This Trust of Mine (3 page)

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Authors: Amanda Bennett

BOOK: This Trust of Mine
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I recognized
one of the guys from the team on the front porch, so I made my way over to him.
When I got closer, I realized that he was with a couple of other guys from the
team as well. I wonder why none of them thought to invite me?

Swansen, what's up bro?" I patted him on the shoulder.

He turned
and pulled me into a half armed shake slash hug. "Holy shit, Raine. What
are you doing here?"

figured I'd come out and see what this whole party school was really all
about." I smiled at the circle of players I knew.

welcome, my friend. We would've asked you along tonight, but you usually head
out of practice so fast, we just assumed you had better things to do." He

just been preoccupied lately."

"Ah, I
understand that. Well, you know all the guys, Rodgers, Kipton and Hernandez.
And that guy over there," he pointed at a short squatty guy in the corner
with the tip of his beer bottle, "that's Seth. He doesn't play ball, but
he's a pretty cool guy."

I gave a
small head nod in everyone's direction.

wanna beer?" Hernandez asked. He was our short stop and from what I could
tell so far, a pretty cool guy who loved to party.

sure, bro. Thanks."

He tossed me
a bottle of Bud Light and I quickly removed the cap and started chugging it
down. If it was the last thing I did tonight, I would be forgetting Kayla
James. "So whose house is this?" I asked.

well my brother, welcome to Kappa Alpha Theta. The most beloved and hated
sorority here." Swansen laughed as he slung his arm around my shoulder,
pulling me inside. "My girlfriend is actually part of this sorority. She's
around here somewhere."

I could tell
these guys had been drinking for quite some time now, because all of their
words were slurring together, but who was I to judge. If Glenn had come to
school with me, like we planned, this would be him and I every night.

are we tryin' to find you a girl, or no?"

I wasn't
quite sure how to answer him. Even though I didn't want to be thinkin' about
Kayla, I would also feel bad if somethin' happened to ever put that
relationship in jeopardy.

at least not for now. But, I could use another beer, or maybe a shot."

"A shot
it is!" He roared as we made our way back into the kitchen where most
people seemed to be conglomerating.

this is Raine. Raine, this is everyone."

roared in unison with a "hello Raine," I just stood back, lifted my
beer and started laughing. A long legged, tanned and toned, bleach blonde came
sauntering up to Swansen's side and I couldn't help but stare. She was drop
dead gorgeous. She wore minimal amounts of makeup and her hair hung to about
the middle of her back. It was wavy and pulled into a low ponytail. And her
lips, yum. Oh man how I would love to devour those things. What the hell? I
quickly tore my eyes away from her and focused on the full shot glass in front
of me. I lifted it in Swansen's direction, and we both threw them back. The
burn of the whiskey was a welcome distraction from the strange thoughts that
had been running through my head just a few seconds ago. I noticed her arm was
now locked around Swansens's waist and I could only assume this was the
girlfriend he had been talking about.

I'm Madison." I stuck my hand out to shake hers, but all she did was laugh
as she pulled her arm from around Swansen's waist, pulling me into a deep hug.

a lot about you, Madison. I'm Renee, this dick head's girlfriend."

When she
pulled back, I had a semi-hard on and immediately felt embarrassed. I shoved my
hand in my front pocket and tipped back my beer, trying to take the focus off
of me. "Well, it's nice to meet you Renee."

he says he isn't lookin', but let's find him a cute girl to talk to." Swansen
yelled in her ear loud enough that I could hear.

"Oh I
have the perfect girl for you." She grabbed my hand just as I grabbed a
new beer and dragged me out into the living room that had been converted to a
dance floor. "Come on."

As we made
our way across the room, through the barrage of people, a tall brunette came
into view. I couldn't help my mind from floating to Kayla. This girl was a
spitting image of her, in almost every way. Her hair was the same shade of
brown and it hung at her waistband just like Kayla's, and her body was pretty
much the same shape, although Kayla had way bigger boobs. When she turned fully
to face us, my mouth fell open. It was her. It had to be her. There was no way
two people could look this much a like. I was meeting Kayla's doppelganger and
it was freaking me the fuck out.

this is Korena. Korena, this is Madison. Have fun!" Before I could even
get the words out of my mouth, Renee had disappeared into thin air.

Madison. How are ya?"

Man, this
was a trip. I wasn't even sure how to act towards this girl. "Um, I'm
okay. How about you?"

good." She was now leanin' closely into my ear so I could hear her over
the music. "You wanna go somewhere and talk?" She shouted.

I threw my
head back in laughter. "Isn't that supposed to be my line?"

suppose, but either way, I stole it." She winked and grabbed my hand,
leading my up the back stairs off of the living room. I wasn't sure where we
were going, but at this point I really didn't care.

The alcohol
mixed with my sleeping meds, were making for quite a concoction. I felt drunk,
but way more drunk than I should be. When we got to the top of the stairs, she
guided me into one of the bedrooms to the right. I assumed it was hers, given
the fact that she knew exactly where to go, that and all the pictures in this
room seemed to have her in them.

didn't waste anytime going after what she wanted. Within seconds of her locking
the door, she had lost all her clothing except for her bra and panties and she
was now straddling me. I tried to push her away, to explain that I had somebody
back home, but there was no way this girl was takin' no for an answer.

Korena. I can't do this."

you can, just sit back cowboy, I'll do the work."

The minute
the nickname came out of her mouth, I sealed my lips against hers. I was in a
haze and my mind was telling me that this was Kayla in front of me and not
Korena. Our kissing became rampant, fast. My hands were moving up and down her
back, before settling on the hook of her bra. Within seconds, her beautiful
breasts were right in my face. Her pink nipples calling for me to take them
into my mouth. I didn't hesitate. If I stopped long enough to think, I would
change my mind, and I needed this. I needed to forget.

I took each
pink hardened nipple into my mouth and sucked long and hard, bringing them out
to a point. I heard her cry out in pleasure and it only fueled me further. I
slipped my hand down to her heat. I could feel how wet she was through her
panties and it made my dick rock hard. I slid a finger in between her wet folds
and her panties, pushing it into her without a second thought. She arched her
back and her breasts were in prime position for me to once again pull into my

I glided my
finger in and out of her a few more times while teasing her tantalizing
nipples. I could feel her walls tightening around my finger, and I didn't want
her comin' without getting my chance to get off. I swiftly threw her down on
the bed and kicked my half undone pants onto the floor, but not without
grabbing a condom first. I slid on the condom and placed the tip of my dick at
her slick entrance. Without warning, I slammed into her full force. She cried
out, in what I could only assume was a mixture of pleasure and pain, but I paid
it no mind. I thrust in and out of her at a constant pace, finally coming
undone a few minutes later. Kayla's name sat at the tip of my tongue, aching to
be shouted out loud, but I kept it in. There was no reason to hurt this girl in
front of me, for someone who apparently didn't want me anyway.

I pulled out
and slipped into the bathroom, to dispose of the condom. When I came back out,
Korena was perched at the edge of her bed. "Are you okay?" I reached
down for my pants, catching her eyes with mine before standing back up.

you kidding me? That was amazing. Thanks, cowboy." She was slipping her
skirt and tank top back on when I stepped in front of her. I bent down a bit so
she could see the serious look on my face.

don't call me cowboy."

Madison." She smiled as I placed a chaste kiss to her lips.

I think I should head home. I got practice in the morning and I can't be late.
You wanna hang again sometime?" I knew the chances of me hanging out with
her again were slim, but I wasn't a total dick.

You know where I live. Stop by anytime. I don't do numbers." She winked.

me either. So I'll see ya around?"


I walked out
of her room, feeling like an asshole for the first time in thirty days. I don't
know what it was, it could have been the sex I guess, but I felt better than I
had the night I left home. I quickly said my good-byes to all the guys and made
my way back to the dorm. I shut and locked the door behind me before collapsing
on the bed. I slid my broken ass phone from my front pocket, placing it on my
nightstand before I started to drift off to sleep.

later, I heard the loud annoying ringtone I had set to my phone earlier so I
would be able to hear it no matter where I was. I sleepily glanced over at the
flashing screen and I almost lost my shit when her name flashed across the
screen, along with the picture I had secretly taken of her one day as her
background when she called. I swallowed the guilty lump in my throat down as
much as possible and quickly answered before she hung up.


hey there, cowboy."

Fuck me!

Chapter 4


I had sat on
my bed for hours and hours, debating whether or not to call. I wasn't ready to
tell him why I had been avoiding him for the past month, but my grandmomma was
right. I owed it to him to at least let him know I was still alive.

When he
answered his phone, I knew he had to be sleeping. His voice always sounded so
sexy when it was laced with sleep, and I could suddenly imagine him laying in
his dorm room, hand above his head with nothing on but his boxer briefs.


I knew I had his attention when I called
him cowboy. It got to him every time and I was definitely using that to my

have you been?" His voice was gravelly but I could still make out the hurt
and the anger in it, and I suddenly regretted calling him all together.

"Not so
good." I didn't want to tell him, but I also didn't want to lie. He
deserved as much of the truth as I could give.

wouldn't assume so. So where've you been?" Okay now he just sounded

sorry, Madison. I really am."

you really? Because honestly, it's hard to believe you when I haven't spoken to
you in a month. A month, Kayla. And then to find out that you were down at the
swimming hole with
of all

wasn't like that, Madison. Please you have to believe me."

"Do I?
Why? Why should I believe you? I mean, it's not like I have anything to go off
of. You don't call, you don't write, hell you don't even send text messages.
What the hell, Kayla?"

Him being
this mad was in turn making me mad. I wanted to tell him what had happened that
night he left, but I couldn't. Wren warned me, and I knew better than to go
against him. But even more than that, now he was just being a dick. Telling my
grandmamma was one thing, but telling Madison was another entirely. I knew the
things he was capable of doing. I knew Madison would be able to hold his own,
but there was no reason to get him involved, ever. "Madison, please

WHAT?" He was screaming so loudly, that I broke out in tears. I couldn't
hold them back anymore. I needed him to understand, but he was just being so
cruel. His words were cutting me like a knife. I was becoming hysterical, as he
kept screaming nothing but profanities at me, when he finally heard a sob break

"Oh my
god, no. Kayla, no. Please, oh baby I didn't mean to make you cry. Oh my god,
Kayla say something pretty girl. Talk to me please."

There was no
way I was getting any words out past the sobs. My whole body was shaking and
practically convulsing from how hard I was crying. I couldn't even answer him.
He must've realized this because he lowered his voice, and I let that soft
velvety voice embrace me.

just listen to me for a second please. I've been going crazy without you. I
don't even know what to do with myself. I go to practice and come straight home
and that's it. I check my phone at least a dozen times a day, and even when I
know you haven't called, I still check it. I need you Kayla, more than I need
air to breathe. Please, please tell me you miss me, something, anything."

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