To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC) (12 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Rayven: (Brothers of the Devil's Comfort MC Book 3) (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC)
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Chapter 16



For the first time in a long time, I have the house to myself and it is silently eerie. Tabby is at the club and Momma. Well Momma was in her new house. A new home, I knew nothing about until this morning. The television had proven to be lousy company and the only reading material I could find, was Tabby’s old motorbike magazine collection. After flickering through the first one, I threw it down in utter frustration. Even Kavan was sleeping. For the umpteenth time I looked at the clock and with an empty sigh, knew it would be hours yet before Tabby made his appearance.


With nothing to do and nothing going on, I decide to hit the sack. Tabby’s absence from the bed makes it appear to be larger than usual. Especially if I compare it to the one I had been using in Baton Rouge. Tabby’s image rose in my mind. It was hard to believe that it has only been twenty-four hours since Tabby had found me, and here I was. Back in his bed. The moment I passed him his drink at The Bird Song, I knew I would be returning with the biker to Comfort Springs. I missed him, and this was brought home when our gazes locked. The warmth of his gaze on my flesh had sent my senses into overdrive.


Tabby was giving us both a chance and if he could so could I. However, there were going to be some changes. The realization that I was contemplating on giving Tabby a chance has me hugging his pillow. The scent of his aftershave still lingered on the black casing. The queasy churning of my stomach was making it difficult for me to sleep and when I eventually began to drift, the loud clash of breaking glass has me jumping out of the bed.


Uncertain where the noise has come from, I stand frozen in the middle of the bedroom. When there is no further sound, I gave in and left the bedroom. I don’t hesitate about bringing the baseball bat, which Tabby keeps under the bed. Silently I stood in the hall and waited. When there is still no further sound, I slowly crept down the stairs, flinching when the odd step creaked. Halfway down the stairs, I spotted the curtain blowing softly in the living room. With my heart in my mouth, I reach for my cell and rang Tabby.


The flash of light passing the window has me sliding down onto the stairs until I was perched on the edge. “Tabby.”


“Rayven. This is a pleasure. I wasn’t expecting you to ring.” Just the sound of his rumble gave me the strength to relax slightly.




“Rayven is everything Okay?”


“No, someone smashed the front window.” My statement is met with silence and for a moment, I thought I had disconnected us. “Tabby.”


“I’m here Rayven. Where’s Kavan.”


“In his crib.”


“Listen carefully Rayven. In the bedroom in my sock draw is a locked box. Here’s the code. Take the pistol, collect Kavan, and lock yourself in the bathroom. If anyone comes through the door, shoot them. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”


Tabby did not give me time to ask any questions or repeat himself. Inanely I listen to the dial tone, before pulling myself together. Quietly I shuffle up the stairs, gathering everything as Tabby instructed, before locking myself in the toilet. On my way, I pick up a couple of large towels, wrapping them round Kavan before placing him in the tub. Apart from the loud beat of my heart, the house remains jarringly silent. Tepidly I waited and waited. 


My hands are shaking madly by the time I hear the tread of several footsteps in the house and the gun begins to slip in my clammy hands. Fervently I begin to pray to anyone who would listen, closing my eyes, as I waited some more. A soft knock on the door had me staring at the wooden panel as a voice came through.


“Rayven open the door.”


In my eagerness, I scramble to the door, fumbling with the lock, before finding myself engulfed in Tabby’s arms. My heart continues to beat wildly, although I knew I was safe.


“You must think I’m an idiot?”


“No, honey I don’t” Tabby’s soothing strokes on my back is the only comfort I want.


“We’ve checked the house and surrounding area. Whoever broke the window has long cleared out.”


At the sound of Dec’s drawl, I drew away from Tabby. My humiliation complete.


“Sorry to have dragged you all away from the club.”


“Don’t you apologize for anything Rayven.” Inferno has joined us in the bedroom, as Tabby drew me back into his arms.


“Are you and Kavan okay?” The mention of Kavan reminds me that my son is still in the tub and freeing myself from Tabby, I collect the baby, who has managed to sleep through the commotion.


“I’ll go make coffee. Who wants one?” The room is filled with a chorus of I do, as someone begins to hammer outside.


“That’s Crabby; he’s putting a board over the window. Tomorrow I’ll send a glazier round to sort the window out properly.”


“Thanks bro.”


To think, a few hours ago, I was unsettled about the house being empty and now my kitchen is filled with several giants in various positions, drinking coffee, as they discuss the evening’s events. Dec has commandeered Kavan, gently rocking him and refusing to let me put him in his crib.


“Dec. You’re the one I’ll be ringing in the middle of the night when Kavan’s not sleeping.”


My threat goes unanswered. With a disdainful look thrown in his direction, I decide to make my exit, only to be stopped by Tabby, who drags me on to his knee. 


“The boys are leaving Honey and you can put Kavan down. I’ll be up in a jiffy.”


With a kiss on my forehead and a swipe to my ass, Kavan and I left the kitchen. Although someone, properly Crabby, has pulled the curtain over the broken window, I am still drawn to it. With a shaky breath, my body begins to tremble. It is not until I hear the revs of the bikes that I realize our company has left and Tabby is now standing behind me. His arms wrapped my body.


“Come on Rayven I said bed.”


“Damn it Tabby I’m not a child so stop treating me like one.”


“Hey, where the hell did that come from?”


“I don’t even know why I called you.”


All the time we are talking, Tabby has been guiding us up the stairs, and now I am sitting on the bed and Kavan is back in his crib. Tabby stopped in mid strip has he stares at me, his eyebrow rising as if he is questioning my judgment.


“You called because it was the right thing to do. Besides, if you hadn’t. I’d have spanked your ass lady.”


Unable to prevent the smile, which is spread across my face. I tilt back on my elbows and study the naked man in front of me.


“Really. I’ll remember that next time.”


As I watch Tabby’s cock come to life, I find my own pussy beginning to pulse. The muscles in my stomach began to tighten, as my breasts became heavy. In my present position, my nightshirt has risen up, exposing my upper thighs. With anticipation, I spread my legs slightly, knowing that Tabby can see my panties, and more than likely, he will be able to see the wet patch created by my arousal.


“Are you sure Rayven?”


I do not respond with words. Instead, I lay back on the bed and pull the nightshirt up. A slight lift of my hips has me bending my legs until my feet rest on the bed, spreading them to give Tabby a better view of my arousal. The soft thud of Tabby’s body as he fell to the floor between my legs is all I hear, before his mouth is on my cloth-covered pussy. This is no gently kiss, but hard little nips as his nose pushes the cloth to one side.


“Fuck Tabby please.”


“Talk dirty to me Rayven. Tell me what you want.”


“I want your cock in my pussy.”


“Not yet Little Bird.”


“Oh fuck Tabby, I love your tongue. Suck me.”


“Oh Little Bird I’m going to suck and fuck you.”


“Stop talking Tabby and eat my pussy. Make me scream.”


“Yes, ma’am.”


Tabby’s tongue swipes the full length of the flesh between my lips, before settling onto the pulsing clit. Gently he sucks the flesh into his mouth as he flicks his tongue over the swelling nub.


“Fuck Tabby, do it again, only harder.”


Tabby refuses my request. In fact, he slows his movements down, savoring every part of my pussy with his tongue. Only to bring me to the pinnacle of my orgasm, then to stop and begin again.


“Fuck Tabby, please, no more.” No matter how hard I thrust against his mouth, Tabby draws back to blow cool air onto my burning flesh.


“Is Little Bird ready for her Tabby err?”


“Yes. Fuck Tabby put your cock in me now.”


“Patients Little Bird.”


Patient, I did not want to be patient, I wanted to cum there and then. However, Tabby continues to ignore my request, pulling his mouth and tongue away from my pussy and begins to stroke me with his fingers.


“Let’s find out how ready Little Bird is?”


“I’m ready Tabby; just put your cock in for fuck's sake.”


The sound of flesh connecting with flesh fills the room as Tabby slaps my thigh


“Now Rayven, if you don’t want a spanking. Don’t be telling me what to do.”


Another spark of arousal shot through my body, as I lift my hips up to Tabby, seeking the release he continues to deny me.


“Look how easy you’re taking my finger Little Bird.”


Tabby is slowly sliding his finger into my pussy. The muscles clamping on to the digit, as I clamp round his hand. Each time he pulls his finger out, my body protests. Only to clamp harder onto the digit when he pushes further into me.


“Are you ready for another finger Little Bird?”


Eagerly I nod my head, wanting as much of Tabby as he is giving me. If not more. This time there is no gentle slide as Tabby thrusts in two fingers and begins to pound my internal passage.


“Do you want more Little Bird?”




Tabby adds a third finger to the two already thrusting inside me. The muscles in my stomach clench and unclench as I produce more fluid on Tabby’s fingers. Short of breath, I grasp onto the bed sheets, knowing it will not be much longer before I cum.




“Yeah, I know Little Bird.”


The sound of desperate need in Tabby’s voice pulls my eyes to his. As our gazes lock, Tabby withdrew his fingers and stood between my legs as he thrusts his cock in. The hard throbbing cock is filling and stretching me in one go. The slight pain of having him inside me only adds to my pleasure and I thrust hard against his body, drawing him in further.


“You want it deep Little Bird.”


“Yes.” With a firm grip on my hips, Tabby pounds hard and deep into me several times. Each thrust, causing my body to arch off the bed. As Tabby brings me to my release, I scream. Tabby’s own release is not long in coming.


As my body begins to relax, all I can do is stare at the ceiling. My heart pounding against my chest from the force of the orgasm Tabby has given me.


“You’re not bad for an old dog.”


“Give me five and you’ll be getting your ass tanned if you continue.”


“Promises Tabby that’s all you do. But you never deliver.”


Chapter 17



It has taken Rayven a while to settle down after tonight’s attack on the house. Even now, her sleep is restless. Carelessly I continue to stroke her back, soothing her each time she either murmurs or moves in her sleep. Things were coming to ahead with the Black County Stewards and they would have been unaware that Rayven had returned home. Tonight’s attack was intentional and it worked. They have frightened Rayven.


When the call had come, it had taken everything in me that I had, not to go straight to Black County’s territory and tear the place down. Fuck, I only just have both Rayven and my son back and didn’t need anyone adding fuel to an already delicate situation. After all, it would not take much to have Rayven running again. This time she might just go without her family. Rayven’s ties to her family are stronger than she realizes. Yet I am aware she also needs her independence away from them. This is something that I am working on.


The ride to my home, not knowing how safe Rayven was. Had been one of the longest of my life. When we finally drew up outside the house to find it pitched in darkness. A heaviness settled in me. Terrified at what I might find inside, I had delayed entering the house. A slow walk of the perimeter had led to the discovery of the smashed window.


“Go find Rayven. We’ll check to see if anyone is still about.”


Dec’s silent approach has me nodding my head. While my heart is thumping so hard, I can feel it against my ribs as it tries to break free. Inferno and Fudge follows me into the house, and as I make my way to the bathroom, they begin to search downstairs. The stillness of the air had not helped me and it had taken several deep gulps, before I found the strength to knock on the bathroom door.


When the door finally opened, the pent up air in my body quickly left. Rayven was in one piece and appeared to be unharmed. Swiftly taking her in my arms, glad to hold her close. I had smelt her perfume as I searched the bathroom. My eyes falling onto the bathtub to find Kavan sleeping.


Tomorrow Rayven would return to hating me. From now on there was going to be someone watching this place when I was not here.






“What do you mean no.”


“I mean Kavan is not sleeping at the club.”


I was too busy watching Rayven’s toe tap to see the cushion flying towards me and did not have time to duck.


“You’re not staying here on your own in the evening and Ivy isn’t babysitting on her own either.”


With ease, I place the cushion on the chair along with the others that Rayven has thrown this morning. A quick glance at the sofa shows there are two cushions left.


“Okay. Crabby will shadow you during the day and Sundance can spend the evening with you.”




“You heard. It's quite simple really Rayven. You either come to the club with me in the evening. Or Sundance stays here with you.”




“Why. Because this fucking house was attacked last night, that’s why.”


“I’ll think about it.”


“There’s nothing to think about. You come to the club. If not, Sundance spends the night here.”


After pacing for several more moments, Rayven flops into one of the armchairs, throwing a disgusted look in my direction. The foot tapping has now turned into a leg shake as she chews on her lip.


“Is that what you want Rayven. Sundance and his stories.”


“No and I don’t want Crabby here during the day.”


“Tough shit. Crabby and Sundance stick with you during the day. In the evening you work at the club.”


“I believe I have a choice.”


“You were taking too long to decide and I’ve got to go. I’ll send Sundance over to collect you later.”


“Are you going to do something stupid?”


“Come here and kiss me.”


“Only if you promise not to do anything stupid.”




Slowly Rayven rose from her seat and came to stand in front of me. Her head no higher than my chest. Tilting her head back with my hand under her chin, I lower my mouth to hers, and take the kiss I have been denied since waking this morning.


“Nothing stupid Tabby.”


“I’ll see you later.”





The club is quiet when I arrive. Inferno and Dec were sat at the far side of the room, going over the books, which I had left them with yesterday. On my way pass the bar, I collect some beers for us and pull a chair out straddling it, as I pass the beers over.


“Everything oaky?”


“Yeah. The books are looking good.”


“Linc and Fudge will be here once they finish at the studio and at the garage. In the meantime, Crabby has gone to yours. Sundance and Fraggle are out trying to track down who was responsible for last night’s attack.”


“Yeah, Rayven sent a text letting me know he’d arrived. I need to be out there searching for the bastards.”


From the corner of my eye, I study Kent as he came further into the room. Although he was up, he has to use a stick for support. As soon as he spots me, he changes direction and came towards us.


“Is Rayven okay? She’s not answering her cell.”


“She’s fine. Come over to Tie me Down later and you can speak to her then.”


“You’ve got her working after what happened.”


“Kent, Rayven’s my responsibility and how I handle her is up to me. Just keep out of it.”


“Keep out of it. She wanted out Tabby and you dragged her back in.”


Nearly twenty years stood between me and the boy I am arguing with. If it came to a fight, even at his fittest I would still take the whippersnapper down. As I rise from the chair, I give my full attention to the man/boy. The club may owe him, however this situation between his sister and me is nothing to do with him.


“Step down Kent. If you have an issue. Take it up with your sister. Otherwise keep out of it.”


“Where is she now?”


“At home with Crabby. Kent I’m not going to leave Rayven and my son without protection.”


Kent continues with the standoff before he finally gives a slight nod of his head and returns the way he came.


“Do you think he’ll do anything recklessly?”


“Not if we get this mess sorted out first. When Fraggle gets back, tell him to stick with Kent.”


“Sure, no problem.”


“Fuck, Inferno, we’ve got to get this mess sorted out.”




The day is slow going, and towards late afternoon, I rang Sundance to see where he is and join him.


“Any luck?”


“Yep, we have two names. One Owner and Vamp.”


“Do you know where they are?”


“Look Tabby, Inferno said to give him the information first.”


“Fuck Inferno. Where are they?”


It takes a further ten minutes before either Sundance or Fraggle reluctantly part with the information that I require. Fortified with the knowledge, I remount my FatBoy and head off in the direction of their hideaway. Only to hear Sundance’s and Fraggle’s bikes rev as they pull up alongside me. It would appear I was not going to be making this run on my own.


When we pull up outside the old shack that the two Black Counties are hiding in, I find Dec and the other’s waiting.






With ease, I remove the bucket helmet I was wearing, hanging it on the handles as I round the bike.


“You aren't waiting?”


“Doesn’t look like it.”


As I approach the doors I am joined by my brothers and without waiting for an invitation, I kick the door open. Wood splintering as the doorjamb gave way. Inside the shack, One Owner, with his greasy hair is high. A scorched teaspoon and tin foil lay on the table alongside a bottle of Jack Daniels. In another chair, a biker with blond curly hair and a goatee is slumped, showing he too, is high.


This was too easy, but I did not care. These bastards put the lives of the people I love in danger.


With ease, I pull One Owner up from the seat and sent my fist flying into his face, whilst holding on to his shirtfront. A second and then a third soon follow the first fist. At the sound of broken bone and a groan, I let go of the motherfucker. Who only has the grace to slump back into the hardback chair, he was previously sitting in. Disgusted, I turn to Vamp, again this was going to be an uneven fight, but I still did not give a fuck.


Fury at his lack of response to the pounding I am giving him lent me further strength and when I knocked two of his teeth out. All I could think of was, what a waste of glove, knowing I would have to dispose of my ruined biker gloves. When Vamp’s body slumps into his chair, I turn to my brothers. Disgust rolling through my body at the lack of resistance I met. My anger is no calmer, than it had been when I had arrived.



























Chapter 18



“How about this dress Baby Blu?”


After discovering that Crabby and Baby Blu were visiting me. Emily had turned up at the house a half hour ago, laden with fashion magazines. She had not arrived alone either, as Ellie came in with her. On the kitchen table lay a collection of fashion magazines, spread out on a variety of pages. Dresses galore stared back at us. The one that Emily is interested in is a short red leather dress with panel inserts that gave the skirt a flare.


“I don’t know Emily. It's not very bridal.”


“For heaven’s sake Baby Blu you’re a biker chick and you’re marrying Inferno. He’ll love the dress.”


“I’ll think about it.”


“What do you think Crabby? Don’t you think the dress is sexy?”


Crabby is sitting at the breakfast bar, a mug of coffee in his hand, which he is about to take a mouthful of, when Emily interrupted him.


“Leave me out of it Emily. Ray, I’m going into the living room to watch some Television.”


“Think I’ll go join Crabby.”


When Crabby had vacated the room, Emily soon lost her interest in Baby Blu’s wedding and dress. Her main interest is Crabby and I just hoped he is not to put out by Emily’s obvious crush.


“She’ll be okay.” 


“Thanks Ellie, I just hope she grows out of it.”


“Never mind Emily. What about you Rayven, why did you leave and are you okay after last night’s attack?”


“Yeah, I was just shook up that’s all. My first night back and I wasn’t expecting it.”


Over coffee, I talk about my time in Baton Rouge and that apart from the incident the night before, I was happy to be back. It was good to have Baby Blu and Ellie to chat too.

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