To Love and Submit (12 page)

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Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: To Love and Submit
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She didn’t need to ask what for, she just nodded as excitement soared through her body again, reigniting the sparks that had been taunting her earlier.

“Lay yourself across my knee.” This time there was no hesitation in obeying and she quickly did as she’d been told, waiting in agonising anticipation for what was to come. The fact that they were in a room full of people no longer mattered. The only thing that was important now was that Adam was going to bring her fantasies to life.

He slowly lifted her skirt, which he had so kindly allowed her to keep on, and she felt a cool breeze brush against her naked buttocks.

“You have a beautiful arse, sweet thing,” he murmured, and gently ran his hands across the soft, pale skin. “I’m going to enjoy turning it a pretty shade of pink.”

She felt a shudder run through her body, which headed straight to her pussy, and knew that she was very wet again.
Please get on with it
. She wasn’t sure if she could stand the waiting for much longer.

He continued to caress her arse with his hand, teasing her, turning her on even more than she already was then, suddenly, his hand finally left her skin and returned with a loud slap.
That hurt a lot more than she’d thought it would.

He caressed the burning spot he’d just hit, soothing it gently before hitting her again, even harder than the first time. Her whole body jerked with the impact, pain searing through her and, just as she had dreamed, the pain turned into something else, a feeling of pleasure so intense there was nothing else to compare it to. He hit her again and again, each slap slightly harder than the last.

“Oh!” Rachel groaned, trying to breathe through the pain. This was so much more painful than she had ever imagined, but the pleasure she felt was so much greater as well. Each slap landed somewhere different, spreading the pain. Some hits were light and almost gentle and some were so hard they brought tears to her eyes. After a while, she stopped trying to guess where or how hard the next one was going to be, and just concentrated on the pain and nothing else.

Her whole arse was burning now—every blow felt like it was followed by a lick of hot flame. Still the sensations of pleasure and arousal increased until she thought she would come without him even touching her pussy. Slowly, though, the blows started slowing, becoming lighter until he was tapping his fingers softly over her burning skin, sending new shockwaves to her pussy.

He moved his hand between her legs in search of her pussy and when he felt how wet she was, he moaned his own pleasure. She was lying across his erection and desperately wanted to touch it, to release his cock and feel it inside her. But then he found her clit and that was it, everything exploded and she cried out her release, completely unaware of her surroundings, her body writhing as it spasmed again and again in the most intense and glorious orgasm she had ever had.

Slowly her body came back down from its high and she slumped in his lap, spent. Adam let her lie there for a couple of minutes before he gently lifted her up into his arms.

“So, did your first spanking live up to your expectations?” he asked softly in her ear.

She looked up into his face and smiled, aware that her eyes were bleary and watery. “Better,” she murmured. “So much better.”

He smiled and kissed her head. They remained like that for a long time afterwards, she snuggled into him with a dopey smile on her face, and he holding her, protectively. Eventually, though, he lifted her slightly so she could come back down to earth and listen to him.

“Right, Cinderella. It’s past midnight and I’m sending you home.”

That woke her. “What?” she asked, alarmed. Had she done something wrong?

“I’m taking you to dinner tomorrow evening before bringing you back here. When you get home you will go straight to bed, do you understand?”

Ooh, that lovely deep Dom voice again
. “Yes, Sir.” She grinned, feeling her stomach clench at his words.

“Rob will take you home.” He laughed when he saw her face fall as she recalled her journey with Luke earlier that evening. “Don’t worry, he’s used to it. Now, make sure you get plenty of sleep because you won’t be getting any tomorrow night.” Her pussy just woke up again and jumped with joy.

Chapter Eleven

“Did you have a nice evening, Miss Porter?”

Rachel looked up at the mirror and saw Rob smiling at her. The driver didn’t look like he was sneering at her in a dirty way—he looked respectful and completely unaffected by their earlier journey. Although she’d lost a lot of inhibitions during the evening—after all she’d just been spanked and brought to a climax in front of the whole bloody bar—she blushed nonetheless.

“Er. Yes, thank you.” He nodded and returned his gaze to the road.

She sat back and closed her eyes, her mind drifting back to the evening, her nervousness at walking into Boundaries for the first time, her anger when she’d found out about Adam and Luke’s deception, Adam’s personal explanation of BDSM—wow, that had been so sexy.

She must have drifted off to sleep then because suddenly she heard Rob’s voice trying to rouse her. “Miss Porter? We’ve arrived at your home.”

“Oh, that was quick. Thank you.” She smiled as he held the door for her.

“I’ll pick you up tonight at seven thirty,” he said.

“Oh? Sorry, I thought you were one of the drivers from Boundaries?”

He smiled. “I’m Mr Stone’s personal driver, Miss.”

Why wasn’t she surprised? With a grin, she bade him goodnight and let herself in through the front door.

Once she was up on the first floor, she made sure she was as quiet as possible as she let herself into the flat. She didn’t want to wake Mandy because she would want to hear every single detail of her night and, although she fully intended to share her experiences with her friend, she was so tired right now that all she wanted to do was sleep.

But she should have known better. “Hey, hon. How did it go?” Mandy was wide awake and was clearly waiting for a blow-by-blow account of her evening.

“Hmm, good,” she said, with a dreamy smile. “Tea?”

“I’ll make it. You talk,” said Mandy. She marched into the kitchen and filled the kettle. “So, what was Luke like?”

Oh yeah, Luke
. Rachel had forgotten about him.

“Yeah, you know, the guy you were meeting?” Mandy rolled her eyes at her and stuffed teabags into the mugs.

“Oh yeah, he was nice.”

“Nice?” Mandy gave her a hard stare. “Just nice? Did he spank you, then?”

Rachel shook her head and grinned. “No, but Adam Stone did!”

“No fucking way,” Mandy squealed and stared at Rachel in shock. “You’ve got a lot of talking to do, girl, so get started.”

“It turns out that Adam set the whole thing up. Remember when our computer was broken and I was having all those dreams?”

Mandy nodded and handed Rachel her tea. Walking into the living room, Rachel continued, “Well, I did a couple of Internet searches on BDSM at work and stupidly bookmarked one of the pages because I hadn’t finished reading it. Well, after Adam appointed me to fill in for Lucy, he had me checked out and IT gave him a report of my Internet activity.”

“So he knew all along that you were into kinky sex?” Mandy was staring at her in disbelief.

Rachel nodded. “Yes, he said he asked his friend, that’s Luke, to search all the major UK BDSM social sites for new members, in case I might be on one of them, and get talking to me so he could work out if I really was into it or not. He wanted to be sure.”

“Wow, I can’t believe he went to all that trouble.”

“Nor can I. It turns out that he actually owns the club. He even got his personal driver to pose as a cab driver when Luke picked me up. He had orchestrated the whole thing with military precision.” Rachel shook her head as she recalled her fury when she’d found out she had been set up.

“So, what happened? Come on, Rach, I want all the gory details.”

Rachel yawned. “Can we talk about this in the morning? I’m really tired and Adam ordered me to go straight to bed when I got home.”

you?” Mandy glared at her in disbelief. “Rachel honey, he can’t tell you what to do in your own home.”

Rachel laughed. “Of course he can’t, silly, I know that. It was just kind of sexy when he said it and I really am very tired.” She stood up and stretched. “We’ll talk in the morning, I promise. Oh, and he’s taking me to dinner tomorrow evening and then back to the club so I won’t be around tomorrow night.”

She left Mandy sitting, open-mouthed, on the sofa, blew her a quick kiss and quickly escaped to her bedroom. She didn’t bother to undress she was so tired, and as she snuggled under the duvet, her last waking thought was of Adam’s hand caressing her still-tender bottom.

* * * *

Rachel awoke to the sound of her phone bleeping. She opened her eyes, blinking in the bright sunlight, and wished she’d remembered to shut the curtains the night before. As her eyes adjusted to the brightness, she reached for her phone and squinted at the screen. It was a text from Adam.

Good morning. I hope your arse is still nice and pink! Wear a dress suitable for a smart restaurant tonight. No knickers. Adam x

Her stomach flipped and she laid her head back onto her pillow with a happy smile. Her mind drifted back to last night’s events and she wondered what he might have in store for her tonight. She hadn’t had that dream last night, but that didn’t matter because now she had the real thing.

She glanced at her alarm clock. It was eight o’clock—eleven and a half hours before Rob would pick her up. She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on what she needed to do today, but images of Adam flashed in front of her and she found herself reliving last night’s spanking instead.

She was shocked at how much it had hurt and by how much she had enjoyed it. How could something so painful be so pleasurable? She wondered what it would be like to be hit with a flogger and was rewarded with a surge of heat straight to her pussy.

She briefly considered reaching for her Rabbit, but decided against it. What if Adam asked her if she had masturbated this morning? He would know for sure if she wasn’t telling the truth, she was a crap liar.

At half past eight she dragged herself out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom. Mandy always slept late at weekends if she wasn’t working and wouldn’t surface for at least another hour, so she had a bit of quiet time. She showered quickly and, just as she was about to put her bathrobe on, checked her bottom in the large bathroom mirror for any marks. But to her disappointment there weren’t any. It wasn’t even pink. Adam would have to remedy that later, she thought, with a grin.

After making herself a cup of tea, she decided to check her emails and logged on to the computer. The last page she’d visited was the BDSM site and there were a few new messages for her. She skimmed through them until she came across one from Luke, sent early that morning.

Hi Rachel, I just wanted to apologise for my deception. Adam is a good friend and I wanted to help him out, he really likes you, you know. I believe you’ll be at the club tonight so I’ll see you there. Please don’t hate me. L. x

She was just about to type a reply saying that of course she didn’t hate him, when she decided against it. Let him stew for a bit.

She smiled to herself and shut the computer down just as Mandy walked into the living room.

“Morning,” she croaked, rubbing her eyes. “What are your plans today?”

“We’re going to have breakfast while I fill you in on last night and then I’m going to go out and buy a new dress for tonight,” said Rachel.


Mandy hated shopping and never volunteered to go with Rachel, which right now she was quite glad about. She fancied spending the day alone, shopping and daydreaming about tonight. She might even see if there was a spare appointment at the hairdressers. Maybe she should get her nails done while she was there?

* * * *

Breakfast with Mandy had been fun. Her friend had grilled her about the night before and Rachel had enjoyed reliving her experience. Mandy, of course, had wanted to know every last detail and Rachel hadn’t disappointed. It had been enjoyable and when she’d left to go shopping, she’d had a broad smile on her face as she’d headed off to catch the bus to Oxford Street.

She had shopped until she’d found the perfect dress—deep blue velvet, quite short, fitted at the waist and with a nice plunging neckline. Sexy, but classy. She had then decided that she had another problem. Shoes! She didn’t have any that would go with the dress so she had found a gorgeous pair of high stilettos with a deep blue bow that almost matched. A new dress and shoes had needed a nice new handbag to go with them of course, then there had been the cut and blow dry at the hairdressers and the manicure at the nail salon.

Now, two hundred and fifty pounds poorer, Rachel had no regrets as she studied her reflection in the mirror at seven fifteen that evening. She knew she looked good and she felt good too, especially as cool air brushed against her newly shaved pussy. She had read on many different websites that Doms preferred their subs shaved down there, so she’d decided to give it a go while in the bath. It felt very strange, the lack of hair made her much more sensitive to sensation. Even towelling herself dry felt different, but nice.

She’d spent nearly two hours getting ready and had fifteen minutes to kill before Rob came to collect her. She was feeling restless and a little nervous. What was Adam going to do with her tonight? Her stomach fluttered with millions of butterflies in anticipation, but also with a hint of apprehension. What was she getting herself into? With her boss of all people! Would Adam be in the car when it arrived or would Rob take her to some secret venue where Adam would be waiting for her?

She rechecked her makeup for the third time, picked up her new handbag then wandered into the living room to see Mandy. “Will you be okay tonight?”

She felt bad about leaving Mandy alone on a Saturday night. She and her boyfriend of three years had broken up a few weeks ago and, although Mandy insisted it was for the best, Rachel knew her friend was feeling a bit sad. Mandy smiled and said, “Of course I will, silly, don’t you worry about me. You look hot by the way.”

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