Read To Love and Submit Online

Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

To Love and Submit (11 page)

BOOK: To Love and Submit
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Yes please
! she wanted to shout, but instead managed a demure, “Thank you, Sir.”

“But first, finish your drink because I’m taking you on a tour of the playrooms. You’ll be seeing a lot of them in the future so you may as well get acquainted now.”

Chapter Ten

Adam stood up and held his hand out to Rachel. He was either being a gentleman or he wanted to control her already, she couldn’t decide which. He led her to the two staircases near the entrance, stopping briefly to talk to someone at the top of the ‘Stairs to Hell’. She could hear loud, heavy music thumping from the darkness and when she heard an anguished scream drift up, the hair on the back of her neck prickled.

Luckily, when he’d finished his short chat, Adam led her past the doomed stairs and towards the welcoming stairs leading up to the playrooms. Her trepidation lifted as the pretty recessed fairy lights on each step led them up to the top, and when Adam pushed a heavy wooden door open she felt a rush of adrenaline shoot through her as the sights, sounds and smells of hot sex greeted her.

Heavy industrial music filled the room, but that didn’t hide the moans and cries coming from all directions. Her eyes widened as she scanned the enormous room, which probably stretched the whole length of the large warehouse. Down the middle was a very long and wide space, filled with benches of various shapes and sizes and several plush red leather sofas. Each bench was occupied with a restrained sub, all in various stages of ecstasy, most being spanked with paddles, floggers or whips although one poor guy was getting his arse caned and another was being whipped with a leather strap.

She flinched as she heard the whoosh of the strap tear into the sub’s flesh and quickly looked away before Adam saw her staring.
Heaven forbid!
She wouldn’t want him thinking she was into that sort of pain.

Along both sides of the centre space were lots of little rooms, each partitioned off on either side. There were no walls or screens at the entrance to each room, though, they were completely open so anyone passing could stop and watch the scene taking place inside. There must have been at least twelve, six along each side, plus all the stuff in the middle—wow, this was some playroom! A couple of Dungeon Monitors were chatting amiably to some of the players and, despite the nature of the area, the atmosphere in the room was friendly and relaxed.

Adam led her farther into the room, past crowds of people watching the scenes taking place in the small rooms. Every partitioned room had an audience, but it didn’t seem to bother the occupants. The whole place was buzzing with people, noise and sex and it didn’t take Rachel long to get caught up in the erotic excitement. It certainly didn’t take her long to realise that she wanted to play up there too. She looked up at Adam hopefully and he gave a subtle wink to show he knew what she was thinking.

She hadn’t realised at first that the partitioned rooms were themed. It was only when they stopped at a room that looked like an old-fashioned classroom, with a blackboard and a few old wooden desks, that she worked it out. A woman wearing a school uniform, looking a bit like a reject from St Trinian’s, was bent over a chair, her knickers around her ankles.

A tall Domme, posing as a teacher, was striding around the girl bent over the chair, tapping a cane against her hand and telling the girl how naughty she had been. She then placed the cane against the backs of the girl’s legs and gently tapped. The girl moaned and screamed as the cane came down hard on her, leaving an angry red welt across the back of her thigh.

Rachel stood silently and watched, mesmerised by the scene, trying to imagine what it must be like to feel a cane thrash into her like that. She wasn’t sure she’d like to try it, though, and was glad that Adam had said he wasn’t into giving too much pain. She looked up into his face and saw him watching her reactions closely.

“Try to imagine yourself in there,” he said, his voice soft and husky in her ear. “Now, swap the cane for my hand.”

A rush of moisture pooled in her pussy and she unconsciously licked her lips as she imagined Adam spanking her exposed arse.

“You like that idea?” he said, and squeezed her hand. “Good, come on, there’s more to see.”

Holding tightly onto his hand, she followed him silently. He paused outside the next room, which was bare except for a big cross in the shape of an X against the wall and chains hanging down from the ceiling and across the floor. It looked scary as hell, but at the same time, it was also very sexy.

Adam leant down and kissed the top of her head. “You’ll get to try the St Andrew’s cross soon. You’ll like it, I promise.”

She didn’t doubt him for a second and found herself looking forward to being strapped onto the cross, hopefully soon.
Bloody hell, what’s happening to me?

He continued leading her through the wide corridor, pausing slightly at each themed room so she could see what was going on inside. There was a doctor’s surgery, an office, a Victorian boudoir, all fully occupied with people acting out their fantasies in their own erotic way. Each room they stopped at, she noticed that Adam watched her closely, as if he were studying her reactions to the various scenes they witnessed.

They continued walking until they came to a room at the very end. Adam stopped and indicated for her to watch what was going on. The room actually looked like a normal bedroom, nothing kinky about it at all. There was a huge bed taking pride of place along the back wall, a couple of chairs and a cupboard, and that was about it. The only difference between that room and a normal bedroom was the open end where anyone could stand and watch the action going on inside.

Inside the room, a sub was kneeling on all fours on the bed while being fucked by two Doms at the same time. One was fucking her from behind, every thrust pushing her forward so she took the cock from the other Dom farther into her mouth with each pounding.

Rachel straightened her shoulders and felt a thin film of perspiration gather just above her lips. There was something very erotic about this scene, but she wasn’t sure if it was the fact that the girl was being fucked by two men at the same time, or the fact that they were doing it in full view of a small audience.

Whatever it was, it turned her on, but she certainly wasn’t going to let Adam see that, because as much as she enjoyed watching the threesome, there was no way she wanted to do that herself.

“What are you thinking, Rachel?” Adam’s voice purred into her ear, making her jump slightly.

“Oh, you know”—she giggled, a little nervously—“I was just wondering what you’re going to do to me.”

Just throw me across that empty bench over there and spank me hard, please. There’s only so much a girl can witness without wanting to join in the fun.

Adam just grinned and took her hand. “So you like the playrooms?”

“You bet,” she laughed.

“Good.” He was leading her back through the large central area. Every themed room they passed, Rachel wondered if this was the one he would take her to. Or maybe he was waiting for a spanking bench to become free? But he carried on walking towards the door leading back to the stairs.

“Where are we going?” she asked, frowning. She didn’t want to go back downstairs, for God’s sake—she was so bloody horny now and she wanted some fun.

“Be quiet. You no longer have permission to speak.” Adam’s voice had changed back to the deep, commanding Dom’s voice.
What the fuck?
She groaned and stomped after him, her shoulders now rigid with frustration and irritation.

He led her silently back downstairs and into the bar, which seemed even busier and noisier than before. They walked halfway back to their table, when he suddenly stopped and turned her towards the tiers of alcoves.

“Look around you, Rachel,” he said, softly.

She did and noticed that while they had been upstairs the atmosphere had changed from relaxed and laid-back, to hot and sexually charged. She looked closer at the people occupying the alcoves and saw that quite a lot of the subs were naked and kneeling at their Dom’s feet. Wow, something tickled the inside of her stomach as she took in the sexy sight of submission.

Her attention was drawn to one table, where a sub was on the floor being fed by his Master. He had a look of complete devotion on his face and eagerly accepted the food being offered to him.

Her eyes drifted to the next table, where a Domme was fixing nipple clamps onto her whimpering female sub. She felt her own nipples harden and was glad of the leather corset covering her breasts.

Adam took her arm and led her back to their table. As they approached it, though, she heard a scream from the next table and stared in fascination as a young sub was being finger-fucked on the sofa by her macho Dom.

“Is that allowed down here?” she whispered to Adam, still stunned by everything she was seeing.

“Of course.” He smiled and stopped by their table. “No intercourse or male ejaculation down here, but apart from that, pretty much anything goes.”

“Wow.” Her body felt alive with excitement and anticipation and she couldn’t wait to find out what Adam planned to do with her. At that moment, he could have done pretty much anything, she was that turned on. Until he sat down and told her to remain standing.

“Remove your corset,” he demanded, quietly.

“What? Here?” Rachel was stunned. Oh God, this wasn’t what she had been hoping for. It was one thing for all these other subs being naked, but she was new to all this. Surely he wasn’t going to make her strip in front of everyone?

“I won’t say it again, Rachel. Remove. Your. Corset!” This time his voice wasn’t quiet and several people turned around to see what was going on.

Keen not to draw too much attention to herself, she realised she had no option but to comply before he raised his voice even more. Slowly, with shaking hands, she started undoing the lacing she had so painstakingly tightened earlier that evening, until her breasts sprang out of the leather, and the corset dropped to the floor. Shit, her nipples were so hard they might as well have been shouting out ‘Hey everyone, look at how turned on this tramp is!’

“Good girl,” drawled Adam, with a wicked glint in his eyes. “Now remove your knickers.”

Rachel could only stare at him in stunned disbelief.
No, please don’t embarrass me any more

The cold, angry voice that reached her ears made his intentions perfectly clear. “Rachel, don’t turn your first spanking into a punishment because I can assure you that you won’t enjoy it. Take your knickers off

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, her red face complementing the leather sofas. She decided she might as well get this over with as quickly as possible, so she took a deep breath and quickly started to pull her knickers down her legs.

But, before they even got as far as her knees, Adam held up his hand. “Slowly, Rachel. Don’t be in such a rush.”

“Bastard,” she mumbled under her breath, and glared at him in fury. She tried to slow her movements, but she was so desperate to sit down that she still managed to remove her knickers in less than five seconds. Now the only item of clothing left on her body was the tiny black leather skirt that barely covered her.

“Give them to me.”

Her hands were trembling and tears threatened to pool in her eyes as she handed Adam her knickers. He took them and grinned. “They’re damp, Rachel. I’m pleased. You may sit.”

She was so cross by the time she sat down, she didn’t realise she had an angry scowl frozen onto her face until Adam cupped her chin and lowered his voice in warning. “You have two seconds to redeem yourself by getting down on the floor and kneeling at my feet.”

She was about to argue when she heard him say, “One.”
. Just as he said “Two” she threw herself on the floor and knelt as he had instructed. Adam grabbed her hair and tugged gently. “You will remain there until I say otherwise.”

At that moment Rachel hated him. Why had she come? If she’d listened to Mandy she would have been saved this humiliation and she would have been able to go into work on Monday morning and face him without any embarrassment or shame. Oh shit, work! How was she ever going to live this down? She closed her eyes and forced back the tears that were closer than ever to spilling down her face. She’d be damned if she’d give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry, though, so she bit them back and tried to think of something else.

After a few minutes of sitting silently at his feet, Rachel’s anger had subsided and instead she felt fresh arousal flood through her as she acknowledged the submissive position she was in. Christ, why did she find it such a turn on to submit to someone like this? She wasn’t usually like that—in her normal day-to-day life she was an independent, confident woman who would
be so fucking obsequious. Was it really worth it just for some kinky sex? She considered standing up, demanding that Adam hand her back her clothes, then walking out with her head held high, but something held her back. Damn him, but she wanted to please him and she knew that by walking out she’d jeopardise any chance of getting that spanking she had dreamt of so many times.

Gradually, the last of her obstinacy trickled away and she sank slowly back into the role Adam was demanding of her. Hell, if kneeling half naked at a man’s feet didn’t knock the submissiveness back into her, then nothing would.

She allowed herself a quick glance up at him, even though she was aware that a kneeling sub wasn’t meant to look at her Dom unless instructed to. He saw her, and instead of reprimanding her, he gently stroked her hair and smiled.

“You can sit back up now,” he said, his voice no longer sounding angry.

“Thank you, Sir,” she managed to say as graciously as she could, pulling herself back up onto the sofa. He leaned towards her and kissed her on the mouth, then grabbed her head and pulled her roughly to him, crushing her lips as she gasped for breath. His kiss was hard, rough, demanding, and she loved every second of it.

Eventually he pulled away and ran his finger across her cheek and over her swollen lips. “Are you ready?” he whispered.

BOOK: To Love and Submit
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