate’s crotch, her thigh behind it increasing the pressure. Meg sank even deeper into their kiss which made Kate’s head spin, then with her right hand she stealthily popped open Kate’s jeans. Before Kate knew it, Meg’s hand was in her pants.

Kate had no time to think about it, no time to process — she simply gasped at the turn of events. Kate had no idea whether to applaud such bravado or be appalled at her speed. But her body was certainly not appalled as Meg’s hand moved and Kate’s eyes widened — she gasped again.

Meg was inside her.

Kate’s reaction was to press down. And then groan into Meg’s mouth.

Meg’s reaction was to go deeper.

Kate let out another a groan of desire, but then pulled back and looked into Meg’s eyes, her pupils wide and dilated. She could barely stand, let alone get some words out — but she was going to give it a shot. She cleared her throat, aware her face was probably flushed pink by now, as well as her brain scrambled.

“Didn’t you say we should go to the bedroom?” Kate’s voice had a rugged cadence.

“I suppose we should.” Meg’s tone matched Kate’s right back.

Kate let her gaze wander downwards, then up again to Meg. Then she raised both eyebrows.

Meg took the hint, before whispering: “I don’t normally do this so quick, either — it just happened.” Her expression spelt ‘bashful’ as she extracted her right hand from Kate. “You make me behave abnormally.”

Kate sucked in breath. “Don’t worry, I’m not complaining.” Kate took Meg’s hand in hers and pulled her into the hallway.

And it was then they heard the front door slam. Kate turned and saw Lucy coming up the stairs, followed by Jess.

Neither Kate nor Meg moved — they were like two deer caught in the headlights, not knowing which way to turn.

“Hi guys! Didn’t expect you home so early.” Jess stood at the top of the stairs and assessed the new addition to the flat. She smiled at the pair, as did Lucy.

Neither Kate nor Meg said a word.

“I’m Kate’s flatmate Jess, by the way, seeing as she seems to have been struck dumb.” Jess held out her hand to Meg.

Meg raised her right hand to offer to Jess, but then froze. She stared at her right hand, quickly retracted it and held out her left instead.

Kate stifled a laugh.

Meg, however, simply blinked, then slipped back into social mode. “Meg — lovely to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you. And you must be Lucy.” Meg turned her dazzling smile on Lucy, who projected one straight back.

“Great to meet you, too.” Lucy shook Meg’s hand warmly.

“Right, well, lovely to see you, but now we’ve got to carry on down the hall and have mind-blowing sex. In fact, you just interrupted us on the way there. So if you don’t mind, can you not take your jackets off, turn around, go back down the stairs and head over to Lucy’s house for the night.”

That, of course, was what Kate
to say, but she didn’t.

“How was the party?” Lucy hung her coat up on the rack and wandered into the kitchen. Not waiting for an answer, she opened the fridge door and looked up at the threesome who were watching her from the hallway. “Shall I grab two beers or four?”

However, Jess stepped forward and grabbed Lucy’s hand, shutting the fridge door before her girlfriend could pluck anything from its shelves.

“Babe, we don’t really have time. We’re meeting Anna and Max at that bar, remember?” Jess was drilling her eyes into Lucy, but her girlfriend just looked confused.

“We are?”

“Yes — at the new cocktail bar.” Jess dragged a perplexed Lucy from the kitchen, giving her back the coat she’d just hung up. “Fabulous margaritas, apparently, and who doesn’t love a tequila?”

The whole group muttered their approval.

Jess winked at Kate, then started down the stairs, taking Lucy with her. “So you guys just get back to doing whatever it was you were doing, and we’ll see you later,” Jess shouted. Five seconds later, the front door banged shut.

Kate and Meg were left looking downwards, then they burst out laughing, doubling over and literally holding their sides.

“I can’t breathe!” Kate wheezed. “When you held out your hand…”

“Don’t,” Meg said.

Kate placed a soft kiss on Meg’s lips. “You looked adorable,” she said, before clearing her throat. “Now then, where were we?” Kate took hold of Meg’s hand and led her down the corridor and into her bedroom.

“Just about to get caught having sex in the kitchen,” Meg said. “I can’t believe I did that.” A pause. “Are they coming back?”

Kate shut her bedroom door behind them and drew Meg closer to her. “I don’t know and I don’t care.” Kate pressed her lips to Meg’s and her body lit up with joy. “But I’m hoping she got the message from my eyebrow movement and penetrating stares that they should stay at Lucy’s tonight. After all, I’m the landlord, surely I get some perks.”

“I’m sure we can sort some perks out for you.” With that said, Meg pushed Kate down onto her king-sized bed and surveyed the room. “Nice décor, by the way — very minimal, New York loft.”

Kate sat up and stared at Meg. “Are we really doing design critique now?”

Meg smiled down at Kate, then kissed her full on the lips. “You’re right — I’ll save it till after we’ve had sex. But I like to make sure you have some taste first.”

Kate pulled Meg down on top of her.

Meg squealed.

“I have a whole bunch of taste — I chose you for starters.” Kate let her hands land on Meg’s naked back as she slid them under her top. Then her hands were roaming over Meg’s butt, before coming back up and cupping her face, looking into her eyes.

“I want to get naked with you — I have since the moment I laid eyes on you. So can we make that happen now?”

A slow smile spread across Meg’s features as she nodded her head. “We can definitely make that happen.”

With that, Meg stood up and slowly, deliberately peeled off her T-shirt, revealing a perfectly toned stomach with jeans that clung deliciously to her thighs.

Kate hiked herself up onto her elbows to ensure her view was solidly clear and that she was paying the utmost attention.

Meg’s gaze was intense as she reached around to tug open her bra with ease. The white lace dropped silently to the floor, leaving Meg’s deliciously rounded, pert breasts exposed, both nipples erect.

Kate drew in a breath — she was spellbound. Every part of her body wanted to reach out and touch Meg, especially her breasts, but she also wanted this particular show to get to its climax. Because Kate knew that after that, there were more climaxes to follow.

With that thought roaming her mind, Kate forgot to balance properly, her left elbow gave way and she collapsed on the bed. When she opened her eyes, Meg was leaning over her, her breasts inches from Kate’s face.

Kate reached out a hand.

Meg slapped it away. “Uh-uh. You wanted to see me naked, but there’s no touching allowed yet.” Meg stood up, pulling a dazed Kate with her. “And if that was a trick to get me on top of you, I wasn’t born yesterday.”

Kate simply licked her lips and stared.

Meg leaned forward and kissed Kate’s lips lightly. “Now, where were we?” She paused. “Why don’t you sit on the end of the bed?”

Kate did as she was told.

Meg walked closer to Kate, until she was just inches from her, Kate’s eyes level with Meg’s belt. Meg put her fingers to her belt buckle and tugged the loose end, freeing the buckle with a lazy clunk. It hung loose as she then popped open the button on her jeans, before slowly, ever so slowly, guiding her zip downwards and open.

Kate’s eyes were now so wide she thought they might start spinning or pop out at any minute. To say this was erotic would be an understatement.

Then Meg slowly stripped off her jeans.

Kate stared anew at Meg’s lacy knickers, so unlike anything she would ever wear. She glimpsed the skin below and gulped in some air.

“You want me to leave them on?”

Kate stared and vaguely nodded her head.

“Just let me know — I want to get to know you.” Meg’s tone was suddenly two octaves lower.

No more words were said — they didn’t need to be. Kate stared straight ahead, focused on white lace. She put her hands out to cup Meg’s buttocks, drawing Meg to her. She ran her fingers across Meg’s stomach and kissed her way up Meg’s body, getting to her feet to finally hold Meg’s breasts, feel their weight, their warmth, their beauty. Kate held it together long enough to allow Meg to remove her shirt, discard her jeans and throw her pants to one side.

And then it was Meg’s turn to gasp at Kate’s body, acquaint herself, feel her back, her breasts, her soft thatch of hair. Of course, Kate already knew what it felt like to have Meg inside her. But just to have her standing next to her, her hand cupping Kate — it was all-consuming.

And then, unlike earlier, Kate took control. She eased Meg onto the bed and prowled over her, this time kissing
into oblivion. Meg’s lips were soft, her body smooth and warm as Kate settled on top of her, the sheer bliss of their naked bodies connecting making her brain explode into tiny pieces.

Kate moved her weight slightly off Meg and slid her right hand down her body, down to where she felt lace. She ran a light finger inside the top of Meg’s pants, before gently travelling downwards, moving the material aside and trailing her finger through Meg’s hot core.

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