To Love and Submit (10 page)

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Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: To Love and Submit
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Chapter Nine

Mr Stone marched Rachel across the car park towards the lights of the club. They made their way back through the reception and into the warm, noisy bar. He nodded at Chrissie to get her another drink, took her arm and led her across the room towards the alcoves.

“Get off me,” she snapped, pulling away from him.

Mr Stone made a deep guttural sound, grabbed her hand, then led her to a table set away from the others, with a large ‘Reserved’ sign on it. A beautiful woman in a black latex catsuit was lounging on the sofa. She raised her eyebrows as they approached.

“New sub, Adam?” she purred, looking Rachel up and down appreciatively.

“Get lost, Dominique,” he growled.

She laughed as she stood up and walked over to Rachel. “My, my, you have been a naughty girl to get your Master so riled,” she snickered, before walking gracefully away in the highest heels Rachel had ever seen.

“Sit down!” Adam ordered.

“No. I want to go home,” said Rachel.

“I said
sit. Down!”
His voice was angry, unforgiving.

Rachel knew when she was overpowered so, pulling her hand out of Mr Stone’s grip, she sat down with an angry thud and crossed her arms. He sat down next to her as Chrissie approached with a fresh drink and placed it in front of her with a conspiratorial wink.

“Rachel…” Mr Stone started to talk, but Rachel cut him off.

“You’ve been manipulating me the whole time, you fucking control freak,” she spat, with more venom than a poisonous snake.

“Yes,” he answered, in an annoyingly matter-of-fact voice. He could at least sound like he was sorry.

“Why?” she whispered, defeat finally replacing her anger.

“Because I want you, Rachel.” He was sitting so close to her that she could feel the warmth of his body against hers. She shivered slightly, at both his nearness and his words.

“I see, Mr Stone. And now you’re going to say that you always get what you want, right?” she snapped.

“Call me Adam. For now,” he said, showing no signs of anger at her sarcasm. “And no, I wasn’t going to say that.”

He suddenly leaned over and took her mouth, hard. He forced his tongue in, tasting her and testing her. He possessed her and she knew at that moment that she would do anything he wanted. He knew it too because he suddenly pulled away, ran a finger gently over her wet lips, and smiled. “Just as I suspected,” he murmured. “You want me as much as I want you.”

He waited for her to protest and when she remained silent, he spoke again. “The first time I saw you I knew you were a submissive. Even before IT gave me that report on your Internet search,” he said.

“Is that why you brought me up to work for you?” she asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

He shook his head. “No. You really were the next in seniority and your work record was good. It was only after I’d requested you work for me that I had you checked out. It was a very pleasant bonus, though,” he added, with a grin.

“I don’t understand, Mr Stone.”

“Adam,” he interrupted.

“Adam. If you wanted me and knew I was interested in BDSM, why didn’t you just invite me along to your club? Why all the deception?”

“I have to be careful. I don’t want to abuse my position and I wanted to be completely sure that you really were a sub. So, I asked a friend, Luke, to check a few of the biggest BDSM social sites to see if you were a member of any of them and, if possible, get talking to you. I initially just wanted to find out what your level of interest was, but once he made contact with you, he emailed me and I couldn’t resist asking him to invite you along tonight.” He ran his finger gently along the collar around her neck. “Do you like your collar and cuffs?”

“They’re yours?”

He nodded and tugged gently on the metal ring at the front of the collar. “Hmm, I wanted to make sure no one gave you any trouble. You look beautiful wearing it.” He leaned over and kissed her, gently at first, then harder until Rachel felt her heart hammering so hard that she wondered if it would explode. He pulled away again, leaving her breathless. “One day I might collar you for real,” he murmured in her ear, his voice husky. Heat burned in her groin and she felt her insides melt at his words.

Adam smiled as he watched her reaction and pulled her closer to him, so close that their bodies were pressing together. She could smell him, a mixture of soap, musky aftershave and leather, and she instinctively snuggled closer.

Adam lifted his hand and ran it through her hair, then turned her face to him. His icy blue eyes seemed to look right inside her soul. She knew she would never get away with anything, and that gave him a hell of lot of power over her. “Rachel,” he said, his smooth, firm Dom voice penetrating deep inside her head. “I know you’re a submissive and I also know that you’re attracted to me. I’m a Dom and am attracted to you too. Right?”

She nodded, knowing there was nothing she could say to that. He was spot on. His straightforward words made his next ones inevitable. “I want to be your Dom for tonight, Rachel. Do you agree to that?”

“Yes,” she breathed, without hesitation.

His eyes hardened. “Yes, what?”

“Yes, Sir, I agree.” She was slowly melting, her stomach turning to a crazy jumble of butterflies and somersaults. He’d just said he wanted to be her Dom, well, at least for tonight, but who knew what might happen afterwards. After all, hadn’t he just said he wanted to collar her for real one day? A smile played on her lips at the thought.

“Thank you, Rachel. You have no idea how happy that makes me.” He kissed her again, lightly at first then with a new urgency that demanded her complete surrender. She gave it, allowing him to take over her mouth and tongue. She felt a happiness she’d never known was possible, a sort of euphoria floating through her blood.

“Now, Rachel, going back to your bookmarked Internet search at work,. I understand you’d like to know what the letters BDSM stand for. Maybe I can help you with that.”

Oh God, that damned Internet search again. She silently thanked the computer and replied, “Thank you, Sir.”

“Okay, listen carefully.” He cupped her chin and tilted her face up to look at him. “‘B’ is for bondage. To be physically restrained for sexual pleasure.” His face was close to hers and she could feel his breath on her as he spoke. “Does the idea of being restrained excite you, Rachel?” he whispered.

She could only nod, the power of speech seeming to have abandoned her. His grip hardened slightly when she didn’t say anything. “Answer me.”

“Yes it does, Sir,” she gasped.

“What about being tethered to my bed, naked and spread-eagled, available for me to do with as I please? Does that excite you, Rachel?” His voice was silky smooth, but the dark, sexual undercurrents brought her out in a sweat.

“Yes, Sir,” she managed to reply. This was what she had been dreaming about—her fantasy—and it looked like it might be about to come true. The thought sent another wave of heat to her groin and her heartbeat quickened.

“Hmm, I shall look forward to that.” He ran his finger down her neck and over her chest, bringing it to rest just where the leather of her corset began. He gently eased his finger under the seam and stroked the soft skin.

“Next is ‘D’,” he said, as he continued teasing her breast. He pushed his hand slightly farther under her corset, but he couldn’t quite reach her nipple as the garment was so tight.

‘Take it off’ she wanted to scream, but thankfully Adam continued speaking before she embarrassed herself completely.

“‘D’ stands for both discipline and dominance.
,” he whispered directly into her ear, and she jumped slightly at the impact of the word, “involves punishment. How do you feel about that, Rachel? Does the idea of being punished make you wet?”

“Yes, Sir,” she whimpered and gasped when she felt his hand move slowly up her legs to rest on her knickers. She heard him moan his approval when he felt how wet she was and she closed her eyes as she waited for his finger to push the thin material aside. But he didn’t—he let his finger rest tantalisingly close to her pussy, but without actually touching it. It took all her willpower not to move his hand for him. She had completely lost awareness of her surroundings now, and she neither knew nor cared if anyone was watching.

“Don’t be fooled into thinking that a punishment will always be pleasurable. After all, it wouldn’t be a punishment if you enjoyed it too much.” He chuckled when her body stiffened slightly and waited for her to relax again before he continued.

“‘Dominance’ is what I shall do with you. I will dominate you, control you and you will obey me at all times. Is that clear?” He pressed his finger a little harder against the material and Rachel shuddered as more arousal took over her body. She didn’t even realise she hadn’t replied until he said, “Rachel, if you don’t answer me straight away, I might have to consider punishing you before we get to the ‘S’.”

He wasn’t joking, she could tell, and, although she was looking forward to her first spanking, she was only too well aware of his words about a punishment not always being for pleasure.

“Sorry, Sir,” she managed to gasp.

“Good girl.” He grinned and moved his finger gently over the damp material between her legs. She couldn’t suppress a moan of pleasure and he rewarded her with a couple of firmer strokes.

“‘S’ is for submission and sadism.” His voice took on a slightly harder edge now, which brought Rachel out of her cloud of arousal and back to the present. “Submission is what you will do for me. In order to surrender yourself completely you need to trust me unquestionably. You will show your submission by kneeling before me, by addressing me as Sir and by obeying me. I will reward that submission by giving you more pleasure than you’ve ever experienced in your life.”

“Yes, Sir.” Rachel smiled.

“Sadism. Now, there’s an interesting one. A sadist enjoys inflicting pain on another. I won’t deny there isn’t a little bit of a sadist in me—I know how to wield a whip and I enjoy it,” he said, clearly enjoying the look of shock on Rachel’s face. “However, I’m not a hard-core sadist, I don’t get off on inflicting extreme pain and I don’t usually practise edge play. I will
hurt you more than you can take, Rachel, you have my word, okay?”

She nodded, feeling suddenly very apprehensive. Oh, shit! At least he seemed to let her lack of an answer go this time.

“Finally we have the ‘M’, which, of course, stands for masochism, someone who enjoys having pain inflicted upon them.” He moved his head slightly away so he could study her for a moment. “Hmm, I don’t think you’re a masochist, at least, not a pain slut. I do believe, however, that you might be rather partial to some of my favourite toys, the flogger and the riding crop in particular.”

Flogger, oh yeah, that’s a whip, isn’t it?

Her eyes widened and Adam laughed. “Don’t look so terrified, little sub. Remember, we’re talking about pleasure. And don’t forget, you can always use your safe word.”

He moved his finger away from her knickers and stroked the soft skin inside her thigh, sending little electric currents coursing through her body. “Does that answer your question?”

“Yes, thank you,” Rachel replied in a small voice, and smiled, until she saw his eyes harden. She quickly remembered to add, “Sir.” That was without doubt the sexiest explanation of anything she could ever have imagined. Rachel knew she was hooked.

Adam smiled and gently ran his knuckles over the leather covering Rachel’s breasts. “Tell me how you became interested in BDSM,” he said, and gave her breast a gentle squeeze.

She felt her cheeks burn as she thought of the least embarrassing way to explain her kinky fantasies. “Well, I… I’ve been having these dreams,” she admitted, shyly.

“Erotic dreams?” he asked, placing emphasis on the word erotic.

“Er, yes, Sir.”
Please don’t ask what they were about,
she begged silently. She wasn’t sure she would survive the embarrassment of admitting to Adam Stone that she’d been dreaming about being spanked.

“What happened in your dreams,” he pressed. “Tell me everything.”

Oh, God, she wasn’t sure she could do this. “I… I…”

“Oh, come on, Rachel,” he snapped, “if you can’t even tell me about a simple dream, how are you going to cope when I order you to strip and kneel at my feet?”

Adam’s words sent little sparks of lust sizzling through her blood, making her skin tingle and her cheeks flush.
Concentrate on the dreams
, she told herself, as images of herself kneeling naked in front of Adam Stone taunted her. He had a point—they were only dreams for God’s sake. So she took a deep breath and answered as truthfully as she could. “They all involved BDSM in one way or another. I was always restrained, sometimes blindfolded, and they also always involved being spanked. Oh and the sex was very hot.” What the hell, she might as well say it as it was.

Adam grinned. “And, in your dreams, did you enjoy it?”

“Yes, Sir.” She cast her eyes downwards and she wished he’d drop the bloody subject now.

“Tell me about your last dream. When was it?”

“Last night, just before I arranged to meet Luke tonight. It woke me up.”

“And were you feeling horny and frustrated when you woke?”

God, he was persistent. She couldn’t keep the edge out of her voice as she replied, “Yes, Sir.”

“Did you masturbate?” He’d said it so simply he might as well have asked if she had cleaned her teeth.

Rachel gaped at him. She couldn’t believe he’d just asked her that. “No,” she said, the burning in her face now so deep she felt like she was on fire. “I went to check the BDSM site instead and then got distracted when Luke invited me here tonight.”

“Just one more question.” He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Who spanked you in your dreams, Rachel? Who was your lover?”

She could tell he already knew the answer so there was no point in making anything up. She took a deep breath and said in a husky voice, “You, Sir.”

Adam leant back with a satisfied smile. “Good girl. You were honest with me and for that I might just reward you by making your dream come true.”

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