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Authors: K.S. Smith

Thrasher (15 page)

BOOK: Thrasher
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His blond faux hawk stood out against his olive complexion, but I couldn’t even think too long about that as I was utterly captivated by his piercing blue eyes that were now sizing me up from head to toe.

“Hi,” I said in a sleepy voice.

He looked into my eyes and stepped in closer, warmth radiating off his body. “Hi, I’m John Tortolla.” He stuck out his huge hand, and I placed mine gently into his and shook it.

“Please, come in.” Stepping aside, I invited him in.

We hadn’t even made it into the kitchen when my phone rang. “Good morning, Tripp,” I said smugly into the phone.

“What did I tell you last night? Duke is going to fucking flip. Is that what you wanted?!” he yelled into the phone.

I stood up straight and squared my shoulders as I spoke sternly into the phone. “I don’t give a damn what Duke wants. As of eight this morning, his company should have received my notice of termination, which means you no longer have the right to keep tabs on me.” I hung up before he could respond and went back to John.

“So, John, I think I’m going to do things a bit differently with you than I did with my last security team.”

His smile reached his eyes. “How so?”

My fingers wrapped around the handle of the refrigerator. I pulled out two waters and handed one to him. “My last team was all about going unnoticed. As I’m sure you’ve heard, my father is the Governor of Florida, and he doesn’t like to flaunt the fact that we have hired security. He thinks it poses a threat if people know. Me, on the other hand… I’m interested in taking a new approach. I want people to know you’re my bodyguard. I want you at my side 24/7. I want you so involved you know what color panties I’m wearing on any given day,

His eyes widened and then settled, “None.”

Confused, I responded, “Excuse me?”

His grin tugged on the corner of his mouth. “Panties. You don’t have any on currently.”

Laughing loudly, I slid my hand down his muscular arm. “Oh, John, you’re good.”

I winked at him and turned to make my way up the stairs. “Get familiar with the house. You’ll be here a lot.”

I closed the door to my bedroom and leaned against it as I took in a deep breath.
What are you doing, Brie?
I thought to myself before I lost my robe and pilfered through my boxes of clothes. I’d found an acceptable outfit: a tight pair of skinny jeans, a sheer top, and black boots. I added a few pieces of jewelry, threw my hair into a messy bun, and made my way back down the stairs. As I grabbed my black Chanel bag, my body came to a halt in the opening of the kitchen, and I looked up at John. “I need some things for this house. Want to join me?”

He placed a hand on the small of my back and whispered “Of course” into my ear, and we made our way out to his truck.

I noticed Tripp’s car parked across the street as I hopped into John’s giant black truck, and I quickly shot him a text.


What part of FIRED do you not understand?


John climbed in and started the engine, looking over at me. “Where to, boss?” After typing in the address of my favorite antique furniture store, I pointed to the GPS, and John pulled out of the driveway. Seconds later, my phone chimed.


I work for Duke, not you. If he asks me to do something, I’m going to do it.


Furious, I changed plans. “Turn around. We need to make a quick stop.”

John looked concerned at the anger in my voice as I pointed in the direction of Duke’s office. I typed another text to Tripp as I began preparing myself for the battle that was ahead of me.


Tell your ringleader I’m on my way to his office.



John pulled into the parking space right next to Duke’s truck, and I hopped out. “Wait right here. I’ll be back in just a second.” I glanced to my right and noticed Gunner standing in the entryway, arms crossed over his chest.

A grimace took over John’s face. “What the fuck are we doing at Duke Thrasher’s office?”

I shook my head. “I’ll fill you in when I get back. Just wait here, okay?”

He nodded, and I closed the door and made my way past Gunner, who stepped to the side and allowed me into the office.

I glanced back at him as he moved back in front of the door and quickly realized that he was blocking the entryway from John.

Duke was sitting at his desk, obviously awaiting my arrival. “Brie,” he said.

“Tell Tripp to stop following me. I fired you all this morning, and I’ve already hired new security!” I yelled as I stood in front of him, my hands on my hips.

Duke stood up from his chair and leaned toward me against his desk. “Hire a better security guard, and Tripp won’t have to follow you.”

I glared at him and leaned in closer, nose to nose with his giant body. “My security is none of your damn business. I will hire whomever I please. Your approval is not needed.”

Duke stepped from around his desk and fully invaded my personal space. “I’m not leaving you alone with that man. You don’t even know him. He’s a real piece of shit, and it’s taken everything in me not kill him for taking your case. He’s a fucking womanizer, Brie. All he’s going to do is try to get into your pants.”

I scoffed and backed up. “Well, isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black. Tell Tripp to back off, or I’ll call my father and have every one of you fired.”

Duke closed what little gap was left between us and leaned into me, his breath caressing my face. “Not going to happen. Your father is less-than-thrilled with you currently, and after I fill him in on John Tortolla, he’ll kill me for allowing anyone but myself to look after you.”

I quickly realized that it was a losing battle, so I turned on my heels and stomped toward the door, but before I could make it out, Duke grabbed my arm and pulled my entire body up against him.

I squirmed, trying to force his arms from around me as I yelled for John’s help, but my cry was stifled when Duke’s lips came crashing down onto mine. A momentary lapse of judgment came over me as I allowed his tongue to slip into my mouth, relishing in the familiarity of his embrace. My body relaxed, and Duke was able to pull me closer against his chest as one hand gripped my ass and the other tangled into my hair. I’d missed his taste, his smell — everything about him.

He caressed my face between his hands and rested his forehead against mine. “I miss you, Brianna.”

Back to reality, I snapped myself out of my current daze and shook my head, backing up. “You’re such a prick.”

I pulled the front door open, and Duke yelled after me, “Tripp stays until you get rid of John!”

I used all of my force as I drove my shoulder into Gunner’s chest, pushing him out of my way, and climbed into John’s truck. “I don’t know how you plan on doing it, but you need to lose Tripp.”

A grin took hold of John’s face, and he peeled out of the parking lot and floored it down the road.

We pulled into the furniture store parking lot, and it appeared that we’d lost him, but I knew Tripp better than that; he was probably just keeping himself hidden.

John and I had made our way inside and were looking at furniture when he finally broke the silence. “Care to fill me in on your relationship with Thrasher and his company?”

I shook my head. “Not really.”

John nudged my shoulder. “Come on. It’ll save me from having to do research on you when I get home tonight.”

I sighed and then decided he was right; he’d figure it out sooner or later. “My father hired Duke and his team to keep tabs on me a while back. I had no clue and ended up meeting Duke one night at a bar. I, of course, thought it was luck of the draw that had brought us together, but little did I know he’d been hired to look after me. I was instantly attracted to him, and we started dating after a few days of hanging out.”

John made a funny face. “Duke Thrasher mixing business with pleasure… that’s unusual for him.”

Not sure if that was true or not, I continued my story. “Eventually, I found out he was working for my father, and he’d been lying to me the entire time, so I broke up with him. But, he still feels the need to have his team look after me, especially since I hired you.”

John let out a throaty laugh. “He never did like me stealing his women.”

I raised an eyebrow and narrowed in on John. “What do you mean?”

He just shrugged his shoulders. “Just some old fling of his… she left him, and I was the next guy she dated. He’s hated me ever since.”

My mind began to wander off.
Great. So this has nothing to do with my well-being. He just doesn't want to lose another girl to John. And the Asshole Award goes to Duke Thrasher, ladies and gentlemen.

I was enjoying the ride home — and the fact that I’d just placed over thirty thousand dollars’ worth of furniture onto my father’s tab. I smiled to myself while John pulled up in front of my house.

“What’s the grin for?”

I climbed out of his truck and nodded toward the black sedan parked out front of my house. “You’re about to meet my father.”

His eyebrows lifted. “Should I be worried?”

My smile grew bigger. “Possibly.” I giggled as I looped my arm through his and pulled him up the front porch and into the house.

My father was standing in the kitchen, the expression on his face indicating that he was not happy with me.

“Hello, Father, I see you talked the realtor into giving you a key.”

His face scrunched, and his irritated voice floated through the air. “Of course, he’s only been doing business with our family for the past forty years. It didn’t even take any convincing.”

Pissed, I made a mental note to rip him a new one the next time I saw him at the Yacht Club. “Well, welcome to my new home. What do you think?”

He glanced around and took in the downstairs before settling his eyes on John. “The house is lovely, dear, but I’m not so sure about this new man of yours.”

My body moved slightly so I was now standing in front of John, and I scolded my father. “It’s really none of your business. John is my new security guard, nothing more. I can’t trust Duke and his team, not after he lied to me.” The hairs on my neck stood up as I felt John’s body move closer to mine, and my father instantly took notice.

“Brianna, may I please speak to you... alone?”

His voice was stern, and I knew I shouldn’t back down, but at this point I figured it was best to just hear him out and then try my best daddy’s-girl act on him to see if it still worked.

I looked up at John and rested my hand on his arm. “Would you mind giving us a few minutes alone?”

John’s body was tense, his eyes peering down at me. “You sure?”

I smiled up at him. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just my dad.”

He turned and made his way to the front porch and closed the door behind him.

When I spun back around, I looked at my father. His frame was rigid, but his expression was worried.

“Brianna, your mother and I are concerned. Your behavior over the last week has been irrational. What has gotten into you?”

I wanted so badly to tell my father to get out of my house, but I decided I was going to try my best to have a mature conversation with him, hoping by doing so he’d be more inclined to agree that I’d made a good decision to finally move out on my own.

“Dad, listen. I’m twenty-four years old. It’s time you and Mom stop treating me like I’m a child. I don’t blame you for hiring Duke. I understand that you only want what’s best for our family, and you obviously think there is a need for our protection. So I’m not going to try and change your mind, but you can’t continue to have his team follow me. I’ve hired John. He works for Martin’s, and Tripp agrees that they are the best fit if I’m not going to use Duke’s company. Duke and I have been through a lot, probably more than you even know, and I just can’t be around him right now. Maybe one day when I’ve forgiven him, it’ll be a different story, but for now, I need them to back off, and you are the only person who can make that happen.”

My father’s brow furrowed as he took in a calming breath. “Honey, I only want what’s best for you. I will talk to Duke and get his opinion on Martin’s. If he trusts their work, then I’ll ensure he and his team back off you.”

I shook my head. “No. Dad, you don’t understand. I need you to let me stand on my own two feet. I’m asking you, but I’m almost to the point where I’m going to stop asking. I love you and Mom, but you need to realize that I am my own person, and I will make my own decisions. John is my new source of security. Please accept that.”

His shoulders rose and fell with a heavy breath before he leaned in and kissed my forehead. “Okay, we’ll try it out for a few weeks, but if there is any inclination that John isn’t working out, he’s fired.”

I agreed to appease my father. “Okay.” Hugging him, I turned up the charm. “Want a tour of the new place?”

BOOK: Thrasher
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