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Authors: K.S. Smith

Thrasher (14 page)

BOOK: Thrasher
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They all sat there staring up at me and then turned toward Duke, apparently seeking an answer.

He stood there for a moment and then finally nodded his head.

And on that note, I looked to Tripp. “Please call my father and let him know you all are back on board.” Tripp pulled out his phone, and I headed for the door then pivoted around for one final announcement. “And just so you all are aware, I’m moving out of my parents’ house. Once I do, I will be in charge of my own security, which means I’ll be seeking out a new team.”

Duke’s jaw clenched, and his muscles flexed, but I acted like I ignored it, turning to make my way to my car and toward my realtor’s office.

Four hours later, I put an offer on a two-story, three-bedroom, two-bath bungalow in South Tampa. My offer was accepted, and the closing documents were being prepared. Being that it was a cash deal, I was able to ensure an expedited closing, meaning I’d have my keys in less than twenty-four hours. The current owners were already living in their new house, so they’d act quickly to sign everything over and get the house off their hands.

I pulled into my parents’ drive and opened my trunk. I was unloading the boxes I’d picked up from the storage place when I heard boots running up behind me. I turned around and looked up to see Tripp staring at me.

“What are you doing, Brie?” he asked, leaning in to help, picking up all of the boxes and following me into the house.

We were in my room before I said anything. “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t sit here and be their little girl. I can’t have Duke protecting me like a child. I need to get away from all of this and live my life, find a man who loves me for me — a man who doesn’t lie to me.”

I grabbed one of the boxes from Tripp’s hands, started yanking my clothes from my closet, and shoved them into the box. I was so angry with the entire situation — with my parents and especially Duke.

Tripp closed the space between us and grabbed my shoulders. “Brie, Duke didn’t intentionally lie to you. His job was to protect you. He was just following orders. It’s what we do. We may be civilians, but we’ll always be Marines. You can’t punish him for doing his job.”

I took in a deep breath and looked up into the eyes of a man who’d become my friend over the course of my relationship with Duke. “Tripp, please don’t do this. I need time to process it all. Not telling me was wrong. I get that it is his job, but it doesn't make it right. I trusted him. He knew everything about me — my life, my family. I opened up to him like I’ve never done before. The least he could have done was tell me the truth.”

Tripp stepped back, releasing me from his hold. “Would it have made a difference?”

Lowering my head, I shrugged my shoulders. “I honestly don’t know, Tripp.”

He pulled me into his arms and squeezed me tight, kissing my head. “I’m sorry you’re hurting, Brie, I really am, but don’t think you’re the only one.”

I wiggled out of his embrace and smiled at him. “Thanks. I better walk you out. I’ve got to get packed.”

I walked Tripp to the door and waved, knowing he wouldn’t be far as Duke had assigned him to watch over me. My feet took the stairs two at a time and rushed over toward my ringing phone. My realtor’s name appeared on the caller ID.

“Ms. Hamilton, I was just calling to let you know we’ll have everything finalized tomorrow. You’ll be able to pick your keys up in the morning.”

I thanked him and hung up then began a packing frenzy, only taking the things I had to have.

As I climbed into bed that night, I curled up in the middle of my giant California king-sized bed all by myself and pulled the covers up to my neck. Lying there, I wondered what my parents’ reactions were going to be when they found out I’d bought my own place. I was sure my father would be less-than-thrilled, which also meant my mother would have the same reaction. I tried not to worry about it as I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep.

Six in the morning came quicker than usual, but it was probably due to the tossing and turning I’d done all night. I forced myself out of bed and went on a quick run down Bayshore and then came back in time to get cleaned up.

I rushed over to meet with my realtor in his downtown office, needing to sign a few more documents. Then he handed me the keys, congratulating me with a glass of champagne.

“To new beginnings,” he said, raising his glass in the air.

I tapped the rim of my champagne flute to his and smiled. “New beginnings.” My new keys were tucked into my purse pocket, and I thanked him again for a speedy closing before making my way back to my parents’ to gather my things.

An old college fling and his friends were sitting outside of the gate when I pulled up, waiting to help me load up my things.

Tucker jumped out of his truck and came over to my window. “Hey, we tried to get in, but for some reason the code isn’t working.”

Out of nowhere, Gunner walked up, crossed his arms over his chest, and glared at Tucker.

I quickly climbed out of my car and stood between them to keep them separated. “What’s wrong with the gate, Gunner?”

He shook his head. “Nothing. Works fine.”

I walked over to it and entered the code, and it opened right up.

Tucker mumbled under his breath before he jumped back into his truck, and he and the guys made their way toward the house as I walked back to my car.

I stopped in front of Gunner. “Where’s Tripp?”

He looked down at me. “Day off. Just me.”

I nodded and gave him a faint smile. “I’m going to go help the guys with my things. I have two interviews set up this afternoon for new security, so you all won’t have to watch over me much longer. You know I think all of this is such crap, but if I don’t have someone, my father will flip his lid.”

Gunner stood there, his glare now affixed to me. “Got the names offhand?”

I shook my head, knowing what he’d do if I told him who I was interviewing, “No, and even if I did, I wouldn’t give them to you.”

He smirked, which was a rarity. “Not gonna fly with Duke. Know that, girl.”

I rolled my eyes, irritated, before jumping into my car and taking off toward the house.

I led Tucker and the guys up to my room so they could start loading the boxes, and an hour later their trucks were full.

“I’m only five minutes away. Just follow me.” I slid into my car and headed toward my new house.

I pulled into my driveway for the very first time as a homeowner, and it was bittersweet. I sat there staring at my beautiful new home, the wrap-around front porch covered in a fresh coat of white paint, adorned with black shutters. The fire-engine-red door screamed for a perfectly decorated monogram wreath, and, for a glimmer of a second, I wondered what it’d feel like to walk inside for the first time with Duke by my side. My stomach tightened, thinking about him being there, but before I could dwell on his absence any longer, Tucker tapped on my window.

“What are you waiting for?”

I asked myself that same question then opened the door and ran up the front porch steps. I unlocked the door, swung it open, and stood there in my new home, my new beginning.


It wasn’t long before Tucker and the guys had the trucks unloaded and my new house covered in boxes. I hugged each of them, thanking them for their help, and sent them on their way with a twenty-four pack of beer.

With the front door closed, I stood in my living room and looked around my home; it was perfect, exactly what I needed for a fresh start. I rifled through my boxes until I found a notepad and pencil and began making a list of all of the things I needed.

I’d covered the basics of the kitchen and bathroom when I moved to the guestroom needs. Just as I began writing the words
bed set
on my list, my doorbell rang. I placed the notepad and pencil on the floor and walked down the stairs. I opened my front door to an older gentleman about my father’s age.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Hamilton. I’m Christopher Wilson with Wilson Private Security.”

Smiling, I invited him in, thinking to myself,
I definitely won’t be interested in sleeping with this man.
“Thank you for coming on such short notice. I’d offer you a seat, but today is my first day in the house, and I still have to buy furniture.”

He smiled gently at me. “No problem at all. I’m fine standing.”

We talked for over half an hour about his company. I mentioned that I was previously being guarded by Duke Thrasher and his team to which he replied, “Wonderful, my company is very similar to Mr. Thrasher’s. All of our employees are military veterans.”

I shook my head no and stuck out my hand. “And on that note, I think I’ll have to stop you there. I’m not looking for any young, attractive, military men. I’ve had my experience with them, and I’d rather not go down that road again.”

His expression was shocked. “Ms. Hamilton, please reconsider.”

I placed my hands on my hips and peered up at him. “Look Chris, security isn’t my thing. I can take care of myself, and quite frankly, the thought of a stranger lurking around
me makes my skin crawl. My father is the Governor, and this is his harebrained idea, so like I said, I’ve been down that road and am not looking to get tied up with any more veterans. Thank you for your time.” I walked him to the door and let him out then geared up for my next victim.

I interviewed six companies that day and narrowed it down to two. Not sure which one was the best hire, I decided to reach out to the one member of Duke’s team who was still in my good graces, so I sent a quick text to Tripp.


Martin’s Private Security Group or B.A.M.F. Security?


His response was delayed.


How about Duke Thrasher?


I rolled my eyes and let out a huff.


NO! This is the only time I’ll ask you for help in regard to this bullshit. Pick one, please.


His next text might as well been a novella written by my least favorite author.


Any company who names themselves Bad Ass Mother Fucker Security has got to be a bunch of pansy-ass wannabes. Don’t go with them. Their owner didn’t even make it through air force basic training. He spent two years working as a rent-a-cop before opening his own company, and to be quite honest, they suck. They have three employees, none of which know how to deal with a political family. Hell, only one of them even graduated from college. I’m not a huge fan of Martin’s, but that’s just for personal reasons. One of their guys is a douchebag who thinks he’s the best. He’s gotten his ass handed to him by me and Duke a few times for being a dick, so if you go with them, don’t let them assign John Tortolla to your case. See if Joey Tanner has any openings. He’d be the best guy for the job. He used to work for President Bush, so he gets it.


I’d seen all I needed to see. I picked up my phone and called Martin’s. “Hi, I just met with Alex Martin regarding private security, and I’d like to hire your company under one condition... I want John Tortolla working my case.”

The person I was speaking to seemed to think that John was available to start tomorrow, but he told me he’d confirm and get back to me.

After several hours of unpacking, I came to the quick conclusion that I was missing quite a few essentials, so I ran to the store and picked up some things. When I got back to the house, I unloaded the groceries first and stocked the fridge with some of my favorites: milk, cheese, and Oreo cookies. I’d picked up a few boxes of cereal and a loaf of bread for grilled cheese sandwiches as well. Once the kitchen was settled, I went back outside to grab the blow-up mattress, toiletries and other remaining items from my Target trip out of the trunk.

I plugged my iPod docking station into the wall and cranked up my music before I hopped into the shower. The hot water hitting my body from every different angle of the complicated shower relaxed me.

My air mattress was blown up and covered with Egyptian cotton sheets, a down comforter, and two plush pillows. I snapped a picture and posted it to my Facebook page.


First night in my new house... I suppose I should have thought about furniture before I decided to spend the night.


My phone instantly began chiming with comments and likes from all of my friends, and I knew I didn’t need the distraction, so I powered it down. Instead, I reached for my Kindle and decided to re-read
, by Rachel Van Dyken, for the umpteenth time, before falling asleep for the night.

A loud bang on my door pulled me out of my slumber, and I almost toppled off the air mattress. I scurried around, pulling my robe on, and tore down the stairs. I flung the door open and stood there with morning breath, bed head, and nothing under my robe as I gawked at the amazing specimen standing in front of me.

BOOK: Thrasher
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